Unhealthy Obsession


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"Ohhh... ohhh... never been like this... never been fucked... sooo good... ohhh fucccckk meee... don't stop... never stop..."

Steve watched in disbelief. In less than an hour his wife had become just like all the girls he'd seen Dwayne with on the clips. The incessant talking stopped as Chloe bit her lip. The sinews and blood vessels stood out on her neck as the strange sound started again. This time it became a full on scream. Chloe's body went rigid then she collapsed forward so her upper body slumped over the arm rest and Dwayne's cock slipped out.

Dwayne surveyed the exhausted wife in front of him. Her ass had red marks where he'd spanked her. Her pussy gaped open and there was a frothy white residue surrounding it. His dick was coated with the same stuff. An observer may have thought he'd cum inside her but it was all Chloe's. Gently he eased her back onto the sofa. He could see Steve's concern so he sort to reassure him.

"Don't worry. She just passed out. Happens a lot."

Not when I'm fucking her Steve thought. Dwayne moved forward and covered Chloe's body with his own like a parent would shield their child. His mouth was next to her ear and Steve could see he was whispering to her. Her body moved and her hand appeared. It gripped Dwayne's forearm that rested near her head. He could see the wedding band and engagement ring on her finger. She twisted her head so she faced Dwayne and her lips sort his. They kissed softly then Chloe returned to her original position. Dwayne continued whispering. Steve saw his wife shake her head in disagreement. He tried again with the same result. He nibbled on her exposed neck while he cupped her breast. He whispered for a third time, Steve watched wondering what he was saying. Chloe head moved again only this time she nodded.

Dwayne stood up. He gathered some cushions from the sofa and the other armchair and laid them on the floor. Then he gently encouraged Chloe to move and she slumped down onto the cushion and lay on her side facing away from Steve. Dwayne got more cushions and placed them behind her. He picked up the last condom and rolled it on. After applying a liberal layer of lube he lay down himself. Dwayne wriggled forward so they were spooning.

His hands began to roam over her naked body again. Chloe was still at first then she began to open up and allow him more access. Her own hand reached back and held Dwayne's hip keeping him close. When Chloe started to moan again Dwayne shifted slightly, his hand went down between their bodies then he began pushing forward. Steve saw Chloe hands squeeze a cushion in front of her. The moans changed to a squeak of discomfort. That's when he realised Dwayne's was trying to squeeze his big cock into Chloe's ass.

"Wait! Wait," Chloe said and her own hand that had been on Dwayne's hip slid down between their bodies replacing his.

Chloe shifted slightly and Steve thought she was going to direct Dwayne back to her pussy. Dwayne stayed still as Chloe wiggled her butt. There was a sharp intake of breath from Chloe as she tensed up then she was still.

"Just relax baby," Dwayne said softly. "It's in now. Just take some time to get used to it then start to move when you are ready."

His large black hands continued to rove over Chloe. Stroking her arms and back, teasing her breasts. Chloe's hand stayed between them holding Dwayne's cock. Almost imperceptibly her hips began to move again. Little grunts escaped Chloe's mouth and her hand squeezed the pillow in front of her as she gradually took more of Dwayne's mammoth cock. From where he sat Steve had no idea how much was planted inside his wife's bowel when she gave a little squeak and stopped rocking.

"Yeah babe, your ass feels so good." Dwayne eased her hand away from his dick. "Let me take over now."

"No more, I can't fit any more." Chloe gasped.

"Yeah babe, we'll just play with what we've got."

Dwayne put one of his big meaty hands on Chloe's hip and started rocking backwards and forwards. Only an inch or two. Chloe had tensed up and buried her face in a pillow. Dwayne kept slowly fucking her ass until she relaxed and started moving with him. Then he surprised her by pulling right out and rolling back.

"Wha?" Chloe looked around.

"Just lubing up again." Dwayne said holding up the tube.

Chloe watched as he squirted some more on the condom then moved towards her again. She lay back down and reached back to open her ass up for him.

"Good girl." Dwayne said as he lined himself up for her tight brown hole and pushed back inside.

He fucked her ass with slow deliberate strokes. At first Chloe didn't react much but as the relentless pumping continued Steve could see she was starting to get into it. The odd sigh became regular grunts and her hips began rocking in time with Dwayne's action.

"You liking my dick in your ass?"


"Tell me girl, do you like it?"


"What do you like?" Dwayne was stepping up the pace, enjoying his dominance.

"Your dick."

"Where do you like it?"

"In my ass."

"Put it together Chloe. What do you love."

As Dwayne had picked up the pace so to did Chloe's arousal and need.

"Your dick in my ass... your big black dick... in my white ass... fuck it... take it... own it..." Chloe ranted.

Steve couldn't believe it when he saw Chloe clutch a pillow to her face and scream her way through her first anal orgasm. Dwayne just kept on hitting it as she shook in front of him. Then it was his turn.

"Are you ready babe?" He grunted as he pulled out and hastily rolled the condom off.

Steve thought Chloe was out for the count but she swung her body around so Dwayne's cock was only inches from her mouth. He was stroking it furiously as the first stream of cum sprayed out over her face. Chloe reacted by wriggling closer and wrapping her hungry lips around his dick.

"Holy fuck!" Dwayne groaned as Chloe's cheeks bulged before she swallowed.

Steve was torn. His wife behaving like a slut had him worried about how far she would go. He'd unleashed her wanton sexuality in a way he'd not expected. Could he reign it in or was it like a champagne bottle that's been uncorked? The other side was his own arousal. His cock was back at full attention watching her manipulate Dwayne's softening cock with her lips and tongue. As he stroked it he could feel the warning signs that he was going to cum again.

Quickly he got down on his knees beside Chloe. As he turned her head she opened her mouth to complain. Before she could utter a word Steve blasted his first salvo inside. Holding her head tightly he gave her no option but to swallow the rest as he pushed his cock inside. Once he'd finished he released her and she turned away coughing. Steve looked over at Dwayne who was now sitting back on the sofa.

"I think we'll call it a night."

The words hung in the air between the three of them. They all recognised their significance. Dwayne thought that Chloe wasn't finished yet but he had told both of them at different times it was Steve's call. If he said stop, it stopped. Chloe remembered his statement. She was pissed at Steve for his recent actions and if Dwayne defied him she wouldn't stop him. Steve guessed there was a lot hanging on Dwayne's reaction and he kept looking directly at him.

"Yeah, okay," Dwayne said. "We have got an early morning tomorrow."

Chloe got to her feet. While she didn't stomp to the bathroom like a petulant child the way the door slammed shut told them she wasn't impressed. The scrapping sound of the privacy lock being pushed home added an exclamation mark.

"I guess I'll be showering in the morning," Dwayne said trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah." Steve replied.

Dwayne still sat on the sofa. His long black cock now limp between his legs. Feeling self conscious Steve stood up, retrieved his pants and pulled them on.

"I'll show you where the guest room is." Steve said.

They retrieved Dwayne's overnight bag and Steve showed him his bed. They made a plan for departure the next morning then Steve went to his own bedroom. Chloe was in bed. Her form huddled under the covers facing away. A pillow was strategically place behind her back like a fence so Steve knew the action was over for the night. It might be over for a fair bit longer than a that he thought.

Chloe heard Steve putting on his pyjamas. He padded out to the bathroom and brushed his teeth the returned. He was taking his time, she knew he wanted to talk to her but that was the last thing she wanted. She was still pissed at him and Dwayne. If Steve says it's okay we can fuck you, if Steve says stop we stop. When was she asked? Steve and his pornographic obsessions. Buying that toy, feeding her his fantasies then along comes Dwayne. She felt manipulated and used like a piece of meat.

While Steve was the focus there was something else gnawing away at Chloe. Her own actions. Even now her ass still ached. It wasn't sore, it was a good ache. A reminder of Dwayne's cock stretching her tightest hole. She had lost all control, she'd had a few drinks but deep down she knew they weren't the major factor.

Chloe thought back to when it had started. When she'd started playing footsie under the table. She was just teasing... wasn't she? Dwayne hadn't been flirty like at the office. He barely looked at her before then even though her tits were nearly falling out of her dress. And Steve, drinking his precious scotch. The light bulb went on inside Chloe's head. Dwayne, he'd set this up. The alcohol to quell Steve's possible objections. Ignoring her to force her to make the first move. It was like a game of chess only the prize wasn't the king it was the queen. The problem now was the queen couldn't shake the feelings that had been uncovered. She wanted his cock again and as she drifted off to sleep she was dreaming up scenarios to achieve her aim.

Steve woke in the dark. His mouth was dry and the beginning of a head ache caressed his temples. He checked his phone to see the time. He'd been asleep for about two hours. His alarm was set for three and a half hours time. He rolled onto his back in the middle of the bed. Carefully he stretched arm across to see if Chloe still had the pillow fence erected. The good news was the pillows were gone. The bad news was so was Chloe.

Sitting up Steve looked towards the bedroom door. There was a slither of faint light showing underneath it. He got out of bed and padded over to it. Finding it ajar he opened it slightly and peered through the crack. To his relief the light was emanating from a partly closed bathroom door. He debated the merits of going to the bathroom to talk to her but decided to go back to bed instead. When she returned he would test the waters by trying to cuddle her back. If that was successful then he might have a chance at getting lucky. In her post-coital bliss she may be more open to discuss what happened.

Back in bed Steve's mind wandered back through the previous evening. The seduction of his wife, the threesome that followed. It had been hot but somehow not atthe same time. He'd felt like the interloper while his wife lavished her favours on their visitor. Then she'd stormed off to bed. Was she angry at him? He couldn't see why. He'd allowed her to experience another man. A black man. She had really gotten into it, maybe too much from Steve's point of view. He was sure she was embarrassed by her actions. That was the reason for her angst. He'd make it right, assure her it was okay, that he still loved her.

He slipped his hand inside his pyjama bottoms and fondled himself while recalling the first time Dwayne's dick had entered her pussy. His cock was soon hard and he had to stop himself from going to far before Claire got back. He checked his phone again and it was ten minutes since he'd gone to the bedroom door. She should be back by now. He gave it a few more minutes then decided to go and check out what was keeping her.

When he got to the bathroom it was empty. A lump grew in the pit of his stomach which only got larger when he found the kitchen, lounge and dining area deserted as well. The last place he went to look was the spare bedroom. As he snuck along the hallway some light showed around the door frame. As he got closer he could hear hushed voices. The door was closed and so he stood and listened for a start.

"Yeah, play with them. Yeah just like that... Fuck your beautiful." He heard Dwayne say.

Steve hand found the doorknob and he slowly turned it till the latch clicked. Staying really still he listened again but was sure the occupants of the room were far too busy to hear it. Next he gently eased the door open a crack so he could get a glimpse of what was going on.

Dwayne was laying down while Chloe was astride him rolling her hips. His dick obviously planted deep in her pussy. Dwayne's hand's he held his phone pointing the camera towards Chloe. The tiny light in the back illuminated naked torso as she cupped and toyed with her breasts. Steve cock got hard again as he watched Chloe perform for the camera just like the girls he'd seen previously in Dwayne's clips. Then Dwayne carefully placed the phone up against the lamp on the bedside table so it could continue to film them both.

He pulled Chloe down and they kissed. Not a hungry lust filled pash, but a slow lingering soulful kiss. When they broke momentarily Dwayne was whispering how beautiful she was, how long he'd wanted to be with her. All the while Chloe kept working her hips slowly drawing out the pleasure for both of them. Steve cock deflated as quickly as it had risen. They weren't fucking they were making love.

Dwayne pulled Chloe tightly to him and rolled her onto her back so he was on top. His cock didn't leave her cunt during the entire movement. He pushed Chloe's hands above her head and held them there while he kissed her again. Chloe opened her legs wide and tilted her hips slightly to ensure she was getting every bit of his black pole. They broke their kiss and Steve heard Dwayne ask a question. When Chloe answered the word 'pill' was clear so Steve guessed he asked about contraception. He planned to cum inside her. Dwayne spoke again and the reply this time was 'no'. The another whispered question and this time Chloe said 'yes'.

Dwayne started slowly working his dick in and out of Chloe. They were kissing and talking, constantly checking the other progress. They were trying to synchronise, to cum together to share the ultimate intimacy. It was too much for Steve. He closed the door as their cries became louder. As he walked away he could clearly hear his wife begging Dwayne to cum soon, to fill her up. Closing the main bedroom door shut most of the noise out but as he climbed back into the bed and pulled up the covers he could hear Chloe shrieking and calling Dwayne a black bastard and demanding he cum inside her. Steve lifted his head took the pillow from underneath and used it to cover his ears to block out the torment.

The beep, beep, beep, of the alarm woke Steve. He quickly shut it off. It had taken him sometime to get to sleep and then it had been full of nightmares of his own making. Using the light from the face of the phone he checked the bed behind him. To his surprise Chloe was there, curled up facing away from him. Steve could see the covers rise and fall with her breathing. While trying to get back to sleep after he'd discovered Chloe in the guest bedroom he'd contemplated telling Dwayne to make his own way to the airport. However after careful consideration he decided he wanted to make sure Dwayne got on that plane and hopefully never came back.

He quietly put the clothes he'd left out earlier and left the room. After going to the bathroom he went down the hall and knocked on the door of the spare room. There was a mumbled response from inside so Steve went to the kitchen. He fired up the coffee machine then flicked on the television and muted it. Looking out the window he could see the rain beating down. Dwayne came into the kitchen holding his phone.

"The weather is causing problems at the airport. Just got a text to say my flight been delayed by two hours."

Steve didn't respond so Dwayne continued.

"Thought I might grab a shower seeing we've got some more time."

"Sure," Steve grunted then he turned back to the window.

He could see Dwayne reflection in the glass as he shrugged and left. And why don't you fuck my wife again while you're at it, Steve thought bitterly but didn't say it. He sat on a stool and stayed watching the foul weather beating against the window pane. Mesmerised by the drops splattering on the glass into small droplets before joining together again and streaming off as gravity took hold. Chloe voice from behind him startled him enough that he jumped off the chair.

"Are you back already?"

Steve spun towards the door. Chloe had her housecoat on. Her boobs hung low so Steve guessed she didn't have a bra on. He wondered whether she was completely naked underneath.


"Uhh no, no. Haven't left. Bad weather has delayed his flight by two hours."

"Where's Dwayne?"

"In the shower."

"Ohh right. Well I suppose..." Chloe paused and for a moment Steve thought she was going to suggest she join him. "I could make some breakfast." She walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. "Pancakes alright?"

Chloe began pulling out bowls while Steve went to the coffee machine and made a cup. He turned the sound up on the television in the hope that it would shut down the need for conversation. He wasn't ready to talk about last night yet. Not till Dwayne was on that plane to another continent. Chloe didn't mind either. Her thoughts should have been firmly on the task at hand. However as she stood mixing the batter she wished she had gone into the bathroom instead of coming down to the kitchen.

Steve had just finished his breakfast where Dwayne came back from the shower.

"Ummm, something smells good." He said rubbing his hands together.

"Get a cup of coffee and I'll put your pancakes on." Chloe said trying to stop the smile of pleasure from getting to broad at seeing the young buck again.

Steve consulted his phone.

"Probably enough time for me to have a shower too." He stood up and left.

He doubted it was a good idea to leave them alone but he didn't want to be there with them either. He wondered to what the dynamic would be between them without the social lubrication of alcohol.

Dwayne made his coffee and sat down just as Chloe arrived with some pancakes. He wolfed then down refuelling after an energetic night. Chloe hovered close to him but didn't interfere until he'd finished eating.

"Hmmm just what I needed this morning. Thanks Chloe." Dwayne stood up with his plate which Chloe took from him and put on the bench.

"Right. You've had what you needed, now it's my turn."

Chloe pretty much leapt on Dwayne. Pulling his face close for a torrid kiss. She shrugged off her house coat revealing a thong as her only attire. Next she went to work on Dwayne's pants until he stopped her.

"Hey, hey girl." Dwayne pulled her hands away. "I've just had a shower and I've got a long flight ahead of me. I can't get all nasty before I've even left the ground."

Chloe thought he was joking at first. When she realised he was serious she was confused and could feel tears burning in the corner of her eyes. Dwayne recognised the pain and decided to give her some of what she wanted. He put his hand on her shoulder.

"I'll tell you what." His other hand started undoing his zip while the one on Chloe shoulder pushed her down to her knees. "How about you suck on it for a while and then we'll see."

Chloe smiled broadly as Dwayne reached inside and hauled his big black cock out of his pants. She reached for it but he lifted it away.