Unhealthy Obsession


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"Wait up Chloe. I want something to remember you by."

He pulled the phone out of his top pocket. His thumb print activated it then he hit the camera button. As he held his dick just out of reach of her pouting lips he pointed the phone down towards the hungry wife below him.

"What do you want Chloe?" He asked.

"Your cock."

"What sort of cock is it Chloe?"

"A big black one. I want your big black cock."

Dwayne rewarded her by letting her suck on the head for a bit then he pulled it out again.

"So you're a big black cock slut now aren't you Chloe?"

"Yeah, yeah,I love big black cock." She bounced up higher on her knees trying to get Dwayne's cock back in her mouth.

"And who's slut are you."

"I'm Dwayne's slut. I love his big black cock."

"Good girl." Dwayne said as he relented and let go of his dick so Chloe could have full control.

He continued filming as Chloe worked on his cock with her mouth and hands. When he felt he was getting close he pushed her off and started stroking himself.

"Open wide slut." He cautioned. "I'm gonna fill that mouth up... do you want that slut?"

"Yes, yes, give your black cum." Chloe moaned as she massaged her breasts.

"Don't swallow. Not till it's all in there."

Dwayne jerked his cock faster then with a groan he stopped and aimed straight into Chloe open mouth. After three shots Chloe was worried she wouldn't be able to hold it then the flow slowed until Dwayne squeezed the last drop out.

"Tilt your head back further so I can get a good look." Dwayne said moving the phone camera closer. "Now swallow that shit and show me your empty mouth."

Chloe swallowed with some difficulty then opened her mouth and poked out her tongue.

Steve passed Chloe going towards the bedroom as he was coming out. She looked upset but at that moment he couldn't have given two shits about her feelings. Dwayne was sitting in one of the armchairs in the lounge area.

"Ready to go?" Steve grunted.

"Yeah man, whenever you are."

Steve went to the front door while Dwayne fell in behind him. The trip down in the lift and most of the way in the car was silent. Dwayne was playing with his phone and Steve kept his eyes on the road. As he took the turn to departures at the airport Dwayne finally spoke.

"Can you hand this phone in at HR on Monday?" Steve glanced at him quizzically. "I'm getting a new one when I get to Zurich."

"Sure." Steve replied restricting himself to a one word reply.

"Great, I'll just finish deleting stuff."

Steve's phone beeped signifying a message.

"That's a treat for you. Just don't open it till later." Dwayne explained.

At the departures drop off zone Steve pulled up and pushed the button on the key to open the trunk. Dwayne placed his phone on the dash and undid his seatbelt.

"About last night..."

Steve cut him off.

"Don't want to talk about."

"I warned you man." Dwayne said defensively.

"Just get the fuck out and go ruin some else's marriage."

Dwayne shrugged and got out. He hardly had his bags out of the car and the trunk lid back down before Steve took off. He waved his hand as drove away but there was no acknowledgment. So know they were both pissed off at him. Chloe had tried to kiss him after she'd just chugged down his load. Now maybe in the heat of the moment at night after a few drinks he would have considered it. First thing in the morning... no way. Dwayne shrugged then moved into the terminal. With a bit of luck he wouldn't be back here for some time.

Steve was about half way home when the blinking message alert on his phone got the better of him. He turned off onto a side road then into a deserted blind alley. Pulling up behind a dumpster he checked his mirrors to make sure he was not being watched then woke up his phone. He hit the notification from Dwayne and a picture appeared on the screen with a play sign in the middle. Pressing play the picture of a naked Chloe on her knees came to life. He watched as his wife followed Dwayne's directions, admitted her love for black cock then swallowed his load. The clip went back to the beginning. Steve checked his mirrors again then freed his hard cock and started stroking.

Chloe was just out of the shower. She too noticed the notification light flashing on her phone. It was from a number she didn't know. She picked up the phone and lay down on the bed. After touching the alert the screen opened up on a video clip. The sender was obvious then. She could see herself sitting up rocking holding and fondling her own breasts. Dwayne voice came from the speaker telling her how beautiful she was. How much he lusted after her.

As she watched Chloe's hand moved down between her legs and found her sex. Playing with herself she continued to watch. Mesmerised by the erotic show she had put on. Then the image on the screen went haywire as it was moved to the bedside table and now they were both in shot. Dwayne rolled on top and pushed deep. The phone didn't pick up his whispered question. It didn't need to. This conversation was seared into Chloe's memory bank.

"I'm going to cum in you."

"Yes, yes... please."

"Do you want it?"


"What about the consequences?"

"I'm on the pill, cum in me."

"It doesn't always work."

"I don't care. Cum in me. I want it."

The action on the screen was getting more frantic. Chloe could almost feel his big black bare cock stretching her insides again. His lips frantically searching for hers. The soundtrack continued to detail their quest for a mutual ending. Chloe own frantic hand was attempting to synchronise as well.

"Are you ready Chloe?"

"Yes, yes, quickly..."

"Do you want my cum?"

"Yes, oh god yes, I want it all."

"Even if you have my baby?"

"Yes, give me your black bastard. I want your black bastard. Oohhhh fuuuccckkk mmmeee."

Chloe was cumming again by her own hand just as Dwayne groaned on screen and pumped her full of his seed.

The End.

I have been dabbling in a sequel. It will focus on Chloe and Steve. I haven't done a lot yet and I have a couple of other WIPs that are consuming my time so it will be a. fair way down the road. Here is a short extract to give you a taste.

Extract: Unhealthy Obsession Pt 2

"Come in Steve. Sit down. I've just got to write something I forgot about the last client and then it's your turn." She said.

While she scribbled Steve thought back over the last twelve months. Twelve long months since Dwayne's last night in the US. At first there had been anger, awkwardness and distance as both he and Chloe retreated into themselves to deal with it. Then one night three weeks later it had exploded. Not in a fight but in a wild, barely controlled sexual explosion.

So it had continued for a couple of months. Together they'd explored Chloe's new found body confidence. Revealing clothes, flashing strangers tantalising glimpses of her treasures during panty free trips to the movies, bars and restaurants. New toys were purchased and even some restraints.

Not with an extra partner though that remained a bridge too far. The baggage from the fateful night was still there. Repressed, hidden but festering and becoming more malevolent. Then one morning at work Steve had got a call from HR. 'She' wanted to see him and not just any she. The head of HR, Whitney Rice.

Steve had started at the bank the same year as Whitney. Now she was head of a department and he was playing nurse maid to interns. That's what comes with being a class A hard nosed bitch. Being black had helped as well. Just like Dwayne's sudden departure for Zurich. Corporates liked to celebrate diversity. Not that she wasn't smart but ambition was her main attribute. From the first week everybody knew she would use almost any leverage she could to get ahead. Not sex. She was beautiful but in the gossiping world of the bank there had never been any hint of her sleeping her way to the top. Lying, taking credit for other people's work, denigrating her colleagues, that was fine.

Whitney had already been on the fast track when she'd pulled off the coup of the decade. Engagement to Trenton Clay. Star running back for the Buffalo Bills and man twice voted most eligible bachelor. Her picture began to show up in the celebrity pages and blogs so with the bank keen to capitalise on her fame they promoted her straight to the top floor. A cough from Helen snapped Steve out of the past.

"So how's it been going Steve."

"Good." Steve's abrupt answer gave Helen an immediate clue today was going to be tough.

She consciously suppressed the urge to sigh as she rolled through the options to get Steve to open up. In the end she went for the direct approach. In her notes she saw Steve had to leave this appointment early so there was no point wasting time.

"So what's up?"


Steve's face was reminiscent of a brick wall so Helen decided to try and go around.

"You've got a interview for a promotion today?" She asked flicking back a page in her file to confirm it from her notes.

"Yes, but I might as well not go."


"Whitney Clay is the head of the interview panel."

The name rang a bell in Helen's head but she couldn't work out the connection.

"And she is?"

"She was Whitney Rice. The head of HR in the bank for a time. Called me into her office eight months ago to tell me to stop my wife from sexting Dwayne's old phone number."

"Oh right. That Whitney." Helen could feel a cold blast coming from Steve. "Is that's what is upsetting you? I thought we'd moved on from that episode."

"Yeah we did. On to the next one when Chloe almost got fired for propositioning one of her black students father at a parent/teacher night."

"Steve, I'm sensing a lot of hostility here today. Two weeks ago you seemed fine. What's going on. Is it Chloe? The job?"

Steve thought for a moment. The word on the tip of his tongue was yes.

"Sort of. The promotion was a long shot even before I heard who was selecting the candidates. And Chloe is you know... Chloe... it just this baby thing..."

"You were really excited about it before."

"Yep, I still am. It's just becoming such a process. No sex for two weeks, then it's 'you have to be home at 3.30 because that's when I'll be ovulating.' We go at it like rabbits for a week but... it's just... I don't know, like I'm a sperm factory. There's no joy there's no..." Steve cut himself off before he said love.

"Have you spoken to Chloe about how you feel?"

"What's the point? She just deflects everything onto me then shuts down."

"Maybe we could try another joint session?"

"Yeah and pigs might fly."

"Steve you are clearly upset. I think we need to do something before it escalates."

"You are right Helen. I do need to do something. I've got to get out of here and go to a dead end interview for a job I'm never going to get."

Steve stood up and walked out. Helen sighed, she had seen it before with many couples. A walk on the wild side opens a door that can't be shut. Brings up feelings that can only be repressed for so long. Helen tapped her pen against the page. Steve was scared. Scared of losing his wife and losing his job. Helen thought both of those things were ultimately out of his control. Steve biggest fear was the loss of his perception of manhood. He knew the part he played, he knew he'd enjoyed most of it.

Chloe didn't want to keep seeing the therapist. It just meant every two weeks the old shit got dredged up again. At least she didn't have to do the joint sessions anymore. They were the worst. The trouble was therapy was Steve's security blanket. If they kept going to therapy he could convince himself that he was pure and innocent while she was the devil incarnate. With a sigh Chloe got out of her car and walked to the front door. Inside the receptionist sent her straight through which was unusual. Ordinarily Steve's complaints meant his session went ten minutes over.

"Hi Helen, Steve finished early today?"

"Yes he was preoccupied with the job interview."

Chloe rolled her eyes.

"My fault again I presume."

"I can't discuss what happened with Steve." Helen shut Chloe down. "How have you been?"


"Anything happened since we last spoke?"

"No, no. I got my period so no baby again."

Chloe hoped to shock the therapist but she took it in her stride. Helen could feel the resentment coming from Chloe today. Rather than try the softly softly approach that had failed with Steve she switched to inquisitor. The hope being she could provoke Chloe and get a break through.

"How about your urges?"


"Yes, last time you said." Helen flicked back through her notes. "Sometimes I see someone and I wonder what it would be like to... to be with them."

"Isn't that normal? Don't you ever wish you were somewhere else with someone else rather than sitting in this shit office listening to sane people talking about shit they should keep to themselves."

"Is it normal to proposition one of your student's father?"

"Are you really going to go there? I just complimented him on his muscular body. I explained all that. It was his psycho wife who blew it out of proportion. If anything he was coming onto me."

"The text messages..."

"Asked and answered! Jesus! What? Is Steve listening in somewhere jerking off?"

"Why do you get so defensive about these issues?"

"Because you are attacking me just like Steve does. He was the one that dragged me into his Interracial obsession. I wasn't the one watching amateur porn and buying toys."

"Is that how you see what happened."

Chloe jumped to her feet.

"Alright, I'm done! I've kept doing this for Steve but no more. Find someone else to pay your exorbitant fee."

Chloe stormed out slamming the door behind her.


"You can go in now Steve." The receptionist said.

Steve stood up, checked his reflection in a mirror on the wall then walked to the door. He was surprised how calm he was. Then again he knew he had no chance so there was no point being nervous. He opened the door and went inside. Whitney was sitting behind her desk but she was alone. Where is the interview panel? Steve thought. She waved him to the chair opposite her and he sat down.

"Thanks for coming up Steve." Whitney took her glasses off and put them on the desk. "This is merely a formality."

"Yes, I guessed that when there was no interview panel. Is it okay if we skip this and I go back down to work?"

"Don't you want to know about the renumeration package? A more detailed job description?"

Steve couldn't believe Whitney. There was no hint of irony in the last statement but she was clearly trying to humiliate him. The biggest surprise was she hadn't bought in others to witness it. He stood up and pushed his chair back under the table.

"There's not much point is there. I know you all think I don't belong on the upper floors."

He straightened himself up and was walking towards the exit when Whitney stopped him.

"Steve. Steve!" Whitney's raised voice meant he paused and looked back. "The job is yours. The other interviews were just to cover my ass with the company protocols."

Steve was dumbfounded.

"What? But I thought... the phone, Chloe, the texting stuff..."

"Ancient history Steve. I've had you in mind for this project right from the moment I floated it with the CEO."

Whitney smiled sweetly. Steve was still uncertain even as she pushed a file across her desk to where he'd just been sitting.

"This explains the finer details of your responsibilities. Sit down and read through it while I explain what we are going to be doing."

Steve sat back down and opened the file. Whitney stood up and began her pitch.

"The GFC was very good to us. A lot of big firms took a major hit, lost clients, got big fines, some even went to the wall. Our bank lifted its annual earnings forty five percent on the back of it. We had people knocking down our door because we were seen as a safe bet." Whitney was standing with her back to Steve looking at the window. "Those same big firms have regrouped. They are coming after their old clients. They are coming hard with big promises. This division's job will be to get ahead of the game. Manage more closely clients we know are being targeted."

Steve was half listening while he looked at the paperwork. When he got to the renumeration package he couldn't help but gasp. It was double what he was on now. Whitney heard the noise and turned around to see what had caused it.

"That figure doesn't include bonuses. Depending on the size of the client we retain we get a cash benefit. If we bring in a new client we get points off their total worth to the bank."

It was blowing Steve's mind. He was completely unprepared for this. A new job with more responsibility on double possibly triple what he was currently making.

"What's the catch?" One of his father favourite sayings ran through his head. If something sounds to good to be true it generally is. "Why me?" Steve added before Whitney could reply.

"Second one first. You're a people person Steve. You can sum up a stranger really quickly and get on their side. That's why you are so good with the interns. As for the catch, just the usual one with more pay and responsibilities. Longer inconvenient hours. A lot of the time we may be dealing with people in other time zones. Also travel, not fun holiday stuff. Red eyes followed by long days followed by another red eye."

"Okay." Steve mulled over what he'd been told.

"You do have a valid passport?"

"Yes, it's only two years old."

"Good. I'd suggest you start keeping an overnight bag with you at all times. Some trips will be at very short notice."

Steve pretended to still be making a decision but Whitney knew she had him.

"Is there anything else you want to know? Any issues I should be aware of?"

Steve had one thing nagging at the back of his mind because he was sure it would be the first thing Chloe would ask him when he told her about the job. He was hesitant to mention it because he wanted the job badly. It could tip the balance against him and he knew it.

"There is one thing." He closed the file and cleared his throat as he tried to think of the right way to phrase what he was about to say. "Chloe and I are trying to start a family... actually we've been trying for a while without any success so we've been working with a fertility specialist. Everything is in working order but for some reason it's just not happening."

"What goes on at home isn't the bank's concern Steve." Whitney tried to alleviate some of Stevens fears.

"Yes normally that's the case but recently we've been trying a few different things. Chloe is taking a fertility drug and she's taking her temperature daily to work out when she's... you know... when she's fertile and I've been taking a couple of days off at the appropriate time."

Whitney sat back down at her desk. She straightened a few things on the desk while Steve waited holding his breath. He had a horrible feeling he'd just blown it.

"Steve," Whitney began gravely. "The bank is very pro family. Married employees with children are more stable, more productive workers. Obviously this situation could cause some issues with this new position..." She paused and a lump stuck in Steve's throat. "However I still think you are the man for the job. I really appreciate you being up front about this. I'm sure we can work around it. The key thing will be communication. I'll need to know as far in advance as possible when these... down times are going to be happening."

"Of course of course." Steve couldn't hide his relief.

"I think we can plan our travel around this particular issue. If that is not possible then I think I can persuade the firm to pay for your wife to accompany us so you can... do what you need to do."