Unintentional Swingers?


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"Can't wait Doll. I'm hard already."

"Can't wait myself and by the way. don't tell your wives about this tryst and for God's sake don't mention it to Jake. Eventually I will work all this out with them but for now let's just keep this a secret, OK?"

"Sure no problem. Babe you can trust us."

"OK so I'll see you guys on Saturday."

I was sitting with Karen when she made the call and I gave her a high five for her acting ability. She then called Betty and later Madge and invited them to a ladies luncheon at 12:30 on Saturday. She told them she didn't appreciate the drugging but that the sex had been terrific and that with a little persuasion, Jake would eventually come around. She did however tell them to not mention the lunch to their husbands or If they saw him, Jake until she could work out a few details. Both women agreed to keep the secret because they really wanted to get another crack at Jake.

On Monday night we sat down with Steve Jefferson to plan the final details of the Saturday parties. Steve and I served together in Iraq and are closer than brothers. We saved each other's asses so many times it was ridiculous. I seems that we were the "go to" guys when dirty jobs needed to get done quietly and without a lot of fuss. After a particularly nasty tour we both opted out of the service. I finished my undergrad work and got an MBA paid for by Uncle Sam. Steve did the same only he went to Medical School and was currently an ER doc at the local hospital. That's why we had the test results sent to him. By the way, we were clear on STDs but the drug panel showed an exotic blend of psychotropic stimulants that were gaining popularity on the date rape scene.

Fast forward to Saturday morning. Promptly at 7:30 my corporate panel van pulled into the drive way and Steve, my supposed golfing buddy laid on the horn to alert the neighbors of my departure. I kissed Karen goodby, tossed my clubs into the back of the van and got into the passengers seat. We drove past Phil's house and then Bill's before exiting the subdivision. For all the two of them knew, Karen was now alone and open for visitors.

Steve and I stopped at the neighborhood Denny's for breakfast and fine tuning of the plan.

While waiting for our order, Steve asked.

"So did Tubs and Bubba get there last night?"

"Yup. About midnight. We stayed up late and killed most of a bottle of Jack telling our war story lies to Karen. They were up and about this morning so they will be able to give Karen all the security she needs."

We were parked two blocks from my home when we got the preliminary text from Tubs that the boys were at the door.


I was dressed or rather undressed to put the boys minds at ease when I opened the door.

"Holy shit Phil will you look at this."

"Like my outfit boys?"

Their interest was fueled by the fact that except for earrings and high heels, I was buck naked. I had to endure a couple of fondles but I managed to escape mostly untouched to the bar area in the kitchen where three shot glasses and an unopened bottle of Jack were sitting.

"Stop a minute boys I want to say something and then we'll get down to some serious fucking. I want us to have a fresh start with no drugs only good booze. A quick toast and then to bed. Phil will you do the honors?"

Phil stepped forward to grab the bottle and Karen wasn't fast enough because he also grabbed a nipple and gave it a vigorous tweek. Karen squirmed away and grabbed up one of the shot glasses and held it out for Phil to fill. He opened the sealed bottle and filled her shot glass. Without hesitation Karen tossed it off and held the glass out again.

"I know you're thinking maybe she put drugs in the booze. Sorry guys, wrong. Give me another."

Phil honored her request and then filled the other two glasses for Bill and himself. They each tossed off a quick shot and then refilled and the three of them tapped glasses and toasted one another. Karen gave the toast.

"Here's too a morning filled with lots and lots of wild sex."

Suddenly both men got strange looks on their faces. Karen danced out of the way as Bill collapsed in a heap and Phil staggered in her direction.

"You Cunt! What the fuck did you...?"

Phil went down like a dishrag next to Bill just as Bubba and Tubs came out of the back bedroom. Bubba tossed a robe to Karen as Tubs straightened out the boys on the floor and made sure their airways were clear. As Bubba reassured Karen that everything was under control he added.

"I guess these idiots didn't know that you can coat a shot glass with drugs and it works the same as if it was in liquid form. But then with you showing off your beautiful ta ta's like that they weren't too concerned about getting drugged."

Karen was just tying her robe when Steve and Jake came in the door from the garage.

I took Karen in my arms and said

"You did a magnificent job honey."

Bubba added

"She sure did Sarge. They took one look at those ta ta's and bootie and they were putty in her hands."

"What's with the ta ta talk? I thought you and Tubs here were only interested in sex with those of the swinging dick persuasion."

"That's only partially true boss. We both will fuck either persuasion and we can still appreciate a fine figure like your wife here. She is really a beauty and we just can't see what she sees in your ugly puss."

Now might be a good time to describe Tubs and Bubba. They both were Army buddies and were the bad asses whom nobody fucked around with. Tubs was a huge 6'7" who had put on a lot of weight after the Service and had come out of the closet several years ago. He was now employed as a bouncer and enforcer at our local gay nightclub. Bubba was Tubs best friend and was as southern red neck as they come. The fact that Tubs was as black as the ace of spades and Bubba was white trash seemed strange to outsiders but made perfect sense to guys that had saved each other's lives numerous times.

The next several hours is best not described in detail here as it involved some rather strenuous bouts of homosexual and interracial sex and two drugged heterosexual males. Both Phil and Bill were known to be racial bigots and homophobes so the videos of sex acts in which they were active and eager participants would not sit well with them. At the end of two hours their sore and abused bodies were secured, gagged and set aside in the garage for further action. Steve had monitored their condition throughout the process and made sure that they were in no danger of death and that they were docile but active sexual participants.

While Tubs and Bubba showered, Karen who was freshly made up and dressed in an off the shoulder sundress, laid out the ladies luncheon delicacies. She added wine glasses and a chilled bottle of Chardonnay to the beautifully set table. Betty and Marge were at the door relatively promptly thus proving that these husbands and wives kept lots of secrets from one another.

The old "friends" exchanged the usual air kisses and Karen gestured to the Living Room and offered them a glass of Chardonnay. At that suggestion Madge said

"Oh I forgot. I brought a bottle of that wonderful Reisling you enjoyed so much two weeks ago."

With that she opened her large carryall and pulled out chilled bottle. Karen took the bottle from Madge and quickly scanned to see if it was unopened.

"Don't worry dear. It's untouched."

As Karen walked to pick up wine glasses and a corkscrew from the table she said over her shoulder.

"Can't be too careful you know. I know you girls wouldn't try to drug me or anything but its been known to happen."

Returning with two glasses and a corkscrew she handed one to each of the girls and took the bottle from Madge and put it on the coffee table. Expertly she uncorked the wine and then after smelling the cork as would any good connoisseur she poured a glass for each of the ladies.

"How about you Karen. The wine is delightful."

"I'll go and get my glass but you ladies please don't wait for me."

Smiling because they knew the wine was OK both Betty and Madge swallowed generous tastes. After Karen fetched her own glass she also poured a glass and took a respectable sip.

"Yes it is very good. Thanks for bringing it Madge."

Karen then passed around several tasty and salty snacks and soon the girls glasses were in need of a refill. As Karen took care of that detail they chatted for a few more minutes and then she suggested that they adjourn to the Dining Room. Karen smiled as the two ladies each stumbled a bit as they stood, looked over at her with a quizzical look on their faces and went down limply in a heap.

As the four men rejoined them in the Living Room, Jake was the first in and said.

"Nice work honey. The looks on their faces as they realized what was going on was priceless."

The drug mix used on the ladies was similar to that used on their husbands but was adjusted for the respective weight differences. The "cocktail" allowed the victim quite a bit of mobility but total control by us. This permitted us to pose them in many interesting tableaus with an emphasis on generally embarrassing sexual acts with individuals whose physical appearance, weight and race were definitely not on Betty and Madge's preferred dance card.

Another interesting twist in the proceedings was that several points in both the men's and ladies debasement they were brought to a level of cooperative consciousness that they happily divulged all of their significant phone, tablet and computer passwords. This allowed Karen and I to visit their homes while Steve supervised Bubba and Tubs. It took us several hours but we managed to retrieve any and all pics and video of a compromising nature from their electronic devices and backup storage. I also made copies of many of their sensitive financial records that would insure that if they ever gave us any shit, I could rain down hell on them.

After the boys cleaned up after their grueling afternoon with the bitches, we then placed the husbands in the 69 configuration and did the same with the wives. The five of us then took positions around the room and after we popped capsules under their noses we sat back with cocktails and watched their return to full consciousness.

Bill was the first to become relatively alert and as he sat up and looked around the room his gaze ended on me as I sat sipping a tumbler of Scotch.

"We're fucked aren't we?"

"More like have been fucked Bill".

"For the record, I know I went along with drugging you guys but I had nothing to do with stopping it either and I'm sorry."

"I can believe you Bill because we checked everyone's phones, pads and computers and yours was the only clean one of the four. The other three were chock full of nice beauty shots of Bill and you balls deep in my non consenting wife here."

By now the other three were moving around. Phil was next to start to speak but I told him to just shut the fuck up and watch the big screen TV up on the wall.

"What you are seeing folks is the raw footage of the four of you participating with quite a bit of very vulgar and rough sex. Lots of it is down right perverted. Most of all it would significantly embarrass you in your job, churches and community of it were to be released on the web. As I just told Bill, we have retrieved the pics and video of Karen and I from your devices. If there is any more stored off premises now would be the time to tell me. No one? OK Good. Now then here's the plan. In about an hour and after you have regained your senses fully we will allow you to dress and walk home. Since I don't expect we'll be socializing I'll tell you now that if the slightest hint of what happened in the drugging of Karen and myself unholy hell will be unleashed upon you and yours. All of your social media contacts and all your address book addresses will receive copies of today's videos. You will receive copies of the video after we edit down the raw footage that we captured today. Any questions?"

Phil was the only one to speak up.

"Don't you think you are overreacting? After all, you and your wife seemed to be having fun last week."

"Did you have fun today when my Black friend here was fucking your ass? How about another round now that you're awake and then you can suck the slimy shit off his cock again."

Phil shook his head no and shut up.

That night after everyone was gone, I locked up the house and with a bottle of JB and two glasses in hand, took Karen upstairs. In our Master I poured a generous amount in each glass and handed one to Karen. We touched glasses and drank a toast to each other. I then took her face in my hands and kissed her long and deeply on her mouth. As we parted slightly I said.

"I want you to know that nothing that has happened in the last two weeks will ever come between us. I love you as much this second as I did the night I asked you to marry me. Right now all I can think about is that love and my desire to make love to you until you tell me to stop."

"I love you too you honey tongued bastard. You are my perfect man and if you ever think I told you to stop making love to me, you misheard. Now pull down the zipper on the back of this dress so we can get down to business."

Granting her wish I pulled the zipper down to her waist and the sundress dropped in a heap around her high heeled feet leaving her completely naked.

Holding her hands out at arms length I gave her a quick once over. Twenty four year old body with 44 years of life experience, nipples so hard you could cut glass with them, no body hair below her eyebrows and a smoking hot smirk on her face as she said.

"And what about you big boy? Why am I the only one in the room ready to tango?"

We spent the next three hours dancing, sipping JB and reaffirming our love for and commitment to one another.

About 12:30 hunger drove us down to the kitchen and instead of going in the buff I suggested shorts and tees because of the text message I just received. As we shacked on cheese, crackers, white wine and left over lady luncheon finger food the backyard was lit up with spot lights and an official sounding voice on a loud speaker announced.


Being law abiding citizens all the neighbors turned their yard lights on and went out on their decks to see what was going on. Phil and Bettys house was lit up like a Christmas tree and we later found out that some drugs and lots of underage porn had been found in some quantity on the family computer. Seems an anonymous source had tipped off the police that the two suspects ran an underground blog and website that trafficked in kiddie porn and other "legal" adult swinger material.

Golly, I wonder who turned them in.

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EastCoaster1EastCoaster124 days ago

The revenge for being forced into swinging by the two couples was well and truly deserved. My understanding of swingers is that they require their activities are ONLY with freely consenting adult couples, where all participants agree to the activities and engage willingly.

In this story, the MC couple are drugged and taken advantage of, and as they find out, videos taken and held for an unstated future purpose.

Their revenge on the both other couples was absolutely appropriate, and only the couple with the child porn were outed to the police.

The other couple seemed at least somewhat contrite, and, warned of what would happen, seemingly were not interested in doing anything else.

This was, IMO, a great example of Karmic revenge for being drugged, sexually assaulted and abused, and raped.

Again, while I have no personal experience beyond a few conversations when being invited to swing, my belief is that swingers do not want to coerce or trick others into their lifestyle, not only because everyone would have much to lose, but also because there is a requirement to be able to trust those engaging in the lifestyle.

For all of the above, and NOT because I endorse rape in any form, I gave this 5 stars because I thought it treated the subject as it should have been.

This may not be a popular stance, but it is mine.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

People who use drugs to rape others deserve no mercy. The perps got their just deserts. Nothing about swinging here Kalimaxos just rape. I have no problems with consensual swinging. I may not practise it myself but all power to those who do and can make it work. As long as you are not doing the shit described in this story then have free reign but understand no means no.

The story is well written and well paced with an appropriate conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@Kalimaxos so wait, you write trash stories? Or have you posted stories for people to read and trash?

What is it with people and anonymous comments? You do realise this is the internet and one can just as easily create an account with fake details. For some it simply does not make any sense to create one.

So what exactly is it that you think you gain by having a username attached to the comment? How does it, in any way, influence the validity of the comment?

Also, your constant focus on small dicks does raise the question on your size, big time. That or your sexual orientation and/or fetishes. Who knows, maybe you like swinging when the partner you get has a small dick, is it so?

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

@Kalimaxos why are you so worked up?

The story is clearly about rapists that use drugs to abuse people. Any sane person would not equate what they did with swinging since swinging requires willing participants. If the story wanted to make such a link it didn't really come out that way.

However, the fact that you are getting so worked up about it, defending swinging with such vehemence raises some disturbing questions on what exactly happens in your swinger parties.

Are all the participants in the parties you attend willing participants? Have you drugged somebody in order to rape and abuse them?

silentsoundsilentsoundover 2 years ago

Fuck off Kal. You are such a disturbed bitch at times.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 3 years ago

Good, over the top, stuff here! 4*

KalimaxosKalimaxosabout 3 years ago
To anony small dick

I'm comfortable in my abilities and size unlike you who are hiding behind an anonymous tag. I have written and posted work for people to read and trash like the trash you are.

My temper is what some call passion and the balls to stand up to you conventional twats.

olblueyesolblueyesabout 3 years ago

well written, well paced,,mildly erotic.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Always funny as hell to watch Kalimaxos have a hissy fit and meltdown in the comments section. 🤣 Have you thought about getting help with your obvious short fuse and anger issues?? I'll bet you're just the life of your swinger parties with your well documented short temper and personality.

I do hope you continue to maintain your self imposed exile from writing on Lit. Never good to have a loose cannon rolling around the deck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 3 years ago

Most illiterate and mentally deranged author on the site.

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