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Whilst Jenny showered, I went into the bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit from the cupboard. My hand was starting to hurt like hell now the adrenaline rush had calmed down. I looked at the injury and saw my ring finger was definitely broken. I sat on the toilet and gritted my teeth as I pulled the digit straight again. White fire shot up my arm and I grunted in pain. I shoved the hand under the cold water tap for a minute.

"Oh my god! What happened?" Jenny's voice lifted from beside me.

Her head was poking out from behind the shower curtain. Her hair was all wet and matted to her skull and her eyes looked worried.

"Stuart was watching the house outside. I punched him. I'm fine, you finish up in there." I dried my hand as painlessly as possible and then tied my ring finger to my middle finger with some bandages and used a few cotton swabs as a makeshift splint.

"Larry? I... I didn't bite you did I?"

"Nope, you just nipped me. Didn't get through the skin." I tried to sound cheerful as I spoke. "Take your time in there."

As Jenny towelled off, I went to change the sheets on her bed. I noticed the little flecks of blood that had splattered over them for the first time and quickly crumpled them up to hide from view. When she returned she seemed much better, albeit still incredibly drowsy. I disrobed down to my underwear as Jenny crawled into bed and joined her a few moments after. She quickly settled into my arms and I made sure to hold her tightly against me.

It wasn't long before she was contentedly snoozing in my embrace. I didn't sleep quite as well, fearing the return of those yellow eyes during the night whilst I slept. It was the early hours of the morning before darkness finally took me.

When we both awoke we were a little shocked to find that it was mid morning. Jenny brought me back to reality by stirring in my arms. As I looked down at her I saw she'd changed. Thankfully this change was much more positive. The constantly worn look about her features and the pallid aspect of her skin had vanished. The sleepy smile she greeted me with was warm and genuine. It wasn't long before I could feel the surge of fresh energy inside her.

It also seemed that her sex drive had lost none of its potency. I felt her lips cushion up against mine, her soft breasts squeezing against my chest and then,

"Ow!" I yelped.

"What?" Jenny was a little puzzled. She'd squeezed my butt. It wasn't exactly an action worthy of a yelp of protest. Plus, it wasn't like she hadn't done it before.

"I don't know. I think you've got something caught on your hands." I squirmed uncomfortably.

This only deepened Jenny's look of confusion. I felt her fingers lift off my butt as she lifted her hands up from under the bed sheets.

Long curved black claws arose from beneath the cover. I spun out of the bed before I could think, smashing my head on the little chest of drawers at the bedside. My action was set to the soundtrack of a terrified scream as Jenny tried to scramble away from her own hands. The blow from the wooden chest stunned me for a few moments as I watched her rise out of the sheets, her face stricken with raw panic.

I was right there with her. It took me a full minute to recover from the shock and feel the throbbing in my head. The pain was steadying and most importantly it told me I wasn't having a nightmare. Jenny's curved claws were still vaguely human-shaped, with long black nails curved into thick, wicked points. The backs of her hands were covered with light blonde hairs and her normally slender fingers were thicker and more bestial. She continued to stare and scream and I suddenly came to my senses.

I sat up from where I'd slumped onto the floor and grabbed the bed cover to wrap her hands together and put them out of sight. She immediately started fighting me and it didn't take much struggling for me to figure out she was a hell of a lot stronger than I was.

"Jenny!" I finally yelled at the top of my lungs.

Her eyes stopped looking at the bundle of sheets around her hands and lifted to stare at me. Wide and frightened. I felt my insides tremble. I thought I might burst into tears at seeing her so scared. I swallowed a dry mouthful of air and pushed back my own fear.

"Jenny, calm down. Deep breaths." Her rapid pants forcibly slowed and she nodded at me. I was shocked my voice didn't crack under the pressure I was putting it under to sound calm. "I've got one last idea and you're going to the hospital today anyway. I've waited too long to get you. I'm not about to let you go now. We need to get dressed and go out."

At the mention of going outside a fresh look of terror washed over her newly chalk white features.

"It's ok. You can wear those huge mittens your mum got you last winter. No one will see your hands. I found something yesterday that I think might help. Now, am I lying?"

She looked at me for a few moments before shaking her head.

"Alright then." I started to move.

Rooting through her drawers, I gave her some old sweat pants and a sports bra. She looked at the clothing as if it was alien to her and then brought her hands out of the sheets. They hadn't changed back.

I grabbed my own clothes shortly afterwards. The previous night I'd thrown on some old track pants and a sweater. I wouldn't be needing to take a trip home for what I had planned.

I had to help Jenny dress. She instinctively didn't want to use her hands, and the giant claws on her fingertips made her a great deal less nimble than usual. It wasn't exactly a chore. I had a hard time not nibbling or kissing any of that lean figure of hers as I covered her up.

The long, viciously-sharp talons weren't easy to get into the large mittens but we managed despite hearing a few rips and tears inside the things. The thought of her new, black nails shredding the cloth lining made me suppress a cringe. I forced myself to stay calm and steady as I sure as hell didn't want her to freak out. Her eyes took on a slightly odd look as she gazed upon my face. Like she'd lost herself for a few moments and didn't quite know what to make of me.

"You're scared of me." She whispered.

"What? No. You're my friend Jenny and you always have been. I'm never going to be afraid of you." I lied. "I'm afraid for you, but we're in this together, right?"

Her distant eyes were brought back to the present and she quickly blinked as her pupils visibly dilated and she gave me a quick nod.

"Good. Now, let's get out of here."

- - - - -

"This is your idea? Jogging?" Jenny flailed her mittens in the air, clearly unimpressed.

"It's not jogging. Well, not just jogging. It's what they used to do in ancient Rome and Greece when they thought someone was turning into a wolf. They called it 'Exhausting the Beast,' and the theory kinda makes sense."

"Enlighten me." Her eyes narrowed and I thought I saw a glint of vicious yellow in amongst the usual serene blue.

"Well, they figured that the curse was brought about in part by suppressed urges. Like, when we stuff down our anger or restrain ourselves. So they'd take people suspected of being, um, werewolves and they'd make them run until they were exhausted."

"Great, did you bring a whip in case I slow down?"

"No! I didn't mean it like that. I just figured that the idea might hold some weight. You've got all this extra energy lately, yeah? So instead of suppressing it, which hasn't been working, I thought we could try running with it. Literally. Then when we're done we can go eat until you're full. My thinking is that if the animal side of you gets sated then it won't feel the need to come out."

"That's... really stupid." Jenny folded her arms across her chest and looked away from me. "But fine, I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

"Ok, so I guess we should start or-" I didn't get to finish as Jenny bolted into a quick sprint through the forest path.

This presented something of a problem for me as I quickly realised that there was no way in hell I was going to be able to keep up with her. I wasn't exactly out of shape either. Jenny had the fitness and energy of an Olympic sprinter and the stamina to maintain that velocity for what seemed to be an indefinite amount of time. I, on the other hand, was out of breath after five minutes of trying to match her pace. My lungs burned and felt downright ready to mount a rebellion. I eventually sagged to a halt to grasp my hand over my chest as Jenny disappeared out into the woodlands.

It was just as I was thinking that it might not have been the best idea in the world to let a werewolf roam free in the woods when I felt ten little pokes on my back. Knowing that my girlfriend currently had claws, this sudden sensation made me practically leap out of my own skin and turn to face Jenny who had crept up behind me. She was grinning from ear to ear and had evidently stuffed her mittens in her pockets to display her perfectly human hands to my relieved eyes. The smooth digits wiggled playfully in the open air as she displayed their return to normalcy.

"So, I guess it worked." I managed to breathe between large, exhausted gulps of air.

"Sure looks like it!" She then leapt forwards and flung her arms around my shoulders.

I caught the scent of her familiar perfume rising to my nose and quickly nuzzled my face into Jenny's shoulder as she did the same to me. All my fears faded in a momentary flash as I remembered that the girl in my arms was all I'd ever wanted. We stayed like that for a moment as I closed my eyes and held her. A hug of thanks then became something far deeper.

"I love you." I didn't even know I said it. I just remembered hearing the words emerge in the sound of my voice.

The profession was met with a sudden wave of tension throughout Jenny's body and I felt her hands come up to my chest and push me back enough that she could look me in the eyes. Her expression wasn't encouraging and I started feeling like an ass immediately for saying such a thing under those circumstances. Hey Jenny! You no longer have lethal talons that could rip me limb from limb! That's awesome! Oh, and by the way, I love you. Fucking idiot.

"You're getting nervous again." Her voice cut through my embarrassment.

"Jenny, I've always been nervous around you. You're the girl of my dreams and until a few days ago I did not think I was the kind of guy to end up with the girl of his dreams. I'm constantly nervous that I might pinch myself and wake up at home in bed or something." Sure, it was corny, but it was also honest.

"You lied to me back in my room." Her eyes searched for something in my face that she thought should be there but she couldn't quite manage to see.

"I did?"

"You are afraid of me."


I closed my eyes for a moment and suppressed the urge to frown at her. I was a little shocked at myself to find anger threatening to rise up from my gut to consume my thoughts. Of course I was frightened of her! She was turning into a bloody werewolf!

Then I opened my eyes to look at her and the anger was shattered in an instant. I took a long breath and decided to come clean.

"I am. I'm afraid of you. Jenny, you grew fucking claws. You tried to bite me. When you look at me I don't know if you want to screw my brains out or eat me alive. I just... I just don't care about it. I was afraid to ask you out for years. I was afraid you'd say no. I was afraid I'd ruin everything. Screw being afraid. It's kept me away from you for too damn long."

She lifted her hand and ran her fingertips along my cheek, her expression didn't change from that enigmatically-curious composition.

"My boyfriend's afraid of me." She said the words aloud as if testing the truth of them on her tongue. "You said you loved me. You weren't lying then."

"Well, I've been pretty sure about that for years now. Sorry for just blurting it out like that. I should've-" she cut me off as her fingers slipped over my cheek for her fingertip to rest upon my lips.

"You're not the first one to say that to me. I've been told I was loved at a school dance, on a date and just before I'd slept with someone. No one's ever told me they loved me when I looked like a mess with a monster inside me and nothing to give them that they haven't already had." She lifted herself to her tip-toes and pulled me into a kiss that was downright feral. I would have almost been worried if her lips hadn't tasted so sweet and her body hadn't felt so warm and soft against mine.

The running I couldn't keep up with but I'd be damned if even an un-natural primal urge inside Jenny would outmatch my lust for the girl and I ravished her lips with just as much ferocity as she gave me. Her legs lifted from the ground to wrap around my waist as she let out a low growl of ravenous hunger. It was only when she finally pulled away from me and looked into my eyes that I almost stumbled backwards in amongst the fallen, dry leaves.

Bright yellow eyes looked outward from Jenny's gorgeous face to pierce my own gaze. The wolf inside her wanted something more than exercise and I felt my fear suddenly surge back through me.

"Larry? When I look at you like this I don't want to bite you. Maybe just nibble a little." She punctuated her words by pressing her soft lips against mine.

I barely knew what was happening before I tasted the soft, wet heat of her tongue meshing against my own and fear gave way to an altogether more potent response. I didn't care about the transformations. I had Jenny's tongue in an intimate little dance with my own and I quickly pulled her body up against mine.

She grabbed two handfuls of my shirt and quickly tugged it up and over my head. I heard the hint of a growl in the air as our kiss was momentarily broken. She hungrily reclaimed my mouth with her own as the shirt was left to fall in amongst the yellowed leaves that littered the forest floor.

I didn't want to let her slip away again even for a moment to repay the favour. The chill autumn air made my skin tingle and made me welcome her warm, tender caresses all the more. I quickly sank my fingers under the hem of her sweat pants and felt the tight firmness of her nude ass beneath. A little squeeze of my hands brought a another soft growl from her throat that I was only too eager to devour as we continued our kiss. My heartbeat thundered in anticipation as her hands slowly descended along my back and over my sides until her fingertips found the thick fabric thread holding my own pants up and pulled it loose. She wasted no time in tugging down the front just enough to slip her hand inside and wrap it around my already-rigid member.

It was my turn to gasp as she returned the gentle squeeze I'd given her bum and then pulled her favourite new appendage out of my pants and gave its length several long, slow strokes. Our kiss shattered and I closed my eyes tightly for a moment in order to keep myself from getting swept away in that blissful touch. When I looked back at her, I saw Jenny casting a wicked smile my way. Her eyes retained that wolfish bright yellow tint and as her lips peeled back into a bright grin I saw that her canines and incisors were much sharper than they probably should have been. She looked like she wanted to eat me alive.

Damn it all, right then I wanted her to.

Wanting to wait no further, she quickly spun around and reached forward to settle her hands on the crusty bark of a nearby tree trunk. With her arms settled, she arched her back and thrust out her gorgeous ass at me.

"Fuck me, Larry." She purred out the words in a tone that was downright commanding.

I was only too happy to oblige.

She let out a delighted little yelp when I forcefully yanked her track pants down to her knees along with her little wisp of underwear. I quickly grabbed that firm, round ass as my cock lifted to rest on her already sodden lower lips. The dangerous thrill combined with the exquisite feeling of her fresh, horny pussy desperately awaiting me was too much. We didn't have any protection. I didn't even hesitate. A quick thrust and I was sinking inside Jenny's sweet, snug sheath again and thinking of nothing but how good it felt to be inside her with our bodies connected deeper than ever before.

She moaned and lifted her head to look back over her shoulder in shocked surprise to feel my bare cock sinking into her to spread her tight lower lips wide open. Her mouth formed a little "o" and her bright blue eyes widened at the sudden feeling and realisation that there was nothing between us any more. I would have perhaps stopped if I'd had any control over my own body, but instead of trying to push me away, Jenny's shocked expression melted into a delighted mix of closed eyes and quivering lips. Then she flashed that sexy blue gaze on me once more and gave me an encouraging little wink over her shoulder.

I thought about moving slowly, but instinct told me that wasn't what she wanted. So instead, I grabbed her hips and gave her an immediate, forceful thrust that spread open the deepest part of her. She let out a somewhat choked moan as her lungs momentarily gave out to leave her gasping my name as I started fucking my beautiful girlfriend with vigour.

It seemed I'd surprised her a little with my eagerness and she looked at me over her shoulder with a little shock and a lot of enjoyment in her expression. Then I caught a little hint of a challenge in her eyes before she started moving back against me and for a time it became unclear as to who was fucking who. Her hand slipped between her own legs and began to slide her fingertips over her clit until her fingers shined with our mixed love juices.

The air soon quivered with the repeated thunderous claps of our bodies rutting together. I felt my muscles strain with the sweet, blissful ache that was the result of so much power being forced through my body with every unrelenting plunge. There was always a connection forged in such an act, but each time that link was tinted with a different and utterly wonderful experience.

Our first time together upon her living room floor had been deeply immersed in heat, love, and the final resolution to a friendship that was about to take its final steps in becoming so much more. Then, the next time in the park had been filled with the crackling excitement of being caught as we shared in each other once again. In the classroom and at school, that similar feeling was shifted again into something much more naughty that quickly bubbled up between us with sinful delight.

This time, it was a new feeling entirely. Such potent, raw need spurring us on past the aches and the pain as the pleasure seemed to swirl through us like a building hurricane. My bare length sank down deep between her slippery, sweet seams and into that snug channel I always longed to find myself within.

My fingers dug into the glorious curve of Jenny's ass as it bounced back against me. I saw that her own nails were clawing at the tree she had come to rest them upon, tearing long slashes of the bark away as she furiously slammed herself back against my body.

The idea of the ancient Romans in "running out the beast" is to exhaust the animal nature that exists inside the person so that it can't take control of their mind. Well, I don't know about how people in ancient Rome had sex but I was definitely feeling a whole lot of the animal in me rise to the surface right then.

Jenny's mouth opened to scream but her gasps had stifled the air in her lungs and so she let out a silent cry when the smooth thrusts of my steely length finally pushed her over the edge. Her saturated pussy seemed to suck me deeper inside her for those few instants when her eyes closed tightly and her world shattered around her.

I couldn't hold myself back any longer, she shifted her movements from harsh slams of her hips to slow, sensual rotations that swirled my hard cock around inside her tight, welcoming, fleshy folds.
