Unsatisfied Lady Ch. 02


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"Lynn I don't know, Jake told me he had no problem with people that went to places like that, but I'm not sure I want to be the one to ask him to go, and take me no less."

"So don't ask him," she grinned, "Just tell him we invited you all to the house Wednesday night to eat. Let me handle the rest."

"How am I going to dress up to go out without him asking questions?"

"There's no dress code, just wear jeans. We will eat, let Fred show him his boat, and I will work it in the conversation about dropping by the club. If he's not interested, I won't push it, and we will just visit and have a few drinks."

"Hell I've never been to a strip club, do women actually go to those places, except the ones getting naked and dancing?" I nervously asked.

"For one, nobody gets naked, it's against the law, just topless, and yes women sometimes attend with their husbands," she giggled. "Besides, Jake is going to be seeing more than other women's tits, if he joins the Key Club," she laughed.


"Jake, are you sure you don't know what Joy wants to talk to us about when she comes home?" I asked as I finished putting on my low rise jeans, and ankle boots.

"I have not talked to her, I'm just as in the dark as you. Quit worrying, we raised a smart, intelligent young woman and I'm sure everything is going to be fine," giving me a hug and peck on the lips.

"Yeah," as I jokingly punched him in the chest, "all you got on your mind is seeing Fred's old boat!"

"Come on, we are going to be late," he laughed.

Jake was as impressed with their home, as I had been the first time. But he was more interested in Fred's bass boat. Lynn and I had to drag them inside to eat, when we were ready to eat. During the meal Lynn casually asked Jake and I, if we would like to go to the Hat and Cane for a few drinks. Surprisingly Jake said he would.

It really surprised me, the Hat and Cane was not what I expected, I always thought of strip clubs as dirty, grimy places. Naked girls with a bunch of guys groping them and throwing dollar bills at them, with back rooms they could pay and have sex. This place was clean, classy, and huge. There was a bar along the wall that had at least 20 bar stools, an area with about 40 tables that would seat 4 to six people each. The bartenders were all men, good looking men I might say, the waiters all female dressed like you imagine Playboy bunnies. There was a stage with a beautiful big busted girl in a transparent bra and panties pole dancing. About a dozen guys were cheering her on, up close to the stage waving money trying to get her to come close so they could stuff money in her panties. Several tables were filled with men grinning and cheering, but more reserved in their antics. Just basically enjoying the entertainment.

I was looking in awe at the girl on stage, amazed at the things she could do on the pole. It was exotic, beautifully executed, when Jake leaned in my ear, "Think you could do that for me," he whispered.

"Not even when I was young," I giggled.

"Come on let's get a table," Lynn laughed.

Fred and Lynn got us a table further back, but you could still see everything with the raised stage. As we sat, the girl on stage was off the pole and gyrating and dancing toward the edge of the stage where men were cheering and waving money. She dropped to her knees and they were stuffing her panties with money, then she stood, swayed with the music and slowly removed her bra. They went really wild then as she waved the bra around as she did a bump and grind on the pole. More money flew through the air landing on the stage, and more hoots and hollers when she threw her bra to the admirers. Resulting in another cheer and money flying. Lights dim and she disappears back stage.

We were all clapping and cheering for her, when a hot young waitress came to take our order. "Hey Boss man," she giggled, "let me guess, Single Barrel neat,"

"You got it Brandy," Fred chuckled. "Let me introduce you to our friends, this here is Jake and Jill Laney.

Smiling she shook hands with each of us, welcoming us to the Hat and Cane, then leaned over and whispered like she was just talking to me and Jake, "We all call him Boss man, to stroke his ego, but behind his back we just call him Teddy Bear, he's an old softy," she giggled.

We all cracked up laughing, especially when Lynn said, "You got it girl, all men need their ego stroked....along with other things they need stroking."

Finally when we stopped laughing, Lynn ordered a Negroni and suggested I try one, which I agreed. Jake stuck with his usual Coors beer.

When our drinks arrived another dancer had taken the stage, a tall, exotic looking black woman that looked like sex on a tall stick. How in the hell did she do some of the things she did on that pole, it seemed impossible. The crowd was going wild again, especially when she grabbed the pole and stuck her ass out toward the crowd, and some damn way, made each cheek of her ass twitch and jerk one cheek at a time to the beat of the music. Money was flying through the air landing on the stage.

Then she turned, hands above her head on the pole, chest pushed out, and made each of her huge tits do the same thing. More money was thrown on stage. When she finished and strolled off stage, a voice over the speaker system called out, "Let's hear for Rose, ladies and gentlemen." The applause and cheers were loud!

The voice over the speaker system announced there would be a break, and later you will meet Ember, Athena and Ariel.

Brandy brought us another round of drinks, and we were having a great time, when we heard a female voice,"Sir, you know the rules, look but don't touch."

"All hell....babe...I jus...wantnta seeeee yourr nipples," reaching for her again.

Before his hand reached her, a large black hand grabbed it, jerking the guy up out of his seat, then bent his arm behind the back, and marched him toward the exit. Another large bouncer was there making the three other guys follow their friend toward the exit. In a matter of minutes, it was over.

I looked at Fred, and he was just grinning, and so was Lynn. "Does that happen often," I asked.

"Oh sometimes some asshole has too much to drink, but Leroy will march out to the lobby, make sure he has someone that can drive him home, or call a cab for him," Fred laughed and shook his head. "It rarely comes to blows."

A few minutes later the big black guy came over to our table, "Hey Boss, it's all taken care of. Just a group of guys from out of town, one of them had not been drinking and apologized for his friend, he will drive them all back to the hotel."

"Leroy, I want you to meet Jake and Jill," and he reached out and shook our hands, "this is Leroy," Fred continued, "he is head of security here, and that was his wife Rose on stage a while ago."

"A pleasure meeting you Leroy," as his large paw engulfed my hand, "your wife is beautiful, and quite the dancer, amazing really," I gushed

"Well thank you Jill, I'll be sure to relay your compliment," and released my hand.

"You folks enjoy yourself," then walked away.

"I don't imagine many people give him trouble," Jake chuckled.

"He's a good man, smart as hell, and in most cases can diffuse a situation before it gets out of hand. Don't know what I would do without him," praised Fred.

"I reckon we need to call it a night," Jake said, "I've a busy day tomorrow and it's getting late, but thanks for a wonderful evening."

"Yeah," I mumbled, "if I have another one of these," holding up my empty glass, "Jake will have to carry me out of here."

"Their good aren't they," laughed Lynn. "Wait till you try the Negroni jello shots."

"Hell yes," I giggled, "I want the recipe for this dink...drink," I slurred.

"Come on honey," Jake chuckled, "maybe next time you can have a few more drinks and try out the pole," he laughed.

"Good night, I'll give you a call and we will set up a time to go fishing," Fred shook hands with Jake. "Maybe we can get both these ladies to try out the pole," he winked at Jake.

"You sure you're okay," Jake grinned, as he helped me buckle my seat belt.

"Yep, I feel goo.... can't belive....tof drins... made me feeel this goood."

"Two my ass," he laughed, "you had four, large glasses I might add."

Next morning I woke up to the sound of the shower running, my head pounding. I'm just wearing my bra and panties, there is a glass of water and Tylenol on my nightstand, which I quickly take, then bury back under the covers, with a pillow over my head!

"Rise and shine party girl," Jake laughs as he jerks the covers off me.

"Aaarrrrg, please let me sleep, my head is pounding," I begged.

"WHAT... are you doing..." I screamed, as he picked me up and put me in the shower,

still dressed in panties and bra.

"SHIT....."I screamed and shivered as he turned on cold water.

"That will wake you up, breakfast will be ready in 15 minutes," he roared laughing, and left the bathroom.

Jake had breakfast ready by the time I showered, dressed and started feeling human again. "Sorry about last night," I mumbled, " those drinks sneaked up on me."

"I'll say," he chuckled, "I thought we better leave before you hopped on the stage and tried pole dancing."

"Why didn't you stop me from drinking so much?"

"You needed to let your hair down and relax, hell you've been up tight ever since Joy said she wanted to talk to us. No harm was done and you were having a good time."

"I did have a good time," I giggled, "I was amazed at how those girls danced, especially that Rose."

"Maybe we need to install a pole in the basement," he teased and winked, "so you can give it a try."

"Yeah, try explaining that to our daughter," I laughed.

"Speaking of our daughter, I suggest we stay calm, and hear her out, whatever she has to say. We have to remember she is an adult now, and we can't force her to do anything."

"Jake she has you wrapped around her finger," I frowned, "I am not going to stand by and allow her to use the money we saved for college, to take a gap year and backpack through Europe, or whatever these kids are doing today."

"Hey, I know I'm too easy on her, but remember I always back you up when you put your foot down and tell her no. That's not going to change. I'm just saying let's calmly hear her out, and try to see her side of whatever it is she wants. Okay?"

"I know, I'll hear her out, but she has excellent grades, even scholarship offers that might not be there, if she takes a gap year, and times running out for her to make a decision," I said frustrated.


"Hi Mom, I'm home," shouted Joy as she bounced in the house.

"Oh baby," I squealed, as I hugged her, "I've missed you. How are my Mom and Dad?"

"Same as always," she laughed, "you know Grandma, she is constantly baking goodies for me, I think I put on 10 pounds! If Grandpa had not let me help him on the farm, feeding the animals and loading hay in the barn, I probably put on 30 pounds."

I was dying to ask her what she wanted to talk about, but didn't. "Well your Dad just called, he is picking up pizza for supper and should be here shortly. Grab some plates and set the table."

Later..... as we were picking up and putting away left over pizza, Joy, chuckled, "Well I guess I owe Betty $5.00, I bet Mom would be prying info out of me before we had a bite to eat."

"Well let's hear it, what do you have to tell us, but don't think I have changed my mind about a gap year. Not happening," I frowned.

"Let's all go sit in the den and let Joy explain what's on her mind," Jake said.

"While at grandma's I talked to a lady at the County Hospital, and I have a job lined up to work as a nurse's aid. It doesn't pay much, and I'll need some financial help to get a CNA (Certified Nurse Assistant) plus scrubs etc. That will take about 8 or 9 months, and if I really like it, then I will pursue becoming an RN," explained Joy, nervously wringing her hands.

"When would you start, and I assume you plan on staying with my Mom and Dad, right," I asked.

"Well I was hoping I could use some of my college funds to rent an apartment, that's close to the hospital, please," Joy begged.

"Why not stay with your grandparents, I'm sure they will be thrilled to have you stay with them," I queried, "plus save money."

"Well, Betty would be starting with me and we could share an apartment, which helps with the cost, and I'm an adult now and want to live on my own."

I was frowning now and Jake spoke up, "Joy, it's not that we don't trust you, but I have concerns about you and Betty living together alone."

"Dad, I know you and Mom have heard rumors about Betty, but that's exactly what they are, rumors. None of them are true. Have I ever disappointed you, or given you a reason not to trust me?"

"No sweetheart, I hope I'm not making a mistake here, but you're right, you're an adult now and we have to start treating you as one," finally smiling, "so as long as your father agrees you have my permission."

Squealing with delight she was hugging me, "Thanks Mom, Dad, I'm going to go call Betty and let her know, so she can talk to her parents," as she rushed out of the den.

"Well Jake say something?" I asked.

"I agree, besides she will be close to your parents. It's a small town and they know everyone there, so they can keep an eye on her, and be handy if she needs them."

"Well, that's settled, not what I was expecting, but at least it seems she has thought it through. I just hope the rumors about Betty are not true. I reckon some jealous people could have made up lies about her, she is after all a beautiful young lady, and has had several boy friends. Besides I trust Joy. That's a load off my mind," as I slid on to Jake's lap, "now I can concentrate on what I want," as I kissed him.

"We better take this to the bedroom," growled Jake, "I'm not ready for our daughter to walk in on us."

"Oh my God, get a room!" squealed Joy, then burst out laughing.

"Sorry," I mumbled getting up off Jake, "you're usually on the phone forever when you call Betty."

"I'm just happy I got parents that love each other," she grinned, "some of my friend's parents hardly speak to each other. Besides, I was just going to tell you, I'm going over to Betty's to spend the night, we have lots to talk about."

"Tell Betty we said hello, and we would like to take her and her parents out for dinner one night this week," as I hugged her, "I think we all need to talk."

"Thanks Mom, that's a great idea. Love you both," then she headed out the door.

As soon as I heard Joy's car start up, I looked at Jake and smiled, "The last one in the bedroom has to eat the other one," I squealed and made a run for the stairs.

Needless to say oral sex was on the menu that night, after Jake gave me 2 orgasms with that amazing tongue of his, and I sucked him dry, sleep came easy. The next morning Jake worked in his home office doing weekly reports, and I called Carson's home to check on Joy. Martha Carson was always friendly, even though we were not close, but our daughters were best friends and we encountered each other over the years at school functions etc. Her and I set a date for us all to go out to eat this coming Monday night.

Joy needed to move by the end of next week, so Jake took a weeks vacation to help, plus he was using one day to go fishing with Fred. We took the Carson's out to eat on Monday, and learned that they were reluctant at first to allow Betty to pursue a nursing program, but felt better about it since Joy was involved. Neither could say enough nice things about Joy, which made me proud.

Friday came and we rented a U Haul Truck to move Joy and Betty into the apartment in Smithville (Long Story, my Dad's ancestors settled the area in the early 1800's). My parents met us and helped unload. Thank God they were on the first floor, so no stairs to climb, plus I felt even better when we met her next door neighbor, a young man that was a police officer.

All of us had supper with my parents at their house, then Joy and Betty were anxious to get back to their apartment. Jake and spent the night with my parents, before going home the next day. Dad said the young policeman Gary Hendricks was a really nice young man and came from a good family, again making me feel better about my daughter being out on her own for the first time. Life was good.

Saturday we started home, following Jake driving the U Haul so we could drop it off. Of course Jake had to stop by Bass Pro to look at boats, and pick up some new fishing gear. He really enjoyed his fishing trip with Fred, which resulted in us having a freezer full of fish fillets. I was happy that he found a fishing buddy, and got back to doing something he loved.

Sunday Jake played golf and I spent the afternoon with Lynn. She told me a Key Holders event was scheduled next Saturday at the Patterson house, since it was big enough to have a room for everyone. Often she said they would meet and whatever woman pick the Key of a member, she would go home with him, but since we were new, they thought it would be best to have the event where we were all together. Then if Jake or I backed out, we could just leave and go home. I didn't plan on backing out, but what would Jake do?

End of Chapter 2

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argeelogargeelog5 months ago

I hate it when authors don't finish a story. It was good until it left us hanging....🤐

danbo56danbo567 months ago

Disappointed, just read this great story and it's incomplete chapter three? as I always say to Authors ignore the negative comments usually made by Anonymous cowards who don't put a name to their comments got to say finish the dam story PLEASE thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

so when does he learn she is a cheating whore and toss the slut to the road

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Really boring. Also does not seem to be any point to anything for much of the story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

The story could move slower, but not by much!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 1 year ago

Surprisingly good…so long as she doesn’t keep cheating on Jake.

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