Unwitting Pawns


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"It's my fault! It's all my fault!" Gordon bawled out in anguish.

"What's your fault, son?"

"I'm not good enough. I'm only a second-place runner. If I was better, you and mom wouldn't be getting a divorce. Kevin and me don't want you to get a divorce, dad. It will be the death of our family! I figured that if I was gone and out of your way, maybe you and mom could stay together with Kevin." Roy could barely make out the words Gordon was trying to convey for three reasons, the loud storm, his devastated son, and suddenly he had been moved to his own indiscernible tears with his immense remorse.

"Gordon, Gordon listen to me and you listen to me good. NOTHING is your fault. There could not be a prouder set of parents for you than your mom and me. You are NOT second best! Do you hear me? You're the best son I could possibly imagine and nothing will ever change that! Everything's gonna be just fine. There will be no divorce and I'm sorry to have ever allowed the thought to even creep into my head. I was just upset is all. I'm not going anywhere."

Gordon clung to him as if he was dying. His body was depleted of all energy.

"I'm sorry dad. I can't take another step. My legs are cramped and in great pain" he said still crying.

"That's okay son. Don't you give it another thought. You've got me and I'm gonna walk for us both. As Roy picked up the eighty-pound boy and gently placed him across his shoulder, he might as well have weighed only eighty ounces. Suddenly his sides no longer hurt and he felt as if he could carry the boy a hundred miles if need be. He carried him every step of the way back to his vehicle. As he was walking, he pulled out his cellphone and dialed home. An extremely anxious mother answered.

"Roy is that you? The police don't have any more leads. Did you find him? Is he with you now?" She begged to know.

He started crying, "Yes, baby. I've got him in my arms right now and we've got a good bit of a walk to get back to the vehicle."

"Oh dear God in Heaven! There IS a God! I've been praying to him every second you've been gone and now my prayers are answered!" Her weeping was a mix of felt anguish and relief. "Do what you want with me, Roy. I'll take whatever you want to dish out. Just bring our boy back home" she continued sobbing.

With his voice breaking and cracking Roy tried to vocalize, "I'm sorry honey. It's all my fault. There's not gonna be any divorce. Everything's gonna be just fine. We'll talk when we get home. I love you, Marla" he blubbered and disconnected the call.

When they walked in the door, Marla rushed them and grabbed Gordon in her arms, fervently kissing him and wiping his face, and repeatedly reminding him how much she loved him. She had him take another shower whereupon she sent him to bed in clean dry pajamas. Afterward, Roy asked if they could talk in the living room downstairs rather than in their bedroom which was near the boys and she agreed.

"Where was he? How did you find him?" She asked.

"Not only had he run the twelve miles to the trail entrance, by the time I caught up with him on the trail, he'd also run at least another five or so miles up the trail, so seventeen miles at least in that drenching downpour. I had no idea he could cover that kind of distance, much less under such adverse circumstances. My sides were splitting by the time I caught up with him. He's in better shape than I am, that's for sure" he offered.

"Incredible. He has your stick-to-it-iveness for certain," she praised.

"I'd like us to talk about what happened this afternoon to see if we can come to some kind of understanding if you're up to it" he politely suggested.

"Of course honey. I don't want anything to come between us. This is the worst fight we've ever had and I just want this nightmare to end once and for all" she asserted.

"Before we go any further, I need to know what you want. You can be with another man, or you can stay married to me. You cannot have both. You must choose one or the other."

She replied, "I'd rather cut off an arm or a leg and be hobbled the rest of my life than to lose your love. Whatever curiosity I may have had at one time is long gone and will never be revisited. You'll never hear another word from me on the subject and that's the way 'I' truly want it." She said with emphasis.

Relieved to hear the magic words, Roy continued, "I made the mistake of getting involved with them myself in the first place. Had I not done that, this never would have happened. That's why I said this is all my fault. I pride myself on analyzing and sizing up situations but I dropped the ball on this one and didn't see it coming. I didn't foresee Gordon running as he did either, but I responded and did what was necessary to bring him back where he belongs. By the same token, I'm going to take measures as a form of retribution against both Carl and Tina. There is no way I can just lie down and let them walk all over us as they just did. There has to be a reckoning."

"What are you talking about Roy? What kind of reckoning?"

"Both of them lied to us, deceived us, used us, and nearly destroyed us. They convinced you to lie to your husband's face. Do you have a problem with me holding them accountable? If so, tell me now and I'll know where I stand with you."

"You're right, Roy. They shouldn't get away with it. They should be made to pay. I'm with you on that all the way." She assured.

"I'm gonna take them both down in a big way. My only regret is how it is going to negatively impact their girls too. They don't deserve what's gonna happen but I don't see any other way to take their parents down after what they did to us. I believe it would be best if you avoided all contact with both Tina and Carl from here on out. There's nothing they could say or do to make up for their treachery and deception." He firmly stated. "Go ahead and block their numbers before they even try to contact you." She did as he asked.

"What are you going to do, Roy? You aren't going to fight him, are you? I don't want you going to jail and losing you that way either." She advised.

"No, honey, nothing that prosaic. My plan is much simpler and more effective than physically attacking him. Don't you worry your pretty little head over it. I'll take care of them in my way" he avowed. "Let me have that recording Carl gave you earlier. I may very well destroy it without ever watching it, but I want to make sure it remains safe and unwatched by you as well."

Marla retrieved the disc from her pocketbook and handed it to him without hesitation. He would conceal it where no one would find it nor view it, yet have it available should it become necessitated.

Roy hugged her, "Honey, I still love you every bit as much as I always have. But I need you to give me some time to adjust and emotionally deal with what has happened. Carl used us as his unwitting pawns to get what he wanted. He played on your desires and used my trust in him against me. He has contaminated the purity and sanctity of our marriage. I won't ask you to cut off an arm or leg, but I would appreciate it if you would refrain from shaving down there if you don't mind."

Marla smiled, "I think I can manage that. It's your playground, sweetheart. No other man but you will ever touch it again as long as I live, except for my gynecologist," she playfully offered.

"Apparently Carl believed that once you'd tasted of the forbidden fruit you wouldn't be able to live without it. He also supposed that I would knuckle under, embrace their lifestyle and incorporate it into our lives now that the ice has been broken. He's about to find out how wrong he was about everything." Roy seethed.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Monday morning the direct line rang at Marla's desk where she worked as an insurance adjuster.

"Good morning, Marla Andrews, how may I help you?"

"Hi Marla, it's Tina. I tried your cellphone first but for some reason can't get through. Anyway, I'm dying to know how things went yesterday with you and Roy after you left our house."

"I'm sorry Tina, but I blocked your number on my phone. Roy and I despise you two and how you abused our trust. Don't contact me again, ever!" And she slammed the desk phone back in its cradle.

Carl wasn't having any better luck contacting Roy. He figured he'd been blocked on his cellphone but he had no work number to call. Roy had never given him one. He was hoping to defuse any negative fallout and felt that a calming talk with his friend would alleviate any stress that might have arisen from Sunday's activities. Tina had informed Carl of her brief conversation with Marla suggesting that Roy was behind her sudden turnabout. Carl wanted to initiate damage control but needed Roy's attention to achieve it. He had parked up the street watching the Andrews' driveway about the time Roy usually arrived home from work. He was hoping to nip any animosity in the bud and would play his ace-in-the-hole only if necessary.

As soon as Roy pulled into the driveway, Carl pulled up right behind him. As Roy exited his vehicle, noticing Carl's presence he initiated a text. As Carl walked up to him, Roy said, "Hang on just a second, I need to finish this text for work and I'll be right with you." Shortly afterward he pressed 'send' and looked at his former friend.

"What is it that you want, Carl? Haven't you done enough damage already?"

"Damage? What damage? When Marla left our house yesterday she was happy as a lark. She finally realized her fantasy and she said it was everything she dreamed it would be. And you were superb with Tina and Karl. She said she'd never had it so good. I honestly believe you know how to satisfy my wife better than I do, Roy and you haven't even touched her yet. How could any of that be considered damage?" Carl pleaded.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Carl. A long time ago I learned the adage, 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. I've always viewed you as a frenemy. You abused our trust, deceived us both, and played me for a fool. You and Tina both tag-teamed my wife and me to exploit a perceived weakness in our marriage where it hurts us both the most. I, in turn, will exploit your weakness where it will hurt you and Tina the most. I'm not sorry for the harm that will befall you and Tina. As far as I am concerned, you both deserve what's gonna happen. But I am sorry for the effect my actions will have on your precious innocent daughters. I only agreed to participate in your debauchery to gather intel on you. Unfortunately, I misjudged the depths to which you would stoop and my lack of foresight in that area has cost me dearly. I'm putting an end to it right now." Roy said dispassionately.

"Look, Roy. If you're honest about it all, you enjoyed your interactions with Tina and her lovers. It was a win-win because it got you all worked up to give it good to Marla later on and Tina nearly raped me every time after you left. You have a gift, man. Don't waste it. And Marla finally got what she wanted out of it too, so what's the harm?"

"What's the harm?" Roy asked animatedly. "You abused our trust! You taught my wife to lie right to her husband's face! You got what you wanted through trickery and deception! You contaminated my marriage with your filth! And you nearly blew up our family with your treachery. So now it's time for you to pay, Carl."

"I can see you're upset, Roy, and I'm here to help you see that things aren't nearly as bad as you think they are. I didn't want to have to tell you this, but since you're threatening me with some kind of retribution, you need to consider some other things!" Carl declared.

"Yeah? Like what?" Roy demanded.

"I'm sure you know about the recording I made of yesterday's session with Marla. It would be a crying shame if that recording somehow wended its way onto the internet. I can't imagine how embarrassing that would be for the two of you, especially Marla. Of course, out of my friendship with you, I would take measures to ensure something like that would never happen as long as you calm down and let what happened yesterday be repeated many times. Hells bells, Roy. Tina is dying to ring your bell if you'd only give her half a chance." He stated proudly.

Roy clenched his teeth and set his jaw. He didn't want his anger to get the best of him so he endeavored to contain himself. "As long as I draw a breath, yesterday will NEVER be repeated. Marla did not sign a release I'm certain. If a single frame of that recording surfaces ANYWHERE, you will be hit with a lawsuit so fast it'll make your head swim. But that will be the least of your problems, Carl old buddy. When I get through with you, you will rue the day you ever met me and Marla" he raged.

"I don't know who you think you are, but you don't have what it takes to hurt me. I'm a big man while you're just a piss-ant nerdy teacher. You think you can take me on? Go ahead, give it your best shot buddy." Carl fumed.

"A piss-ant, huh?" Roy grinned. "I was an Army Intelligence Analyst (MOS 35F). I analyzed, assessed, processed, and distributed tactical intelligence, which required critical thinking. As for my nerdy teaching? Yeah, I guess you could say that I'm a teacher. I'm a consultant who trains other FBI analysts. Only too late will you realize that you messed with the wrong guy's wife. By the way, thanks for the gift," Roy added. "I recorded your threats of extortion and blackmail. It would be a shame if it wended its way to the DA" he chuckled.

As he spoke, a cop approached from behind Carl. Mr. Doggett? Carl Doggett?"

"Yes?" he responded.

"You're under arrest" the officer stated as he was handcuffing Carl's wrists behind his back, "Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law......"

"Just so you know, Carl. That text that I sent upon your arrival was to the police to let them know you were here right now so they could pick you up. That was sort of a trick I played on you, huh?"

"What am I being charged with?" Carl demanded.

"What? And spoil your fun until you're arraigned? I wouldn't think of it" he added as he watched him being placed in the back of the squad car.

"What's going on out there? Marla asked as Roy walked inside the house. "There was a bit of commotion and a police car."

"Oh, not much. I knew they were looking for him so I helped them out and told them where he could be found."

"But why would the police be looking for Carl? Do they know what went on this past weekend?"

"It seems our former friend has been dancing on the wrong side of the law and they want to talk to him about it and get his side of the story," Roy informed his puzzled wife.

"Apparently information has come to light about his shady business dealings. No, it has nothing to do with recent events. It would appear that Carl befriended a bean counter in the military who, for lucrative kickbacks, gave him the contracts to do those renovations at Quantico. Neither the military nor the DA takes kindly to such schemes. Turns out it is highly illegal. If found guilty, I believe Carl and his buddy might both be guests of the state for several years."

She looked her husband in the eye, "Did you have anything to do with this?"

"He stared right back at her, "I may have had an ancillary role in them finding out but he did all the scheming on his own."

"But if he goes to prison...." She started.

"Then their company will fold. Tina will become unemployed. Even if she could find a comparable position elsewhere, there's no way she could afford their home and expenses on her salary alone. She'll have to sell the house and move elsewhere. As I said before, my only regret is for their two girls. If Carl takes the hit and testifies that she had no idea about his business dealings, then she can avoid prison time. If not, it could be worse." Roy informed.

"Remind me to never EVER get on your bad side again!" Marla chuckled.

Roy thought back to how it all unfolded. He had suspected that Carl and/or Tina might eventually coerce Marla into participating in their sordid lifestyle. He wanted to prevent that from happening. During his first visit to their basement, he noticed the locked filing cabinet. There's no reason Carl would have locked files away in the basement of his own home unless something was incriminating, Roy surmised.

That's why he'd agreed to the second session. Once he was alone again in the basement, he used his lock-picking tools to open the file cabinet and quickly sort through the documents. Buried in the back of the bottom drawer, he found a file containing signed documents by both Carl and Corporal Brian Peters detailing their kickback agreement. Apparently the documents served as a mutual deterrent inhibiting revelation by either party. Carl would pay Corporal Peters profits from the first two years and then the gravy train would start rolling in for Carl. Roy made copies using their copier, kept the originals and put the duplicates back in the file cabinet, and locked it up.

Roy hoped he would never have to use that information against Carl but wanted the leverage in the event they pressured them again to participate with them. He had fully intended never to repeat his session with Tina a third time until he lost that bet with Carl. And that's when everything unraveled.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Carl was released on bail until the trial but had been served a restraining order inhibiting all contact with the Andrews family. The extortion and blackmail threats recorded by Roy were all the judge needed to issue the order.

Even though it was suspected that Tina was complicit in the illegal scheme, Carl testified otherwise, sparing her prison time. Carl and Corporal Peters were both convicted and sentenced to five years each and a half-million-dollar fine which more than wiped them both out financially. Carl lost the business and liquidated all assets. As Roy predicted, Tina was forced to sell the house and two vehicles, leaving her with one car. She and the girls moved back in with her parents for the time being until they sorted things out. Carl knew that Roy had somehow brought him down but couldn't figure out how. He urged Tina to avoid the Andrews family at all costs to prevent violation of the restraining order. Things were bad enough as it was.

Things were touch and go between Marla and Roy. With his big heart, Roy had no problem whatsoever forgiving Marla for her part in their near collapse. That was the easy part. What he found impossible to manage was forgiving himself for his failure as a husband which led to the possibility of their situation. HE is the analyst. HE is the protector. HE is the one who is responsible for the integrity of his family, or at least that was his perception. It had been six weeks and although Marla's crotch hair was nicely returning, Roy still could not bring himself to be intimate with her. She finally convinced him to attend couples counseling with her.

The counselor drilled right to the heart of the matter trying to find the right words to free Roy from his mental prison. He was turning out to be a tough nut to crack.

"Roy, have you totally forgiven Marla of her error in judgment, completely absolving her of any guilt?" Mrs. Crenshaw asked.

"Yes, I can truthfully say that I have, ma'am."

"Excellent, and do you now perceive her as being worthy to be your wife?"

"Of course, absolutely." He beamed.

"Do you believe that your wife has completely forgiven you for your part, just as you have forgiven her?"

"Yes, ma'am. There's no doubt. Marla's made that very clear." He confirmed.

"I see," Mrs. Crenshaw said bewildered.

"Evidently I'm missing something, Mr. Andrews. Can you tell me of the other crimes your wife has committed against you or the family that you haven't forgiven her for?"

"Nothing," Roy said. "She's been exemplary in every way, especially with her patience. I commend her heartily for that."
