Valentine's Day Virgins


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She glances at me, 'n there's tears in the poor little bitch's eyes, 'n I feel like a total asshole, except that when she wipes her eyes with one hand, there's that fuckin' virginity ring, 'n I know she's not. Not anywhere, 'n I wonder again just what she's using for panties. The one's she was wearing weren't gonna be much good, 'n I got a raging hard-on right away. Fuck, have I ever.

"So you gotta stay with us?" I say, 'n fuck, hard-on or not, I feel like an asshole. "Crap, Fiona. I'm real sorry. It won't happen again. I promise."

"It won't?" she sorta sniffles, and fuck, I feel real sorry for the poor little bitch.

"Fuck, Fiona," I say. "I really thought you were my wife, you looked just like her from behind. I'm real sorry. I promise you, it won't happen again, 'n Jesus, kiddo, you're welcome to move in with us. We'll look after you, I promise 'ya."

"Can you..." she hesitates. "You didn't use a..." 'n fuck, she blushes, 'n she can't look at me.

"Can you get outa school at lunchtime?" I ask. "I'll take you to a medical clinic, make sure, you know..."

"Thanks," she said, 'n now she looks at me. "I think."

She being sarcastic? I'm not sure, but fuck, I can let it slide. After what I just did to the bitch, 'n she didn't rat me out to Penny, I can let a fuckin' lot slide, and yeah, fuck, she was hot, but I love Penny, 'n I'd just keep my dick in my pants and bone Penny. Never looked at anyone else since I met her, 'n Jesus, I'd sure fucked that up. Bitches were just about fuckin' twins though.

"Do I really look that much like your wife?" she said, sorta tremulously, 'n she didn't look so scared now.

"Yeah," I said. "You could be her twin sister."

"Your wife's beautiful," she said.

"So are you, Fiona," I said. "And crap, I am so sorry about this afternoon, kiddo. I mean, fuck, I couldn't tell the difference between you and Penny. Not from behind."

"Do you...uh... do stuff like that to your wife all the time?" she whispered, and she was sorta pink-cheeked, and her nipples were visible right through her bra and her white school uniform top.

Lucky I hadn't ripped her shirt 'n her bra off. Be hard to cover that one.

"Uhhh," I said, kinda blushing a bit myself, 'n I was sorta trying not to remember the hot little bitch's cunt doing the pussy dance on my cock an hour ago. "Uhhh... well, yeah, Penny... uh... she likes it like that a lot, and so do I... she kinda dresses up for me..."

"In a school uniform?" Fiona asked, 'n her cheeks were burning.

"Yeah," I said, sorta embarrassed, coz fuck, I was ten years older than Penny, 'm for a thirty seven year old guy to get off on fucking his wife when she was dressed up as a schoolgirl, well, it wasn't something I wanted our new babysitter to know about. Fuckin' embarrassing.

"Hey honey, what do you think? Do you like it?" Penny waltzed into the kitchen, all smiles and sparkling eyes, 'n fuck, she looked hot in that school uniform. Skirt as short as Fiona's, and Jesus, they really coulda been twins.

"What do you think, Fiona?" she added, 'n I kinda guessed my wife wasn't too worried about our new live-in babysitter know she dressed up like a hot schoolgirl for her husband.

"Wow, you look really hot, Mrs. Kim," Fiona said, 'n she sounded like she meant it. "I wish I looked like you in a school uniform."

'N the hot little bitch looked at me and she smiled, 'n after a second I smiled back. Did she really say that, but yeah, she had.

"Yeah, honey," I said. "You two could be twin sisters."

Penny giggled. "Oh, you think so, do you? You better not mistake Fiona for me, Mister, or you'll be in big trouble." She looked around at the grandfather clock in the hallway, 'n Fiona Lee and I looked at each other, 'n I could just about read my own thoughts on Fiona Lee's pretty little face.

Too late.

"Wow, will you look at the time. Let me say goodnight to the kids, Tom, and we'll head out." She smiled at Fiona. "Dinner's in the oven, all you have to do is heat it up. Give them a bath, read them a bed-time story, and make sure lights are out by eight."

"Okay, Mrs. Kim," Fiona said.

"Penny, Fiona," my wife said, smiling. "Call me Penny, and you can call Tom, Tom. You're going to be living here, so you're one of the family now." She glanced my way. "Tom, all Fiona's clothes are at her Uncle and Aunt's, we'll pick them up tomorrow. Can you look in my dresser, there's some new panties and bras still in the packaging, she can have those, and give her a t-shirt to wear as a nightdress tonight."

"Uh... sure," I said. "Come with me, Fiona." Fuck, I was real hard, but at least now I could use Penny's uniform as an excuse.

"Here," I said to Fiona, a minute later, 'n I had the draw open. "These are all new, you pick."

Yeah, they were new, 'n mostly I bought Penny's underwear for her, coz I knew what I liked. Fiona started looking, 'n she was blushing, coz yeah, well, lotta G-strings in there as well as bikini briefs and little lacey French shorts 'n stuff like that.

"Take anything you like," I said, standing back, and fuck, she had a nice tight little ass on her.

"Anything?" she asked, kinda glancing at me, 'n her cheeks were pink.

"Yeah," I said. "Penny said to help yourself." I smiled. "She likes to, you know, look hot."

Fiona looked down, 'n she'd already picked half a dozen. I could see that two of those packages were G-strings, the sets, half a dozen each, different colors. She saw me looking, 'n that pink turned sorta scarlet, 'n she looked at me, 'n I looked at her.

"Ready, honey," Penny called, 'n fuck, I was. I really was.

* * *

"Jeez Penny," I say as we walk towards the front door of Bernie and Alice's house. "I swear you look the same now as you did when we first met."

"Mmmmm, you think so, honey," Penny says, as we walk into the party together, and she squeezes my hand. "Looking forward to fucking your Valentine's Day Virgin again tonight?" She giggles, 'n glances sideways at me, 'n she has that mischievous smile on her face, 'n I grin right back.

My wife doesn't know, but I already fucked today's Valentine's Day Virgin.

I'd love to fuck the hot little bitch again, but I know it was a mistake.

Never cheated on Penny before, and I'm not gonna start now.

This afternoon was a mistake, and I'm so fucking lucky.

Little bitch coulda squealed and I'd be screwed.

Hope to fuck she doesn't change her mind.

But thinking about her, fuck, I'm hard.

Guess Penny's gonna get this one.

I know she's gonna love it.

Gonna be a long night.

With a lotta cock.

For Penny.

"You're going to enjoy yourself tonight, aren't you, Tom?" Penny says, and she's got that pink-cheeked look on her face that she gets whenever she's anticipating a real good boning.

We've done this before now and then over the last three years, started after our second kid was a couple years old, 'n she popped the first when she was twenty. We started on the kids right away after we were married, 'n it didn't take long to knock Penny up. Coupla months after we decided to start, 'n she was breeding, and fuck, loved it when she started to swell up. She looked so fuckin' beautiful.

Anyhow, done it before, not very often, just now and then, every few months over the last three years, and except for that once early on when she got a bit carried away, it's always my decision, and Penny understands that now. There was that once when she went ahead without asking me. Walked in on that one, 'n fuck, I joined in, but afterwards we had a few words, 'n I slapped her ass a few times to make my point.

Like I said, she's a fast learner, and she just goes with what I want now. Still got no real idea how we got started, except we were at some real estate conference in Las Vegas that Penny wanted to go to, three years ago now, when her business was starting to take off, 'n I tagged along for the five days it was going for, coz she didn't wanna go by herself.

Saturday night, and we were partying it up in a bar in the hotel, and a couple of the real estate guys were really coming on to Penny, and she always did enjoy flirting. Me, I was cool. I knew she'd never cheat on me, 'n she enjoyed flirting, and the sex afterwards was always real good for me, coz I got turned on watching her, and she liked it that I did, and the flirting kinda did it for her. Two kids, twenty four, and she was hot and cute and sexy as the night I met her, and you'd never know two kids had popped outa that pussy, coz she was still tight as fuck, and a trim little figure without an ounce of flab or fat. Fuck knows how she stayed in shape, coz she never worked out, but I didn't care.

So yeah, there we were, in that hotel bar, Saturday night, conference party night, and I'd had a few, but not a few too many, and Penny had drunk a couple of cocktails, and she didn't usually drink much, but she liked some of those girly cocktails, and man, they did have a kick to them. Guess they were there to get the girlies plastered, and make 'em easy meat. Seemed to be the way places like this worked, and me, I didn't give a fuck, coz I'd never so much as looked at another bitch since that first time I'd boned Penny.

"Want me to get you another one of those bourbon's?" she asked, 'n she looked totally cute and hot in that little black dress she was wearing, sorta like an eighteen year old High School girl dressed up in her Mom's clothes 'n trying to look older, 'n the bar was hopping, 'n a waitress hadn't been by for a while.

"Sure, honey," I said. "Thanks."

I gave her cute little ass a pat as she headed off, 'n there were a few eyes following her as she swayed across the room, coz her butt kinda did that thing that women's butts do, 'n its sorta like an eye magnet for guys when the butt looks like my wife's. Sure held my fuckin' eyes. Coulda been glued to her tight little butt, 'n mine weren' the only ones.

So Penny was standing at the bar, 'n the bartender was right there, 'n I could see a couple of dudes on the bar stools next to her talking away to her, 'n she was talking away back, 'n she was always great at that networking shit. One of the reasons she was so fuckin' good at selling real estate. Just look at her in the line at the supermarket checkout, and she'd kinda kick off a conversation with 'ya, and five minutes later they'd have her business card and be promising to call her. 'N fuck, about ten percent of the time they did.

Never thought anything of it, happened all the time with Penny, 'n if I was a jealous sorta guy I'd a blown my brain from apoplexy or some shit like that year ago, 'n she came back with my bourbon and some girly drink, 'n a huge smile. "Those two want to dance with me," she said, 'n a toss of her head said who, and a smile said she was feeling kinda happy about it. "I told him I was with you, honey, 'n they took one look at you and apologized right away."

I laughed. "You want to dance honey?" She always did, 'n I was a lousy dancer.

She giggled, coz she knew I knew she did, 'n I patted her ass and downed the bourbon. "Tell you what, honey. Go get me another bourbon, 'n bring it back, 'n you can tell the dudes your date said they could dance with you. How's that?"

"Date?" she said, doing that thing with her eyebrows that said, huh?

I grinned. "Tell those dudes I'm your husband 'n they're gonna be to fuckin' scared to dance with you, honey," I said. Coz I did look like what I was, 'n I sure 'n fuck wasn't no smooth real estate sales guy. "Tell 'em I'm your date, honey."

"This is Las Vegas, Tom," she said, 'n she giggled. "You don't date here. All the women here by themselves at the convention are running around in groups, 'n the ones that aren't..." She blushed. "They're hookers, and I swear I saw a couple of those girls over there taking money from those guys."

I looked where she was. "Yeah, I think you guessed right, honey," I said, coz, hey, Army. Been around. Knew a hooker when I saw one. Been through a few back in the day. I laughed. "Hey, tell 'em I'm your john, honey, if you want to, but I'm cool with you dancing with them either way."

She giggled. "Love you, Tom," 'n she kissed my cheek, 'n I patted that cute little ass, 'n away she swayed, back to the bar, 'n she said something to the dudes, 'n they looked at me 'n thy both kinda waved 'n grinned.

I waved back, coz neither of 'em looked dumb enough to try it on with Penny, 'n they'd apologized as soon as she told them she was with someone else, 'n it's not like you can fault a guy for trying it on with a bitch that looks as hot as my wife. Goes with the territory, 'n I always marked mine, 'n if anyone crossed the line, I kinda warned them, 'n if they didn't listen, well, one warning was good enough for me, 'n after that I just fucked 'em up, 'n how bad depended on how far over the line they'd crossed.

These guys, well, they looked like the sorta guys that knew where the line was, even with another guy's hooker, and they didn't intend to cross it. That was fine with me if Penny danced with them. Penny sorta swayed back towards me a coupla minutes later, smiling, 'n she had a glass in one hand, 'n a bottle in the other.

"Martin and Chaz bought this one for you, honey," she said. "They both said thanks."

She put it down on the table, 'n it was a bottle of Four Roses Limited Edition Kentucky Straight, opened, one shot gone, 'n that was in the glass. She was a bit wide-eyed. "It's expensive," she said.

Fuck, I knew it was. Five hundred bucks a bottle from the liquor store, 'n at what this bar charged, it was a fuckload more than that.

I grinned. "Guess the dudes really appreciate dancing with you honey," I said. "What'd you tell them. You were my date?"

She giggled, but her cheeks were a bit pink. "I told them what you said, honey, that you were, you know, my date for the night but you didn't mind me dancing with them."

"You go have fun, 'n dance for as long as you like then honey. Send the guy you're not dancing with over here, and you guys come back to join us when he needs a break. I'm not gonna drink all this, 'n they paid for it, they can help drink it, 'n maybe dance with you some more. Gotta appreciate dudes with manners."

"Sure," she smiled, those almond-eyes sparkling, 'n I raised that glass to the dudes, 'n knocked it back as Penny swayed across the room, 'n it was pure gold. The bourbon, that is. Penny's ass was just hot.

Penny reached them, 'n they talked for maybe a minute, 'n then both the guys sorta wandered over, only this time Penny was with them, 'n I kinda stood and shook their hands.

"Martin," one of them said. "Martin Black. At the real estate conference."

"Chaz," the other dude said. "Chaz Symonds."

"Tom," I said. "Tom Timmins, 'n I guess you both already met Penny." I grinned.

"Guess so," Martin grinned. "Shame you spotted her first, you're a lucky guy, Tom."

"Hey, you guys dance," I grinned. "'N I'll drink the bourbon. Dance as long as you like, take turns with her if you like, Penny loves dancing, she'll dance for hours, 'n I've got two left feet. I'll kinda sit here and watch her ass, 'n you're more than welcome to join me until we go."

"Thanks, Tom," Chaz said, 'n he parked himself, 'n I poured him a glass.

"Sure," Martin said. "'N thanks, Tom. Not hitting on your date or anything." He grinned.

I grinned myself as I parked my ass in my seat. "Yeah, I got that dude, have fun dancing."

Coupla seconds later that dude Martin was up on that dance floor, 'n Penny was up there with him, and man, she could dance. Never got tired of watching her, 'n she was just hot, 'n I sure wasn't the only guy watching her. Music was kinda fairly laid back, soft and slow, sorta lounge music stuff I guess, made for slow dancing, and seemed to me Martin was a good dancer, 'n he had one hand holding Penny's, other hand on her waist, and they were talking away.

"You here for the real estate conference too, Tom?" Chaz asked, 'n he was watching Penny's ass as well.

"Nope," I said. "Not me. Got my own business. Came along for a break. Kinda just enjoying myself playing poker."

"Gambling man?" he asked.

"Nope," I said. "Play the one and two dollar stake games in the poker room, 'n the free drinks are worth more than I lose." I grinned. "Sometimes I actually win, but I don't bet on it, 'n the hookers here are hot."

He laughed. "I gotta try that."

Wasn't sure if he meant the poker, the hookers, or both.

"You at the conference?" I asked.

"Yeah," he said. "Martin and I work together, own the Brokerage. Come to this one every year. Worth every buck."

Looked, 'n Penny seemed to be enjoying herself. Always liked to see her enjoying herself. Smart little bitch, 'n she was really into all this real estate stuff, 'n I guess her 'n that Martin dude were yapping away about it, coz half an hour later, when they took a break 'n came and sat down for a drink, that was what they were on about, 'n it seemed like some sorta discussion on real estate websites, 'n Chaz joined in, 'n fuck, I had my own company website, but some IT dude did it all for me, 'n all I did was read thru whatever he was gonna put up, 'n okay it. Worked for me, but Penny was deep into it, 'n so was this Martin dude.

Poured him a stiff bourbon, 'n another one for myself 'n Chaz, 'n waved down a waitress for another girly drink for Penny, 'n we sipped away, 'n that Four Roses bourbon was fuckin' good stuff. Penny drank most of hers, 'n she a bit giggly, 'n I could tell she wanted to dance some more, 'n I liked it that my bitch was enjoying herself.

"Why don't you go dance some more, honey, 'm I'll drink some more of this stuff," I said, smiling at the dude. "Chaz here's good for a dance or three, aren't you, Chaz?"

"For sure I am," Chaz grinned. "Can't let Martin hog all the action," He knocked back another shot before he stood. "Come on, Penny," 'n he took her hand, 'n walked her onto the dance floor, 'n away they went.

Me, I kinda refilled my glass 'n just enjoyed that bourbon, coz fuck, it was real good stuff, 'n Penny danced away with Chaz, 'n I could tell from that look on her face as they talked away that she was flirting with him, 'n I kinda grinned, coz whenever Penny flirted with a guy, usually meant a hot time when we made it to a bed. Was kinda looking forward to it tonight, coz I did like that little black dress she was wearing, 'n I wasn't planning on taking it off her before I boned her, 'n I knew she was wearing G-string panties.

Watched her slip them on before we came down here, 'n fuck, Penny and sexy lingerie, that really gave me a boner, 'n watching her dancing, yeah, I had a boner. Kind of sat there enjoying the anticipation coz yeah, married for nine years, 'n watching her still gave me a huge boner every time.

Loved that dress too. Backless all the way down to that tight little ass. V-front, 'n her boobs were as firm and perky as the night we met, 'n that dress showed a bit of side boob, coz she wasn't shy. Hem halfway up her ass, just like that little red dress she'd been wearing the night we met, 'n high heels that made her legs look about six inches longer.

Fuck, Penny was hot.

'N she was slow-dancing with that dude, Chaz, real close, and one of his hands kept slipping down to her butt, 'n then jerking back up to her waist, 'n I kinda chuckled, coz the poor dude had to be getting a bit fuckin' frustrated there, dancing that close to Penny. The two of 'em sorta wandered off the dance floor, 'n Penny walked over to our table, sorta swaying and smiling, 'n I guess Chaz headed for the men's or something, so I waved that waitress over, 'n ordered up another girly drink for her, 'n the drink arrived about the same time as Penny.

"He dances really well," she said, slipping onto my lap, picking up her drink 'n sipping, 'n she looked at me and giggled, 'n I guess she was bit drunk 'n she'd sorta missed Martin, coz he'd headed off to the bar to get himself a beer. "Ohhhh," she said. "Someone likes what he was looking at."
