Vampires and Lovers Ch. 03


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Vincent led the way into Ayesha's home. Soft touches to his shoulder indicated the way to move as Yasmin felt the rogue mage's power and guided them forward. They descended into the basement and then lower again into a dark, damp tunnel. Vincent held Ayesha and Ishmael's hands as they continued deeper. The air was heavy and dank and frigid coldness permeated them as they crept forward. As they reached a turn in the tunnel, it opened into a huge chamber.

"Welcome," Ayesha's voice echoed mockingly around them. "Please do not skulk like vermin, come forward. I have been aware of you all since you first arrived."

The chamber looked hewn out of rock. A large stone altar was at the far end from where they emerged. The grotto was lit by lanterns which gave a gloomy light that added to the air of menace, although unlit modern lamps were visible on walls and stood over the altar. Coptic jars lay along the foot of one wall with surgical instruments hanging like a collection of gruesome trophies. Totems and runes of power were present, but the power felt oppressive and dark. The chamber was clearly the place in which Ayesha had completed her process of mummification and practiced her dark arts.

"I'm sorry," Yasmin whispered. "I thought I was keeping her out."

"No matter. Be ready," Vincent replied sotto voce.

Yasmin felt Ishmael's hand creep into hers and the younger man stood close as Vincent moved to stand protectively in front of them.

"How very gentlemanly," Ayesha sneered. She appeared from the gloom wearing a figure-hugging black dress. It should have made her appear voluptuous and enticing but rather gave an air of malignancy and menace. She pirouetted slowly. "So much more fitting given the circumstances," she hissed sibilantly. "If you choose to stand with me, Yasmin, I will spare both you and your little brat of a brother," she said, her voice becoming soft and seductive. "However, this one and will die. drop of blood at a time, the pretty blond and brunette will take their mates with them. Seamus, however, will plead to die for centuries to come."

"Why?" Yasmin blurted unthinkingly. The face she looked at bore no semblance to the beautiful woman she knew Ayesha to be. The other mage's face looked lined, hard and almost grey. She shuddered at the sight.

"Because he killed Khalid," Ayesha snapped. "I could not stop the incantation of unification I was using on the amulet to be able to save him," she said, her voice softening, before it went harsh and cold. "My lover, my servant, who gave me the strength I needed. Your boy is very perceptive, even in his naivety, Vincent. Seamus will watch those he loves die before I truly begin his suffering," she cackled maniacally.

It struck Vincent that Khalid may have been more than just her generator or source of stored power. He wondered if Ayesha's constant use of power beyond her own capacity had overloaded her mentally. That perhaps Khalid, in some inexplicable way, had helped keep impending madness at bay and the loss of her one constant had finally tipped a descent into insanity. The other mage was clearly besotted with power, as she rattled off her plans for the denizens of their world and that of mankind. However, whatever the case, she had threatened his beloved and that had his every protective instinct on edge. He tensed his body, ready to rush Ayesha, hoping Yasmin could help in some way.

Yasmin noticed the movement of the big vampire and knew Vincent was preparing himself to attack. She squeezed Ishmael's hand reassuringly. There was no way she could join in Ayesha's mad plans. She took a couple of deep breaths. Once she began to oppose the other spell-caster, there would be no going back.

"Don't even think it," Ayesha growled menacingly. With a dismissive wave of her hand, she froze Vincent, Yasmin and Ishmael in place. "Whilst we wait for Seamus to return, let me show you my pretty amulet in all its glory. Soon I will rule and all will bow to me."

"The amulet corrupts," Yasmin said desperately. "No matter how good your intentions may be. You killed our kind just to get it, Ayesha."

"The old and the foolish and those choosing to bow to old ways instead of standing aside for the new," Ayesha laughed. "Soon all will recognise my power and give me the adulation I deserve," Ayesha replied dismissively. "*I* have the power to create a whole new world."

Yasmin sighed mentally. Ayesha had always been vain and proud of her abilities, seeking greater power and scorning those she deemed inferior. Ayesha was enjoying toying with them, certain of her dominion. Yasmin frowned as she felt a tingle in the hand still tightly clasped by Ishmael. The tingle began to spread and Yasmin tried to show no emotion as it permeated her body.


Seamus sped back to his friends and family, uncertain of what he would face. He focused on Vincent, employing the same tactics as he had to approach Khalid, moving silently towards his chosen brother. He saw Vincent, along with Yasmin and Ishmael, immobile, with Ayesha facing away from him. He sprang forward, his approach at an angle to the frozen group, only to hang, unmoving, in mid-air.

Seamus' agonised scream was silent, but still pierced Vincent to his core. He struggled furiously against the invisible restraints to no avail as Ayesha sauntered slowly towards the helpless Seamus who writhed in soundless suffering at the witch's gesture.

Yasmin now felt the tingling all over. It was not an unpleasant sensation, heating her, making her feel stronger. She could see the amulet glow a soft pink. She managed to glance at Ishmael. His eyes seemed to reflect the amulet's glow and they were riveted to the necklace, as though nothing else existed for him. She felt her fingers flex in Ishmael's grip, the freedom to move radiating throughout her body just as the tingle had done. She embraced the power, letting it suffuse through her.

Vincent felt the force around him vanish. He neither questioned nor hesitated. With a flurry of preternatural speed he lunged forward. He struck using his full strength, rending with teeth and talons. The defence from the dark mage was not unexpected, but its weakness was, as though Ayesha had dramatically lost power. He felt, rather than saw, the fire at Ayesha's fingertips, but a barely noticed gesture from Yasmin dismissed it before it could cause damage to him.

Yasmin felt imbued with a strength she had never felt before. She felt as though she could bend all to her will if she so desired. As Vincent and Ayesha broke apart, she saw the dark glow in the other spell caster's eyes and remembered the force that had so debilitated David. Yasmin made a sweeping gesture with her hand before the dark fire could strike Vincent.

For a moment Ayesha stood immobile and then she was consumed by black flames. As she thrashed and combusted, an unearthly scream of pain and denial echoing around the chamber, the amulet flew from her neck into Ishmael's outstretched hand.

Vincent resisted the immediate urge to run to Seamus who had lain unmoving on the ground since Ayesha's power had waned. Instead he glanced between Yasmin and Ishmael, uncertain of what was happening between them.

"I pass the test," Yasmin said decisively. "I will not wield the amulet. Ishmael?" she called softly. "Ishmael, can you hear me?"

The glow from the amulet and in the young man's eyes dimmed then vanished. Ishmael blinked and then stared at the innocuous crystal in his hand.

"How did I get this? Where's Ayesha? What happened?" The questions were fired one after the other by the confused young man.

"What do you remember last?" Vincent asked instead.

"Wishing that Yasmin had the amulet because I knew she would use it for good not evil."

"It seems it granted your wish," Yasmin said. "It deserted Ayesha and gave me power instead."

Vincent nodded as he knelt by Seamus. Carefully he rolled the other vampire onto his back, relieved to see dazed, verdant orbs looking back at him.

"Is it over?" Seamus asked thickly, swallowing against rapidly diminishing waves of pain and nausea.

"It will be once we pass on the amulet," Yasmin replied. "However, our work here, at least, is done. If you feel able to move, Seamus, I will take us home."

"Do it," the blond replied, accepting help from Vincent to stand and leaning heavily against the other male. "I want to be as far away from here as possible."

A cacophony of sound reached their ears and they looked with relief at the second family who surged into the cavern.

"Are we too late?" the leader asked, looking with concern at the exhausted group before him.

"The evil is destroyed," Vincent affirmed. "However, there may be other things in this place of darkness that require attention, my friend," he added wearily.

"Do you need help to return home?" a slender, blond mage asked Yasmin.

"I can return us," Yasmin said decisively.


Yasmin used the last of her now waning strength to transport them back to her home. Despite their weariness, they immediately headed to David and Gabriel's room.

Gabriel lay on his back, his face relaxed. David lay on his right, tucked tightly against the big, broad body. Wyl mirrored David's position on Gabriel's left, his own left arm draped over the Lycan's chest. He looked paler than normal, clearly having selflessly given his blood to strengthen both Gabriel and David.

Seamus moved to drop into a sumptuous armchair as Vincent approached the bed. As he did, he was aware of Yasmin ushering her brother away, letting his family have some privacy. The vampire smiled as Gabriel's eyes opened marginally and a low warning growl rumbled from deep in the Lycan's chest.

"Soft, Gabriel," Vincent soothed gently. I seek my Own. You have guarded him enough. It is time you and David rested and healed. Seamus will stay here with you and Wyl and I will just be in the next room. The danger is past. Rest, my brother."

Gabriel's eyes closed and a soft sigh was exhaled as he lifted his protective arm to release the slender brunette.

"Gabriel?" Wyl murmured. "Do you need to feed again?"

"He needs to rest, angel, just as you do," Vincent husked, reaching for his young lover. He was rewarded by a smile of joy and Wyl's arms reaching for him. Carefully, he cradled the precious bundle to his chest as he turned to Seamus. "We will leave the adjoining door open. If any of you need anything, call us."

"I believe rest is what we all need most of all," Seamus replied, smiling tiredly at the other vampire.


Wyl woke slowly. He smiled as he felt the tight embrace in which he was held and the hard flesh that pressed against his buttocks. He let his arousal grow slowly as he undulated gently, encouraging his mate's erection to slide between his cheeks and push against his hidden entrance.

"Are you rested enough, Mine?" Vincent's voice was a low, dark caress of the small ear he then nibbled. He smiled at the shudder of the lithe frame, and slid his hand to encompass his lover's erection, rumbling his approval.

"I need, this," Wyl husked. "I need you, Vincent. Love you." He moaned as he felt his cheeks parted and his mate's shaft began a slow, inexorable slide into his yearning body.

Vincent shifted enough to allow his free hand to encircle Wyl and begin to pinch and roll his lover's nipples as he pressed inside Wyl's tight sheath. He nipped at his mate's bare shoulder as he felt his sac lie flush against Wyl's buttocks. He began a slow undulation with a snap of his hips at the apex that gave Wyl's jewel a firm nudge. His reward was a low, wanton keening from his lover. He sped up his movements, only to slow down to barely moving and smiled as Wyl tried to push back. He eased from his lover's tight sheath to a whimper of denial.

"Hush, my love," Vincent rasped. "I want to see your beautiful face." He rolled them and positioned himself between Wyl's wide-spread thighs. As he sank back into welcome heat, he bit down at one of Wyl's tightly pebbled nipples, sucking voraciously to a cry of pleasure. He moved to lave the same attention on the neglected twin as his hips began a rhythmic pounding.

Wyl moaned his pleasure, his hands carding through Vincent's hair. He trailed his fingers to tease at the back of his mate's neck as Vincent suckled at his breasts. His fingers moved to clutch at the powerful back as Vincent's shaft continually rubbed his sweet spot. He wrapped his legs around the bigger male, digging his heels into Vincent's buttocks, using them to lift his own hips to ensure his mate penetrated as deeply as possible. He tugged Vincent's head upwards to seal their mouths as he felt his climax begin to uncoil.

They kissed deeply, tongues entwining, tasting, loving with the same tempo as dictated by Vincent's deep strokes into Wyl's tight heat. Breaking apart they gazed into each other's eyes, promises of love and devotion silently exchanged before their lips met once more. Wyl moaned into Vincent's mouth as the bigger male repositioned Wyl's legs up onto his shoulders, pushing more deeply into the slighter body. He increased his speed, hips pistoning with abandon, both men's voices harmonising as they expressed their shared pleasure. He wound his hand into Wyl's luxuriant tresses, turning the younger man's head to bare his throat. With a deep growl of possessiveness and need, Vincent mouthed at the fragile flesh, sucking before letting his teeth descend. Wyl's sweet elixir tasted of the love Vincent knew was his. Even as he fed, his hips never faltered, continuing to pleasure them both.

Wyl's untouched rod throbbed with each deep, powerful thrust of his mate and the younger man knew he was on the verge of coming. Heat radiated outwards, igniting and incinerating every nerve and synapse in its path. Wyl keened as he was consumed with Vincent's passion. He was no longer a creature of thought, just sensation. The hard flesh deep inside him, pleasuring him, the inexorably increasing tempo of his throbbing shaft and the unquenchable fire of love and desire that burned deliciously in every cell. He finally arched his neck, unable to move more as Vincent gave a series of hard, fast, feral thrusts. Wyl gave himself to the flames. His seed erupted from his body as he screamed Vincent's name. He could feel his channel clamp convulsively around the flesh impaling him. An unrestrained roar of what may have been his name echoed seconds later and he moaned his approval as liquid heat filled him before his consciousness greyed.

"Feed, my Own."

The deep, dark commanding tone brokered no refusal and Wyl roused himself to accept his mate's offering. After a few swallows, Wyl's satiated sienna orbs met Vincent's contented cerulean.

"I love you," he said, moving to kiss Vincent softly. He smiled as strong arms slid around him and held him tight.

"You are the most precious thing in my world," Vincent replied. "If I lost you, there would be no reason for me to continue."

"Nor for me," Wyl vowed, knowing it was the truth for both of them. He let Vincent draw him into another kiss.

"Rest a while in my arms, my angel," Vincent husked. He wanted to enjoy the afterglow. He had no intention of relinquishing the warmth and comfort they currently enjoyed for some time to come.


Seamus, Vincent and Wyl sat and talked as Yasmin and Ishmael were finishing a late brunch when two late-comers were eagerly and joyfully welcomed.

"Gabriel! David!" Wyl cried, launching himself at the couple to be easily caught by the big Lycan. Vincent and Seamus made their way over to greet the couple more sedately, followed by Yasmin and Ishmael.

"How are you?" Vincent asked the small blond, noting that the normally clear turquoise eyes were still pain-dimmed.

"Recovering," David answered honestly. "If a little too slowly for my liking." He peeled open his shirt. Three claw marks were merely light pink lines, but the blackened gouge in the porcelain skin remained.

"He will be forever scarred by my attack," Gabriel husked, his voice thick with pain and self-loathing. He dropped to his knees, burying his face in David's abdomen.

"And I will wear the mark as a banner to proclaim that evil was unable to use you against me," David replied vehemently as he held tight to his mate. He stared defiantly at the rest of his family as if challenging them to say otherwise. However, the glint of tears was in his eyes and the other vampires could feel the shared pain of the couple. They knew the mark would always be seen by Gabriel as testimony to how close he came to killing his beloved mate.


Yasmin's voice drew everyone's attention to the young man. They watched as he approached David and Gabriel, his eyes unfocused. He raised a pink-tinged finger towards David, unheeding of the warning growl from the kneeling Lycan at the blond's feet. The finger hovered just short of touching the blackened scar as if he waited for permission.

"You may touch me," David said, petting at Gabriel's head to calm his mate.

All eyes were riveted as Ishmael's finger traced the length of the scar. For a moment nothing happened and then David hissed as the scar took on a pink glow before vanishing to leave his skin unblemished once more.

"What happened?" Ishmael asked, watching confused as Gabriel traced where the scar had been as though unable to believe it had truly vanished.

"What do you last remember?" Vincent countered, his mind going back to the events with the amulet.

"Wishing I could heal David because of how hurt he and Gabriel were," Ishmael replied, staring at the healed skin with the same disbelief as the Lycan.

"I cannot explain it," Yasmin said.

"Perhaps the amulet has granted Ishmael's wish once more because he seeks nothing for himself," Vincent hazarded. "In the chamber he wished power for you, not himself and here for David to be healed."

"I felt Ayesha's vanity," Yasmin said slowly. "It was as though she believed she controlled the amulet and took power from it rather than it imbuing her. Perhaps that is why it abandoned her in favour of Ishmael. However, I will be glad when it is gone from here. I would not trust it. It could easily turn against Ishmael or turn him from the light."

"I do not wish to have it," Ishmael said decisively. "I am content for my own abilities, whatever they may be, to develop in their own time."

Gabriel seemed finally convinced the detested scar had gone. He looked up at his mate and was rewarded by a dazzling smile.

"As pleased as I am it is gone, it would never have diminished my love for you, Gabriel," he assured his lover. He laughed softly as the Lycan surged to his feet, sweeping up the small blond and spinning him round in his joy.

Wyl smiled widely, slipping an arm around both Vincent and Seamus to squeeze them simultaneously as Yasmin and Ishmael hugged tightly.

Vincent looked proudly at his family. They had shared David and Gabriel's pain and now their joy. Sometimes in their battles, their most powerful weapon and greatest asset was the love they had for one another.

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SkullawiSkullawialmost 8 years ago

I would love to read David and Gabriels full back story

ilovegibbsilovegibbsalmost 10 years ago
Great, great story!

Please pay no attention to Dinkyboots, he (?) Is an idiot. He was ragging on another author. I really don't understand why dinkyboots or anyone else would continue reading a story if they didn't like it. Maybe they are as immature as the wingnuts on YouTube who have to put people down because it makes them feel better.

You have an incredible talent and please disregard nasty comments from small minded people. You rock!! Keep up the great work!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
A Great Story

Besides the great descruptions of Vincent and Wyl's lovemaking, this has turned inti a great story. Wyl's sensory abilities protecting his fanily, and Ishmael's empowerment and use of the amulet. Great reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
Master Storyteller

This is truly a beautifully written and highly emotional story. It had me in tears at times and smiling at others and getting angry or sad during certain moments. This makes this writer a true master storyteller - when a writer can sweep the reader in and hold their attention to the very last.

This story would be great as a book! I would buy it!

I'm completely hooked and I still want to read more, more, more! I'm begging!!!!

lonesomedove66lonesomedove66about 12 years ago
Another great chapter

The story was tantalising and pulls you in to the end. Power corrupts and if you can't handle certain things then you shouldn't be reading these stories, personally I thought it brought an interesting twist which had me intrigued as you could tell there was more to Aleysha and her puppy by Kyl's reaction.. onto the next interesting chapter... sleep what is that lol

dinkybootsdinkybootsabout 12 years ago

didnt like this at all....

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
i will just add my bit to

each to there own... gay straight bi what ever. life is short enjoy what you like when you like.... i dont object about anything except forced rape.... stop bithing and read on . this the BEST story by far on this entire site...jonathan

Lo_PanLo_Panover 12 years ago
Dear Anon.....

I'm truly sad that you stopped reading. If it bothered you that much, why not just skip the scene? Or does lesbianism offend you that much? Now, don't get me wrong here, but what offends you the most? The fact that the author included straight and lesbian sex inside a predominantly gay male story? Or the existance of lesbians? I mean, choking on your own vomit? Please. That's just rude. ( And usually my turf!! :-p )

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago
i stopped

I am a straight female as straight as a arrow. I love gay men romances b/c its so beautiful and men have some of the most beautiful bodies and to have them together is just amazing. Then I read a little of that lesbian scene and almost choked on my vomit. I was shocked that was in there that made me sick I'm scared to read it now. But the male on male action is delicious I love the story its perfect your gifted but it would have been nice to have a WARNING a CAUTION a VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED you know something to give me a heads up. Reading the comments it looks like Seamus found his soulmate awesome I will keep reading now.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
more from the best

yet another chapter from a great author, top quality, publication level (though free is better for me ;p ). 5 stars.

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