Vivian's Decision


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I thought about how different she was than the first night I was here. That had been exciting and hot and energetic. This was loving and warm and relaxing. I was amazed at what I was capable of experiencing. I was now in love with three women and it felt wonderful.

There was a knock at the door and I slid out of bed to answer it. It was Min-seo, fresh from working at the spa. I hugged her and kissed her. "Hello my love, how was your day?"

"I had a very nice day and stayed busy so I didn't dwell on your leaving."

"I have news for you. I'm leaving tonight and you're going with me. At least you're going to Curacao for the night. Ken is taking us on his boat and he will bring you back tomorrow."

"I thought we had a date with Jennifer tonight."

"We do. She's coming with us. So is Lilith. You know her don't you?"

"I've met her but I don't know her very well."

"Then you'll get to know both Jennifer and Lilith much better tonight. I'm very sure you'll be pleased with their company."

Lilith walked up beside me and said, "Hello Min-seo. I'm really looking forward to finally having an opportunity to spend some time with you since we're both in love with the same woman."

"It will be my pleasure Lilith. If Vivian loves you then I'm sure I will too."

Min-seo moved toward Lilith and put her arms around her. "Yes, I'm very sure we will be good friends."

I told Min-seo to go to her room and get some clothes to wear tomorrow morning. She'd only been gone a couple of minutes when another knock announced Jennifer's arrival and she was greeted with hugs. She had brought a backpack with her clothes. Min-seo returned with an overnight case in her hand and it wasn't long after that when Ken showed up. He had met Jennifer and Lilith before but had never spent time with them.

"I see I'm to have the incredible good fortune to have four beautiful companions for our trip to Curacao. Have you already checked out?"

"Yes, we're all ready to go."

Ken and Lilith helped me with my luggage. I hadn't really had much cause to unpack so it wasn't hard to put the few things I had used back in the cases. We headed for the marina and went on board. The boat was ready so it didn't take long to get underway.

Jennifer asked Ken, "Should we dress for dinner?"

"Not on my account. The crew is very comfortable with naked women so don't worry about them."

Ken took us below and stopped first at the cabins so we could stow our bags. "I have no suggestions as to who sleeps where. You can all decide for yourselves. At least one of you gets to sleep with me since there are only four bedrooms."

"We'll work out the sleeping arrangements later. I think you should give the ladies a tour of the boat. I've already seen it but I'll tag along for a second look."

I paid closer attention this time since it was going to be my new home. When we completed the walkabout, we went back on deck to have a glass of Champagne. Ken raised his glass and proposed a toast to having a wonderful dinner and a fun little cruise to Curacao. We all drank a sip of the wine and sat down in some comfortable deck chairs that had been arranged for us while we were touring the boat.

We were far enough away from the marina now to turn off the engines and raise the sails. The crew was very efficient and quickly had the Sun Dip sailing smoothly over the turquoise sea. I was instantly seduced by the glorious feeling of being on a sailboat. It's one of the most magical experiences you can have. The conditions were perfect. The sun was low on the horizon, the breeze was steady and the sound of the boat sliding through the water was mesmerizing. A thrill ran through me when I thought about living on her.

Jennifer and Lilith stood up and walked to the front of the boat to feel the breeze and look at the horizon. Ken went with them to talk and get to know them better. My eyes shifted back and forth from Jennifer's ass to Lilith's trying to decide which was sexier. Then I realized it didn't matter and enjoyed watching both of them. Min-seo got up from her chair and came over to me and kneeled beside me. "Vivian I can already see the answer on your face but I want to ask you just so I can hear you say it. Are you as happy about this as I am?"

"My love, I have never been happier in my life or more sure of what I want to do. I love you and I love that we're going to live together on this beautiful boat." Min-seo laid her head on my shoulder. I couldn't wait until we were living on board and could do this every night.

The others returned in a few minutes and Ken announced that dinner would be ready soon so we moved to where the table had been set up on deck. Ken sat at the head of the table and Min-seo sat to his left with me on his right. Jennifer sat next to me and Lilith sat across from her. Ken asked Jennifer how she had come to work for the resort.

"I made it through college because my parents insisted on my going but I don't really have to work to make a living because my parents are wealthy and I have a trust fund. After graduation I did things just because I wanted to try them. One of the things I did was learn to dance. I ended up dancing in a Gentlemen's Club in Los Angeles. That's where I learned to be comfortable being naked in front of strangers."

"I met a nice man about ten years older than me and became his girlfriend. He invited me to come with him to the resort. I felt very good about being there and asked them if there were any openings to work there. Believe it or not I started as a maid but quickly progressed to being a service provider. The work didn't bother me and I was promoted all the way to assistant services manager where I am now. I've been there almost a year."

"Ken asked her, "Do you plan on staying there much longer? Is this a career or just a nice job?"

"I don't see it as a long term career. I'm twenty-eight years old and living in a fantasy world full time isn't realistic. I really would like to travel more. I want to see the world while I'm still relatively young."

Ken asked, "Lilith, what about you?"

"I finished college with a degree in English Lit then found out that there weren't too many jobs available for that field. I got hired by a big department store to work in the cosmetics department. I didn't know that much about cosmetics other than what I had learned using them since I was twelve. I'm sure they hired me because they thought I was pretty. I worked there for over two years and got promoted to buyer for L'Oreal."

"The woman sales rep at L'Oreal became a good friend of mine and one day she invited me to lunch. While we were talking she asked me if I had ever heard of the resort. I told her no and she said she was going there and she thought it would be better to have someone go with her the first time. She asked me if I wanted to go. I had plenty of vacation time built up so I said yes. Like Jennifer, I sort of fell in love with the place and inquired about a job. I was hired as a service provider and started as soon as I could get home and resign my job."

"I soon learned that service provider covered a lot of different activities. You might get the idea that we're just high priced prostitutes and there is a grain of truth to that but we're also expected to give a good massage, bathe people, help them find things and places at the resort and sometimes council them about sexual matters like a psychologist. We're never forced to do anything we don't want to do or accept a request from somebody we don't like."

"What I really like about the job are the people you meet. Most of them are interesting. Some of them are fascinating. Some are famous or rich. And then, every once in a while you meet somebody like Vivian. These are the exceptional people. You connect with them immediately and you know you have a rare opportunity to not only help them but be helped by them."

I looked at her and said, "Thank you for that beautiful compliment Lilith. I would have considered it just flattery if we hadn't spent this afternoon the way we did. Being at the resort taught me more than I could ever have imagined. I learned the most valuable lesson of my life from the three of you. Each of you showed me genuine love and I responded by loving you in return. You will all be in my heart for the rest of my life."

Ken asked, "Lilith, how long do you think you'll stay at the resort?"

"I don't think I'll be there much longer. It's wonderful but you are very isolated there. I want to travel and see the world too. Working at the resort has allowed me to save up some money since there isn't anywhere to spend it on the island. It's nice to have all your needs provided for and receive a very nice salary."

Ken looked at me and I could tell what he was thinking. "Go ahead Ken, tell them."

"What Vivian is referring to is that I've made her and Min-seo an offer. I have asked them to be my companions and live on this boat with me for as long as they want. We're going to travel all around the world and they're going to get the chance to be with each other with no worries. They have accepted this offer and after hearing your story and Jennifer's I will extend the offer to both of you. You're each welcome to come with us for as long as you want and I will provide for all your needs."

Jennifer looked at Ken and said, "Are you starting a harem or are you just collecting women?"

"Actually Jennifer I genuinely like women; especially beautiful, sexy, intelligent and confident women. I've never met one that I wanted to marry but the four of you would be at the top of the list if I changed my mind. I don't want to spend the rest of my days alone and I don't want to start a family but I do want to be with women that I can provide with opportunities to do what they really want to do in exchange for their company. If you decide to join us you can leave any time you want and I'll provide transportation to wherever you want to go. No questions asked."

"I'll tell you what I like about all of you. You are all strong women. Let me explain that a little. Real strength is not machismo. It's not about violence, control or domination. It does not depend on who can yell the loudest or use the most cuss words. It most assuredly is not about women trying to be better men than men are.

Real strength is not derived from putting other people down in order to elevate yourself. I've been lucky enough to be in the presence of truly strong women. They control a situation by their calmness. They absorb attacks and dissipate the energy into the ground so they don't have to react to it. Then they expose the weakness that originated the attack in the first place. When I saw a woman do this I was flabbergasted at what real strength really looked like and I've never forgotten it."

Lilith practically jumped out of her chair and came over to me. She pulled me up and put her arms around me and kissed me. "You did this! I knew there was something special about you. You are exactly the kind of woman he's talking about." She turned to Ken and said, "I'm all in."

We all turned to look at Jennifer. She was smiling like she'd won the lottery. "Me too. When do we start?"

"As soon as I can straighten out my situation in Memphis and get back here. I'll do it as quickly as I can."

We had a fabulous dinner and even had time to watch the sunset and the stars begin to twinkle in the clear sky before we reached Curacao. The crew was familiar with the marina where the resort's boat was docked and found a large slip to put the Sun Dip in. It was only eight o'clock so we got dressed and went to a club in one of the hotels nearby. We danced and had fun until about eleven then headed back to the boat.

Since I had been with Lilith that afternoon and Min-seo and I had planned on being with Jennifer anyway, Lilith stayed in Ken's bedroom and the three of us stayed in another one. Now that Jennifer and Min-seo were no longer going to be working together and would soon be living together, it seemed that Jennifer warmed up to her very quickly. They told me since I was going away tomorrow that I would be the guest of honor in the bed tonight and both of them made love to me until way after midnight.

I had fallen in love with each of them individually but the experience of having both of them making love to me at the same time was almost more than I could stand. By the time we went to sleep, all doubt about living with them on board the Sun Dip had been completely destroyed. I couldn't wait to get back here.

Everybody insisted on coming to the airport to see me off. There were some very nice stores in the airport and Ken insisted the other women pick out something sexy for me to wear on the plane. It didn't take them long to find it. They selected a white cotton sleeveless shirt that had a beautiful photograph of the head of a tiger that covered the entire front. It wasn't very long and didn't come down to my hips. To go with it, they chose a pair of white shorts that barely covered my pussy and left my midriff bare under the shirt and only covered about two thirds of my ass. I protested that I wouldn't be able to wear panties because they would show. They told me that was why they chose them.

I went in the dressing room to put them on and when I came out they all whistled at me and handed me some four inch black high heels to wear with the outfit. I put them on and looked in the mirror to see what I looked like. Hooker was the only word that came to mind. What the hell, it would give the rest of the people on the plane something to talk about.

When we got to the ticket counter to check my bags Ken told the agent to upgrade my flights to first class then handed her a platinum American Express card. I took his arm and kissed him on the cheek and said, in my best little girl voice, "Thanks daddy, you're so good to me." The agent had this big grin on her face when she handed me the boarding passes.

I hugged and kissed each one of them and told them I loved them then started through security. One of the guards looked at me and said, "You can walk through the metal detector. I can see you don't have anything to hide." When I got to the gate I sat down and in about twenty minutes they started boarding the flight. There were only three of us in first class. Me and a couple of honeymooners.

When we arrived in Miami I got my bags and cleared customs then checked them in again for the flight to Memphis. I didn't have to go through security again so I strolled to the gate with time to spare. I checked in and sat in a chair near the counter.

I was sitting with my legs crossed when a young woman and a little boy about eight years old came up to check in. An older man about fifty was standing behind them. The little boy saw the picture of the tiger's face on my shirt and held up his hand like a claw and said, "Rowrrrrrr". I smiled at him and then the man behind them held up his hand the same way and said, "Rowrrrrrr". I thought it was funny and held up my hand and made a scratching move with my fingers as I smiled at him.

It turned out that the man and I were the only two passengers in the small first class cabin. He took a window seat in the back row. I stood by the aisle seat next to him and asked, "Is this seat taken?"

Knowing full well it wasn't he looked at me and said, "I was saving it for you. Please join me."

I made a show of slowly opening the overhead compartment and reached my arms out and up further than necessary to put my case in it in order to expose as much of my bare stomach as I could. I closed the bin and looked down to see the seatbelt straps crossed over each other on the seat cushion. I deliberately sat down on them.

I leaned forward to put my purse under the seat in front of me so the shorts would slide down my butt and show my crack. I sat back up and leaned to the side of the seat to pretend to discover that I had sat on the seatbelt. "Ooops. I seem to have sat down on top of my seatbelt. I just had my nails done and I really don't want to mess up my manicure. Would you be a dear and see if you can get it out from under me and fasten it?"

I raised up the leg nearest him and leaned away as he put his hand over the armrest and tried to pick up the strap. He had to slide his hand under my bare leg to get to the metal clasp and I pressed down with my leg so he had to drag his hand out from under me to free the strap. "Now the other one." I said. He reached over my lap as I leaned toward him and raised my other leg. My braless tit mashed into his arm. This strap had the big part of the clasp and he had to wiggle his fingers under my leg to get hold of it. He finally got it free and laid it in my lap.

"Can you fasten it for me?"

He had to use both hands and they both had to touch my barely covered mound in order to slip the buckle into the clasp. He pulled it tight then slid his hand between the belt and my mound to check the tightness of the belt. He looked at me and said, "That feels really good to me."

"Ummmhhhhh. It feels really good to me too. Thanks for your help. My name's Vivian."

"You're welcome Vivian, my name's Roger.

The flight attendant came by and checked that we were buckled in and we taxied out to the runway and took off. After we reached altitude the attendant asked if we wanted anything to drink. I ordered a Mimosa and Roger ordered a gin and tonic. We chatted while we had our drinks and when the attendant came around and took our glasses away I unbuckled my seatbelt and stood up. I opened the overhead bin and got out a blanket and sat back down.

"I'll share my blanket with you for being so kind to help me with my seatbelt." I spread it out over my legs and reached over and put it over him. Then I reached under the blanket and put my hand in his lap and undid his seatbelt. "There now, isn't this comfy?" I left my hand in his lap and slid it down between his legs until I felt his cock.

"Ummhhh Yes, that's very comfortable. Thank you."

I slowly slid my fingers over his cock and felt it begin to stir. I stroked it with my fingertips until it swelled up nicely.

"Unzip your pants."

He moved his hand to his fly and pulled the zipper down. I reached in and slid my fingers through the opening in his shorts and wrapped them around his shaft. He raised his hips up and I pulled his hard cock out of his pants so I could stroke it. With my other hand I lowered the tray table and took out a magazine and laid it on the table flipping it open to a random page to make it look like I was reading.

I continued his leisurely hand job smearing his pre-cum over his head and down the shaft as it oozed out of the tip. He put his hand on my tit and started squeezing it. I could tell he was getting close so I picked up the napkin the attendant had brought with our drinks and wrapped it around the head of his cock and stroked him faster until he came. He leaned his head over and said, "I can see flying first class is definitely worth the extra money. Would you like me to do that to you?"

"I thought you'd never ask. I find an orgasm relieves a lot of the stress of flying."

I pulled my hand out from under the blanket and put the cum filled napkin into the seatback while he put his cock back in his shorts and zipped up his pants. He moved his hand from my tit down to my lap. I felt him searching for the zipper.

"These shorts are to small for a zipper. They only have three little buttons to undo."

He found the top one and had to fiddle with it before he could get it undone. "These shorts weren't designed for easy opening were they?"

"Maybe not but it will be worth the effort. Take your time, we've still got almost two hours before we land."

"You're cute. I like your attitude."

He succeeded in getting the second button undone and slipped a finger under the front of the shorts.
