War of the Pussy Snatchers - Finale


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"Oh, Karen..." Cassandra started before trailing off.

"Haven't you ever wondered how hard it's been for me?" Karen asked with an angry, accusatory tone as she released some pent-up frustration. "Trapped in here all this time? Sure, I had the Queen to keep me company and she always made me feel really fucking good. But it's not like I could ever actively participate when I watched a perfect version of myself use her giant cock to plow the hottest women in the entire world. I spent so much time with you Cassandra, and you... you had no idea I was even there."

Karen had started to weep and despite how irritating she could be Cassandra's heart went out to the woman. She was baring her soul and Cassandra decided it was best to just let her finish saying her peace.

"Do you know how many times you've made me laugh or smile or weep from joy?" Karen asked through her blubbering tears. "It wasn't just the Queen who fell in love with you. I did too! You're so amazingly gorgeous and funny and smart and sexy, Cassandra. I've wanted so badly to touch you, to hold you, to run my hands through your long, beautiful hair and feel your skin touching mine. I've been straight my entire life but you made me feel things I've never experienced before. It wasn't just the result of the orgasmic energies the Queen sent my way but real love and intimacy for another woman. And now after pining for you so long you're here with me and even though we might die horribly any minute all I can think about is how much I love you and cherish you and oh Goddess I'm totally embarrassing myself, aren't I?"

Cassandra stood stunned to silence by the outpouring of emotion from Karen that felt more like a deluge. Karen made a squeaking noise and buried her face in her hands to cover up the shame she felt. Cassandra sighed and stepped nearer to the other woman, the echoing patter of her footsteps on the invisible floor overpowered by Karen's loud blubbering.

Cassandra gently took hold of Karen's hands and moved them down away from her face. Karen looked up at Cassandra through red-rimmed eyes and her face wore a hesitant, uncertain expression as Cassandra leaned in closer to her. Karen's crying and heavy breathing started to calm as Cassandra kissed away the salty tears dripping down Karen's cheeks before she placed her lips softly upon Karen's mouth. Karen murmured in her throat as she puckered her lips and returned the kiss. Their mouths' caresses steadily increased in passionate loving until Karen threw her arms around Cassandra's neck and held her close enough for their breasts to touch and their nipples to poke each other while they pecked at each other's lips.

After kissing for a moment longer Karen reached a hand down Cassandra's back and grabbed her ass again. This time Cassandra didn't stop her and Karen enthusiastically enjoyed squeezing and fondling the muscled flab of Cassandra's perfectly sweet bun. So many times Karen had watched through the Queen's eyes as Cassandra bent over and sexily presented her backside. Karen could hardly believe her good fortune that she was being allowed to touch Cassandra's beautiful bottom to her heart's content. Karen parted her lips in a hopeful attempt to coax Cassandra's tongue inside her mouth but Cassandra broke the kiss instead.

Cassandra rolled her eyes at Karen's unsubtle ploy and sighed with final resignation, "You are unbelievable, Karen. And I mean that in so many ways."

Cassandra first removed Karen's hand from around her neck and then the hand clasping her buttock as well. Karen winced in preparation of yet another tongue-lashing from the gorgeous brown-haired Princess for overstepping her bounds once again. Instead Cassandra dropped to her knees and pushed Karen's meaty thighs apart until Karen stood in a wide stance that wantonly displayed her swollen, aroused genitals.

Cassandra played with the dark brown curls spilling from Karen's pubis for a few seconds while she recalled how the Queen's similarly-featured body had been naturally bare in this same area. Cassandra decided she liked the fur better. Cassandra used her thumb to pull open Karen's clitoris and labia in order to expose the pink slit that had been soaking wet ever since literally the woman of Karen's dreams dropped into this realm.

Karen looked upward and closed her eyes as if she were praying to the heavens when Cassandra stuck her tongue out and tentatively licked the skin outside her pussy. Karen's leaking arousal spread outward from her oozing snatch and the seeping warm fluid crested Cassandra's lips as she kissed Karen's soft flesh. Cassandra made a face at the initial sample of Karen's pungent natural flavor which seemed quite unfamiliar to Cassandra even though by now she'd eaten out hundreds, if not thousands of women. As her flicking tongue migrated ever nearer to Karen's center, Cassandra's mind decided 'fuck it'. No one would ever know what she did in this weird place anyway and her burgeoning bicuriosity had finally gotten the better of her.

Cassandra used her mouth and tongue to loudly slurp from the seepage oozing out of Karen's pussy before licking slowly up and down the entire length of Karen's pink gash. Her tongue slipped inside of Karen's slit with every pass while her lips and teeth softly chewed on Karen's fat, puffy pussy lips. Cassandra made loud, wet slurping and sucking noises as she fucked Karen using her mouth. Karen gasped with shock and her mouth hung open with wanton pleasure at this sudden change to Cassandra's reluctant demeanour.

Though the severing of her link to the Hive had apparently reverted Cassandra back to her former state of heterosexuality she still retained all her memories from her time as a Hivesister. Some of those memories were disturbing or painful, others more precious than any she'd had. Cassandra made love with hundreds of women during the oddest year and a half of her life and she utilized all those accumulated skills, memories and experiences to help her devour and control Karen's unprepared body.

Cassandra ran her flexible tongue up and down the wrinkle-bordered length of Karen's gash, probing deeply with the tip of her tongue when she crossed over the entrance to Karen's deeper reaches so she could discover the sensitive and fulfilling locations that Karen kept hidden even from herself. Cassandra used Karen's quivers and moans as her guides until she located the perfect spot that made every nerve ending in Karen's body sing and caused her desperate, voluminous moans to assume a higher-pitched, almost operatic quality. Cassandra focused her entire attention upon that special spot found inside Karen's pussy and flicked her writhing tongue against it as hard and fast as possible.

"Oh my Goddess," Karen groaned once she finally regained her capacity for speech. "Cassandra my love, what are you doing to me?"

After being deprived of human contact for so long even holding someone else's hand was indescribably wonderful to Karen but this kind of touch was something else entirely. A trained virtuoso such as Princess Cassandra could play a woman such as Karen like a fiddle when she made raunchy love to the middle-aged woman using only her mouth and tongue. Cassandra raked her fingernails up and down Karen's legs from her ankles all the way past her knees and thighs up to her butt. This gentle but scathing method nearly drove Karen as crazy as Cassandra's tongue making wondrously firm lashes over her swollen clitoris.

Cassandra reached up to grab Karen's admittedly fat bottom and she squeezed her big cheeks with a hard clenching hold before using this grip to pull Karen close enough that the gaping maw of her pussy firmly attached itself to Cassandra's mouth. Karen leaked like a sieve and her profuse seepage combined with Cassandra's drooling saliva to coat the lower half of Cassandra's face in a thin film of bodily emissions.

Cassandra wasn't gay but after awhile she started to relish the taste of a woman and that joy only strengthened the longer she licked at Karen's slimy genitals. Licking pussy was almost like reuniting with an old friend again, familiar and reassuring in its way. Cassandra kind of enjoyed doing this to Karen actually; despite herself she was coming to like the insufferable woman.

"Cassandra!" Karen shrieked as her climax neared. "Oh sweetie, I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you!"

Karen stroked her hands through the thick brown tresses of Cassandra's lovely hair like she'd always dreamed of. Running her fingers through those silky brunette strands felt even more amazing than in her deepest fantasies. Karen's moans soon morphed into animalistic grunts that would have been embarrassing noises in any other context but in this conjoining they sounded sexy and bestial.

Karen grabbed a fistful of Cassandra's hair to grip as she rolled her hips and worked her pelvis against Cassandra's sexy mouth all throughout her bursting climax. Cassandra rode along with every thrust, her tongue meeting the center of Karen's slobbering cunt with every contact of mouth against mouth. Cassandra had no choice but to drink the juices gushing into her mouth as the volume of Karen's ejaculate overwhelmed the capacity of her orifice.

After the sudden and unexpected igniting of their passions, the two of them took a long time to cool down during the slow, twitching recession of Karen's orgasm. Karen gasped to reclaim her breath while Cassandra used her tongue to thoroughly lick clean the thick fluids still clinging to the labial folds and hair of Karen's crotch. Cassandra had kept her eyes shut for most of this encounter but when she finished licking Karen her gaze lifted upward until her eyes met with Karen's. While the two new lovers eye-fucked the shit out of each other, Cassandra's lips remained pressed up against Karen's burning sex in the most romantic, lingering, soulful kiss Karen had ever received on any part of her body.

This marked the first time Cassandra had ever made love to another woman without any sort of coercion or manipulation influencing her actions. Though Karen badgered her plenty first, Cassandra still ate her pussy entirely of her own volition. Perhaps Cassandra should finally admit she was not as straight as she once presumed considering how much she enjoyed kissing and licking all over Karen's hairy and really quite gooey crotch.

Shining gossamer bands of saliva and come kept Cassandra's lips connected to Karen's pussy even after she pulled away from Karen's swampy gash. Thick strings of come-drool shimmered beneath the purple glow of this realm before snapping and breaking apart at the further withdrawal of Cassandra's mouth from Karen's groin. Cassandra unabashedly wiped the mess from her lips with her forearm as she stood back up on her feet. The taste of Karen lingered in Cassandra's mouth and her sweet odor filled her nose every time Cassandra breathed. Weirdly enough, Cassandra didn't wish for Karen's musk to depart any time soon.

"Well, I hope you're happy now," said Cassandra sardonically while vaginal fluids smeared her face from nose to chin. "You finally got what you wanted."

"Oh my Goddess Cassandra, that was simply incredible!" Karen gushed exuberantly.

Karen grabbed Cassandra and pulled her into a passionate kiss with no concern for where Cassandra's mouth had been. This time Cassandra had no reticence holding her back from involving her tongue in their shared affections and they spent some time occupying the other's mouth. Though time was meaningless in this shadow realm it still seemed like a good long while before her and Karen stopped making out and stroking each other's naked bodies. Despite Karen's age differential and plumpness, Cassandra enjoyed her womanly body and reveled in Karen's many curves as her hands caressed up and down Karen's thick thighs, wide hips, and surprisingly slim waist. Though she wasn't entirely the same Karen was the nearest Cassandra would ever come to holding the Queen again and she took some comfort from the thought.

Jesus Christ, the size of these knockers! Cassandra thought as her hands took their time admiring Karen's largesse. Hubba-hubba!

Karen was the first to concede with a gentle bite on the tip of Cassandra's tongue before pulling away. She wore a very satisfied smirk on her face as she crossed her arms over her bountiful breasts.

"Now was that so bad?" Karen asked smugly.

"Actually..." Cassandra was forced to admit with a sly smile. "I won't lie. I kinda liked it. But don't you dare tell a soul or I will actually murder you."

Karen cackled with delight before grabbing Cassandra by her hips and shouting urgently, "But I have to do you now! I bet you taste amazing! I've wanted your sexy pussy for so damn long! Oh baby, I'm gonna make you come so fucking hard!"

Cassandra's body tingled with anticipation, totally ready for this liaison to progress to its natural conclusion. She wondered whether her months in the Hive had permanently altered her sex drive as Cassandra felt hot to trot and ready to fuck even though her partner was an older lady whom she had just met. Karen's hands left Cassandra's wide, bony hips and drifted inward past Cassandra's slim thighs and smooth pelvis toward her hot, begging center. Cassandra needed this so bad, nothing in the universe made sense any more except for the fulfillment of this inescapable desire.

If she was truly stuck here Cassandra figured she might as well get some enjoyment out of it. Just to pass the time if nothing else. But before Karen could touch Cassandra in the way they both desperately needed, Cassandra's eyes opened wide with surprise and she shook Karen's shoulder.

"Karen, behind you!" Cassandra hissed.

"Wha?" Karen asked confusedly as her head whipped around.

A thick red line, like a marker scrawl on a sheet of paper, formed within the purple mist that surrounding them. The line unfolded outward to shift from the second to the third dimension as it formed a giant organism that was almost entirely comprised of a great eye with a purple slit as its pupil. Large writhing tentacles made up the rest of its body as the being floated in mid-air. The great eye blinked open and closed a few times before refocusing and shifting its gaze downward to regard the two naked women standing before it. The alien creature turned to look at Karen first.


The voice sounded loud and multitudinous in Cassandra's mind, like a thousand sweet, sultry women speaking as one. Cassandra detected notes of genuine fondness and affection for Karen as the creature included Cassandra in her sending so they both could hear. It was that same calm, authoritative voice that Cassandra knew all too well. The voice of Cassandra's mistress, master, and captor. The voice that had doomed Cassandra but also the voice that promised the salvation of purest, truest love.

Karen bowed her head and dropped to her knees as she prostrated herself before the Queen.

"My liege!" Karen wept with joy.

The eye slowly revolved until it fully faced Cassandra and blinked rapidly in an almost nervous fashion. How could a powerful being like the Queen be fearful of a mere human?

{Cassandra. There you are, my love}

Cassandra put her hand on her hip and looked in the Queen's eye with disapproval.

"If you think I'm kneeling for you bitch, you've got another fucking thing coming," Cassandra growled with barely contained fury.

If a single giant eye could express any emotions Cassandra would have said this one was amused and delighted with her.

{How I've missed you, Cassandra! We have much to discuss, you and I}


"Are we there yet?" Derek complained.

Katie rolled her eyes at him and repeated yet again, "Getting closer. You're the one who wanted to walk."

"I never said I wanted to walk," Derek countered. "When I suggested asking that jeep that drove by for a ride you insisted we had to kill everyone inside before commandeering their vehicle."

"And you were too big a pussy to go along with it," Katie mocked him. "It would have been way more dangerous to ambush them and disarm them without killing them. Probably would have just gotten one or both of us killed too. By the time we finished arguing the jeep was probably ten miles ahead of us. You do remember that, right?"

"Yeah, yeah," Derek grumbled. "You know, just because I've been in the army for the last fifteen years that doesn't mean I'm okay with indiscriminately murdering people."

The unlikely pair encountered increasingly rougher terrain over the last day as they kept to the hills and forests to avoid the large convoy of tanks and trucks that rolled through the pristine wilderness the night before. Gas stations with any fuel remaining were few and far between and the vehicles they had stolen along their way ran out of fuel before they could ever travel very far. They'd mostly been hoofing it while taking regular breaks to rest and tend their battle wounds.

Derek still winced with pain every time he flexed his shoulder. The shrapnel wounds suffered a few days ago during the battle where he met Katie stung like hell and he had to replace the dressing every few hours once his blood soaked through the bandages. Katie used tweezers to help him remove some of the metal fragments during one of their stops but he wondered if they hadn't missed a few traces. At some point Derek would need a real doctor to look at it. Luckily the damage wasn't bad enough to prevent Derek from lifting his arm so he could still bear his rifle.

Katie fared much better than he despite the bullet through the thigh she suffered during that same battle. A severe wound like that would have put Derek on his ass for weeks but only a slight limp betrayed Katie's infirmity. She told Derek it was normal for her kind to heal this rapidly but he still couldn't believe it. Her leg slowed them down some but Katie seemed to possess some hidden reservoir of energy and she requested they stop for a break far less frequently than Derek.

Katie knew exactly where the enemy was headed and she hoped to join in the fighting once the battle began. Rarely had Derek ever seen a soldier so eager to enter the fray. He still did double-takes whenever he regarded the girl whom he could never bring himself to refer to as Soulless. This fresh-faced brunette cutie looked like she should be captaining a cheerleading squad in college, not wearing combat fatigues and slinging a rifle over her shoulder with an arrogant swagger that said she knew how to use her weapon.

"So indiscriminate murder isn't your thing but you were totally fine with dropping bombs on brown-skinned children so you could steal another country's oil?" Katie asked pointedly.

"Never said that," Derek huffed. "And just because I fought on the same side that doesn't mean I was okay with everything we did. Besides, you were what, two when that happened?"

"Your math sucks," Katie said bluntly.

Derek shrugged and replied, "You're right, though remember that I've been out of school a lot longer than you have. Us old guys get forgetful once we're on in years. I think we have what is referred to as a 'generational gap'."

"Hasn't stopped you from flirting with me," Katie said cheekily.

"Hasn't stopped you flirting back," Derek retorted.

The glare Katie cast in Derek's direction would have withered most men into a melting pile of goo but Derek took it in perfect stride.

After a moment of walking in silence through a growth of pine trees and hopping over a shallow creek Derek decided to cut through the quiet before dreaded awkwardness set in.

"So what should we call your people anyway?" Derek asked. "I never liked using the name Soulless. Too dehumanizing."

Katie secretly smiled at Derek's ignorance or apathy to the extraterrestrial origins of her race. Her biological mother and her Princess Cassandra had literally dehumanized Katie long before.
