Warming the IcePrincess Pt. 01


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I weakly nodded my acquiescence and asked waving my hands over the piles on my desk, "What about the audit?"

She replied quickly with a sigh and a nod, "It will just have to wait."

I fired back, "Good, because it's a bloody mess, it's even worse than the one back three years ago, God how I hate doing this region!"

Her right eyebrow arched up (which I thought was totally cool) and she asked, "How bad is it?"

Blowing out a nervous sigh, I answered reluctantly, "almost 25 million this time. There were a lot of claims and some were damn big too, but none of that should have led to this kind of discrepancy."

With a thoughtful expression she asked, "The same pattern you spotted the first time?"

"Exactly, in fact it's damn near identical," I answered with confidence before adding, "Only this time the differentials on them are bigger and nearly every item coincides with a very large settlement."

"Damn it," was all she could muster before ordering the certain death of my weekend. "Just do the report, pull some people for overtime I'll get it authorized and we'll look into the audit next week."

With my weak protests vanquished like a toothless dragon, I didn't say another word for fear of pissing her off any further. I certainly didn't want or need that. My panic finally subsided as I silently gazed up at the arresting features of her pretty face. Aimlessly scanning, I traced along each graceful arch of her brow, and then trailed my gaze along her small straight nose. Sweeping across the curves of her full shapely lips that I found formed into a slight smile. Even her damn ears were sexy with the tasteful single pearl earrings. I finished my visual survey at the perfectly tied ribbon forming a small bow at her lovely throat. It was as much as my tired mind could process for a few moments as I avoided confronting the hell my weekend had just become.

Finally breaking the spell Claire said, "I'm really sorry to have to do this to you Jane, if it will be any help I'll be here late today and all day tomorrow too. Just give a shout if I can be of any help to you."

"Thanks," I answered dejectedly.

"I'll need all the help I can lay my hands on." As those words glibly tripped off my tongue, I broke into a guilty grin, as the image forming in my head had to do with laying my hands on her pretty silk blouse, more precisely what was hidden just beneath it.

Before she turned and left my office she added, "I assigned this to you because it has to be done properly, and you don't disappoint me Jane."

I sat stunned at my desk for a minute, watching as she walked out my door back toward her own desk. Her fabulous hips swaying under the form fitting, delicious looking, Italian silk skirt she was wearing distracted me momentarily. She is such a total dish, (God I had it bad!) What a parting line, "You don't disappoint me," like I needed that extra pressure! My hand fell limply into my lap as my eyes tracked her movements. Seconds later I realized I had been unconsciously stroking along my zipper as I watched her lovely ass and legs carry her away from my torture chamber. I felt a flush of excitement surge through my body as my eyes followed her progress. My nipples tingled with excitement pressing hard against the fabric of my blouse. I was beginning to think I could orgasm from just watching her walk. Well the fingertips touching the fabric covering my pussy weren't exactly dampening my enthusiasm either. (Thank god for the modesty panel on my desk.) Not normally, one to masturbate at my desk during working hours, I swore under my breath that woman would be my undoing someday. I just only wanted to make her cum once, really hard before that happened.

She finally turned toward her office leaving my view and my pussy horny as all hell. I was at the verge of lapsing into a full-scale depression now that my weekend, hell my whole life had been consumed by my job. Shaking my head to clear the cobwebs, I decided I had best get my own tight little buns in gear if I was going to have any chance of getting Adams his dumbass report by Monday. I did have an ace in the hole I hoped I draw on for this nightmare and he was lurking some where deep in the bowels of the computer room. With my luck today, he probably didn't bother showing up for work, or worse he already skipped out early to go do his dopey hang gliding. (What a reckless stupid sport, a person could get killed, sheesh!) I gathered the audit materials clearing my desk, and flopped them in a heap on the credenza in the back of my office. With that done, I spun around snatching the phone from the cradle and punched in the number for the computer room.

"I. S., Dan speaking," a youthful male voice answered.

A huge wave of relief swept over me before I even said a word, "Database Dan, how's my favorite computer gnome?"

"Hi Janie, Whaddya need?" he asked with all the excitement of someone who was just told he needed a root canal.

I answered truthfully, "I need a fucking miracle buddy, do you have any of those laying around down there?"

His friendly laughter added to my brief sense of relief but with what I was about to dump on him it couldn't last. He stopped just long enough to ask, "You sound desperate girlie whassup?"

"The Ice princess just handed me a real turd and let me tell you it was a whopper, "I chuckled becoming slightly infected with Dan's good humor.

Feebly trying to assert his manly role in the conversation, he ordered, "Spill it chiqua, I live for miracles, like getting you to go out on a date."

I felt a brief twinge of guilt for stringing Dan along the way I was about to but I let any mention of an actual "date" pass. I hadn't told a sole in the office I was strictly a woman's woman and wasn't about to start out with that rumor mill of the I.S. department. The slightest whisper of juicy gossip unleashed in I.S. would spread through the entire company like a wind driven wildfire. If Dan had delusions of bagging me, and it helped me get what I needed from him, then so be it. In all honesty, I never really encouraged him. I just didn't discourage him any more than was strictly necessary.

"O. K. Danny boy you asked for it, I need a database search for every policy we've written on any business with a facility on foreign soil for the last five years, a full account history everything." Taking a quick breath during the seconds of stunned silence, I plunged ahead with the coups de grâce, "I need it done no later than tomorrow afternoon so I can check it through it all and summarize the majority of it by Monday morning."

There was no sound coming through to my ear and I was afraid the connection might have been broken or worse he just hung up on me, so in a pensive tone I asked, "Dan...Dan...you still there?"

"Yeah I'm still here," the good humor in his, voice just a minute ago was only a memory.

I could almost picture him shaking his head in disbelief before he said, "You weren't shitting about that miracle were you?"

"Nope, can you do it?" I asked holding my breath unconsciously.

As cocky and self-assured as ever Dan delivered his verdict "If you would have asked anyone else down here the answer would be no, but since you got a hold of me, the answer is yes, Jane dear, of course."

Trying to squeeze just a little more out of him I asked, "Is there any chance you can automate the search to spit the results to me in batches?"

Sarcasm was dripping from his tone when he quipped, "You don't want much do you?"

"Just the moon and stars baby," I added sweetly to stoke his masculine ego and help grease the skids just a little.

Dan gave a sigh of long-suffering into the phone before he continued, "I'm going to have to baby-sit this dinosaur all friggin' night just in case it decides to choke on your search, it's gonna be huge ya know. Ah Jesus, five years takes us back to before the goddamn merger," he groaned.

I felt a little bad for Dan but at least he'd be done and outta here tomorrow while my whole weekend might end up in the crapper.

I finally added, "Hey bud what the Ice Princess wants she gets, Capisce."

His lusty sigh before he spoke told me that Dan would do his best, "Yeah I fucking Capisce, I'll start writing the code now and you should have your first batch of results in your email by, Oh, seven o'clock, good enough?"

"Awesome stud, you're the best," I cooed for Dan's benefit.

False hopes or not I was going to do whatever it took to keep from disappointing the fetching Ms. McAllister.

Now came the part I liked the least about my job, it was time to go screw up someone else's weekend. In this case, I thought it would take at least two someone's. Opening the bottom drawer of my desk, I pulled out what I thought of as my not-so-secret weapon. It was a cheesy ploy I came up with to gain the assistance of the people but it worked every time, almost. It was a clear acrylic clipboard and two sheets of paper. The top page was the employee seniority list with all of my people highlighted. The second page that could easily be read through the clear clipboard had the words "De Marco's Shit list" spelled out in very large print at the top with a numbered column centered on the page. The bold type even read backwards, told everyone on my team that resistance was futile. I would have the volunteers I needed. My list only ever contained four names and the bottom three had been lined through when the members of my team reconsidered my request for a bit of reasonable overtime.

The lone name on the list not lined through belonged to a former employee who thought it was a good idea to test the new boss. He was an auditor senior to me who thought he was in line for the job when I got the nod. The little prick really pushed the limits of my patience until I showed him that I was willing to push back. I never had to do anything to him, never getting a chance. The big wuss quit shortly after our confrontation. His departure did help me though. My willingness to go toe to toe with this guy set an example for the rest of my people. So far, it hasn't required a repeat performance. The fact that I was even carrying the clear clipboard sent the message to my team that I wasn't fooling around. When I was first promoted, I developed the habit of staying behind to help those who I assigned to stay late. I believed that a supervisor should never slip away to go home without a care after screwing up someone else's personal life. I figured it was a shitty way to treat the people I had to count on to do the job everyday. I saw too many other managers do it and lose the respect of those that worked for them.

Marching out of my office and into the cube farm where my people worked, I barked, "Everybody, conference room now."

Without slowing, I strode into the room and turned to face the doorway to wait for all nine of my team entered one after the other.

"Jack, would you please close the door," I asked as the last of them stepped inside.

Holding the clipboard against my chest under crossed arms, I glanced at each person in turn as they all found seats and waited for me to begin.

Without preamble I told them, "I have been handed an assignment that will likely take all weekend to complete, and it absolutely must be on V.P. Adams desk by Monday morning," I stopped there to let that sink in make sure they got a good look at the clipboard.

"What I am looking for, is at least two volunteers to help out with a complete account history on every policy on any facility in a foreign country for the past five years." I decided long ago that it was best to tell them what I needed in plain English. I detested bullshitting people to win them over and wasn't any good at it anyway. (I would have starved to death in sales.)

After the chorus of groans died down, I paused a few seconds before giving them the details, "It will include claims history, premiums paid, lawsuits, rider specifics, and the rate schedules the whole shooting match, Adams needs it to try and rope in three major facilities in China owned by Elmwood Industrial."

Steve, always the first to voice what the rest were thinking, "Christ Jane that's going to be a mammoth report are sure he will even be able to carry it?"

I wanted to laugh with the rest of them but carefully schooled my features before answering his wisecrack, "I don't care if it takes a forklift to get it out of the building, he will have all the information that he needs to land this account."

To let them know exactly what my expectations were for them I added, "I will not allow this department to be the cause of any failure on his part, this is a plumb of an account and Continental can really use the cash after the zillions we put out on Katrina."

Walter spoke up next with his irritating nasal twang, "I believe I detect some icy fingerprints on this dirty little job."

I stared the little smartass down for a few seconds to let him know he was out of line even though his guess was dead on. I told them all, "Actually, I do have some good news, first Dan in I. S. is already working on the database search and The Ice...Ms. McAllister has offered her help tonight and all day tomorrow if it is needed."

I didn't want to waste any more time and stated flatly, "I'm giving Allison a free pass on this one because she has a new baby to at home and that is far more important than Adams silly report, or even Elmwood Industrial. So that leaves the eight of you to decide who will be staying for the overtime..."

I paused for a few seconds to let them size up the situation before letting the other shoe drop, "...or I'll do for you."

Steve chimed in with a silly grin on his face, "Hey I'll volunteer to go feed Allison's baby if she decides to stay."

We all grinned at his silly remark but I knew a little something about Allison the he didn't, "Nice try Steve, but unless you can express some milk right here for us big boy, you're not qualified for the job."

Allison stuck out her tongue at him and everyone else joined in the laughter at his less than clever evasive maneuver.

Retaking control of the meeting, I said much to his dismay, "Since that didn't work out quite the way you expected Stevie, I will put you down as my first official volunteer."

Groaning theatrically and laying his head on the conference table, he answered in a defeated tone, "Alright slave driver, you win."

With no one, else speaking up I glanced down at the clipboard and mumbled quietly under my breath about hating to resort to the seniority list but would if I had to... Sue spoke up asking seriously, "Hey if I volunteer for the weekend duty can I maybe have Monday off?"

"Done!" I answered her.

As an after thought I added, "You too Stevie poor baby, I shouldn't have any trouble at all smoking that one past McAllister."

I turned the group loose but said to my two volunteers, "Dan said he will be getting us our first batch of data around seven o'clock."

After a quick glance at my watch I added, "It's just now four, so I suggest you get out of here, go grab a bite to eat and freshen up. We'll reassemble back here by seven and get right to work, Thanks guys."

They filed out the door and when I was finally alone I smiled, relieved that this had gone so well. I was proud of my people and was pretty sure I had the best team in the company. As I headed back to my office, the unhappy noises from my own stomach told me that I should heed my own advice. After tucking away my silly clipboard, I hooked my purse off the credenza and headed for the elevators.

Chapter 2


I had to pass the C.F.O.'s office on my way and poked my head inside to let McAllister know what was happening since she had been nice enough to offer to stay late and help. Transfixed I stood outside her domain to drink in her beauty for a moment watching her work. It reaffirmed for me why leaving this company was going to be so hard for me. It felt like I was caught in some kind of sorcerer's spell, or would that be sorceress. (My god she was hot, hell she was smoking.) Finally deciding I was being more than a little rude, I cleared my throat to draw her attention, "I've got Dan in I. S. running the Dbase search and Steve, Sue, and I are going to meet back here around 7:00 when he says we'll get the first of the data."

She looked up with a smile and said, "Sounds great, where are you headed now?" indicating my purse as the reason for her inquiry.

I looked downward at it and then smiled finally answering her embarrassed by my dull wits, "I told the others to get out of here and get something to eat and relax for a bit. I figured that way at least we won't have to be fighting hunger as well as fatigue tonight."

Claire beamed from behind her desk saying, "Good thinking, hey, do you mind if I join you?"

Taken aback slightly, I stuttered, "Ah, no, please do. I'm heading over to Romero's café on Riverside, they make the best pasta in town."

"Ah... Jane, have you by any chance been near a window at all this afternoon?" she asked.

Answering her polite query I said, "Well no, I've been sealed inside my dungeon all day, why?"

Claire's smile widened at my quip before pulling her own purse from a drawer and answering me, "There's one hell of a storm brewing outside. " Unless you enjoy getting soaked to the skin I'd say you might want to reconsider a trip over to Romero's."

She stalked purposefully past me and said, "Come on I know a place that's good over in the Baker building and we can take the skyway all the way there."

I didn't have to think twice about following those beautifully swaying hips and fell right in step behind her until we passed the huge windows lining the hallway near the bank of four elevators. Through the torrents pounding on the plate-glass, I saw the ugly, greenish/yellow tinge in the ominous dark skies and couldn't help whistling at the force of the storm. The elevator announced its arrival on the nineteenth floor with a thin "ding" just as a blinding bolt of lighting stabbed across the sky. When the thunderclap came almost immediately afterward, it vibrated through the whole building as I followed Claire's lovely four-inch Prada heels onto the elevator.

I slumped into the corner so I could steal an occasional glance at her without being caught staring. Claire placed herself near the control panel and pushed the button for the second floor. The elevator doors closed and we started descending without a word.

I decided to break the uncomfortable silence and stated, "That really is a nasty looking storm out there."

Claire started to answer but got out no more than, "I sure wouldn't want to get caught out in..."

Before she could finish her thought, the lights flicked several times and then the elevator jolted to a jarring stop and we were plunged into complete darkness and silence.

"Whoa," I said as my hands stretched out searching for support along the sides of the car.

For several seconds that felt more like minutes, my mind raced, trying to get a grip on what had happened. I casually offered my conclusion to Claire, "I think maybe the building must have been hit by lightning."

My brilliant deduction drew only a frightened whimper in response. Cocking my ear toward where I last remembered her standing I asked, "Claire, are you O.K.?"

The sobs I heard were not loud but I knew instinctively that the supremely composed Claire McAllister was for some reason completely terrified.

Not knowing what else to do I announced a bit more forcefully than necessary inside the enclosed box, "Claire stay still, I'm coming over to you."

Taking three cautious steps forward I began reaching out for the doors I figured where right in front of me. Making contact with the cool stainless steel, I carefully moved to my left following the smooth panels until I felt my outstretched fingers bump across the control buttons and I knew I must now be pretty close to her. Before moving any further, I felt around carefully on the panel until I located the emergency stop switch and snapped it into the "on" position. The alarm bells would alert us instantly when the power came back on but the elevator wouldn't start moving again until we were prepared for it. I was a little surprised that the bell didn't start ringing immediately because it should have been wired into the emergency system. I had something a bit more important to occupy my mind and let the thought slip away.
