WBDP - Caribbean Cruise


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"Me, now me," Chantelle said. "I want to cum and cum and cum, I feel so wonderful." She spread her legs in open invitation and waited in wide eyed joy for someone to take her up on her offer.

"Marcia, would you like to help my little slave?" Brianna asked.

"I'm not quite ready to take that step, Brianna, but I'm trying to keep an open mind."

"Monique, please take care of Chantelle or no one will get any sleep tonight she's so wound up."

"Yes, Mistress." She laid down between Chantelle's legs and began licking and caressing the humid folds before her.

"Little slave, why don't you remove your plug, clean it and bring some lubricant. I've yet to fuck that delectable ass of yours today."

"Yes, Master."

While awaiting her return, Chantelle had her first climax, pulling Monique's head down against her sex as she bucked up off the bed, her legs wrapping themselves around Monique. I really found the dichotomy between Monique's blonde hair and Chantelle's long dark legs to be stimulating in the extreme. When Marcia returned, she found my cock a stiffened tool ready to penetrate her lovely ass. She stood at the edge of the bed with her legs parted and handed me the lube. She bent over and parted her ass cheeks. I spread some of the slippery stuff around the brown rosebud of her sphincter and more on the end of my cock. Chantelle had her second climax as my cock pushed through the barrier of her tight rectal muscle and easily slid into her bowels, until my balls slapped against her hot cunt.

"Fuck my ass, Master. Use your slave. Take your pleasure in my asshole. Give me your cum. Let me feel it squirt inside me."

Back and forth I sawed into her sweet ass, feeling her tighten and squeeze against the length of my prick as it penetrated her to the full depth of my dick. She was leaning on her arms, holding her torso up. Brianna took advantage of the space provided to grab her breasts, massaging and molding those perfect globes; twisting, tugging and pulling on the hardened nipples. The sensations of which seemed to instantly transmit themselves to her sopping pussy, now leaking her love fluids beneath the fucking taking place scant millimeters from her cunt. Brianna leaned in for a kiss, which Marcia gladly gave, parting her lips to feel the slick tongue invade her mouth, enjoying the softness of that dainty mouth; less hard, but just as demanding as my own.

I reached around and caressed that little nubbin of flesh peeking out of it's hood, stimulated by all that was happening to her body: the hands, the mouths, the cock plundering her posterior.

"I'm going to cum, Master. Please let your slave cum," she panted, during the intervals where Brianna released her hold on her lips.

"Hold on, slave. You may cum with your Master, not a moment before."

"Mmmm, I'm so close, Master. Please don't make me ..." Further words smothered in another wet kiss from Brianna.

"It won't be long," I said, gasping. "Wait."

Just then, Chantelle screamed out her third orgasm and that was the trigger to my own. I felt myself clutching her hips as my cock buried itself to the root in her ass and spurt after spurt of my seed coated the insides of her bowels.

I almost howled, it was so intense, instead screaming, "Cum now, slave. Fucking cum now."

Marcia mewled her pleasure as she released, her spasms further increasing the pressure on my throbbing cock. I almost felt locked in by the compression she was exerting. It didn't seem to release until my balls had been drained and my prick began to shrink. I pulled out with a soft 'pop' and a trickle of my cum followed my cock out. I collapsed on the bed and Marcia collapsed beside me, both of us suddenly limp, bereft of the energy that accompanied our frantic fucking.

"My God, that was intense, Master. What a powerful orgasm that was."

"I couldn't agree more, little slave. It felt like the top of my prick was popping off."

"What about me?" Asked Monique. "I've yet to climax and my need is strong."

Brianna pulled her down to the bed and she and Chantelle took turns pleasing Monique until she was satisfied, then Chantelle and Brianna locked into a tight sixty-nine until they each climaxed again. My last conscious sight was Brianna sleeping quietly with her legs slightly splayed and a dark head resting on her thigh, those sprinter legs stretched toward the head of the bed, with Monique sleeping with her head pillowed on that taut black ass, a huge tangle of limbs all entwined. I closed my eyes and pulled my own slave closer, spooning against her back. It was only the first day at sea. What a vacation!


The Party and Aftermath

George moored the ship by 8:00, near the pier where they would come and pick us up at 9:00. He explained to everyone we were invited to Chantelle's family home for a huge celebration. There would be loads of food, music and everyone would get a flavor for life in the islands. He would bring everyone to the pier in the zodiac boat, taking two trips, and Chantelle's family would come in several vehicles to pick everyone up at 9:00. Chantelle's popularity with the crew and guests left everyone thrilled to attend. All except the cantankerous and intransigate Evelyn Thornhill.

"You may wish to spend some time at a black fisherman's hovel, but I desire not to lower myself to such a wretched time. I shall shop in the city, rather than attend some poor person's party."

"Evelyn, be reasonable," William said. "It's a great honor to be invited to their house while they welcome their daughter."

"A great honor for them, to have the Thornhills at their shack; not an honor for me. I won't come and that's final. I expect you to come with me, William. I'm your wife."

"No, Evelyn. I'm going to the party. If you want to act like my wife, you'll attend with me."

"Not on your life, nor mine either. It's beneath us, William. They are beneath us."

"They may be beneath you, Evelyn. It seems everyone is, but I am honored to be invited. They need not invite strangers into their home, but they have."

"Then you shall go alone. I won't be appearing under any circumstances. Do what you like, William."

George refused to leave guests on the boat by themselves, so he decided to stay aboard with Dina, letting Jimmy and Louise attend the party.

"You don't need to stay aboard, Captain," Evelyn said. "Jimmy mentioned a couple lovely little shops in Porte-a-Pitre that many women guests adore to shop. He said he'd point them out to me. I can dine in town. It's no bother really."

No trouble at all, the lying bitch. She just wanted to play hide the salami with Jimmy, the two-faced whore. I felt so sorry for William. He deserved better, much better.

In the end, George asked Jimmy to take Evelyn into town and for Louise to stay on board. He decided to attend the party with Dina as he felt responsible for the rest of his guests.

"What should we wear to your parents home, Chantelle?" I asked. "Should we dress up or down, shirts or not?"

"My family will be very casual, Monsieur Sam. They will probably wear shirts when they first come out of respect for my parents, but when we dance, they will shed their shirts and shoes."

"Then we'll do the same, island attire and the lead of your family."

Louise brought Dina, Evelyn, William, Jimmy, Brianna, Grant and Sandra to the pier in the zodiac, then returned for the rest of us. Dina ordered a taxi for Jimmy and Evelyn since the pier was a few miles from the city. On the second trip came George, Chantelle, Monique and Marcia and I. George arranged for Louise to come back to the pier at 7:00 to pick us up. Jimmy was to call when he and Evelyn were in the taxi, and Louise would leave to pick them up.

"I hope Papa does not give me a hard time about not having a husband by now," Chantelle said as we rode to the pier. "I am afraid he will realize that I am with a woman. He is so old fashioned; he wants me settled down and having babies. That I prefer a woman, he would never understand. I am afraid we will have a huge fight and terrible scene if he knows."

"Would it help if you came with a boyfriend now, Chantelle?" Marcia asked.

"Probablement. But I have no boyfriend, Marcia."

"You could."

"How?" She asked.

"Sam could be your boyfriend," Marcia suggested.

"How do you see that working?" I asked.

"Evelyn didn't come and William doesn't have a partner. I could pretend to be with him and you could be Chantelle's boyfriend. I think we could pull it off."

"Why not let William be Chantelle's boyfriend instead of pulling the double switch?" I asked. "This is more complicated."

"William Thornhill is famous. They could do a Google search on him and see that he's married and lives in New York while Chantelle lives in Los Angeles. It is obvious it's a sham. They Google you and they get nothing. You're anonymous and can be anyone we want you to be, live anywhere we want you to live."

"And you'll be Mrs. Thornhill?" I said. "They can just as easily see you're not her. Her picture will show up."

"I don't have to be Mrs. Thornhill. I can be a girlfriend or mistress. He's rich and famous. It's plausible that he'd take a mistress instead of his wife. Plus, they're far less likely to research the other guests, but almost certainly check on their daughter's boyfriend. Granted, we must think fast on our feet since we have not planned, but we're smart people. You know about Brianna and her house and business. Chantelle has been to our house and can describe that if they should have questions. You say it's in California instead of where we really live."

"What do you think, George, Monique?"

"I think it's crazy, but if the rest of us support you, I suppose you could pull it off," George replied.

Monique added, "I don't see huge issues if you're willing, Master Sam."

Chantelle asked, "Would you do this for me, Monsieur Sam; pretend to be my boyfriend?"

"What the hell! Sure, why not. It's crazy, but I've done crazy before. How far are we supposed to carry this?" I asked Marcia. "Am I supposed to be lovey dovey, kiss, hold hands, what?"

"Has it been so long since you've had a girlfriend you can't remember what it's like, Sam? Pretend you're taking me to a nice place for dinner and treating me like your sweetheart instead of your slave, except it will be Chantelle, not me."

"Do you think the others will go along? Nobody else can spill the beans or it's all for naught," I said.

"We can check when we get to the pier," Marcia said. "Brianna won't be a problem. Obviously, William has to go along, he's critical to making it work. If Grant and Sandra don't want to lie about it, all they have to say is they don't know us well."

"I guess that's it then. If everyone goes along, you're going to have a new boyfriend, Chantelle."

Once again, Chantelle kissed and thanked everyone. Her enthusiasm was contagious and by the time we landed, we were laughing and talking about how we would make this work. The taxi had already come for Jimmy and Evelyn, so they weren't included in our plans. Brianna had no problems. Grant and Sandra thought it was sneaky and fun and were willing to go along. William had the biggest doubts.

"You want to pretend to be my wife?" He asked Marcia.

"Not your wife, your girlfriend," she said.

"I'm not sure how that works. I wouldn't have a girlfriend and I wouldn't know how I'm supposed to act with one."

"You don't have to worry about it, Bill. You don't do much at all. I know how to behave so people think I'm your mistress. Just be yourself and I'll do the rest. Please. Chantelle's father won't understand her being in a lesbian relationship. Sam will pretend to be her boyfriend and we have to partner up to make it believable. Two singles on an expensive sailing cruise doesn't make sense. It's a romantic vacation for lovers."

"That's the reason I came. I hoped to rekindle my romance with Evelyn. Maybe it's a lost cause."

"Please, Monsieur Thornhill," Chantelle said. "Can you please help fool Papa? I don't want to argue with him again. I have not seen him for two years and wish not to spend my time fighting."

"And all I have to do is be myself?" He asked.

"I'll have everything else covered," Marcia said, grabbing his arm. "Just hold my hand for now and you'll see. Everything will go silky smooth."

So when Chantelle's father and two of her brothers drove up in vans, I had my arm around Chantelle's waist as she did mine, and Marcia was hanging on Bill's arm.

"Papa, you came. Je suis si heureux de vous voir."

"I am happy to see you too, my angel. Are these our guests?"

"Oui, Papa. This is my ami, Sam, my employer, Brianna, her amour, Monique. This is the Captain, George, his First Mate, Dina, and these are Grant and his spouse, Sandra, and William and his amie, Marcia. This is my Papa, Henri, and my brothers, Marcelle and Jean."

Henri was a strong, rugged looking man who looked like he spent his life outdoors. His hair was thinning on top and sprinkled with white, but still had the appearance of someone I would not tangle with. I wondered, not for the first time, if we did the right thing trying to fool him. His sons were younger versions of himself.

We shook hands all around and Henri said, "I was told there might be others."

"Two of our party decided to go shopping in town and I left one of the crew aboard my vessel," George said.

"Well then; we should get going. Your mother is dying to see you. Why don't you and your boyfriend ride with me?"

"Oui, Papa."

Chantelle grabbed my arm and drew me into her father's van. William and Marcia also clambered into his. The rest split up between Marcelle's and Jean's vehicles.

"So," Henri said, "You are my daughter's boyfriend, Sam. How come she hasn't told me anything about you?"

"I hope it's because we're new together," I said, "and not because she's ashamed of me." I smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss.

"Oh, Sam! Of course I am unashamed of you," Chantelle said, laughing. "You are the best boyfriend I have had since moving to LA."

"How did you meet?" Henri asked.

"Through Brianna," I said. "I've recently conducted some business with her and she introduced me to Chantelle. I was very impressed with your daughter, sir. She is intelligent, enthusiastic, warm, loving, and very brave." I felt that the best way to sell this fiction was to stay as close to the truth as possible and everything I had told him was accurate, just not entirely truthful.

"Brave? That is a curious thing to say about my daughter. What makes you say that?"

"She probably had no chance to tell you, but Brianna was recently attacked by a drunk, and your daughter stepped in and put the man on the ground, grievously injured. That is when I learned that Chantelle has a black belt in Tae Kwan Do. She had not informed me before then. Of course, that gave me a another reason not to do anything to make her angry. She could do serious injury to me." I squeezed her hand and she gave me another quick kiss.

Henri laughed. "She started that nonsense when she was living at home. I am glad she continued her training and is making some use of it. The money I spent has not gone to waste."

"And of course, she is a marvelous cook, which I understand she learned from her mother," I added. "Everyone knows that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach and she found her way to mine. Is that what attracted you to her mother?"

"I was and still am attracted to her mother for many reasons. Cooking is but one of the reasons for our love. We are here," he said pulling into an older, large house on a hill overlooking the sea. "Come in and I will introduce you to the others."

He led us into the kitchen and introduced us all to his wife, Simone, as tall as Chantelle and a fitting mate to Henri. It was easy to see where Chantelle got her looks. Her mother was attractive despite her age and the children she had borne. Her penetrating brown eyes were the spitting image of Chantelle's and looked as though she could see into your soul.

"And this is Chantelle's boyfriend, Sam," Henri said finishing up the introductions. If I thought it was going to be tough pulling anything over on Henri; it was doubly true for her.

She looked me over critically, top to bottom, missing nothing in her perusal.

"This man makes you happy, Chantelle?" She asked.

"Beaucoup, Maman. Very happy. Sam helped talk Captain George and the others into staying another day on Guadeloupe, so I have an extra day to visit."

"You may stay another day, daughter? That is wonderful news. Thank you, Sam, for giving us another day with our little girl."

"My pleasure, Simone. I would do anything for Chantelle," I said.

"That's good to know. All of you out of my kitchen now. I'm busy."

"I'm so looking forward to your cooking, Simone. Chantelle tells me that you were the one to teach her to cook, something for which I will be forever grateful." I kissed her hand and she shook her apron at me.

"On with you now. You are quite the smooth talker, Sam. I hope my daughter never regrets meeting you. I will serve the food at 1:00. Don't be getting drunk now," she warned.

"I will endeavor to never make it so, madame."

Chantelle introduced us to her other two brothers, Jacques and Robert and her two younger sisters, Anna and Liza, the youngest child who everyone called Li-Li. Eight children ranging in age from 32 to 18. The five boys all worked with their father, fishing. He had three boats now and supplied many of the island hotels with fresh fish. Even today, two of the boats were out with trusted crew members as no respite interfered with the needs of the business except bad weather. Chantelle was the third oldest, after Marcelle and Jean. Her two sisters went into the kitchen to help their mother.

Henri pulled out beer and wine and offered us a choice. All except for Marcia, Monique and Sandra opting for beer and Brianna sticking to water.

Henri and his boys were affable and asked us many questions and eventually Henri got back to me. Chantelle sat beside me holding my hand.

"What do you do for a living, Sam?"

"I'm an investor in the stock market, sir."

"No manual labor, then?"

"No, sir. Strictly up here," pointing to my noggin. "I never developed a taste for the type of work that you do. I greatly appreciate that it must be done and eternally thankful there are people willing to do it, but I'm glad I don't have to."

"Are you successful at this stock market stuff?"

"Quite successful sir. Sometimes better than at other times, but I have learned to make money when the market goes up, when it goes down and when it goes nowhere. I know your daughter will be well provided for." Chantelle leaned her head on my arm. That wasn't a lie. Brianna took extremely good care of her harem.

"You look quite fit for someone who does no hard work."

"I decided about a year ago that I had to do much more exercise than I was getting. I was fat and needed to lose weight. Fortunately, I found some great motivation and have been working out ever since. Chantelle never met me when I was fat, else I probably wouldn't be sitting beside her now." I surreptitiously squeezed her hand and gave her another quick kiss.

Also true, but for a completely different reason. If Marcia hadn't become my slave, we never would have gone to Las Vegas, never met Brianna, never chosen to father her child, wouldn't be on the cruise now and never met Chantelle. Life seemed to hinge on a series of coincidences and events that brought me from that point to this; being questioned by a man who considered me his prospective son-in-law, no matter the fraud it was based on. The more that I spoke to Henri, the more I regretted my role in this. He seemed to be a good, honest man with deep affection for his daughter and her welfare. I felt guilty for deceiving him, particularly since I considered myself an honorable man myself. If it weren't for his daughter and her desire not to fight with him over her lifestyle choice, I would hate myself. As it was, I merely disliked my part. Fortunately, I knew his daughter was well loved and cared for and that eased my conscience.
