Weather Layover in Hotlanta


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"Oh, thanks so much," Sarah said as she hugged her parents.

Rochelle then told us, "We'll sign over the deed, and give you the keys when you two come for Christmas this year."

"Thank you both," I replied. "But I'm afraid that Sarah and I have already made plans to be in Cancun this Christmas."

I looked over at Sarah and she mouthed the words, thank you.

"That's too bad, Sarah," Rochelle said. "Your father and I were really looking forward to you, and Jack, and George, and Jacqueline all spending one last Christmas in Pennsylvania with us."

Sarah then looked at Jackie and smiled. Jackie glared back at her.

Sarah then told her parents, "Mom, Daddy, we don't mean to rush you, but Jack and I still have to pack up before we check out."

Sarah's parents then thanked us and left. Jackie went off to the bathroom.

A few minutes later, Jackie came back out.

"Sarah," Jackie said, "There's something wet on the floor in the bathroom. It looks like conditioner, or something leaked all the way from the shower, into the bedroom."

Sarah and I both looked at each other and smiled.

"It's not conditioner, Jackie," Sarah replied, and then laughed. "I leaked."

"Leaked what," Jackie asked.

"Jack," Sarah replied.

"How can you leak Jack... Oh my god," Jackie said. "That much?"

"The other half of it is on the bed," Sarah told her. "And he did climax four times."

"Four times, Sarah," Jackie replied.

"Four times in an hour is nothing for Jack," Sarah said. "Alex and I got him to climax eleven times one night. That did get a little messy though. I got him to climax twenty-three times in one day."

Jackie then told George, "We need to go back to our room... now!"

George and Jackie quickly thanked us for the gifts and left.

"She's going to suck him dry, isn't she," I asked Sarah.

"She's a vampire, Jack," Sarah replied as she started to laugh. "Just like her mother."

"And her big sister too," I said.

Sarah looked at me and smiled.

"Do you think we have time before anyone else shows up, Jack," Sarah asked me.

"Time for what my love," I replied.

"I'm hungry, Jack, I'm so very hungry," Sarah said. ", and only you can feed me."

Sarah then hooked the privacy chain on the door, knelt on the floor between my legs, and opened my bathrobe. Sarah then proceeded to suck my cock for nearly fifteen minutes. She massaged my prostate as I climaxed and extracted a huge amount of semen from me. Sarah savored it in her mouth afterward for at least a minute, before swallowing it all.

"God! I love how you taste, Jack," Sarah said as she sat on her heels and then stood.

I opened her robe, pointed my cock at her pussy, and she slid forward into it. We then fucked on the loveseat for nearly half an hour. I made Sarah climax three times. Immediately after Sarah's third orgasm, she got back on the floor and started to suck my cock again. I climaxed a lot very quickly.

Sarah stood up after she swallowed and said, "I told you I was very hungry, Jack. I guess I'll have to wait until we get home for dessert."

Sarah and I showered off quickly, dressed and then packed. I called the bellhops to come for our bags. After the bellhops arrived, Sarah and I went down the hall and dropped off the rest of the presents. We said our goodbyes to everyone and headed toward the elevator.

"Alex is going to drive the Benz back to our place, Jack," Sarah told me. "And Dave will drive the BMW, with all of our luggage."

"How are we getting home," I asked Sarah.

"I told you Friday morning, I love your Jag!"

I didn't ask Sarah how she got my Jaguar to the hotel and didn't really want to know.

"Then maybe you should drive it from now on," I told Sarah. "At least until the baby comes."

"Really, Jack," Sarah said excitedly.

"Sure," I replied. "Besides, you look great in it."

Sarah really did look good behind the wheel of my silver Jaguar F-Type convertible. I loved that car, but not as much as Sarah did. Terri had told me that Sarah had my BMW shipped from Charlotte, and Sarah drove the Jag to Atlanta herself. As we got to the hotel parking lot, I told Sarah that she was driving.

"You're damn straight I am, Jack," Sarah replied as she started to laugh.

We got home about half an hour after we left the hotel. Alex and Dave hadn't arrived yet. I was sure that Sarah was going to want to fuck in the elevator, but we went straight up to our condo. She nearly rippled my clothes off as we got inside. Then she pushed me onto the reclining chair, removed her clothing and began to suck my cock. She massaged my prostate again as I climaxed a very large amount.

"How was dessert," I asked her after she swallowed.

Sarah smiled at me and replied, "I think I'm craving your semen, Jack, and bacon too."

I laughed and told her, "I noticed you ate quite a bit of bacon at breakfast."

Sarah giggled and said, "I guess I did, huh? Do we have any bacon, Jack?"

"Yeah we do," I replied. "I'll go make some for you. You stay naked."

"No argument from me," Sarah said.

I then got up, put on my terry bathrobe, and cooked a pound of bacon for Sarah... crispy, just like she always wanted it. I had turned on the Jacuzzi while the bacon was still cooking. She ate every piece of bacon in about five minutes. Then we made love on the couch for nearly an hour. Sarah was still lying on top of me when the doorbell rang.

"That must be Alex and Dave," Sarah said.

Sarah quickly got off of me and headed to the door.

"Don't you want your robe, honey," I asked her, as my semen began to leak out and run down her leg.

Sarah giggled and replied, "I'm not done with you yet, Jack. Besides, we've all seen each other naked now."

Sarah opened the door and told Dave and Alex to come in.

Seeing that Sarah was totally naked, Dave said, "We can come back later. You two look like you're busy."

"Get inside, Dave," Alex told him.

Dave and Alex came in with our bags and Sarah told them to just leave it all by the door. After setting everything down, Alex began to undress.

"Lose the clothing, Dave," Sarah told him.

"I'm not sure that's a good idea," Dave hesitantly replied.

Alex quickly said, "Dave, Sarah and Jack watched you and I fuck Sarah's sister last night. Remember? Get naked, now!"

Dave looked at me for support.

"You'd better do what the lady said," I told him. "She owns your ass now buddy, remember?"

"Right," Dave replied, as he slowly began to undress.

"Who needs a drink," I asked.

"I'll just have some iced tea, Jack," Sarah said.

"Scotch for me, Jack," Alex replied.

"Whatever you're drinking, Jack," Dave told me.

As I went to make the drinks, Alex noticed the stream of my semen on Sarah's leg. Alex very quickly ran her fingers up the inside of Sarah's right thigh, from Sarah's knee, up to her pussy.

"Alex," Sarah exclaimed as she started to laugh, and move away from her. "What the hell are you doing?"

Alex then put her semen covered fingers in her mouth.

After removing her fingers from her mouth, Alex smiled and replied, "Just making sure the Chateau Jack is still good...! It is!"

Sarah and Alex then burst into hysterical laughter.

"What's all that's about, Jack," Dave asked me.

"Alex can tell you later," I replied. "Thanks for bringing all of our things back from the hotel, Dave."

"No problem, Jack," Dave said. "That BMW drives nice!"

"You know, you're getting as bad as Jackie, Alex," I told her.

"What do you mean, Jack," Alex asked.

"I'll let Sarah explain," I replied.

As I gave everyone their drinks, Sarah proceed to tell Alex what Jackie had done in the shower, after I climaxed on Sarah's breasts.

"Oh my god, Sarah," Alex said as she started to laugh. "Your sister actually had her mouth on your boobs?"

Laughing, Sarah replied, "Yeah, she did... the left one anyway. I kept her away from the right one. The girl is a semen vampire, Alex."

Hearing this, Dave started to laugh loudly.

"So are you, Alex," Dave said.

"No I'm not, Dave," Alex replied.

"Really," I responded. Trying to do my best impersonation of Alex, I said, "I love how your cum tastes," I then said, "I believe those were your exact words, Alex?"

Alex giggled and replied, "I did say that didn't I, Jack."

"Yes, you did, Alex," I responded.

Alex then said, "I like to think of myself as semen connoisseur. But at least I'm not as bad as Sarah."

"That's true," Sarah said as she started to laugh again.

Sarah and Alex then began talking quietly to one another.

"So, Dave," I asked, "How was last night... after the pool party?"

"Alex cried after the last time we had sex," Dave replied, in a quiet tone. "Then she fell asleep. I felt terrible that I made her cry. But she seemed so happy this morning, so didn't bring it up."

"You made Alex cry, Dave," I asked him.

"I didn't mean to, Jack," Dave quickly responded. "I don't know what I did wrong, or if I hurt her somehow. She hasn't said anything about it yet."

I stood there, smiling at Dave, and saying nothing.

"Why are you smiling, Jack," Dave asked me.

"I warned you, Dave," I told him. "Now you're stuck with her."

Dave quickly replied, "But I didn't tell her I loved her, or anything like that, Jack. It was just sex."

"Not after last night," I said. "Not to her anyway. It's a whole lot more than that now."

"What are you talking about, Jack," Dave asked.

"Alex hasn't been more than two feet away from you all weekend, Dave," I replied. "Haven't you been watching her for the last several minutes? She looks over at you every thirty seconds and smiles."

"She does," Dave asked.

"Yeah, Dave, she does," I replied. "How did you wake up this morning, Dave?"

"In bed," Dave replied.

"What was happening when you woke up," I asked.

"Alex was fucking me," Dave responded.

"No, Dave, she wasn't," I said. "She was making love with you."

Dave thought for a moment and replied, "Yeah... I guess she was. She kept kissing me as we fucked."

"And when she cried last night, you two weren't just fucking, were you," I asked.

"No, Jack," Dave said. "We were making love. She was on top of me after we fucked and she was sobbing about how much she loved me, while she kissed me and I came inside her."

I told him, "Dave, Alex only cries after making love, when she feels a strong emotional bond with someone. Do you understand now? I warned you, Dave, don't let her fall in love with you, remember?"

"You told me not to fall in love with her, not the other way around, Jack," Dave replied.

"I saw how you looked at her last night, Dave," I said. "When the two of you left. And she saw it too. Don't you dare break her heart, Dave. If Sarah doesn't kill you, I will."

"I gotta pee, Jack," Dave said. "Too much coffee and too many mimosas at breakfast."

"The bathroom is on the left, Dave," I replied as I pointed Dave in the proper direction.

As Dave walked away and Sarah went into the kitchen, Alex walked over to me.

"Jack...," I need to tell you something," Alex whispered.

"What is it, Alex," I replied.

"I'm ovulating, Jack," Alex responded.

"Why are you telling me this, Alex," I asked.

"I want a baby, Jack," Alex replied. "I haven't been on birth control since Sarah got pregnant."

"I'm sorry, Alex, but I can't help you with that," I replied.

Alex then said, "I don't want your baby, Jack... I want Dave's baby."

"Does Dave know that," I asked Alex.

"No, and you can't tell him. And you especially can't tell Sarah either," Alex replied.

"I think Dave has a right to know that you're trying to get impregnated by him, Alex," I replied.

"I want a baby, Jack," Alex replied desperately.

"OK, I won't say anything, I promise," I said. "But what if Dave does impregnate you, Alex? Don't you think he has a right to know that he's going to be a father," I asked.

Alex hesitated and finally responded, "You're right, Jack, he does deserve to know. But I won't give up my job and move for him."

"Alex," I replied, "Did you ever consider the possibility that he might give up his current job and move for you?"

"No...," Alex said.

Sarah suddenly returned from the kitchen with a bottle of Champagne and a tray with four glasses.

"What's the occasion, honey," I asked Sarah.

"We're toasting Dave's new job, Jack," Sarah replied.

I gave Sarah a confused look.

"You were told, Jack," Sarah asked.

"No," I responded.

Dave then returned from the bathroom.

"So what's this about a new job, Dave," I asked.

Dave laughed and replied, "Stop pulling my leg, Jack. Terri told you all about it. I gotta say buddy, I was a little hurt that you didn't congratulate me, but I figured you were preoccupied with your wedding."

"Dave, I'm not pulling your leg," I insisted. "I just found out from Sarah."

"No way, buddy" Dave replied. "Terri said to me that she was going to tell you after dinner on Friday."

"Ah... Dave...," I responded. "Terri and Tom never made it up my room Friday night. They fucked in the hotel elevator right after dinner and then went straight to their room, remember?"

"Oh," Dave replied. "That's right. I forgot that. And then I was sort of... preoccupied with Alex."

Sarah laughed loudly and said, "Oh yes you were, Dave! But I've never heard the word preoccupied used as a euphuism for fucking Alex's brains out until almost three-thirty in the morning."

"Yes he did," Alex exclaimed gleefully.

"OK, Jack," Dave said. "It's not so much a new job, as it is a change of location. I'm leaving SoCal and moving to Atlanta. I got a huge contract with the Atlanta PD last week, but it requires a ton of onsite work. So it only makes sense for me to move here. Remember last night, when we were waiting for the cognac at the bar, and I said I know somebody in the Atlanta PD?"

"I remember, Dave," I replied.

"That's who I'll be working with," Dave said as he gave me a wink.

"Well congrats, Dave," I replied. "When's the big move?"

"In about two weeks. Terri already found me an office. I'll sign the lease Monday," Dave answered.

I turned toward Alex and she had a smile glued on her face.

"Why pay rent Dave," I said. "I've got ten thousand square feet of rent-free high security space, and a lot of it I'm not using, and probably never will."

"Seriously, Jack," Dave replied.

"What do you think, Sarah," I asked her. "Could you stand to have Dave around all of the time? You're a partner now that were married, and you have an equal say in all of this."

Alex quickly whispered to Sarah, "Say yes, please say yes!"

"You made Sarah a partner, Jack," Dave said in a surprised tone.

I told Dave, "I sure did. I had the papers drawn up while I was in Raleigh. The partnership became effective the minute we both said, I do. I amended my will as well. Sarah is now the sole beneficiary of everything I own. Now we both just have to sign a ton of paperwork."

Dave whispered to Sarah, "Do you have any idea of how filthy rich you are now?"

Sarah laughed and said, "I wouldn't say filthy rich, Dave. Jack showed me all of the business's financial records this past week. Things are going very well."

"Jack's rich," Alex asked Dave.

"Let me put it this way, Alex" Dave replied. "There are at least eight zeroes in his net worth. His adoptive parents left him a medical supply business, that he promptly sold for just over 300 million... cash! And he hasn't spent a dime of it. It is just collecting interest."

"Oh my god," Alex and Sarah responded in unison.

"It's true," I responded.

"Ah..., Jack... honey... we need to talk," Sarah replied.

"I wanted to wait until after the wedding to tell you Sarah," I said. Motioning toward Dave, I continued, "But blabber mouth here spoiled my surprise. Still snooping in my bank accounts, Dave,"

"Hey, buddy," Dave replied laughing. "You pay me to watch your accounts for fraud, remember?"

"Just busting your chops, Dave," I responded.

Sarah then said, "Of course you can work out of our office, Dave. It'll keep Jack from having to run out to California four or five times a year. But you may have to pull babysitting duty once in a while."

"Deal," Dave responded.

"YES," Alex squealed.

Picking up the champagne bottle I asked Dave, "Do you want to do the honors?"

"I'd love to, "Dave replied. "But I'd better do it over the sink. Champagne always goes everywhere when I open it."

Sarah and Dave then went into the kitchen.

"Alex, Dave is crazy about you," I quickly whispered. "He made you cry last night after you two made love... didn't he," I asked.

"Yeah... he did," Alex replied. "I wanted to tell him I loved him right then, but I was afraid to. I've been thinking about him ever since Terri sent me his picture."

"So tell him," I said. "Dave told you I'm a hopeless romantic, but he's worse than I am. Are you going to risk letting another good man get away?"

"No, I'm not going to risk that, Jack," Alex replied. "But I'm going to wait until he moves here first."

I gave Alex a kiss on the cheek and said, "Dave will wait on you hand and foot. It might even drive you a little crazy after a while."

"I need a man to do that for me, Jack," Alex replied. "That's why I stayed with Dan for so long, even though the sex was so damned lousy."

"I know, Alex," I responded. "Sarah told me all about it. So how's the sex with Dave been so far?"

Alex giggled and said, "Let me put it this way... on a zero to ten scale, Dave's a 9 with his cock and a 9.5 with his mouth."

I laughed and asked, "So where do I fall on that scale?"

"You at the very top, Jack," Alex replied laughing. "You're a 10,10!"

"Thanks, Alex, I'm flattered," I told her. "But you're not exactly objective when it comes to me, so I really can't put much faith in my ranking on your scale."

"It's not my ranking or scale, Jack," Alex said. "It's Yvette's. She's got more experience with men than any other woman you fucked that weekend that we met, combined. She gave you only the second 10,10. Alexandra, Terri, Katie, Sarah, and I all agree with Yvette's rating."

"Then I guess I'll have to give Dave a few pointers so he can bump his score a little," I replied.

"Thanks anyway, Jack, but I can live very happily with Dave's numbers, he'll soon figure out what I like sexually," Alex responded.

Sarah and Dave then returned with the champagne glasses. Sarah had only about a quarter of an inch in hers. We toasted Dave's big move and new contract. Sarah then whispered something to Alex. Alex smiled and led Dave over to the recliner.

"I want to give you something special, Dave," Alex said.

"What's Alex doing," I whispered to Sarah.

Sarah whispered back, "Remember what I did to you after I got back from the doctor? When you didn't know Alex was recording."

"Oh... this should be quite interesting," I said quietly to Sarah.

Alex then proceeded to suck Dave's cock for nearly ten minutes. As soon as Dave announced he was about to cum, Alex began to massage his prostate. He begged her to stop after nearly two minutes. Alex then quickly straddled Dave and began to slowly fuck him. She soon lifted herself off of him. Then she kissed him and transferred all of Dave's semen from her mouth into his.

"Swallow it, baby... Jack swallowed all of his," Alex whispered as she pressed upward on Dave's chin with her hand.

Dave smiled and obliged her. Alex then continued fucking Dave for nearly twenty more minutes until they both climaxed. All the while that Dave and Alex had been fucking, Sarah was looking at them very intensely.

"What were you looking at, Sarah," I asked her quietly.

"Probably nothing... I'm so hungry, Jack," Sarah said as she pushed me down onto the loveseat.

Sarah sucked my cock for nearly an hour, making me climax into her mouth four times, while Alex and Dave continued to fuck. Alex made Dave climax three more times, and Alex climaxed four times. Sarah then wanted me to fuck her ass, so I ordered a late lunch for the four of us, and Sarah and I went into the shower. While Sarah and I fucked in the shower, we heard both Alex and Dave climax several more times. I felt bad not telling Sarah that Alex was trying to have Dave get her pregnant, but I had promised Alex I wouldn't say anything.