Wedding Day Ch. 02


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Janelle smiled and said, "Yes Mr. McMurtry."

"Janelle, what have we said about calling us Finn and Shannon?" Finn said.

Janelle smiled shyly and said, "Yes sir, I mean Finn."

There was something behind the smile she gave Finn that was clear they had some history of some sort.

"OK, then. Well, I know the first question I have, is how did this family tradition start, and how have you been able to keep it going from generation to generation? How have the in-law families accepted it?" Amy asked.

Before either could answer I added another question, "Does everybody that you invite know in advance what the after party is all about? I saw several people leave when you and Melody started to dance."

Finn said, "Well it all started with my great-grandfather Duncan's wedding to Donella."

"Amy we will have to get together sometime and I can read to you some of the pages of Donella's journal with you. She wasn't afraid to enjoy herself. I can't imagine the gossiping that must have gone on about her back then. I mean women just didn't do the things she did back then." Shannon said.

Finn laughed and said, "Yes they did, but you had to go to a brothel and pay for it, great grandma Donella gave it away for free."

Jasmin laughed and said, "Or any swinging dick she could spread her legs for from the pages you have shared with me."

"Hey, that's my sweet old great-grandmum you are talking about," Finn said laughing.

"You mean your sweet old horny great-grandmother," Paul chimed in with.

Laughing Finn said, "True true,"

Janelle came back out with the bag Finn had asked her to get and said, "Would you like me to get some glasses and ice?"

"Thank you, my dear, that would be great, in just a second," Finn said as he pulled two bottles of Tequila out of the bag.

It was two bottles I recognized from the afterparty. I had no idea how much they cost, but I knew they weren't inexpensive. I had come across most of the tequilas at the after-party and I knew I couldn't afford them, but these two were obviously at a different level.

The first was a tall slender bottle. Barrique de Ponciano Porfidio.

My mouth was watering already as I watched Finn hand the bottle back to Janelle and said, "Can you take this back into the dining room please."

I thought, 'Shit what kind of a tease was that?'

"That one and this one are for dessert," Finn said seeing the disappointment on my face and handing Janelle a second bottle. Patron en Lalique.

Janelle took the two bottles and headed back into the house.

Shannon spoke up when Finn mentioned dessert and said, "Um, excuse me? I thought us ladies were on the dessert menu?"

Amy quickly added, "Yes, I guess you boys would rather have tequila than us, hot sexy ladies. Oh well, I guess us girls will just have to enjoy each other without you."

Finn laughed and said, "Oh no, I never said anything about limiting our dessert to just tequila."

I looked over at Paul and he had shifted his position in his chair to get a better look at the bottles of tequila. In doing so he was now sitting on the edge of the chair with his legs parted. I couldn't help but notice his long thick flaccid cock hanging down between his thighs. The kilt couldn't hide his huge cock with him sitting on the edge of the chair like that.

In all the time Amy and I have been exploring the lifestyle I haven't ever felt self-conscious about the size of my cock, but seeing Paul's long thick flaccid cock I suddenly felt very self-conscious. His flaccid cock was bigger than my erect cock. It was the first time during this sexual exploration I felt that way.

Janelle came back with six glasses and a bucket of ice. She set the glasses and ice down next to Finn and turned and walked back to the kitchen.

I thought it was interesting Janelle didn't ask if she could pour it for us. She clearly knew Finn liked to pour the pricey tequila on his own.

"Ladies, can I interest you in some lovely twenty-one-year-old tequila? I was able to track down three bottles for the wedding and lucky for us, no one requested any during the party." Finn said.

Shannon said, "None for me honey, I am sticking to wine for now."

Jasmin and Amy followed suit and said they were both sticking to wine as well.

I thought, 'Oh well more for us.'

The ladies were sitting to my right on a big comfy lounge bench gabbing away. They were directly across from Paul and had the perfect vantage point to see his flaccid cock dangling between his thighs as he sat forward on the chair to check out the bottles of tequila.

I smiled as I watched Amy, she was trying not to stare at Paul's thick cock, but she couldn't help herself. She kept licking her lips and I knew she had to be soaking the bench cushion she was sitting on as she stared at Paul's cock.

Finn poured Paul and me a glass and then one for himself.

When Finn handed a glass to Paul he said, "Jesus Paul, put that thing back in its cage."

Paul blushed and said, "Oops sorry ladies."

Amy and Shannon both blurted out, "Don't be, we were enjoying the view."

I looked at Jasmin and she gave me a wink and licked her lips.

How the hell am I supposed to have dinner with all these sexy ladies? Not to mention Laila in the kitchen.

Janelle came out and said, "Dinner will be served in about forty-five minutes. Just giving you a heads-up. Is there anything else I can get you before Laila needs me in the kitchen?"

Finn said, "Thank you, dear."

The six of us continued chatting and the topic of the McMurity family tradition seemed to have taken a back seat for the time being.

The girls chatted away while Finn, Paul, and I enjoyed the tequila. Finn told me about his passion for tequila and fine wines.

When he told me the current bottle we were drinking cost him eight hundred dollars I almost choked.

When Shannon overheard Finn telling us the cost of the Tequila she said, "Finn, don't be so rude."

"Sorry my love," Finn said.

Then turned to Paul and me and said, "I don't take for granted how lucky I am to be able to afford things like this tequila or the wine we brought for dinner. I have been very blessed by a great grandfather that had some foresight to buy as much land as he could. So I don't mean to come off as bragging, just I really enjoy sharing."

Jasmin laughed and said, "And that includes sharing your wife."

Everybody laughed at Jasmin's comment.

Janelle poked her head out the door and said, "Ladies and gentlemen dinner will be served in ten minutes."

Amy jumped up and went over to Paul and grabbed his arm and said, "Can you escort me into the dining room handsome?"

"Why of course beautiful," Paul said.

Jasmin, Shannon, Finn, and I followed the two of them into the dining room.

I pulled the chair out for Jasmin and she sat down and patted the seat next to her and said, "John sit right here next to me."

I sat down and Shannon quickly sat on the other side of me. I was now bookended by Jasmin on one side and Shannon on the other. Not a bad way to enjoy dinner, although I doubted I remember much about the meal.

Paul sat next to Shannon with Amy on the other side of him. That left the chair between Amy and Jasmin for Finn. Not sure if the ladies planned the seating arrangement but it worked out nicely that everybody was sandwiched by someone other than their spouse.

There were already several bottles of wine on the table with the corks out. Just like the Tequila Finn had brought, he had also brought some very heady bottles of wine. The DRC Montrachet caught my eye right away and I thought, we need to stay friends with Finn and Shannon if he is pulling out DRC wines like he just bought them at the local liquor store. I wanted in on his wine cellar. Paul, Finn, and I had not finished our tequila yet but as delicious as the tequila in my glass was, I didn't want to miss out on the wine.

The DRC wines were on my wish list, knowing I would never be able to justify the cost. I was now sitting at a table with it flowing like it was a box wine. The last time I looked up the pricing on a DRC Montrachet it was over ten thousand dollars a bottle. I was almost afraid to drink it. I looked around the table and watched everybody gulp it down and all I could think was, there goes eight or nine thousand dollars. Not that that stopped me from enjoying the wine in my glass.

Between the amazing tequilas and wines, my head was spinning. So this is how the.01 percent lives I thought.

The bottle of Montrachet just barely made it around the table before it was empty.

Finn must have seen some disappointment on my face and said, "John, I brought two bottles of that, plus several more I am sure you will enjoy. Laila gave me a list of wines to bring that would pair well with the menu she has prepared for us. She has an amazing pallet, clearly a super taster."

I smiled and was about to say something when I felt Jasmin place her hand on my thigh and slide it up under my kilt.

I looked at Jasmin and she gave me a little smile. At the same time, I felt Shannon sliding her hand up my thigh from the other side.

I smiled and thought, 'What wine?'

Laila came out of the kitchen and I am sure Jasmin and Shannon felt my cock twitch under my kilt when I saw her. Even clothed in her chef's coat and pants, she looked amazing, mostly because I knew what was under those clothes.

Laila proceeded to tell us what she had prepared for us for dinner, but just as she began to talk, Jasmin wrapped her soft warm hand around my growing member. Shannon and Jasmin must have planned it because, at the same time, Shannon cupped my balls with her warm hand and just held them.

I didn't hear a single word Laila said as both Shannon and Jasmin never moved their hands while Laila told us about the dinner menu. I only realized Laila had stopped talking because both Jasmin and Shannon removed their hands from my cock and balls.

I looked over at Amy and noticed that both her hands were under the table and it was clear she had Finn's cock in one hand and Paul's python-sized cock in the other.

Laila turned to leave but then stopped and turned around and said, "Now, don't you all drink too much before dessert is served. I have something very special prepared for you that I am sure you will all thoroughly enjoy."

Laila then made eye contact with me and gave me a devilish smile.

Jasmin leaned into me and whispered, "You ever had a mother and daughter at the same time?"

Jasmin's voice was deep and husky.

I wanted to tell her I had, Amy and her two daughters as a matter of fact, but I knew Amy wanted to keep that a family secret even in this group.

I looked at Paul and Finn and they were both smiling as Amy removed her hand from their cocks and said, "So, tell us more about your great grandfather, Duncan, and how your family has been able to keep his wishes going and why?"

"Well, it seems great grand-dad fell in love with a young lady that was, um, unafraid to enjoy sex. So much so that while great grand-dad was courting her, she proceeded to sleep with his three brothers as well as his father," Finn said.

"Probably his sister and mother too, from what I can decern from her diary. She must have been quite the woman, especially back in those days," Shannon added.

"Well, when great grand-dad found out, he was furious, but at the same time, he was still head over heels in love with her. So on their wedding day, he told her as his wedding gift to her, she could screw anybody at the wedding she wanted, but afterward, she was to remain faithful to him and only him or he would leave her and make sure she was left destitute." Finn continued.

I looked at Amy and I was sure she had the same look on her face as I did.

Finn went on, "Great grand-dad was very fastidious about keeping notes on everything and every aspect of his life, be it personal or business. It was no surprise his son, my grandfather gave my father all of my Grand Dad Duncan's journals. There are dozens of journals. Some were very mundane and boring while the one describing the wedding reads like a modern-day porno. Duncan wrote very well with very vivid details of the events, I'm sure there was some embellishing on his part. His wedding gift to his bride ended up becoming a way of life for them. Well, not fully. He did write that she never screwed her father or brother again after that day, but he and his brothers regularly enjoy her company in bed. I guess you could say they were swingers way before they knew it was a thing."

Amy said, "WOW and he wrote in his will that he wanted it to become a family tradition?"

"Um, not really. Duncan's son and daughter didn't know about their parents' wild sex lives, from what Finn's father told us. It wasn't until Finn's father finally went through all the journals and found the one about the wedding day and how their sexual escapades continued the rest of their lives together. From what we read in Duncan and Donella's journals, their children never knew anything about it, or at least they thought the kids never knew." Shannon said.

"Shannon, did you know about this before you married Finn? Did you have an afterparty at your wedding?" I asked.

Shannon didn't get a chance to answer before Jasmin jumped in with, "She sure did and it was wild. It lasted well into the next day. No two and half hour limit."

I looked at Shannon and she was attempting to act like she was blushing.

"What can I say, I am a horny bitch and I like sex. A lot," Shannon said smiling.

"Ok, inquiring minds need to know, did you fuck your father and mother at your wedding?" Amy said.

Shannon looked sad and said, "No my father passed away three months before our wedding and Mom barely made it through the ceremony before leaving broken-hearted about Dad."

Paul laughing said, "Otherwise she would have."

Shannon gave Paul a look and said, "To be honest, I don't know if I would have. I screwed his brother and my mother's brother, but I don't know if I would have screwed my dad."

"Wait a minute, wasn't it in Duncan's will about being a virgin on the wedding day to get an inheritance?" I asked.

Finn said, "Yes, but that was all it said. They had to be virgins on their wedding day. Their daughter died when she was seventeen so no wedding for her. Their son, my grandfather, didn't marry until late in life and according to Donella's journal, she knew my grandmother was a virgin and knew she would never go for the same type of wedding as she had. We only found out about Duncan and Donella's wedding from reading their journals and Duncan's wishes that it become a family tradition in some manner. There was one sentence in his journal about how disappointed he was that his son's wedding was so traditional and that if there was one woman that needed a good screwing it was my grandmother," Finn said with a laugh.

Amy quickly asked, "So Finn, what did you have to say to Melody and Emily to get them naked in front of everybody, not to mention let you fuck them?"

Finn smiled and said, "With Emily, I was surprised she went along with it. To be honest I was more nervous than her. I thought, ok we will get naked and dance around a bit and that would be it, but I got a raging hard-on while we danced and her firm young body rubbed against me. I didn't have to say anything, she just got down on her knees, lifted my kilt, and gave me a blow job. I thought that would be it, but she stood up and told me to be her first. Before I knew it I was pushing my cock into my first borns vagina and there were cheers and applause from the rest of the family."

"What did her husband do when he saw his virgin wife sucking you and then letting you fuck her?" I asked my cock growing harder with every word.

Jasmin jumped in and said, "He was in no position to complain as his aunt who is only eight years older than him was on her knees giving him a blow job."

Shannon said, "Yeah, I was shocked things escalated so fast. We were the first great-grand aires to introduce Duncan's wedding wishes to our daughter Emily. Before we knew it everybody was naked. Our new son-in-law screwed both his sisters and mother and Emily serviced both Finn's brother and my two brothers."

"The apple didn't fall far from the tree with our girls," Finn said with a smile.

Shannon went on, "We had been to both our niece's weddings, Finn's brother's girls and they just got naked and danced with their fathers. They certainly had expanded their horizons since their weddings. The two of them screwed each other as well as every single male member in the family at Emily's wedding and afterparty. Emily's wedding established Duncan's wishes were alive and well."

"Yeah, both nieces even took Paul balls deep at Emily's wedding," Finn said laughing while pouring more wine for everybody.

Finn went on, "With Melody, she whispered to me while we were dancing that she was horny as hell and needed to get laid. I asked if I could help her with that and although she was a little shocked, she didn't hesitate to take her clothes off."

"Turns out both my daughters take after their horny slutty mother," Shannon said with a laugh.

I was on sensory overload by now. The amazing wines, tequilas, the taboo sexy talk and these two sexy women openly talking about an incestual family like it was an everyday thing was a total kinky turn-on.

Shannon added, "At our wedding, the after-party was much much smaller. We only invited the family members that knew about great grand-dads wedding and Paul and Jasmin of course. The four of us had already crossed over from vanilla friends to friends with benefits several years before."

Finn's older brother's daughter was the first wedding where the after-party had more than just close family invited. There were probably twenty-plus people there."

I could see the wheels turning in Amy's head as she asked, "So how did you know who to invite and wouldn't freak out when the party got rolling? Plus, what about the groom's family? How do you know they wouldn't freak out?"

"Well, usually it is almost all family invited and close intimate friends of family members. There is always a handful of new guests. Like yourselves. We got lucky with Emily's husband as his family was very open to exploring sexually. We found out that night that our son in laws parents are big-time swingers. They have house parties every other month. They were a little shocked at first to see Emily getting naked with me, but the shock wore off pretty quickly and her father-in-law had her right after me," Finn explained.

Shannon laughed and said, "We did more than feel out Emily's in-laws."

"Yes, so we got lucky with them, they had raised their family as nudists and had had some experience with family exploration. Nothing one on one, but were open with their children about sex. When we hinted about what could happen at the afterparty they both lit up and were excited. Emily's new father-in-law pulled me aside one night and asked me if it was ok to screw Emily if the opportunity presented itself during the party. He said he thought she was one of the most amazing and beautiful women he has ever met. I told him if she is up for it, sure. The look on his face when I told him he could, he looked like he just got the last golden ticket," Finn said laughing.

"You never told me that. No wonder he was standing right behind you stroking his cock and jumped in between Emily's legs right after you finished," Shannon said.

Finn went on, "Jasmin, Paul, Shannon, and I, were over the moon when Melody and Jaylen started dating. The four of us were already swapping, so we knew the after-party would be fun. When they broke up for a couple of months, I think the four of us were more distraught about it than Emily was."

"Well, you kept some of the afterparty festivities secret until what, a week or two before Emily's wedding?" Jasmin said.
