All Comments on 'Wet Miranda's Coed Shower'

by Wet Miranda

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HornythologistHornythologistover 19 years ago
Another winner!

Once again you have earned an A+ After reading your tale of the nude walk down the non-nude beach I went back and read the other stories and came to the conclusion that you are a writer of the first caliber. The only story of yours that I HAVEN'T read yet is is your first encounter with another girl, but I will rectify that as soon as I finish submitting my praise to this latest addition to your work.

One might think that writing erotica is easy but as you have already realized it isn't. Each genre of writing has it's own pitfalls and erotica is one of the most dangerous of all genres. Almost by definition erotica is based on fantasy, and since fantasy knows no bounds it is tempting to let the fantasy take control and lose all sense of reality. In Science fiction the story only works when there is a plausible explanation for the occurences, and in erotica (at least GOOD erotica) is only good when the characters are centered in a situation where their actions are believable.

How many times have you read a story where the perfectly "good girl" suddenly, and, without hesitation, sucks somebody cock in the middle of Hollywood Blvd on a Saturday afternoon, and then walks away without giving it another thought. That's an exaggeration, I know, but I'm sure you get the gist. Those kind of stories don't cut it for me. Your's do.

Thanks for giving us good stories and good, believable characters. I look forward to reading more and I plan on checking our your blog site.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

This was great. I've had a shower fetish since I was a kid, and I loved this. Not just the shower scene, but it was great writing, and good character development. I'm on to the Birthday Surprise! Please keep writing

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Keep your fantasies to yourself.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Lots of fun there, if both Miranda and Sarah were there at the same time that would have been out of control.

Only suggestion is to watch out for the mirror-trope - finding a way to describe the POV character without it will make it more natural.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Broken the scale

Too good to be written kinda plot, although I hoped there would be a sequel :(

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