What I Didn't Hear Pt. 06 Take 2


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Carla was twenty-two. Her grandmother, who passed away two years ago, had left her a very sizable inheritance. From what I understood, she would never have to work a day in her life even though she did. Her job was something I couldn't believe. She was a professional blogger, hotels, resorts, fancy restaurants, and like places around the world that would pay her to review them. With the amount of money they paid her, I would guess that the review would be excellent.

Her life wasn't all good in the beginning. She was raised in what she called a "fucked up backwoods town in podunk Arkansas." Where ever the hell that was, I knew I didn't need to visit. Lilia, her grandmother, had raised her most of her life. Tammy, the mother, was a drug addict, and her father, she couldn't recall his name, couldn't stay out of prison. "Being an only child and an ugly one at that," her statement wasn't a lie from the pictures she showed us but was far from the truth today. Life seemed to brush right over her. Lilia, the grandmother, received extensive monthly checks from a large oil and gas company for the better part of twenty-five years for the wells drilled on her property. Carla never knew this growing up and just assumed her grandmother just made it work with what she had from her part-time job of twenty-nine years.

After graduating at the top of her school, she was offered a full scholarship to The University of Arkansas. She was only returning home for the summer to spend time with her grandmother, whose health seemed to be worsening. By the end of the summer, her health had made a turn for the worse, and she passed just after Labor Day.

Leaving the lawyer's office with a considerable amount of money, she knew it would only be a matter of time before people found out she had more money than she would ever need and would come running with their hand out. Finally, after a long night of searching the web, looking for a new city and a fresh start, she decided Charleston would be her new home.

Being in a new town and far from what she knew as home, she needed a way to make new friends. It was harder to make friends without a job, but with a little post, she wrote about how pleasant a local café was, making friends became too easy. I believe the words she used were, "The rest is history."

By the end of June, and just before we left for our yearly family vacation, we knew everything there was to know about Carla. So much so that my father pulled me to the side one night to address his concerns.

"I think what's happening here with Carla is a bad idea," he said.

"I don't understand," I replied.

"Well, let's walk through this. First things first, Carla's a professional blogger, and her reach is around the world. What do you think would happen if she found out about your relationship with your sister? I'll tell you what will happen. There won't be a place on this planet we would be able to go to without being spotted,'' he said, rubbing his temples.

"Fuck! I didn't even think about that," I replied.

"What makes matters worse is your mother's part in this whole thing. I would've thought that she would have learned her lesson by now."

"Dad, don't worry, I will take care of this. I know how to talk to Katie, and she has to learn that she can't just be best friends with every girl she meets," I shot back.

The laughter filled the house from the three of them when I reached the bottom stair. I hated the fact that I had to do this, but it was for our own good, even though she wouldn't see it that way at first.

I stood just to the side of the doorway, where Katie would be the only one to see me calling her with my pointer finger. After failing to maintain her composure, when she saw the look of frustration on my face, she made an excuse that she suddenly didn't feel well and was going to call it a night.

"What's wrong, baby?" she asked timidly, walking into our bedroom. "Did I do something to upset you?" The tears in her eyes ready to spill over.

I wasn't mad at my sister, and I was also thrilled that she had found a friend so close to pass the time with during my long work weeks. Additionally, I began to feel like a real asshole for treating Katie like a child and summoning her to her room to be punished for misbehaving.

"Don't cry, baby. I'm not mad at you, we just need to talk about Carla."

"What about her?" She sniffled.

"Dad and I just had a long talk about the ramifications of her finding out our true identities. We came here to hide from that life. He also brought up a good point about her being a professional blogger, and if she was to find out, she could make our lives a living hell no matter where we went in the world," I said, keeping the tone of my voice on an even keel.

The expression on her face told me she understood exactly what I was saying, and this wouldn't be a conversation we'd have again anytime soon.

"I'm so sorry, Connor. I will think of something to tell her about why we can't be friends anymore."

"No need to be sorry and I'm sorry that I gave you the impression that I was mad at you," I said.

"It's ok, I just misinterpreted the look on your face," she smiled happily before an evil grin took over. "Wanna fuck?" she wasn't asking as she dropped to her knees.

"Just a quickie, I have to work in the morning," I chuckled at the words that so easily came out.

"Not a chance in hell," she growled at me before devouring my cock.


"We're going to be late if you don't hurry up," the words of our fathers echoed down the hall, which caused me to fly out of bed, realizing I had forgotten to set my phone alarm.

"Shit," I mumbled. Like a chicken with its head cut off, I rushed around the room, trying to figure out what to do first. "I'm coming," I yelled back, the only thing that came to mind.

"Yea, Yea, we know. Maybe next time you can do it quieter while everyone else is trying to sleep," he chuckled loudly. "Take your time. You have forty minutes before it's time to leave," he said, still laughing as he headed towards the kitchen.

While my father usually took the week off prior to our vacation to do his routine, getting the house secured and not feeling rushed. Being a new employee, I would not have that luxury. On top of that, the eight-man team I was a part of found ourselves scrambling to meet a deadline that had to be completed by the end of the week. Knowing what we were up against, my father jumped in and helped. Finally, after a couple of early mornings and a few late nights, the sense of accomplishment was my first thought when we finished with just three hours to spare. Being the first project that I had worked on from start to finish, I was proud of myself and the team I was a part of.

For the better part of Friday evening, my father and I packed what remaining things we would be taking and put our golf bags in a suitable hard-shell case for travel. Traveling with our golf bags was a new thing for us. We usually just spent our time relaxing and maybe one or two excursions. With the girls planning out all our days this trip, so we wouldn't miss out on any excellent opportunities, like the one in Jamaica where we rode ATVs through the rainforest. We found ourselves left out of three of the seven days. Maybe not left out because our tee times had already been scheduled, as those were the girl's shopping days.

Finally able to lay down and get some much-needed sleep for our travel the following morning. Katie told me of her day, how she had told Carla that she was increasingly getting behind on her studies and things that needed to be ready for the birth of our first child. Also, she was disappointed in herself for not spending time with her new mother-in-law and the guilt she felt for immediately leaving her behind to hang out with someone new. Hearing all this, I was proud of my little sister and how she had overcome such adversity; even though it was a lie, she did it and put it behind her. I went to bed that night with an aspiration that our future in Charleston would be just fine.

With the later than usual departure time, we enjoyed a small breakfast at home before making our way to the airport. Katie's morning sickness had lessened, and it was only first thing in the morning now. Her cute little sundresses would hide the fact that she was five months pregnant now, but there was a clearly visible bump there in a bikini.

Changing planes in Ft. Lauderdale was a relatively painless event. The hour and ten-minute layover gave us enough time for a quick lunch. Katie was convinced that this was the reason why women "blew up like a cow," because as long as they ate every few hours, the throwing up and nausea would stay away.

The sparkling, clear water surrounding the Turks and Caicos Islands showed an array of animals swimming just below the surface. I stared aimlessly at the edge of the shallows, where preconceived became a mystery.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Katie asked, leaning over me to look out as our plane made its final descent.

"Mysterious, if you ask me," I replied.

"Well, that's one way to put it," she smiled just before sitting back and taking deep breaths of air to calm her anxiety as the pilot reversed the engine thrusts to slow the aircraft quickly.

"Are you ok, baby?" I asked, placing my hand atop hers, which was still gripping the armrest firmly.

"Yea, babe, I just hate the landing part, and I have to pee," she replied.

"Well, just think about me eating your pussy tonight," I whispered in her ear.

"Yup, I'm good now, and you better not be lying because you left me out the other night."

"I didn't have a chance too,'' I shot back.

"Well..., well, so, I hadn't been able to blow you in a long time," she pouted.

All was better with a simple smile and a promise to bury my face into her sex later that night. Bouncing in her seat and about to pee, her panties, we waited for the pilot to turn off the fasten seatbelt sign.

With a quick stop at the first restroom she found, we made our way to the baggage claim area to collect the luggage we had checked.

After the driver and his helper loaded the twelve bags into the van that would take us on the fifteen-minute ride to the resort, we all squeezed in to make the trip. Unlike the taxi ride in Jamaica, the smell of the van cabin was fresh and clean. The relief on Katie's face as she buckled her seat belt let me know her lunch would be staying down.

Check-in this year had no hidden surprises, and our three-bedroom Ocean Front Premier Suite was ready for our arrival. Leaving the front desk, we took our time and made sure to take in all the beautiful art and décor the resort had lavished on the interior of the lobby.

The signs just through the lobby doors informed guests which way they needed to go to find their rooms, the pool, the beach, and most importantly, the restaurants.

"Baby, I think CJ needs to eat," she said, using the initials of our unborn son, Connor Jr.

I liked it way better than "little Connor," the words our mother used, especially when she spoke to Katie's belly about how she "couldn't wait to meet little Connor" in baby talk. It drove me up the wall.

"Katie's right. She needs to eat. Alexandra from check-in said our luggage wouldn't be delivered to the room for at least thirty to forty-five minutes, so we have plenty of time to go eat and browse around." My mother said.

"Sounds good to me. I'm always down for something to eat," I said.

"Yeah, we know, son," our father said, using the palm of his hand to tap the little extra stomach fat I had put on.

"Haha," I snickered."

It was hard not to snack with her late at night. I was just a supportive husband whose pregnant wife constantly ate ice cream, cookies, chocolate, anything really that she could get in her hands when she was craving something and I didn't want her to eat alone.

"Good evening, and welcome to Seven. My name is Lynn. Could I perhaps start you off will a bottle of wine or a cocktail?"

"Yes, my wife and I will take a glass of red wine."

"Good choice."

"I'll take a Belvedere and orange juice, and she'll have a glass of ice water with a glass of a light white wine."

A glass or two of wine a week, as told by her doctor, would not harm the baby--something Katie made sure to ask before we left for vacation. I had all but stopped drinking when we found out she was expecting. With Katie not drinking, our mother limited her alcohol consumption to only when she had one. In comparison, my father and I were under strict instructions to drink and enjoy ourselves.

Full, intoxicated, and with my fifth drink in hand, we headed back to the room to unpack, shower, and relax for the "free day" that was scheduled for the following day. Straggling behind the girls, my father and I laughed too loudly and spoke obscenities towards each other's golf game and how the other one was going to kick the other one ass.

The sundress Katie wore did little to hide her flawless round ass. With the amount of alcohol coursing through my veins, I could feel my shaft filling with the required amount of blood to show her my gratitude. Dead kittens, grandma, the girl with missing and rotten teeth were the thoughts I sent rushing through my brain, trying to slow my erection as the bulge in my slacks continued to become very visible.

"Hey babe, wait up," caused her to stop in her tracks as she waited for me and continued her conversation with Mom about how she wanted to decorate the baby room in light blues and grays.

Wrapping my arms around her and hugging her tight, she instinctively pushed her ass into my stiffing cock.

"Hi, babe," she replied with a smirk. "Do you need my help walking? She asked her smirk, now a full smile, knowing what trouble I was in.

"Nope, I just wanted to give you a hug and tell you I loved you," I replied with a grin of my own.

The interaction with my mother was just what I needed, even though Katie told me of her disapproval of my softening cock when we reached the room.

Everyone had unpacked, showered, put on what they were wearing to bed, shorts, and shirts for the three of us, and a robe for Katie. It was more comfortable, she said. Just before midnight, we all reconvened in the common area. This was my exact concern when we booked this vacation back in March. Everyone would have to wear clothes as they moved about the suite. I had really enjoyed our vacation in Jamaica, being able to see my little sister nude all the time. After ten minutes of small talk, mom and dad excused themselves and headed off to bed.

"What about my promise?" She asked, watching me make my way to the kitchen to pour myself another drink.

"What promise?" I asked, trying to irritate my baby sister.

"Oh, I see how it," she said, standing, discarding her robe and sauntering down the hall.

"Don't leave me. I was just messing with you, baby," I playfully protested in her ear after wrapping my arms around her waist.

"I know, so was I," she replied.

Scooping her up, I carried her naked body the remaining ten feet and laid her gently on the foot of the bed. The woman that laid in front of me glowed even in the moonlit room. She was sexier than ever, and I craved the soft skin of her body.

The soft touches to the tops of her feet with my lips caused cute little giggles to escape her mouth, but they would soon pass as I continued to plant soft wet kisses up the insides of her thighs. The closer my lips got to her sex, the more ragged her breathing became and the harder she pulled at my hair. Having to contain her from pulling my face into her pussy, I removed her fingers that weaved through and pulled at my hair. With my left hand, securing both of her tiny wrists just below her stomach. A loud orgasmic moan escaped her lips as I lapped up the juices that flowed from her after a single flick of my tongue at the entrance of her sex.

"I'll give you anything you want if you promise not to stop doing that," she asked, still jerking involuntarily.

"Deal," I replied with an evil grin.

A look of vulnerability washed over her face as she examined my predatory grin. Keeping a firm grip on the base of my shaft, I continued to work the head of my cock in circles on her clit. Her breathing short and erratic as I applied pressure to the entrance of her sex.

The need to fuck my baby sister outweighed my desire to continue teasing her any further, and I pushed into her tight canal. The words she tried to speak only amounted to grunts and groans that never made it past her lips. Only the deep vibrations from her vocal chords resonated through my lips as I sucked her rubbery nub into my mouth.

"Fuck, your cock feels so big tonight," she managed to say just above a whisper.

With only a grunt as a reply, I began to fuck her with earnest. The loud wet smacking sounds of my swollen balls as they bounced off her bottom filled the room. After just a few pumps into her tight pussy, a closed mouth squeal sent her eyes on their path to the back of her head, a journey they knew far too well each time she had a powerful orgasm. I never slowed and continued to fuck her, but a little harder. Watching her limp body flail under me as I punished her helpless pussy, a tinge of guilt washed over me. I had not felt that particular feeling since Jamaica and slowed my assault on her sex. Knowing she liked to wake up to me fucking her, I continued to work my cock in and out of her, but slower until I lost the battle to contain my own orgasm. Long continuous ropes of cum rocketed from the head of my cock, showering the walls of her sex and flooding the floor of her pussy. My balls continued to pump until the last drop.

Sweating profusely and panting like a cheetah after a long, grueling chase, I collapsed next to Katie, waiting for her return to me from her happy place.

"If I can't feel my legs in the next three minutes, I'm going to need you to carry me to the bathroom so I don't pee the bed," she said, giggling and breaking the silence in the room after thirty seconds had passed.

" I can do that, or maybe I can find you a bedpan like old people have. I'm sure there's one lying around here somewhere," I replied.

"Always a smartypants," she said, sliding from the bed and walking into the bathroom.

The sounds of the waves crashing onto shore through the open window were the last things I heard as I drifted off to sleep.

Not the end.

Diving back into the love story between Connor and Katie, I realized the lack of effort on my part. As I said in the comments, I appreciate the honest feedback and constructive criticism I received. It's what will make me a better writer, and I thank you all for that. I will get to work on Pt. 07 sometime next week after the holiday.

Finally, with the number of emails I received from Pt. 6, several readers asked If I would release Chapter 1 of my next story, so I will also get that edited and ready for submission sometime the following week.

If you enjoyed the story, please give it a five-star rating and leave a comment.

To be continued...


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AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Admittedly, at the start of this wonderful story, I had my doubts, and a few times throughout there were some mild concerns. Thankfully, in the end, they were all rendered void. Even if you did stop here, I think that was a lovely ending, and the implications of what their life was going to be like were clear. That being said, I'm glad there is another part and I hope it lives up to my now-very-high expectations. In any case, this was definitely one of those stories where 5 stars doesn't feel like enough.

I'm not sure if this was intentional or not, maybe a joke on your part, but the overuse of "shot back" in place of a simple "replied/said/etc" I found rather amusing. Also, they sure did do a lot of sleeping and napping. At one point, I couldn't help wonder if there was something physically wrong with them, given that they're quite young and relatively fit. Anyway, just minor nitpicks.

Regarding Carla, I understand the concerns the father and brother had, but I think there would have been a way to "test" her without revealing anything, before revealing the truth to her. She seemed like she would have been able to handle it and be loving and accepting. Katie could have, for example, left mild incest porn stories open on her computer and found a way for Carla to look at her computer, but then she runs over as she reaches it saying, "oh wait a minute, I forgot to close my work". That way Carla would see it briefly, get a hint at what she was into, then ask gentle probing questions. Katie could then ease into, along the lines of "yeah, I'm into some freaky stuff, don't judge me too harshly". And it could go from there. I'm glad at least there was no three-way nonsense included; that would have ruined it for me and I'm sure many others. I'm sad that they didn't at least try to keep her as a friend though as she seemed worthwhile, though I do understand their decision, not wanting to take such a massive risk especially this early in their relationship when they're still building the foundations and have a child on the way.

SheSaidSheWas18SheSaidSheWas18over 1 year ago

Such a good story! One of my favorite on the site!

Dream59Dream59over 2 years ago

I think you are a wonderful writer. This story was well written, though sometimes there were stretches of no sex, the well written story made you want to see what happened next. This is the first of your stories that I have read. I will read the others in the hope they are was well written. Thanks for the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Thank you for the wonderful story!

WargamerWargameralmost 3 years ago

Absolutely love it. Well worth 5/5

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Love it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Loved the new chapter 6!!! Thank you for taking Carla out! Can't wait for chapter 7!

behindhandwriterbehindhandwriteralmost 3 years agoAuthor

Update: I submitted for the edit on my end on the 2nd of July, but it still hasn’t gone up. When I told you all it would be up in 48 hours. I was going by what the site said. After reading the forums, some of the other writers tell me that it can take two weeks to be reposted. Hopefully, it won’t take that long.

On a positive note, I’m editing Pt. 07 now, which will follow soon after Pt. 06 gets edited.

Thanks again for your understanding.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Katie is a psycho & Connor needs to run as far away from her as possible!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

One of my biggest pet peeves with sibling stories is when authors bring outsiders in or have one of the siblings suggest the other sleep with someone else. If they truly love each other they wouldn’t want them to be with anyone else. Why do authors have to make stories into threesomes or orgies??

behindhandwriterbehindhandwriteralmost 3 years agoAuthor

First and foremost, I would like to take the time to thank everybody that left a comment and emailed me about Part 6.

Just to address some comments, I completed the story back in February and only made slight changes before I decided to make my first submission to Literotica. As far as revisiting the story, I think that would go unnoticed with the ending that was considered sloppy and unfinished.

Instead, I’ve decided to edit the current version of Pt. 06 and will have it completed by mid-day tomorrow. I started the rewrite a little after six this morning, having received multiple emails in the few short hours after its posting. The edited version will begin just after the car ride from dinner at Coda del Pesce.

It takes 48 hours for the edited version to be reposted, so keep a lookout for it. It will be titled, What I Didn’t Hear Pt 06 Take 2. Thanks again for the continued support and the honest feedback.


muskyboymuskyboyalmost 3 years ago

Carla? She is totally distracting and takes a lot away from the story. The ending is bizarre, to say the least.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Didn't see that coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Please don't revisit this story later, unless you are going to fix the ending. You went a little crazy with it. I think you lost it when she suggested he sleep with the mom for his "needs" when she's out of commission because of the baby. I really had a hard time finishing the story from there & then you added Carla. If they are "hiding" why would they get that close to a stranger. It just didn't make sense. It was such a good story & you fizzled out at the end.

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