What it Takes Pt. 02


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"Like seeing Clark Kent turn into Superman." Was his comment.

He could see the value of both. One was his friendly face to show he was a big supporter around, the other was a game face to give to people who threaten their little group. Now it made sense how this man could take care of even the angriest customer. Just one inhale and pants might not survive uncrapped. Even just a flex of those arms to show it was just resting muscle rather than fat was a deterrent. Jack was thankfully not intimidated by what might as well be a father figure to Eva, instead politely asked to be good to her.

"Heard you might want in. A bit too soon, but we'll keep an eye and see if you fit. It's not a club to join by paying a fare. You earn it. But feel free to come around. Helping you is helping her. For now."

That had the implication that such help better lead to Eva having a better time and they were not his personal army. Somehow he was not deterred, but reassured that she had people to care for her. All this did feel like a family... a community. Such things were natural and occurred even before the aliens showed up. But they valued them more.

He had an open invitation to return, brighten up some lunches or enjoy some of the other girls, but behind all that he could remember why they were doing this. For her. Jack could focus on that idea to unify them. But he did have to care for the others if he got in. A difficult task for consideration... but easier once he got down to it.

After a promise to see her tonight, the man would leave his girlfriend to return to work and gossip with the girls.


Eva was starting to really enjoy these moments. There was a thought that they might tire of this and possibly not be as passionate after a while, but those are the times when one has to work for it. She was trying to see reasons for it not working... if only to remedy them. The boy had promise like few others, those who might not even take her "secret" well or go astray with plentiful reasons. The girls were there to test him as well to see if he wanders off at the first whiff of pussy, but so far he held strong, returning to her with a stronger desire.

Their evening together yesterday was relatively uneventful, save for more of their cute holds and deep kisses, one match of sex where the young man applied what he had learned yesterday... if only a bit. She would not let him go that hard yet. But the girl might be tempted soon enough.

Today they were back at this fine club of geeks playing board games. Eva really liked the idea of it because this place needed more situations where people TALK rather than some half-assed interactions. Yes, one could argue bars and nightclubs could be also for interactions of primal nature, but people were starting to forget that. Dancing in the club made her feel alone.

"I just remembered something." Jack told her while they were smoking outside.

"Good or bad?"

"Different now that I know you better. Last week you said you guys have this thing where you are forced to interact with others." He also read something online. "Is there... more to it?"

The two were separated enough from others to not hear, but they were keeping the tone low for such subjects.

"Ah. Yeah. A bit weird by your standards if you want to hear about it."

"Please, you are my weird girlfriend. And so far I'm seeing there is some wisdom in the empire." Beat. "So, how exactly is having a drink with people weird?"

"Well, it's called a piss party." She said the word so easily despite the subject. "Yeah, that's what's on tap. No, before you think about it, we don't just have barrels of it prepared or something. We either have implants or some medicine to help us drink it safely and... you get a mug and have to go and seek out people to fill it. Two rules. Well... more rules, but the central ones... every time you take that first drink you gotta look the person who gave it in the eye. Make sure it's not just some passing thing. Second... each glass has to come from a different person."

That was certainly a weird idea for Jack. The man tried to process how exactly it went with those rules. More information needed.

"Small glasses? And you guys have to run out or something."

"Nah, it goes right through you. And I mean it. Once you're at your second mug you pretty much have to go again. You can go through ten easily. Depending on the number of people, it can last from half an hour to all night. But once people can't find someone new... they call it for the final release. That one's with less rules. Just everyone going and catching what they can. Really puts the floors working."

"Sounds depraved as fuck, but..." He considered the logic. They were forced to find someone new with every interaction and acknowledge them. And there must be more to the act if they insist on it being "made" on the spot. "Feels like the point is to get some feel for everyone... know them on a basic level. That look in the eye is so you share the moment and remember it. Next time you even see them you have that thing to connect them. And they have to seek someone new to not just stay in their own group and isolate each other." Other than the health hazards of such an act, the man might... consider such a thing. "You guys really are more than depravity."

"We're not depraved at all." A chuckle. "Looks like it from the outside, but most go on how these things connect us. All of the big and small things. Connecting people. Makes the world bigger for you. I might not consider them friends, but I've done stuff with over a hundred people... and I could recognize them and talk right off the bat. Over here it feels like sparking a conversation is like pulling teeth."

"Seems you have good reasons for it all. I guess some probably go bad, but you don't default things to it. That's how you can do everything. It has... other purposes." He did not ask a question.

"There you go." Her smile was warm. "Yeah, we're often big on the sexual things, but... we don't just do them for their sake. You don't have cum, piss and shit in foods, brought along from who knows where. We don't buy piss or bathwater of celebrities and neither anything more. In fact, our celebrities are a bit less famous. Some like it because it lets them walk around without some horde of people eager for a piece of them."

"And because if they did that they'd basically be paying according to that economic model. Harassing people ain't free."

The smokes were going away quickly. They left Mark inside to pick their next game. He said something about a game for horrible people. Jack considered changing the subject.

"You looking to help out a guy tonight?"

"What? No! This is you time. Didn't even think about it."

"I appreciate that, but I don't want you giving up on what you are doing for me." A look through the floor to ceiling windows that let them see inside the club room. "What about Mark? He seems decent."

"Well..." Why was she trying to find excuses? "I kinda don't want things to get weird. If he turns out like some of the others who get possessive or something... kinda ruins our game night until we find someone else. And even after that."

She had a good point. If that subject came up, these events might turn into something else. But Jack had an idea.

"Think we should try it anyway. It's a test, isn't it? If he passes, he can continue to be a better friend. If not... he would have failed sooner or later at something."

"Bleh." Her arms crossed as she looked aside. "I hate that you're making sense." A sigh. "Yeah, guess if he's weird he might try something sooner or later anyway."

"And this is about giving guys a chance. Now you're choosing our fun over that thing."

"Look who's all moral here." It was a tease as the girl turned to him with a grin. "Okay, let's see. Plan of action? I usually do this alone. How do you want to do it?"

The man lit himself a fresh cigarette to think on it. Deeply. The best option for their sexual interaction was for him to not be present. If he was there... it might make things weird in several ways. Watching her do it might make the man feel used for some weird fetish. Participating might lead to Eva giving him less than usual.

"You can go off with him and I'll wait up. Swap notes after that." It was weird that he wanted to hear about it.

"Alright. Sounds good. And who should tell him?"

Again he considered it. Something came back to him about her being his to give away. So he should propose this to their budding friend.

"Guess I'll bring it up. Want to be there or wait outside until we finish?"

"Nah, I wanna be there. Me waiting outside makes me feel like you two are negotiating for how much I'm worth. I can help a bit in there."

"Right. And I'm still not upset if it's just... something as usual. Plus, if he's a great guy and I can trust him with my girlfriend... feels like I'd have no better friend."

Eva gave him a big smile. The man was getting it so much. It was indeed risky at times, many failing... but that was weeding them out before it was a problem. Just because you don't let people be assholes that does not mean they will not be such.

Finishing their smokes, the two slipped back into the themed bar to seek out the club room, the low music being barely heard over the voices of the other groups. Their table in the back of such a shelf awaited them with stacks of white cards and one pile of black strips while their acquaintance was on his phone. The rules had to be explained, showing it was less of a game and more some exercise in knowing each other. Jack would find a moment to do the proposition after they went through one full circle of the table.

"So, Mark... I am about to propose something incredibly weird but I mean it and there's no hidden issues."

"Doesn't sound like you wanna propose a new rule."

"Nah, and... I can understand it sounds like a thousand things. But, the short of it is that Eva here wants to give decent guys some fun of the not safe for work variety. No, I'm not a cuck or a pimp or... it just is that. And she's not two-timing me or something, just a friendly thing on the side."

Mark noticeably tensed up at the situation. He clearly had no preparation for something like this.

"Yeah... that sounds pretty weird, dude. Kinda makes things awkward."

"Ugh, this part is always the hardest one!" She gave a bit of assistance.

"Man, I know! I was in your place last week. No, she did not have a boyfriend then, just... did this. Yeah, we hit it off, but... what she does like that is different. Yeah, you can have friendly fucks. Just need to not go over the line into romance."

"I'd rather not go because sounds like it might turn off."

"Sure can. But if it doesn't... might be better. Oh, and in case you're worried she's the only one getting things on the side, we're fair." A pause. "I honestly have no idea what else to say because that's really all it is."

The game paused as the man considered if he should entertain further conversation on the subject or leave the place. No matter what, it might make things awkward. Eva was trying to look as normal as could be. No seductive looks or something like that. Their expressions seemed more worried. Mark had no girlfriend to speak of for years. He'd quit dating since he just could not deal with the demands or the fact that women had very little loyalty. The hope of a good one was at best giving warmth that there are good girls left... but they were always taken.

Such an arrangement was not suggesting he become some side lover. The girl was a friend and felt like going no further. As a follower of the bro code, he was in no way willing to steal Eva... mostly because if she leaves one guy for him, she'd leave him for another. But it was not that. This was something different. Man instincts were telling him to go ahead... with caution.

"Alright. We'll... try. Can we do it after the meeting ends?"

"Oh, for sure. Better to have some quiet outside. Now, let's try and continue this despite the awkward moment."

Jack picked up the black card to read their prompt as their male friend tried to shake the situation. While Eva would give some smiles, there was no feel that those smiles went anywhere further. She was just glad for him to be here, but her looks toward her boyfriend were different. The kind that might prompt Mark to ask them to get a room.

In just one more circle around did they manage to slip back into the game. There were embarrassed laughs at the situations proposed. Truly a game for horrible people as they were amused by it. The bar was closing by the time they managed to end it. Enough points for Jack to show his terrible sense of humor at the expense of others.

The awkward air returned as they went outside, the time for that thing to happen. Jack agreed to just split up and meet her after the event, wishing the two to have fun. Mark felt like speaking up.

"Wait. You wanna hang around? Feels weird to have you go and leave me with her."

"If I come with you guys I'm gonna feel like those guys inviting dudes in their house to fuck their wife."

"Well, you don't have to watch, just... she's going home with you, right?"

"Less effort to meet up again, I guess."

"Though, babe... mind hanging back a bit?" She made her own request.

Back to awkward as the girl walked a bit ahead with their friend, more willing to have a quiet talk.

"You don't have to do this. If it makes you feel better we can just go off a bit and say we did it."

"We could, but my dick might want to strangle me after that."

"Hilarious to imagine... but if you feel like you're going places you shouldn't.... You can just say no." Eva was being understanding. Her mind was made up to give him a chance.

"Honestly, it kinda doesn't feel like it. Been with a girl and... this is not that. Feels like you have eyes for him only. Thinking of him even now."

"Guilty. And that's how it is. But I could make the little guy starve a bit less. Must feel weird, but it's working so far."

"Open relationship, mmm? Usually it doesn't. It's just an excuse for one partner to cheat."

"Yeah. But cheating is something else. Leaving him behind. I'm not. We can maybe have a few more fun times but..."

"You're not gonna ask me up for dates after this." It was not a question. The man felt it.

"Doesn't cross my mind. And that's another thing that it is. A test. For me, for you. For him. That we can walk into this and come back out shining. Makes it stronger when we see that trust upheld."

"I'm damn jealous of you two. Seem to be made for each other." He meant another word. "You don't happen to know any other good girls in need of a guy?"

Eva weighed carefully how much to tell him.

"A few that might entertain the idea. But I can't guarantee it will go there. Love is... something that just happens. I did this with twenty guys before Jack. None of them did such a thing. And no, we weren't dating or anything... just this trial of sorts." Beat. "Actually, my last date was in high school and that was just teenage crush. Didn't go anywhere. Both of us knew it."

"Well, I am glad for him you're not some woman to just hop from one to the other. I'm not gonna be that, just so you know."

She was tempted to give him a slap on the shoulder, but that sort of thing was reserved for another.

"I am tired of having those women ruin my image. But, this is getting a bit too close. I think there's this good back alley around here."

Mark took a sharp inhale. While he had no idea what awaited him... his rod was eager for some female attention.

"So... what are you up for? I'm clean and on the pill. Can do just about anything. Yes, even THAT."

Each had their own idea of what such a thing meant, but Eva had a dirtier mind. A catch up from Jack to share the plan... straight sex in a back alley like he bought a cheap whore. She felt better than that, but they were lacking in location. The boyfriend would just casually linger at the entry of the alley while the two went in deeper, behind a corner to hide those activities.

Sounds were kept quiet not just for stealth, but as some sign of respect for the man. No need to one-up him... and neither could Mark do so. Once they were out of sight, the girl pulled up her shirt to reveal those above average breasts, welcoming him to stare for a good bit and fondle them. He went a bit further... out of personal desire and gut instinct... and started sucking on one, bending down a bit to take full use of those breasts.

All in this equation were subconsciously measuring the interaction. Their guard was keeping an attentive ear for signs of her being more impressed... either for some act to perform or a sign that she was being dishonest. The girl weighed her sex partner's actions to see if he was going beyond just slaking a thirst for booty and considering ideas of taking her... to which she would fight back. And Mark was following any remnant of his subconscious to tell him what he could do and what not. And he was reassured that he wanted nothing that could even hint at stealing.

With his ex, he might be tempted to touch her in other places, go up for a kiss and so much more. Now it was just... business of a sort. He was granted access to some tits and pussy to unwind. He had to give them back after he was done. Be a good boy and return the toys to his friend. He was not lingering on the taste or other implications on the act... just the very basic ones. Man missed having access to some boobs so he was getting that out of his system. A bit of consideration to give the other nipple a good suck before it was time for the main act.

Letting Eva bend over after she pulled her pants down, the boy of twenty-three was given access to her behind, a sight to admire and get a feel of with his hands. Pleasant fill to that booty. His jeans also came down and he decided to trust them back and not consider the lack of a condom. He was clean as well since there were no partners to get anything from. True, one could get such diseases from other sources, but he avoided the hobbies and locations that lead to such a thing.

His cock was in delight to finally have some pussy to sink in again, the warmth and wetness of that hole being all it awaited. The man gripped her by one tit and her side while indulging in this basic pleasure with muffled groans. No need to make his friend jealous. The view of the shadowed wall before him was not much, so instead he looked down to the almost naked girl, arms resting against that surface as she alternated between turning to him or just letting her head down to enjoy the sensation. This reminded Mark that such a thing was a cooperative act and it would be polite to give her a release as well. He slowed down to work her over with whatever experience he picked up from his last relationship.

Having no restraint to blowing his load inside her to no consequence was an amazing feeling, his groan of release following her shuddering climax as the balls were emptied and evolutionary incentive fooled so he can go back and focus on real things. A moment to enjoy the afterglow before it was time to adjust their clothes back a bit.

Mark did not get a kiss, but he got an honest hug which made him have no regrets for the night. This might be a favor to him, but there was a hidden cost that he continued to be a nice guy... and many failed. He did not feel that hug to be anything more. Friendly, thankful and approving, something he might get from a good friend or a pleasant sister if he had one.

He was in a bit of a daze walking out, but that guilty smile was hard to hide, though Jack seemed to enjoy it, especially as the two seemed no different.

"That was crazy, but... thanks. Feels like ages since I've had any." It was still a bit awkward for him. "See you next week for games?"
