Whelps Pt. 01


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After a half hour, John rose from the blanket and picked up the thermos, open it and handed it to me. "Drink, we both need to hydrate." I did not realize how thirsty I was. After we had both drank the needed water, John stated, "I am through with you for today. Meet here at this same place tomorrow at the same time."

I responded, "Where are we?"

John laughed and said, "Look around." I did. We were in the same spot where we met this morning. Walking around blindfolded had disorientated me.

"You think you are smart don't you."

John laughed and said, "It worked didn't it."

I had to admit, that it indeed had worked.

John got up and placed all the items back into his backpack, except for the collar which remained attached to my neck. I looked at him and said two words," Anal lube". He nodded in comprehension. He then put his clothes on. As I reached for my clothes, John stanched them away from me. "Those clothes are now my property. Here you can have your panties back." He put the panties back into my mouth, saying, "Don't take them out until you step onto your porch."

We both turned and walked away.

Walking home, with John cum leaking out of my pussy and my mouth stuff with my cum soaked panties, and the collar around my neck, I reflected on what John, and I did today. John, as I told him he could, is living out sexual things he saw in the videos he watched. That is good. Tomorrow I expected him to try some more things from those videos. That will also be good. In doing so, he is letting me experience satisfying a male sexual needs/desires. I need to learn that. But, after tomorrow, I want him to experience tender love, experience exploring a woman's body in a gentle and "loving" manner. That way he will have experienced both sides of sex, a male, and a female basic needs in area of sex. Then he can decide for himself if one or the other or a combination is best for him and his partner. I will spend tonight planning out the ninth day of my stay here in this escape from the real world in this wooded land.

Once I got back to the cabin, I went into the cabin and retrieved a hammer and a nail from closet that my husband stored his various tools in. I went back out the front door, turned to face it, removed my panties from my mouth and used that nail to nail my panties to the top of the door frame.

After finishing my breakfast on the morning of the Tenth day, I went into the bedroom to pick out what clothes I would wear for my trip to our spot in the forest area of my property. I had brought only four changes of clothing for this trip. Now, I am down to only two outfits.

I wanted to experience being told to strip again by my "Master". So, I put on: a bra, panties, a T-shirt, a longer skirt than I wore yesterday, socks, shoes and of course, the collar. The panties were the only G-string set that I had left (I did not expect some male undressing me out here). I suspected that on the trip back to the cabin that they would be in my mouth.

As I arrived, on time, at our spot, John has already laid out the items from his backpack. The only new item, thank God, was a tube of anal lube. Seeing that tube, my pussy spasmed and my anus tighten up.

"Good day Vg. Come and stand in front of me."

I did as he ordered. The next thing John said was, "Strip down to just your panties! Hand me your clothing as you do so."

I removed every item of clothing except for my g string panties and handed them to John. I started to reach up and take off the collar. John grabbed my hands and asked what I was doing. I explained that I was about to remove the last item of clothing. He looked sternly at me and said, "That collar is not clothing, it is now part of your body. It is to remain on at all times when you are in my presence."

"Yes Master."

"Go over to the blanket and get the ropes and go over the trees and tie yourself to them. Every morning when you arrive here after removing your clothes, you are to tie yourself to the trees."

I tied my legs and my left arm to the trees as he wanted. I could not tie my right arm. John tied my right arm to the tree.

"Vg are the ropes around your legs and left arm as tight as the rope around your right arm?"


John retied my legs and left hand even tighter than my right arm. "That is how you are to tighten your bonds from now on. You had disappointed me and must be punished for that."

It was almost comical watching John trying to be tough toward me. I bowed my head trying to hide my amusement at his act.

John tied the blindfold over my eyes and then stepped back from me. Everything was quiet for a few minutes until I heard that swish in the air and then felt that belt from his backpack striking my butt cheek. I scream in surprise and pain. I scream each time the following strokes of that belt hit my cheeks. The pain was no greater than the spanks I received as a child but each one was a surprise and thus the scream. There was a total of ten lashes to my butt.

"Next time you tie yourself up it must be as tight as I had just done."

I then felt John softly stroking the whelps that were forming on my red ass. As he did that, my vagina spasmed and soaked what little material that was covering it. He cut the G-string from my body and stuffed it into my mouth.

"I am a little tired from administering your punishment. I am going to lie down on the ground behind you and watch the whelps form on your butt."

I think I hung there for at least 30 minutes deprived of hearing, seeing, or feeling. I was getting starved for any type of interaction with John. Was he still there? Was he asleep? Had he gone and left me there? I then felt John fingers passing between that prominent slit formed by my vagina's lips. I jerked in surprise pulling at the bonds of my legs and arms and ejecting liquids from my pussy. Then nothing.

Another half hour passed without any interaction from John. The cum from my earlier squirting organism and dried on my legs. Then John's fingers were there again, and I squirted again. Then they were gone again.

The next span between feeling or hearing John seemed even longer. Then I heard John's voice.

"I think I am bored. I think I will let you hang there for the rest of the afternoon."

"No. I want more. Stroke my pussy and then fuck me."

"Fuck you where?"

"In my mouth, or my pussy."

"Boring. I have done that to you already."

"Fuck me in my ass then."

"Your ass is tight. That will require some effort on my part. You need to entice me to do that."

"How can I entice you to do so?"

"Well, the whelps on your ass enticed me to stroke you to at least 2 organisms."

Thinking hard I figured out what he wanted from me. I had thought about it earlier when I experience the pain/pleasure of his lashing my ass. I wonder at that point how this other source of pain/pleasure would compare.

"John if you liked the whelps on my ass that excited you, then whelps on my breasts and nipples should excite you even more."

John walked around in front of me. Swing the belt, he hit the top of my left breast. It hurt. The he flicked the belt and hit that breast's nipple. It hurt more. He repeated those two strokes onto my right breast. Then he proceeded to inflict that pain onto my breasts three more times to each breast. Each time the belt hit me; the pain started to become that mixture of pain/pleasure. As I feel the whelps forming on my breasts, I came harder than before.

"John get behind me and fuck my ass." John didn't have to be told twice. I could hear him moving to the blanket and taking his clothes off. He then got behind me, push my back down as far as the ropes permitted. He then stuck a finger coated with what must have been the lube up my ass as far as it would go. It felt strange to have a finger up my ass. He placed his penis against my anus and push slowly but firmly into me. There it was again, the pain/pleasure. I pushed my ass back against him, assisting his penetration of my ass. When he was inside me to the point where his hips smacked into my whelped ass cheeks, the pain was totally overcome by pleasure. John started propelling in and out of my ass, driving me to my strongest climax of the day. He erupted inside my ass and then pulled out. He sat behind me watching his cum leak out of my ass. Knowing he was watching my ass leak his cum and the fact that he was getting pleasure watching it come out of me, sent me over the top again into another milder climax.

My limbs became weak, and I collapsed downward only to be held up by the ropes. The next thing I was aware of was John walking around to the front of me and then continuing moving until he was behind me, and I could feel him pointing his penis at my pussy. He thrust his penis into my very wet vagina and started fucking me. Using the little energy that I had left to contract my vagina walls around his thrusting penis drove me to a squirting climax as his continuing fucking me until he climaxed. He then fell out of me down onto the ground as I passed out.

When I recovered, I found myself lying next to John on the blanket. He had removed the blindfold and pulled my panties from my mouth before tying them around one of my wrists. John was dressed and except the blanket everything (including my clothes) had been put into his backpack. He helped me to my feet, placed the blanket into the backpack, removed the panties from my wrist and stuck them into my mouth. Pointing me in the direction of my cabinet, he swatted me on my whelp covered ass and starting walking in the direction of his cabin. He yelled back at me, tomorrow at the same time and place. I raised my arm in acknowledgement.

As I walked back to the cabin with the collar around my neck and my panties in my mouth, I felt the whelps on my body, and I looked at the rope marks on my wrists and ankles. I smiled.

When I arrived at the cabin, I got the hammer and a nail and nailed the G-string (the second pair of panties) to the frame above the door. Removing the collar, I entered the cabin for the night.

I took a bath, put lotion on all the marks on my body, fixed dinner, and then went to bed.

On the morning of the Eleventh day, I put on my next to last outfit, shorts, tank top, regular panties, shoes, and the collar. I walked out of the cabin and headed to the rendezvous place to meet up with John. As I approached, I saw John waiting for me with the blindfold and the leash in his hands. He started walking toward me in somewhat of a hurry. As soon as I was within his reach, he removed all my clothing leaving wearing my shoes and collar which were soon joined by the blindfold.

"Vg, today we are going for a hike. Since you are blindfolded, you must listen very carefully to my instruction as I guide you along our way. Do you understand?"

"Yes John, I will follow your instructions, no questions asked." I added that last part realizing everything John had done to me outside of the cabin had led to lots of pleasure and an expanding of my attitude toward sex play and sex. I was looking forward to whatever deviant things he had planned for this hike. My mind considered the possibilities of things that could happen on this trip. One of the things I kind of wanted to happen was his exposing my nude body, somehow, to one or more people. My mind's eye saw him walking me by people hiking in the area. I could see them gawking at my nudity and my captative. I got excited thinking about that. If he stopped to talk to them, would he let them feel me up? That probably is not going to happen because the person or people would have to be on my property and that would be trespassing.

The next thing I felt was a strong tug on the leash pulling me forward by the collar. I had to quicken my pace to keep up. I stumbled a few things and was reward with a swat of John's belt on my ass. After what seemed like a half an hour, John stopped and gave me a needed drink of water. "John how much further are we going to hike?"

"About ten more minutes."

A few minutes later I was startled hearing, "No shit John, you were not kidding me."

"Kevin, would I lie to my closest and best friend?"

"Apparently not, she is one hot older woman."

I was shocked to the point of being speechless. Even though I had fantasized about encountering people as we hiked, I never thought of John would intentionally parading me in front of someone.

"Listen Kevin, I know that you have never seen a naked woman or had sex. So, I thought I would share her with you. Lately, I have been watching sex videos. In most of those videos, more than one man was having sexual fun and sex with a woman. So, I thought about you being the other guy."

When I heard that, I realize what John was doing. I told him he could do to me the things that he seen in the videos. I made a point of be willing to allow John to have sex with me because he was a virgin. Well, apparently so is Kevin. I relaxed with that realization. Sex with two men, let's try that!

"Vg stand still and do not move." "Kevin come close and feel anywhere on her body that you wanted to."

I steady myself, preparing for the onslaught that my body was going to receive from this virgin guy who was probably more sexually inept than John was. My mind was racing, would I like this or not. Should I be mad at John for springing this on me without discussing it with me?

Well, all those thoughts went out the window when I first felt Kevin's hand on my nipple. My pussy spasmed and my legs got a little weak.

Next, He firmly grope that breast. That was followed by his hand stroking my face, especially my lips.

"Hey Kevin, try touching her pussy. Make sure you stick a finger inside there, moving it all around to get a proper feel of the insides of a woman."

When I heard John say that I felt that he was diminishing me to a "piece of meat". Then I thought, that is exactly what I told him he could do when we were outside of the cabin. With that realization, I relaxed.

Kevin slowly touched my pussy lips, followed by his opening them up enough to stick his finger inside of me. He used that finger to explore me. I enjoyed being probed by Kevin to the extent that my inside was flooded by my secretions.

Kevin pulled his finger out and said, "Man my finger is soaked!"

"Kevin, put your finger inside of Vg mouth and make her suck it clean."

Hearing that, I open my mouth and slightly stuck my tongue out. Kevin got the message and placed his finger in my mouth. I sucked until all the delicious traces of me were gone down my throat.

At the monument that Kevin removed his finger, John turned me around, so my backside was facing Kevin. "Kevin, you got two minutes to feel any part of the back of her body that you want. Make the best use of that time."

I realized that the time limit would force Kevin to spend his two minutes on my ass! That is what he did.

First Kevin felt both of my ass cheeks. He then pulled them apart and stared at my anus. Then one of his fingers started probing the insides of my anus.

"Kevin, you have only 30 seconds left, you better get the last thing you wanted to do to a woman's behind before your time expires."

That is when I felt Kevin hand hit one ass cheek and then the other. The force of those blows, I knew, would leave handprints on my butt.

"Ok Kevin, you can do only one more thing to Vg before our time here is up."

Kevin stepped up to me, placed his hands on my breasts, using them to pull me forward so that our lips meet. His tongue probed inside my mouth seeking the maximum amount of pleasure that he could get out of this kiss.

"Ok, man, that is enough."

"Vg, thank Kevin for using your body for his first experience with a woman."

"Thank you, Kevin for using my body."

Kevin reply, "It was my pleasure and thank you."

"Let's go Vg, it is getting late, and I want you back at the cabin before it gets too dark."

When we got back to our starting place, John removed the blindfold and the leash. He reached down to the pile of my cloths and picked up my panties. "Vg open your legs and stand still." John ran his finger all over my vagina and even stuck them inside of me. I was so excited from the day's activities, that I came immediately. John then opened my vagina and pushed my panties up inside of me.

"Vg, our time together in nearing an end."

"That is correct. We have only two more days of our experiment together. Three days from now will be my last day at the cabin. I plan on spending that last day alone in the cabin before leaving to return to my life in the city. I want to think about things and to decide about how I will spend the rest of my life. Tomorrow will be the last day that I will be outside with you, under your control. The day after tomorrow I want you to spend that day with me in the cabin. That will be the last time we will be together."

"That being so, I want to make tomorrow as special for the two of us as we can. That brings me to the subject of Kevin, he wants desperately to fuck you. I want to watch you as you get fuck. I want to see the expressions on your face, to watch your nipples get hard, and watch your pussy spasm and eject your cum as you climax. I also want desperately to do the last of the things to you that I have seen being done in the videos."

On our walk back here, I have been thinking about the one sexual experience that I have never done. It is something that the two of us could not do by ourselves. I was thinking that this experiment will not be complete without it, letting two men have sex with me at the same time! Letting them do whatever they want to do sexually to me and my body. Of course, this is to be done within the limits that I have setup for our experiment. "John, if you will guarantee that Kevin is truly a virgin, he can lose his virginity inside of my pussy. Finally, you and he can double team me, one in my pussy and the other in my ass. I will hold you responsible for Kevin abiding to our agreed upon rules."

"I know for certain that Kevin is a virgin. I have told him of our limits and has agreed to abide by them."

"Ok then."

"It is time for us to part for the day. Hold still." John then removed my panties from my vagina and stuffed them into my mouth, turned me toward my cabin, and slapped me hard on my ass as he turned and walked away saying, "Be here tomorrow at 9:00am and be prepared to stay here to late in the afternoon."

I walked back to the cabin, occasionally feeling my ass for the whelps from John's belt and the area where Kevin slapped it.

Once back at the cabin, I completed the ritual of removing my panties from my mouth and nailing them over the door.

On the morning of the Twelfth day after my shower, I made a point of putting a lot of lotion on my ass in an effort to smooth the whelps and sore spots. I also tended to my neck; it was getting a little chafed from wearing that collar.

Opening the closet to pick out what I should wear on my last outdoor excursion into the woods, I was surprised to find only my business coat left in the closet! I took that out and laid it on the bed. I then looked into the drawer where I had placed my panties and found only one pair left, one expensive very shear full pair. I figured since this is the last day, why not look my bests, on went the expensive panties.

A few minutes later, I was looking at the image of a sophisticated slut in my mirror. There stood a woman of good looks, with a cheap collar around her neck, a one button business coat on her upper body, which exposed a large "V" shaped area of her chest, and her lower body covered in a pair of shear panties which clearly exposed that deep divide in her labia. I liked what I saw.

I walked proudly out of the cabin looking forward to one finally day of being a mature slut, an unreserved sexual plaything for college age John and his friend. My mind wondered, at the end of this day when I will be walking back to the cabin with those expensive panties soaked in my cum stuffed in my mouth, how many whelps will be on my ass, whether there will be an bruises on my face and my breasts, How sore my wrists and ankles will be from being tied to those two trees, will my vagina and ass will be sore for the thrusting of two penis inside of them, whether my body will be covered in cum and how much cum will be leaking down my legs from my pussy and ass. I staggered to my knees as I lost strength as these thoughts brought on one of the most intense organisms I have ever had. I had never organism from just thinking about something!