Whelps Pt. 01


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The cabin is located dead in the middle of a square lot that is a mile long on all four sides. The lot is heavily forested. The cabin and the dirt road leading to it are the only areas that are free of tress. There are a few walking tails on the property in and amongst the tall forest trees.

I spent the First day alone inside the cabin or on its front porch. I reviewed my whole life from my marriage to the present. The conclusion that I came up with for my being in my present situation: failed marriage, alone and suffering from extreme sexual frustration was due to my being self-centered, wanted others to please me while I ignored their needs. As a result, I am a sexually frustrated lonely mid-aged woman with no idea of how to correct the situation (even as I desperately want to change my present lot in life).

That day of reflection lead me to understand I needed changes -- to myself. I need to consider the needs of other people that I want in my life. In order to see what others need, I have to understand what I needed and how to obtain those needs. Once I determined how to obtain those needs, I can turn that around to doing those same things for the people in my life, thus satisfying their needs and getting them to want me in return.

What do I need? I need: companionship, I need someone to love, and most important, I need to love myself (loving oneself will lead to loving others). All so, I have an immediate need for sex. I have been without sex for far too long. I need to understand what are the things that sexually satisfy me. Secondly, what are the things that sexually satisfy my sexual partner(s).

So, the first task of sexual understanding is to know my own body. On the morning of the Second day, after a shower and completely shaving all the hair from my arm pits, my vagina, and my anus I set about finding which parts of my body, when stimulated, would arouse me the most sexually.

On the front porch, there is a chair and a hammock. It was an extremely hot day. I thought, even with the heat of the day, on the porch, I would be in the shade which would make the environment quite comfortable. So, I walked outside with a pitcher of lemonade, a glass, a small towel, a mirror, and my naked body.

Placing the mirror on the porch floor, I sat in the porch chair. Once I was relaxed, I looked at my breasts. Having large B cup sizes breasts, I felt that my breasts were larger enough to meet a man's desire for breasts to fondle, especially considering that my nipples, when excited, extend a half inch outward from my breasts. I like my breasts to be gently fondle and my nipples to be sucked, with no ruff grabbing, pulling, or twisting. I then proceeded to play with my breasts in the manner that I mentioned above. It felt good! That precipitated a warm feeling in my vagina. So, that was a success.

I noticed that my tongue, had, on its own, been licking my lips. Taking my finger, I ran it along my lips. That was enjoyable. I then gently fondle my face. Another good feeling.

I got up from the chair and went and laid down in the hammock. Lying down would make it easier to move on to the primary sexual areas, my vagina and (something that up to this point has been a non-starter for me) my anus. Taking my finger, I started stroking my clitoris. This, of course, felt good, but not as much as it used to. Wondering why, I examined it more closely and noticed something that shock me, only the head of my clitoris was visible. My clitoral hood had lost its flexibility, thus preventing my clitoris from moving outside of its hood. I concluded that since I had not spent time stimulating my clitoris the hood had started to close. The saying "use it or loss it" popped into my head, basically explained what was happening to my clitoris and its hood and why I was not experiencing pleasure from the light stroking I had done earlier. Next, I play with my vagina's puffy labia, which has those prominent lips which create that pronounced slit in the middle of my pussy (that shape presents a clear camel toe when I wear tight shorts). I stroked its sides, which further separated them lips. I then pulled my lips downward (which felt good). So, stroking and separating my vaginal lips felt very enjoyable.

Finally, I stuck a finger into my vaginal opening and felt around. That got me going, so I inserted two more fingers which somewhat spread open my insides, that felt extremely good. I started getting excited and was racing toward the point of sex, a climax. But I stopped. I had one more area to investigate before reaching that sexual released being brought on by my investigation, my anus.

My anus, an area that I have never explored personally, nor have I allowed anyone to touch me there. Touching it now did nothing for me, so I stopped.

Now that I had completed my expiration of my body, I reinserted my fingers into my pussy while my other hand, which had been massaging my clits hood, was able to get most of my clitoris outside of its hood. That got me off!

Having climax, I laid there going over what I had just did. My conclusion was that I had discovered nothing new. I was satisfied with that conclusion since it reinforced my earlier opinion, there was nothing wrong with the way I performed during sex! I then thought about the male penis. I do not like touching it and especially do not want it in my mouth! Case closed.

The strangest feeling then occurred to me; I felt really good being nude!

Since my cabin was in the center of the one square mile of heavy wooded property, I reasoned that I was totally alone. If that was the case, I wanted to explore walking out in the sun nude. I went into the cabin, got some shoes on, and then proceeded to walk out of the cabin and down one of the trails that lead deeper in the trees. That felt natural, exhilarating, and freeing, walking naked. The sun shined down on my body through the trees. It was hot but there was a breeze flowing through the trees that cool my body. Surprising my vagina liked it too. I was leaking fluid down my legs. I was in such a euphoric state, that I did something totally out of character for me. I reached down with my finger and wiped some of that liquid from my leg. I looked at it, smeared it between two of my fingers feeling its smoothness. I then had a strange desire and acted upon it. I stuck my fingers into my mouth. Half expecting to be repulsed by its taste and texture, I was surprised that I like it. Savoring more, I gather more on my fingers and eagerly sucked it down my mouth into my stomach. Before long I had completely wiped my legs free of that liquid, depositing it all down my throat.

By that time, I had been walking for what must have been 20 minutes, so I decide to return to the cabin. My skin was feeling the effects of being out in the sun with no sunscreen, so going inside was a good decision. It was late in the day, so I showered, fixed dinner, and went to bed.

I did not sleep well that night. I kept having dreams about the events of the day. The dreams were not exact replays of what happen. There were significant variations of the events along with things that did not happen. For example, when I gathered the liquid from my leg with my fingers and after subsequently sucking those fingers dry in my mouth, I looked down and saw instead of my leg, the head of a very large penis, dripping pre-cum. It was the pre-cum of that penis I sucked down my throat instead of my cum. Another dream sequence saw a man's hands pulling and twisting my nipples instead of my doing that. And horrors of horrors, instead of my finger teasing and penetrating my anus, it was a man's finger penetration my hole there until his hand hit against the outside of my anus.

When I awoke the morning of the Third day, I started analyzing those dreams. Could they have suggested that my sexual pleasure could come from my letting a man do to me the things that give me pleasure here at the cabin? I could not get the thoughts of those dreams out of my head.

After eating breakfast, I decided to go again for a walk in the forest. I believe that the hike would help clear my mind of those dreams. Since I was going on a hike and not a short walk like yesterday, I realized I needed to have the proper attire for hiking. So, I put on a pair of hiking shorts, a top that covered my upper chest but left my midriff exposed, a hat, and hiking shoes. I brought along a snack and a canteen filled with water. I also brought the one thing that no one leaves home without, my phone.

When one owns a large plot of land in a forest area, it is necessary to occasionally "walk the land". What that means is you walk the perimeter of your land looking for any indication that someone has illegally been on your land. Since neither I nor my ex had done that in while, I decided to do that today. That meant a four mile hike. I decided to walk half the property today and the other half tomorrow. At a leisurely pace, that would take about 3 hours.

I was actually having a very enjoyable time during the walk. I thought about the dreams trying to decide if my subconscious was trying to tell me something. During the walk, I did not see anyone or any indication that someone had violate our property. At the halfway point of the property, I found a clearing that look like a good place to stop and eat my snack. The clearing was in the middle of some thick growth of trees which offered me a good amount of privacy.

After I finished eating, I laid back against the trunk of a large tree and just relaxed. I was so relaxed that the memory of the pleasure of being nude washed over me. Looking around the area of the clearing I saw no one or thing that should not have been there. I pulled off all my clothing, except for my shoes, seeking that pleasure of being nude.

The pleasure that I experience yesterday washed over me, only more intensely this time. I laid there roughly fondling my breasts, twisted, and pulling my nipples just like I had done in the dream. I was amazed at how much better this felt than when I gently did those things. I slip my hand down to my vagina and inserted three fingers into myself. I tried as much as possible to pound my pussy with those fingers. After a few minutes I exploded in a power orgasm. I laid there until I had calmed down and recovered from the sexual excitement I had just experienced.

As I decided to get up and return home the way I came, it occurred to me that I saw no one or any indication that people had been on my property. Since being nude was feeling so good, I got up and walked home without putting any of my clothes back on.

I sleep much better that night.

On the morning of the Fourth day after breakfast, I prepared to go out and walk the other half of my property. Feeling frisky, I placed my hiking clothes in bag along with my canteen and snack. Since I was going to be nude for several hours on this hike, I put sunscreen all over my body. Unfortunately, I could not cover all my back.

After two hours I had covered the other half of the property and again saw no clear indication of anyone being on my property. I came to the same clearing that I found yesterday, arriving at it from the opposite direction. I sat down, ate my food, and drank some of my water. I felt good after eating. I laid back against that same tree I used yesterday and deciding to take a short nap before going back to my cabin. As I started to drift off, my hands, on their own, played with my sexual parts. This caused me to climax. That aid in my falling asleep.

I must have been asleep for at least 40 minutes when I was awoken by a noise. Startled, I rose up from the tree trunk looking for the source of the noise. I could not find anything that might have caused the noise. I assumed it most have been a small animal scurrying around.

Well, it was time to return to the cabin. I decided to return along the same route that I used yesterday to return to the cabin.

When I got back, I took a shower, ate dinner, and relaxed reading a book until it was time to turn in for the evening.

It was now the morning of the fifth day of my retreat from my everyday life. I had enjoyed my hikes around my property, so I decided to take a short hike after breakfast. This morning after putting on my now established hiking attire (hiking shoes, phone, and a canteen), I decided to spend time just wondering into the interior of the property in no particular direction. Since I had my phone, I planned on taking pictures of some of the more scenic locations on the property (and maybe some selfies). There is this one spot where the ground water is close to the surface which supplies water for all kinds of wildflowers, plants, and grass. I thought I could spend some time there thinking about my sexual life.

When I arrived at the spot, I was overwhelmed with its beauty. I removed my shoes and enjoyed the pleasure of my feet sinking into the lush grass. Taking my phone, I took a picture of my naked body in front of this bush of beautiful flowers. The flowers had spread out in full bloom. Well, I thought, a picture of myself in full bloom was in order. So, bending over in the middle of the bush with my ass pointing outward, I used one hand to pull my ass cheek open and took a great selfie of myself in full bloom! (During my exploration of my body, I discovered that I do have an outstanding rose bud of an ass hole).

I continued taking pictures until I spotted something in the distance hiding behind a large tree looking in the direction of the trail that I had walked on during the previous two days. It was a guy. I quickly used my phone to take his picture. The glare of the sun reflecting off my phone must have attracted his attention because he turned and look my way. Thinking quickly, I raised the phone to my ear and pretended to be speaking to a 911 operator. "Yes, a male person is on my property. I have taken a picture of him which I am about to send to you."

The guy jumped up saying, "Please stop. I am your neighbor's son John. I can explain why I am here."

I looked at him and did remember meeting him and his parents four years ago. He was a 15 year old teenager then.

Pulling the phone down away from my ear, I said "You have ten seconds to explain, or I will send the picture."

"Like I said Mrs. Wilson, I am John, and my parents own the property adjacent to this property. I am spending part of my first summer break from college here in my parent's cabin. Last year your husband asked if we would occasionally check on your cabin, seeing how most of the time the cabin is unoccupied. That is why I am on your property."

I relaxed, put the phone back up to my ear and pretend to speak to the 911 operator saying, "I am sorry, it turns out there is no problem here, the person is saw is a neighbor of ours. Thanks again for your help."

"Ok John why are you behind a tree looking off into that direction?"

Then it hit me, that is in the direction of the trail I had hiked on in the last two days. He must have seen me. I suddenly remembered; I am standing in front of him in my birthday suit. I now realized; he had expected to see me walk by naked. I quickly concluded that if I tried to hide my body or act embarrassed, he would have the upper hand in this situation, so I stood straight acting as if being nude was no big deal. It worked. He was embarrassed.

John then said, "I was checking on the property as I promised and was looking in the direction of where I thought I had seen someone yesterday."

From his deminer and his geeky looks I surmised that even though he had one year of college, he was socially awkward, that he was probably a virgin, and I was probably the first woman that he had ever seen naked.

To test out my theory I said to him, "Ok John, stand up and come over here."

He complied in a very timid manner.

As he stood in front of me trying hard not to look at my body, I got a little sexual rush and my pussy spasmed.

"Ok, John, let us say that I believe you. Come with me." I turned and started walking back to my cabin. He followed behind me. I made sure to put a little extra swagger in my step so he would get an eye full of my butt in action.

As we approach the cabin porch, I turned to John and said, "Come inside and sit in the chair next to the window. Do not move from that chair." He nodded in agreement.

As John sat in the chair, I went into the bedroom and got a short skirt and a blouse that button from the neck to the waist. I came back into the room and stood directly in front of John.

Handing the clothes to John and saying to him, "John, put my clothes on me." He stood and put the blouse over my shoulder, pulled it closed in front and then button all the buttons. He was careful not to touch any part of my chest as he put the blouse on me.

Next, he bent down and picked up the skirt. That brough his eyes directly in front of my pussy. I then placed my hands on his shoulders and lifted one leg placing it inside the skirt followed by the other leg. This skirt was a hip huger, so when he buttoned the one button in its front, his hands contacted the top of my crotch (sending a jolt of pleasure thought my vagina).

I then turned and sat on the small couch that faced the chair.

"John what am I to do with you. You came onto my property without my permission. You admitted that you were spying on me, trying to get an eye full of my nude body. Should I report this to the police?"

"No, I was just doing as your husband asked me to do, check on your property."

"You accomplished that on the first day you check on the property. I assume that is when you first saw me hiking naked. Is that true?"


"So why did you come back the second day? You knew it was me, the owner of this property."

John just sat there and said nothing.

"You wanted to look at me. You want to see my naked body. Admitted it!"

He sheepishly nodded yes.

"If that is what you wanted, then look at me." I unbutton the top button of the blouse. His eyes widen. Those eyes followed my fingers as I unbutton the rest of the buttons. The blouse hung to my breast by my erect nipples. Next, I then slowly open my legs. His eyes were drawn to the sight between my legs. I looked at his crouch which was sporting a very erect penis.

"John, do you like what I am showing you?"


"Are you satisfied with what I am showing or do want a better view?"

"A better view."

"If you want a better view, come up here and arrange my clothes and me in order to give yourself a better view."

He got up and slowly walked up to me. He placed his hands on the blouse and completely pulled it off me. Next, he put his hands under my butt lifting me up and then pulled the hem of the skirt up to my waist. Stepping back a little, he took ahold of my ankles and slid my body forward until my ass was on the front edge of the couch. He went back to the chair and looked over my lewdly displayed body.

I was excited, showing my body to this young person. "John, watch me closely."

I stuck a finger in my mouth, getting it moist. I then ran that finger over my right nipple. That caused my breathing to become labor (I saw that he noticed because he inhaled sharply). Next, I placed the finger of my other hand in my mouth. After it was sufficiently wet, I lower until it was posed at the entrance of my pussy. I held It there as I looked directly at his eyes which were fixed upon that finger.

"John, what should I do with that finger that you are looking at so intensity?"

"Stick into to you as far as you can and then start pounding your pussy with it."

"And how long should I pound my pussy with it?"

"Until you have a screaming organism."

"Your wish is my command."

It took only about 3 minutes before I came. My body slump to the point where I almost slid off the couch.
