Why’d You Ever Have to Say Goodbye


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"The light is good in here." I said after a while, we hadn't moved and the dust motes still span above us.

"Yeah." she looked at me and a glint was in her eyes. "Good for watching." and she pushed me off of her and I rolled onto my back, Lisa twisting with me and managing to keep my soft penis inside her. She smiled and wiggled her hips and then moved up to kneel and looked down her body. The pubic hair was tangled and matted together and it pinged free as she moved her body from mine. She lifted up and then moved on her knees to get higher, raising them over my shoulders and then opening her legs above my face. She leaned forward and looked down as our cum formed a drop on her inner lips and it began to stretch. I lifted my head and opened my mouth.

I licked over the soaked labia and then Lisa lifted up, turned and lowered herself again and I put my hands up to open her and slid my tongue inside to lap some more of our cum mix from her body before licking up her perineum and swirling my tongue around her tight knotted hole. Lisa leaned down and I felt her breasts press to me and her breath wash over my cock before she lifted it and put her mouth around it. She only stopped sucking and licking me when her breathing became to fast and then her head rested on my groin as she groaned and then cried out as her body released more liquid for my open mouth and probing tongue. I had one last lick up her soft skin to press my tongue to her anus and she pushed back and sighed and the tip just penetrated her.

"You've done it again." she mumbled as she crawled over me and slumped on my chest for a long time.

"Rose." I said and there was a mumble and Lisa lifted her head. "Rose, a possible name for her." She looked confused. "Back door." I giggled.

"Why Rose?" she said, her head wobbling slightly as she tried to keep it up, her eyes struggling just as bravely to stay open.

"She's like a rose bud before it blooms." I explained and she smiled.

"Well, way more romantic than back door or bum hole." she giggled and settled down on my chest. "Rose." she mumbled a little while later and then she was gone.

Lisa didn't sleep for long, just a twenty minute or so nap and lifted her head and her dreamy eyes looked into mine. "I'm not normally like this." she mumbled and her head slumped again, "Then again, I'm not normally having orgasm after orgasm." She gave my chest some small kisses and lifted her head again. "Actually, I cannot remember the last time I had more than... hmmmm... two, in a night."

"You've only had two tonight." I said, chuckling as she looked at me, her eyes still drifting.

"Yeah, like you'll stop there!" she laughed. "Plus, they were fucking big ones."

"Well, we can."

"You fucking dare. Kitty misses you." she chuckled. "She had no action this morning."

"Does she normally?"

"Stop being so pedantic." she said. "Anyway, she's hoping to at the weekend."

"Non-stop action, apparently." I teased.

"Better believe it."

Lisa shifted up, now she was more awake and rested on her side, pressed to me, a breast poking onto my chest, the other pressed to my side. I stroked over it as she snuggled to me and she sighed and wiggled closer. "Jeez, kitty is drooling already." she mumbled and I almost choked with laughter. "Oh, that sounded horrible." she laughed, but she pressed her hips forward and rubbed her groin on my leg and she giggled. "Stop making me horny." she said, her eyes not managing to be as serious as her face.

"Ok." I said and ran my thumb over the nipple and made a little circle.

"Oh fuck." she giggled and she moved to lie on her back and I rolled to lie on my side against her. "I mean, nothing will happen in this position, right?" I nodded and trailed a finger up the underside of a breast, letting the nail run on her soft skin. She gritted her teeth and tried to stay still. The finger went up and around the nipple, then down between her breasts and up the other one. Lisa wiggled. The fingernail grazed over the puffy areola and then went up the hard nipple. Lisa stretched her arms up and arched her back as the finger went down the underside of the breast. She was moaning slightly and then gasped as I kissed her armpit, my senses full of her smell, rich and sweet. "Oh fuck." she repeated. The hand went lower.

There was a soothing rhythm to Lisa's breathing, her gasping groans matching the pace of my finger as it stroked between her wide labia, splayed by my fingers as I had caressed her and now draped as her legs were wide, exposing her fully to my touch. I was propped on an elbow, watching Lisa, loving the way her breasts rose and fell, a slight shake each time and the way her belly sucked in then out deeply. Her vulva was sparkling with the wetness over it, spread by my moving fingertip as it went from her hole to brush over the tip of her clitoris. Her thighs shivered too and I stared at the hollows at the top, just before the skin rose to her torso and the soft open mound.

The breathing was accompanied by a soft wet sound, not a splash, but as if something was sliding through water gently, the sound of the liquid parting and being stirred. That noise had increased almost in time with Lisa's breathing rate and was getting louder as the finger exerted more pressure on her skin. The groans got louder too, almost one continuous noise now, the low notes punctuated by higher pitched gasps and the latter beginning to dominate. Her hands were still stretched above her as she arched her back, flexing as her palms pushed against the headboard. I wanted to suck on her hard nipples, but also wanted all the touch to be just on her slit and the finger gliding between her drenched and lubricated lips.

There was a groan, long and high that ended being a yelp and Lisa pushed down on the headboard as her breasts rose, her body in the shape of a wave as she undulated, her hips rising as her chest fell, the movement beautiful to watch as she was lost in pleasure. The noise got louder and then there was a sharp cry and her breasts juddered as she shook, the jerky motions now replacing the smooth undulation of before and her hips bucked against my hand. I kept pressing the finger to her and sliding it between the liquid flesh of her inner lips. Another cry and her chest was pushed up and stayed there as it wobbled and then she slumped, her hips now rising as my finger rubbed, the hard bulge under the last joint on her clitoris as she vibrated onto it. One, two and then a third sharp cry and she shook hard and then her hips dropped and she went limp. I held my hand still, resting on her now, the inner labia wrapping onto the finger. There was a long, noisy exhalation and she shivered. Her hand flailed down towards mine and I lifted it and she shivered again and sighed.

A few minutes later Lisa opened her eyes, just enough to see me and glance over, her smile crooked and sweet as she giggled. "Fuck." she muttered and then giggled again. A minute or so the eyes opened a bit more. "I feel so warm inside." she murmured and the eyes closed slowly for a few minutes. "I mean," she continued as if she hadn't dropped off, "a nice warmth, peaceful and... loved." Her eyes opened fully and she smiled at me and then looked down. "Oh." she giggled and she pulled an arm down from above her and reached down to caress my hard cock. ""What ya doing there?" she giggled "Want to go somewhere warm and loved?" She reached up and stroked my cheek.

I hesitated, feeling slightly guilty about wanting to enter Lisa as she was slightly delirious, but she pulled my face closer to hers and her lips opened. I moved across her body and she rose to press onto me. I moved my legs between her splayed ones and then moved up to nudge the end of my cock onto her, her open labia guiding me easily to her entrance and her hips rose up to meet mine and I slipped deep into her. "Don't move." she whispered as her eyes opened and she smiled at me. "Kitty is recovering." She was tight and very wet, occasionally pulsing around me as I tried to stay still.

Lisa pulled my head down as we kissed, my body on hers, the little earthquakes that still ran through her felt on my skin. She lifted my face and looked me in the eyes and smiled as she breathed deeply. "Pull out darling." she said quietly and I moved back and slid from her. "Stay there." she said as I left her, the end of my cock resting on her labia as she reached down and put her fingers around the head and I shivered. Lisa bit her lower lip and there was a look of concentration or apprehension on her face, I could make it out as easily as telling her eye colour. She pushed my cock down and lifted her hips and the finger pulled me up slightly and I felt the firm skin of her buttocks on the tip. Lisa opened her lips as if to say something and then just breathed in deeply and her hand moved me again.

I was resting on something and I was pretty sure I knew what it was, but had no idea why. Well, the end of my cock was pressed to something, something tight, very tight. Lisa bit her lower lip again and took another deep breath. Her hand moved me a bit, but just to get me firmly on her. "Do you want to?" she said in a voice so soft I was amazed the words could make it the few feet to my ears. When they did get there the ears didn't believe what she had said. She nodded and her hips moved down to put more pressure on the end of my cock. "You can try." she said. almost as quietly as before. I looked down, trying to confirm where she was holding me and then into her eyes and she smiled and nodded again.

"Sure?" I whispered and she nodded once more. "But say stop any time." I added.

"I know." she said and smiled so warmly my cock twitched against her tight knotted entry.

I took a deep breath and pushed as Lisa lifted her legs higher, reaching down with her other hand to reach under one knee. I held the other leg up and gripped the shaft of my cock with my other hand and looked down. I was pressed against the ridged circle of her sphincter and it was being pushed in. I was wet from her, but wondered if it was enough lubricant, although my hand was finding it hard to hold my soaked shaft tightly. Lisa grunted as she pressed back at me and I put more pressure on and she yelped loudly and her sphincter spread and the head of my cock popped into her anus. "Owwwwwwwwwweeeeee" she said, but giggled right afterwards. "Keep going." she whispered and I pushed, glancing up into her eyes, but briefly as I wanted to watch my cock disappear into her bum. "Oh jeez." she moaned as I pressed my groin to her vulva. "All done?" I looked down, I was fully inside her.

"Yes. All... done." I giggled.

"Hey, take this seriously, you're in my bum." she laughed. I could feel her laugh on my cock.

"It looks incredible." I said, staring down. "It feels pretty good too, Are you ok?"

"Yeah. It feels odd, poor little Rose has never been so stretched, but it's not incredibly painful."

"Is it painful though? We can stop." I continued to look down at her stretched anal ring.

"No point stopping, you're in my bum now. Just... be gentle." she giggled, "not that you are ever anything but." she added.

I slid back and then pushed into her again and we began to moan together. I realised that watching my cock slide in and out of Lisa's anus was probably going to make me cum in minutes, so leaned forward and she put her arms up to wrap around my neck and we kissed as my hips began to move gently. Her anus was soft, the skin not as muscular as her vagina, it rippled against the ridge of my cock as I slid down and opened easily when I went deep. The ring was tight around the base of my cock, but the end wasn't gripped like her pussy would hold me tight when I was deep in there. I then realised that, along with watching my cock move in and out of her, thinking about it too much was also a bad idea, so we just carried on kissing as I moved my cock in Lisa's rectum.

"Oh jeez." Lisa mumbled as she looked down. "Kitty is pouting." I glanced down and saw what she meant, her labia seemed to be pushed up as I moved up and down in her anal canal, her body bent forward as I pressed into her.

"I'll kiss her after."

"Twice." she laughed. "One up the bum is worth two licks of the bush." I tried not to laugh, it didn't seem polite when my cock was in Lisa's rectum, but I had to and she held me as I tried to maintain my rhythm, but just laughed in her arms. "What a way to lose your anal cherry." she giggled. "Oh yeah, he laughed his head off as he buggered me." I stopped moving now as we both laughed loudly.

"Stop making me laugh." I giggled as I tried to start a rhythm again, my hips sliding back making Lisa moan and then I pushed deep and she let out a small yelp. She kissed me tenderly, her hands on my cheeks and then her head rested back and I held myself on my hands over her as I moved inside her until the pleasure grew intense and I pushed myself firmly against her and cried out as Lisa gasped and let out a groan. It was different, there was no washing back, my semen just went deep as I shot again and again, shaking as I released into her bowels

"Was that ok?" Lisa whispered as she held me tight. Her legs were still high as my hips twitched against her, wanting to release more semen into her rectum.

"Holy..." I mumbled. "What about you?" I knew she hadn't cum and was worried she was a bit disappointed.

"Oh, that was lovely. Seriously. I mean, painful at first, but then... just a bit strange and very nice. Probably helped by having such a lovely man bugger me." I giggled at the last bit. "Really." she whispered. "It was lovely."

"But, you didn't..." she shook her head.

"No, but you didn't when you took care of me on Monday. It's not about the orgasm, it's about the person with you." she smiled and my cock twitched inside her. "I got my pleasure from yours, having you in me, feeling you." She stroked my face. "I don't have to cum every time anyway, just... well, you make me." she laughed. "This isn't sex, it's much more and that makes the pleasure all the greater, orgasm or not." Her eyes were welling as she spoke and I knew mine were too. We held each other tight as I shrank inside her anus and the sphincter clamped around me.

"Not that I had thought this would happen." Lisa said as she reached across to the bedside table and grabbed a packet of wipes and handed them to me. I looked at her and she glanced away and then back. "Well, after last night... I mean, I liked that and... well, best be prepared." She laughed. I slowly pulled out of her body and wiped myself off and then dabbed the wet tissue over her closing hole. Her eyes showed some concern and I laughed.

"Looks good." I said. "I'll have a wash anyway, just to be safe." and I clambered off the bed.

"I'll help." Lisa said and I reached out and took her hand and we went to the bathroom where she washed my flaccid penis in the sink. "While we're here." she giggled and sat down on the toilet and I bent to kiss her lips as she began to empty her bladder. I knelt in front of her and put my hands on her knees as she stroked my hair and I glanced down to see the stream of liquid flowing from her. She handed me the paper and I wiped her and she sighed. "This is perfect." she whispered and I wasn't sure she meant me to hear, but I agreed. She stood next to me as I urinated and her hand drifted over and then held me until I had finished. We washed our hands and then she took mine and led me back to the bedroom.

It was dark when Lisa cried out again and her thighs closed around my head, trembled and then fell open. I had licked her shortly after we had returned from the toilet and she had laughed that I still owed her one, but she wanted a quick break and we scooted off to the kitchen to get more water and some snacks, Lisa mixing fruits with yoghurt in a bowl and we shared the spoon as we ate it. After that we started to kiss in the kitchen and soon my finger had slid into her, so she suggested we go back to bed and she knelt forward as I licked from hole to hole and she came with my tongue inside her pussy. She had rolled over onto her back and I pulled her to me and she lifted her legs and spread them as I took her clitoris between my lips and sucked and licked it. She had asked for two, but got a bonus orgasm, but it was that one that finished her off and she was now lying on the bed, still and with her breathing slowing. I pulled the duvet from under her as she mumbled and then flipped it up and covered her and got in bed and held her close. We didn't clean our teeth, we didn't think of it, we were both sleeping in seconds.

Chapter 8:

"Is it Friday?" Lisa whispered. The room was dark, so it must have been very early.

"Think so."

"Bum, we have to get up for work." she mumbled.


"No. Well, hope not unless you have a night shift."

"Only when the foxes are misbehaving." Lisa lifted her head.

"Can't hear them, you're good." she giggled and snuggled back against me.

"Anyway, why are you awake?" I muttered, my brain now stirring into life.

"Need the loo. Want to help?"

"Depends... I mean..."

"Front." she mumbled as she sat up and I dragged myself out of bed to join her.

It was hard to sleep after that, we had laughed as we both went to the loo. Lisa giggling as I wiped her, my hand wandering and then her hand stayed on me long after I had stopped.

"Hey, it's been a week." she said as we got back into bed. "One whole week since I sat on the bench and met a wonderful man." Even in the dark my lips could find hers.

"Happy one week." I said as she cuddled.

"You didn't see me the first time, did you?" Her words caught me totally by surprise.

"What first time? You sat down, that was it."

"What direction did I come from?" My eyes had adjusted to the dark and I could see Lisa's eyes looking right at me. I thought about it, realising she had come from behind the bench, the wrong way.

"Oh... wait. You never come from that way."

"I walked past earlier, maybe twenty, thirty minutes before and saw you. You were staring out at the river. I walked past slowly, but your gaze never left the water. I mean, I don't expect guys to look at me, but you were really miles away and scarily so." she said quietly as my heart started to race.

"I didn't see anyone." I whispered.

"I was going to walk down and then head back home, but I kept thinking about you, so I turned around. I figured you were just a dreamer, but..." she sighed. "You were still there and I watched you for a few minutes, you looked so lost. I decided that maybe you needed someone to sit close by. If I was wrong, you'd move away."

"Oh." was all I could say, my brain started to spin.

"Then we mumbled some stuff and you just stared at me!" Lisa laughed. "But not a scary stare, it was is if you were studying my face, maybe to paint me later, your eyes were kind and warm and I felt safe for no reason." she sighed onto my chest. "I wanted to say something, but knew you wanted peace. It was odd, I just wanted to sit with you." I was glad of the darkness now as my eyes welled up. I wondered what to say, but Lisa seemed to know everything. "You can tell me anything." she whispered as softly as the moonlight.

"I was lost." I said and then choked up. Lisa kissed my shoulder.

"Glad I found you." she said and I heard her voice crack too. "You can tell me anything." she repeated. "It's all alright."

"Not now, is that ok?" I said, trying not to cry.

"It's perfect, baby." she said as she kissed my shoulder softly. "I'm not going anywhere." and I held her tight, just to make sure.

The daylight crept into the room from the open door. I still had no idea what time it was, this was June, so probably still silly early. Lisa moved against me and I felt her sit up and I reached up and stroked her back. Her breasts were backlit from the sun and my cock moved as I watched her moving slowly, just sitting and breathing. The fuzzy rise of the areola was silhouetted and the nipple, still soft rose from it like a cherry sunken on a soft cake and I wanted it in my mouth. Lisa moved to sit more side on and now the profile of the breasts was clear, the way they rose from her body, with just the hint of a curve, almost straight up, only sweeping around as they reached the areola. The nipples poked further out now as I watched her breathe and she moved around a bit more.
