Why’d You Ever Have to Say Goodbye


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"It always sounds romantic, but it's tricky." she giggled as she turned and put her knees either side of me and then lowered down and took me inside. We didn't move much as the water splashed around, just ground out hips together as we sat, locked together. Eventually Lisa lifted up and turned to kneel in the bath and I entered her from behind as she held the taps and I pushed inside her and we rocked together as the water swirled and lapped around our legs. We finished with Lisa half submerged as her legs wobbled and gave way as I was still jerking inside her. The floor was covered with water and Lisa was laughing as I groaned loudly and ejaculated inside her.

We had our picnic on the balcony, both of us just a t-shirt and pants, watching the brooding clouds shuffle undecidedly around the sky before they broke apart and let some summer sun rain down on us.

Later Lisa stretched out like a star on the bed and I joked about tying her in that position and her eyes lit up. "I didn't know you were into that!" I laughed.

"In the same was I was into anal before the other day." she said and I climbed onto her and she welcomed me into her and wrapped tight.

The sixty nine that followed as we both tasted the residue from each other led to more exploration as we took turns to touch and kiss everywhere, "Well, you did it to me." Lisa had chuckled as she kissed down my back and then licked around my anus and then gently probed with a finger. "Hmmm, no readily available lubricant," she joked before she found her own and then I yelped with surprise. "As I said, you did it to me." she laughed. The evening ended with us watching a beautiful sunset from the balcony as Lisa sipped tea, only the t-shirts being worn now as the crepuscular light hid us from all but the local fox, who stopped to stare up at the couple waving at him from above. Lisa led me back inside and I finished the day paying Rose another visit.

"Was that another late birthday present?" I asked as we held each other, me still inside her anus.

"No, I like it." she giggled. "I mean, I did wonder what to get for a present, even though you said not to. Birthday or not, I wanted to give you that." her smile was small and awkward, shyness creeping in. "I knew she would be safe with you and... she liked the kisses and was curious." she giggled and blushed, so I kissed her cheeks and she went a deeper red.

"So shy." I said and I meant it.

"Mostly." she said softly. "It's good to feel safe enough to open up... or be opened up." she chuckled

"What shall we do tomorrow?" I asked as we had started to drift.

"Let's go to a park, or somewhere quiet. Do you know anywhere, Mister Tour Guide?"

"Yes, the other side of the river. We can get a bus. Or walk."

"Or walk, then get a bus." She said, her eyes laughing, her lips tight trying to be serious.

"Or, get a bus, then walk." I added.

"The choices are endless. Well, not really, just bus and or walk, but still, it's a Sunday, so that needs to be taken into consideration." she said and gave me a big smile that I just had to kiss.

"Hey, I'm sleepy." Lisa said as her eyes flicked open after a brief doze. "Also, I appear to have something up my bum."

I lifted up, I had slumped slightly sideways so as not to sleep on Lisa's chest. I wiggled my hips and Lisa giggled. "Guess I should move then and get cleaned up." Lisa nodded at me and I pulled myself up and moved away from Lisa's wide legs. Her sphincter gripped around the end of me penis, holding it tight even though I was soft and I tugged and she shrieked with laugher as I popped out. I reached for some tissues and then tried to stand, but wobbled and Lisa laughed again.

"Did I wear you out?" she said and she attempted to sit up and failed. "Good, because I am knackered."

"Goog, you mean." I said and laughed.

"Very goog." she chuckled and lifted a leg to stroke her toes through the hair on the back of my head. I shuffled off to wash, even though there was no mess, but wanted to be safe as I had a feeling I'd be inside Lisa again soon and then I went back to the bed and snuggled beside the sleeping beauty.

Sunday hadn't dawned, only the light sky glowing through the window as we moved together, groaned loudly and then went quiet to let the birds continue to sing.

It was my turn to cook breakfast and Lisa sat in just her knickers, eating toast and eggs and sipping coffee. "I have not had a topless breakfast for ages." she laughed and a drop of coffee escaped her lips and splashed on a breast.

"That could be why." I said and then licked it from her. She took another sip and her eyes shone as she pursed her lips to let more trickle down.

"Ok, I've never had a naked breakfast before, especially one that involved being fingered to an orgasm at the kitchen table." Lisa said a short time later and laughed and then hid her face in her hands.

"Your coffee might be cold now." I said and Lisa took a sip and I moved my face to hers and her mouth opened as my tongue went inside. "No, still ok." I said and she swallowed the rest of it.

We had packed some food into a little backpack when Lisa's phone rang. "Oh shit, it's mum!" and I ran out the room as she laughed and I heard her answer.

"Hi mum, yes, all good. We're just about to go out." I poked my head back into the room as Lisa walked towards me and pushed me back and passed me to go into the living room. "Yeah, him again!" she laughed. She looked at me as she spoke and pointed to the spot, her eyes wide, urging me not to move. "Yeah, very serious." she said and she smiled at me. "Really, REALLY!" I could guess what was being said the other end.

"It's too early for that, It's only June." Lisa laughed. "I mean, I can ask, he's next to me." I had a sudden panic. "Ok."

"What are your Christmas plans? Mum wants to know." She looked at me trying not to laugh out loud.

"It's only June." I said quietly and Lisa's face creased up as she stifled her laugh.

"He's not sure, Mum as, IT IS ONLY JUNE!" and I heard the voice on the other shriek in disagreement.

Lisa listened for a while and I tried to sneak away, but she grabbed my hand and then wagged a finger at me. "Well, he's taller than me, short dark hair, but kinda long for a guy. Cute with dark eyes." She said as she eyed me up. "Yes, he's very sweet, tender and kind." and we both blushed. "No, Mum, NO!" and Lisa looked at me.

"She wants a video call." I stood still, too scared to move. Lisa mouthed "Please" at me and I nodded. "Ok, just a quick one as we're going out."

Lisa held the phone up and waved, her mother's voice burst out of it. "Oh, you look lovely darling." and Lisa smiled, "So healthy, have you been going to a gym?"

"No mum... just... lots of walking." Good save by Lisa, I thought.

"So, where is he?" and Lisa beckoned me over and turned as I stood next to her and she held the phone out and her other arm went around my waist as I put an arm around her shoulder. "Hello young man, are you taking care of my only daughter?"

"I hope so. She is taking care of me too." I mumbled

"Well, that will be a first." her mum chuckled and I sensed Lisa tense. "She's a terrible cook." she added. I could see a resemblance, the same dark wavy hair and big eyes, but her mum's looked blue. The lips were similar, the same shape and the way the face seemed to lead your eyes to them. "I hope you can cook, otherwise you'll starve." she said.

"I am not good either, but we've eaten well so far." I felt Lisa stifling a laugh as she squeezed my body.

"OK mum, we need to go out, it's a lovely day." Lisa said and then turned to look at me and I had to fight the urge to kiss her as her mum watched on the call. "Say bye bye you two." she laughed and I waved as her mum did the same. "Speak soon." she said as she moved to allow me to get out of shot and then she waved and Lisa let out a huge sigh of relief.

"Sorry about that, but she is concerned as, well, it's quite sudden!" Lisa laughed. "I guess to others, it might look odd."

"Yes, but what is odd to others is perfect to us." Lisa looked at me and tilted her head to one side, then blushed and gave me a gentle slap.

"You still think she is perfect?"

"Totally, she is beautiful." I replied and her eyes blazed.

"Ok, stop this or I'll be after another inspection." she laughed.

We stopped off at Lisa's and she changed her clothes and then we caught the bus to the park. "Is there a cafe?" Lisa asked as we walked towards it.

"Yes, there's a lovely big house and a cafe, plus water and birds."

"Pigeons?" She looked at me and tried to pull an angry face.

"This is London, of course."

"Fucking pigeons." she mumbled

We walked around the grounds, stopping to kiss frequently and taking advantage of the trees and bushes to hide away. "Should have left my bra off." Lisa giggled as I caressed over it, my hand up her t-shirt. I agreed with her but she shook her head. "Not brave enough." she said. "I get nervous without it in public."

"What about on the beach?"

"That's different."

"Nips don't know that." She looked at me and laughed.

"So logical, so pervy." she chuckled.

"Nothing pervy about it, you look great and you have fabulous boobs."

"I'd just feel awkward." and she looked into my eyes. "But..." she smiled, "Maybe one day soon."

"Only if you want to." I said and she squeezed my hand.

"Thanks baby." she whispered and we kissed for more minutes.

We munched some of the picnic on the grass by the water, ducks and geese swimming close to check on the chances of a snack. Two swans drifted along. "Oh no, trouble, the heavy mob are here." Lisa chuckled

"They're ok, just need to talk to them." Lisa stared at me. "Seriously." She still stared. One of the birds was looking at us and the food.

"Hi, how are you?" I asked. The swan didn't answer. I knelt down close to the water and continued to talk and it drifted closer and its partner swam alongside. They bobbed in the water side by side, their bodies touching as they nodded their heads as I spoke to them. I went back to the bag of food and pulled out an oat bar I had packed for just such an occasion and then returned to them and broke a piece off and one of the swans strained its neck to get closer and then plucked it from my hand. The next piece was taken by its mate and they repeated this until it was all gone, snorting at me as they dunked the food into the water and swallowed it, the ducks wanting to get closer to scavenge, but afraid of being pecked. "All gone." I said and held up my hands and one of them raised it neck and snorted loudly and I said farewell and went back to Lisa.

"So, you're a bird whisperer?" she said. "Yet more talents revealed. I will be safe from foxes and swans when I am with you." and she snuggled against me.

We went to the cafe to get coffee and Lisa looked at the cakes and smiled. "Anything else?" the waitress said and I pointed to the cake Lisa said looked delicious.

"I mean, I can live without cake". Lisa said as another forkful was about to go into her mouth. "But someone made it, so it seems a waste not to eat it." This was slightly mumbled as the fork was now empty, but her mouth wasn't. I laughed and kissed her and tasted a piece of the cake as it was passed between us.

We walked home, back towards the river, gazing across to 'our' side and then over a bridge and back down the familiar path to find the bench empty and waiting. We watched the river quietly and relaxed as we cuddled up.

Lisa took me back to her place and removed my clothes in her bedroom, then stripped for me and we stood and kissed for a long time before Lisa led me to the bed and lay down, opening her legs wide, a hand reaching down and fingers gliding through her wet lips and spreading them as I watched. "She wants you." she whispered. "I want you." she added.

"What a great weekend." Lisa said, her head on my shoulder, her eyes sleepy.

"It's not over yet." I said, glancing up at the light and dancing motes above us and she lifted her head, then raised up and crawled up as I moved down the bed and her lips brushed over mine and her hand reached down to open them as I kissed them.

We didn't see the sunset, we were looking into each other's eyes, watching as they sparkled and glowed, lids flickering with the orgasm.

"What a great weekend." I whispered as we drifted away in the darkness.

"Walk of shame for you tomorrow." she chuckled, her voice soft and dreamy.

Chapter 10:

The next week passed as normal, the normal being we would meet after work and go for a walk, if the weather was good, sit on the bench and kiss an awful lot, before going back to hers, or mine for more kisses, this time without any clothes and usually with us joined together until we were breathing so hard we couldn't kiss.

The weekend came too slowly and we sat on the bench on Friday evening before I took Lisa back to mine. We would have a bath together most times, getting the hang of how to have sex in it without almost flooding the flat below. The foxes would trot by as we watched in the darkness, sitting on the balcony enjoying the quiet. We had trips to more parks and planned more adventures.

The next weekend saw Lisa's period arrive and she was grumpy. It had started late in the week and was still lingering. Initially she was grumpy and wanted me to go home after I had taken her to dinner as a way of trying to make her feel better. We sat for a bit and I stroked her belly and she decided I could do it all night and the next one. By Friday she was a bit perkier and I stroked her tummy as we sat on the bench, but the clouds made the visit short and we watched the rain wash in from her sofa. The belly strokes continued and Lisa moved my hands up as she rested against me. We snuggled up in bed and my hand rested on her belly as I kissed her breasts and she moaned and thanked me for helping with the pain relief.

The next morning Lisa was helping me and I released into her mouth before we had had breakfast. We freshened up in the shower, Lisa shy as she had never been naked with someone when it was her period. I held her and washed her body and we kissed under the water as I rested a finger on her clitoris. Then she sat slumped as the water streamed down as she recovered and I knelt and held her to me.

"Ok, we can definitely do that again." she laughed as I helped her stand. So we did, later on the bed, my fingers gliding under the top of her knickers and stroking over the hard bud of her clitoris until she shook with the orgasm. Then she took me into her mouth again, this time asking me to stand as she sat on the edge of the bed. "I want to watch you, I never see you cum." she said and she directed my semen to her chest and breasts and asked me to take a photo before I licked a drop from her nipple and then lapped the rest from her breasts.

A couple of weeks later we were enjoying the very long days of a Stockholm summer, wandering the cobbles of the old town and exploring cafes and sights as well as sitting by the waterside as the Baltic lapped beside us.

The seaside called as summer got hot and we had a week off work to visit the coast, Lisa too shy for a bikini, but still looking stunning in her black one piece. She warned me not to look at other girls on the beach and kissed me to divert me from one girl in a small bikini.

"You know other girls are doing that to their boyfriends when you walk by." I said and she shook her head. "They are, darling. You are the most beautiful one on the beach." and her eyes welled.

We spent that afternoon shopping and the next day Lisa shyly pulled the towel from her and then walked into the water in her purple bikini. I didn't need to look around, I knew there were a lot of eyes on her, mine especially and after I watched her walk, I went to join her and we cuddled in the sea. She laughed and looked down at the hard points poking at the material, "The girls are happy to see you."

"It is nippy in the water." I said as she pressed her body to mine and received a playful slap on my back. I pressed to her.

"Oh, the water is very hard in these parts." she laughed.

"It's why I got in, needed something cold after watching the hottest girl here."

"Not bored yet?" she smiled as the waved splashed us, salty water landing on my mouth as I opened it to kiss her and give my reply. We spent the evenings walking along the beachside, enjoying the peace to kiss and snuggle up "It's much easier to get into than the armour" Lisa chuckled as my hand went up her t-shirt and into the top of her bikini as we sat on the sand and watched the sky darken over the sea. "I must buy more easy access underwear." she sighed as the moon glowed over the ocean and my fingers caressed her hard nipples.

December seemed to race towards us and I started to spiral as the days shortened, but Lisa reached out and held my hand. "It's ok." she whispered as I sat on the sofa, unable to control my feelings as my brain rattled around in a fury.

"Sometimes people trip and stumble, physically or mentally and they just need someone to help them, to hold their hand." She said, her voice soft and calm, soothing my fevered mind.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled repeatedly.

"It's fine, baby." her hand squeezed mine. "I tripped once, but someone held my hand, a lovely man who I had just met. He held it and I fell again, but in love." Her eyes shone at me and mine welled up.

"That night..." she sighed deeply, "I knew I would sleep with you. Really wanted to. I wanted you to be my boyfriend right there and all I knew was your first name. You know why?" She looked deep into me.

"No." I mumbled.

"Because you held my hand." she smiled warmly. "We were alone, in the dark. I knew nothing about you, but you just held my hand. When you squeezed it I had a little... well, squeeze myself... inside... kitty!" she laughed and blushed. "You just held my hand, Imagine, a complete stranger who has you alone in the dark with no one else anywhere near and he just held my hand AND asked if I was ok when I stumbled." She stroked my cheek. "Sometimes just holding a hand is SO much more."

"Thank you." I mumbled.

"What for?"

"For holding my hand." I replied as the tears ran down my cheeks and Lisa leaned to me and kissed them.

We cuddled for a while and my mind slowed, the words Lisa had said now focussed. "You really knew that night?"

"Yes." she said quietly. "I felt so safe, so... warm." she sighed, "Plus, not since Ray had kitty purred like that." she laughed.


"She just loves tenderness. I think she was fed up with macho guys wanting to pound her. She yearned for soft touches and kisses. She must have sensed you would want to kiss her. She was feeling exactly how I felt." She smiled and looked into my eyes. "Seriously, something just told me you were trustworthy, I mean, if you didn't try anything there, I was safe, right?" I laughed and nodded.

"I mean, I had to tell you to kiss me! I actually thought you didn't want to and I was very worried, but when we kissed... Kitty went into full purr mode!" Lisa laughed loudly and blushed. "She still does when you kiss me and your eyes shine at me." Lisa moved her face close to mine and her breath caressed my mouth, so I opened it and pulled her to me.

Lisa sat back and looked at me, her eyes shining. She reached for her jeans and unbuttoned them and sat up and slid a hand down and her eyes flickered. She lifted a finger and it glistened, the tip wet. She put it to my lips and I kissed it and she groaned. "Purring." she mumbled. She stood and pushed her jeans down, stepped out of them and then pulled her jumper off. Her underwear was cute, little black boy shorts with lace sides and matching bra. She reached behind her and released the bra and let it fall, her eyes staring into mine. She pushed the knickers down and stood naked. She could be seen from the street below, but her eyes just stayed on mine, not caring for anyone else.