All Comments on 'Words'

by jezzaz

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  • 827 Comments (Page 2)
kdcee79kdcee79over 9 years ago
A good read

A pity page 1 was largely wasted effort on you part as it wasn't until nearly half way through page 2 that the main part of this tale started. However once begun I thoroughly enjoyed it & agree with some other commentators that this story would stand another chapter if you felt like going that way. I'm happy that Mike dished out some pain to James at the end especially as Kristi was verbally flayed alive by the time the 2 cheaters left. The last 2 pages just highlighted to me the wordsmith ability that you often command, very well done. Apart from the faltering beginning this should be a 5, but sorry just 4 * * * *

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I loved the catharsis of Mike smashing James in the nose. Excellent touch.

VanadornVanadornover 9 years ago

Terrific. Great tale!


racoon1174racoon1174over 9 years ago
The verbal punch you didn't throw.

I'm wondering why you didn't hit her on her inability to have kids. If he truly wanted to destroy her pointing out all that he sacrificed for her, his future progeny. Many men would have abandoned her knowing she was barren. When he called her evil I was expecting him to go off on how much she took from him by limiting her love when he'd made such a sacrifice for her.

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 9 years ago
Excellent story.

I agree with the many comments about Hubby's 'own horn blowing' vis-a-vis manipulating (oops ... mediating) situations at logerheads could have been MUCH briefer.

However, I disagree that there is any need to continue THIS story. It is OVER ... kaput ... finito ... tamam, abi! Hubby divorces Sweetie! I don't want to pore through the court-ordered counseling sessions ... nor the courtroom details - ho hum! What Hubby does to try to get his life back onto SOME track may be interesting, but it is not really going to be an extension of what he learned (or did) within this story. How Sweetie and The Bull progress from here on was actually covered by Hubby's tirade about how they will enjoy the period in which novelty reigns, but then they will look at each other, knowing what the other is not just capable of doing, but HAS done. Why repeat and verify Hubby's forecast-of-fidelity-failure?

Thanks to Jezzaz for writing a poignant tale in which three lives (for one of whom we might feel sympathy) are severely twisted within about the time it takes to read the tale!

LickideesplitLickideesplitover 9 years ago
Excellent story.

I agree with the many comments about Hubby's 'own horn blowing' vis-a-vis manipulating (oops ... mediating) situations at logerheads could have been MUCH briefer.

However, I disagree that there is any need to continue THIS story. It is OVER ... kaput ... finito ... tamam, abi! Hubby divorces Sweetie! I don't want to pore through the court-ordered counseling sessions ... nor the courtroom details - ho hum! What Hubby does to try to get his life back onto SOME track may be interesting, but it is not really going to be an extension of what he learned (or did) within this story. How Sweetie and The Bull progress from here on was actually covered by Hubby's tirade about how they will enjoy the period in which novelty reigns, but then they will look at each other, knowing what the other is not just capable of doing, but HAS done. Why repeat and verify Hubby's forecast-of-fidelity-failure?

Thanks to Jezzaz for writing a poignant tale in which three lives (for one of whom we might feel sympathy) are severely twisted within about the time it takes to read the tale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Great story , is there really that kind of dumb women

So what happens tomorrow , legally he can be arrested , she can get a court order that he has to let her back into there home. In order to keep her out he will have to settle with her. So me kind of money for another place and she has to get her things. Taking her rings off and flushing them down the toilet. If she fights him that will have to taken care of. So are we getting a part 2 .

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
In the real world

Loved the story but. In the real world if they called the cops he would be arrested. She can change the locks and lock him out. Maybe a feel good story but the police and courts don't look at like that. He would pay for assault and thief of her rings, and there is no courts that would le thin lock her out.

pakmul48pakmul48over 9 years ago
5 Stars

I thought it was excellent. Wish I had been able to do it when I was confronted with the same situation. I was out of the country, but just signed the papers when I came back. Then left the states again. Anyway, thanks for an excellent read.

C_frommnC_frommnover 9 years ago
Great Story

I hope you are going to write more of their story. Like how she allowed herself to get into the "mess" and what she thought afterwords. and Finally an Epilogue to let us know how every one turns out.

Corsair46Corsair46over 9 years ago
Who cares.

Great story. Well told if not a bit long for my taste. Don't worry about anony-mouse, he never has anything nice to say.

pilot4pilot4over 9 years ago
Very entertaining.

Good story. Great ending. A continuation would be great but the story stands alone as it is written. 5. Thanks.

jezzazjezzazover 9 years agoAuthor
Author here

Hey guys. Thanks SO MUCH for all the commenting. I really didn't expect all this.

The initial part of the story is overly long. I should have edited that down.

The loose / lose thing. Yeah, guilty. My editor also didn't catch that:) Oh well. You live and learn.

I wasn't really planning on doing anything else with this. This was really intended as an experiment to see if _could_ write a one scene, where the guy destroys the woman of his dreams with just words. There isn't really any more to the story to be honest.

With Live from the Game, I have a different story to tell with Ryan and Deanna - mainly cos I like Ryan as a character - but this was really only intended to be a one act thing. There's nothing really that interesting to follow it up with.

I do intend to write an essay detailing the background to some of my stories - where they come from, who the people are, why I wrote them and so on, so look out for that, if you are interested.

I have two more Ingrams stories penned - one just needs to be edited and I'll throw those two up, and I'm 20k words into the sequel to Live from the Game.

Other than that, I do have some other potential things to write about but as I said in the intro, real life keeps getting in the way.

Thanks again for all the comments. Most welcome. Even the ones that rip it apart.

ariesgirlariesgirlover 9 years ago

Hopefully after some time he won't let Kristi's affair keep him from having other relationships.

connoisseur29connoisseur29over 9 years ago

Atta boy - BTB! Cheers!

oldwayneoldwayneover 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great story

think you could do a continuation where she sees exactly what she's done after the initial shock wears off? Something where the pain is essentially destroying her?

whether it does or not, I'll leave to you to choose :)

revkilljoyrevkilljoyover 9 years ago
Very nice 4 out 5...

but if he really wanted to hurt her, you know twist the knife. He should've brought up the fact that, through her betrayal she'd stolen time better spent with a wife who could've borne him children.

ImSickImSickover 9 years ago
my thoughts

Started out really slow but was a damn good story

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I was like blah blah blah up until he came home to the

heartless selfish evil CUNT wife. okay heartless selfish evil is redundant, lol. Very well worded and written. But a little long in the tooth at the beginning on explaining what he does for a living. Everyone knows what a Mediator does. Okay, I'm nitpicking because it was a very sad but good story. I would not have had the patience or skills to have a discussion like this one. I would have just thrown dickwad off the balcony and then the CUNT would follow along with several heavy objects just to finish the job. and yes, EVIL is the perfect word to describe the wife. Thanks for the story. 5 *'s

karan9876karan9876over 9 years ago
oops..... I meant live from the game.

oops..... I meant live from the game in my previous comment and not for the love of the game...

rightbankrightbankover 9 years ago
Not finished?

Yes, it is finished. Time to split up the CD's

and I agree with one of the earlier posts. When she brought up having enough love to share with children he could have delivered the crippling blow. There were so many possibilities,

James is young enough to be . . . .

Oh, you mean the children you couldn't have?


What a great idea, now that I am free to look again, this time I will find a wife who wants and can have children.


But those are just words. The tools of his (and a good writer's) trade.


starmanfivestarmanfiveover 9 years ago
He escaped from a bag of crazy!

Very touching story. Don't we all wish we had a script this good when life confronts us? When someone proposes a silly thing, often, they do not believe it themselves. They just give it a shot, but must realize that it could backfire. They are essentially done with done you. If she truly loved her husband she would not risk losing him for any reason. She was willing to gamble with her chance to be with Hubby forever. Since she was gambling she must have though Dickwad was worth the gamble. No love could exist when someone is looking to selfishly enhance their life and offer Hubby nothing anything in return.

She had no respect for her husband to bring another guy into his home and and propose something that she knew he couldn't accept. Married over eleven years, you know what is acceptable. Terrific story five stars

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Wow, kind of a long winded story. Slow at first with all the explanations. Some times it harder to set the stage, than it is to follow the play. But, all in all, it did turn out interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A very well thought out and written story

Impressive and it stands out well above the average loving wife story on this site.

There could have easily been a number of different endings but none would have the emotional punch as this one chosen. As other comments below have said it would be great to be so articulate as the husband at such trying times, after all he was a successful mediator. I like the way he dissected the arguments brought forth by Kristi in her vain way of justifying adultery pure and simple. They just fell in love you know "it just happened"- that is a whopper of a lie as he pointed out many conscious steps must take place with determination and free will to just fall in love with a stranger and then fuck them.

xtremeddxtremeddover 9 years ago
"The Song is Over"

I read some thought the story was theirs, the first page unneeded. Jezzaz, had no other authors listed. Did I miss something? Read what was written or leave the story you did not write.

Glad I read your story and thanks for sharing on Lit.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

i think the psychological aspect of cheating is interesting, says alot about those involved. that you can put it in such relevant terms belies much thought on the matter. for your readers, it allows them to see and understand what might happen to them and what's really important when it all comes down. very interesting indeed...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
5 stars!


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Too many words. Kept waiting for you to smash him in the mouth earlier and throw the bitch out. Total betrayal with sloppy seconds and the presence of the offending man dictates stronger action. But then I am not a confessed liberal.

RJ_McCannRJ_McCannover 9 years ago
Damn good story

You need to write about the aftermath.

cw159cw159over 9 years ago
Nice Buildup

Many years ago, Foreigner did a song called "I Want To Know What Love Is." It was a great anthem but it started out with simple composition and the lead singers vocals. All through the song it built up with more instruments and background vocals until the final refrain had huge instrumentals and a full gospel choir for background vocals. That's how this story seemed to go for me, rather simple at the beginning, gradually building until the full "sound and fury" of the storm hits. Well written although I thought a couple of paragraphs were a little overly complex. However the story overall does keep your attention. I haven't read all the comments but I'm sure someone has mentioned second chapter and I'll wade in to say, yes it does need at least one more chapter. What happens to the boyfriend? Does he go merrily along his way with no consequences? What happens to her? Does she move in with him? Does she come to her senses and dump him, even if her husband doesn't/can't/wont take her back? Just some food for thought.

nonethewisernonethewiserover 9 years ago

Thanks for the update and explanation. We (many of us anyway) really appreciate it when the author shares insights with us. Its like the DVD extra :)

I was thrilled to see that you wrote "and I'm 20k words into the sequel to Live from the Game." That's a lot thats done already (probably close to six or 7 lit pages). Any ETA?

Seek67Seek67over 9 years ago
A followup story would be great.

This was one of the best stories I have ever read. 5 stars plus :-) It didn't have all the usual sneaking around taking photos BS. This guy really dealt with all the issues up front there and then. No counselling required, no leaving any room for rationalizations or excuses. He made her bear the full responsibility of her selfish actions and showed her how the boyfriend was a peace of garbage. It would be great to have a part 2 to see how they all ended up and what her family said about it. Maybe her Army brother kicking the lovers ass lol... Please write it, we would all love to see how it ends.

Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forceover 9 years ago
Too long...and you missed the 'elephant' in the room!

OK, Jezzaz, a pretty good story. But please consider a little constructive criticism.

1. Too long: you took four pages to narrate what you easily could have done in two. Yes, the idea of putting the negotiator on the other side of the table was a great scenario. But, your narrative about feelings, backgrounds, experiences, etc., made the story too long and difficult to read at certain points.

2. You missed the elephant in the room that Mike could have used to get his pound of flesh: kids. You clearly showed that Kristi felt she was inadequate because she couldn't have children, and Mike had been the sensitive husband by never bringing it up--until that night. Her cheating becomes his license to remind her of what she REALLY can't give him, in addition to her faithfulness. Instead of asking her if they were going to have an open marriage, he should have told her she is free to stay and they will be in an open marriage, but here is what it will cost HER. He will sleep with the sexy red-headed paralegal, she WILL bear him children (she knew Kristi was barren and had already offered her womb to Mike), he WILL pay child support to her for every child she gives him, he WILL be listed on the birth certificates, and he WILL divert part of his retirement and savings to pay for them. He WILL spend money on his lover's home, her clothes as well as taking her to dinner and vacations. He WILL take her to his company's Christmas party and annual retreat. His new lover WILL go on him (as a paralegal, to help in his 'negotiations') and she will stay in the same hotel with him while Kristi will be enjoying her new boy-toy. And, just for a little extra salt, when she objects, he reverses the tables by parroting her comments and says "oh, honey, I didn't want to hurt you, but I know you will want me to be happy, right?"

Now THAT is how you make words HURT!!!!

DrallDrallover 9 years ago
5 Stars!

One of the best I've read in 7 years. Thank you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
very well written.

Would love for you to do a one year latter follow up, lots of things could happen thanks for your talent.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Soo good a follow up of...

how Kristi's mindset was working and the entire affair with James...then follow through with what her family, friends, and her relationship with James became or dissolved...

TAF, I see where you make comments and it probably could have been done in shorter page context but come on man, this was a GREAT read!!!!

I do have a comment regarding "The Elephant in the room" about kids, I believe Mike meant for her to live through the destruction of the Marriage, not bring up things that were OUT OF HER CONTROL. He clearly made the point of conscious decisions and actions. just my .02... FYI I have a login but cant get access to it. my screen name is AdonisAZ

RhomanovRhomanovover 9 years ago







Not bad. Not bad at all.

jezzazjezzazover 9 years agoAuthor

Well, I wouldn't get too excited about the sequel to Live from the Game - I've been 20k words into it for about 4 months now. :(

I know exactly where I am going with it, and the story I want to tell - it's just finding the time.

I promised myself I would finish the second Ingrams story first, and I'm about 1k words off that. I just need to kick myself in the ass and get that done and into editing.

Live from the Game Part 2 - which will be called "Declaration of Intent", but the way - should be around 40k words when I'm done. Most of my stuff hovers around that size. That's four chapters of 3 Lit pages each.

chytownchytownover 9 years ago

For the read.

chilleywilleychilleywilleyover 9 years ago
147 comments, proof of a great story

Well done, yeah the back story was a bit long, and it would have been better to give a couple of clear examples of the wife dissing him to others, or maybe you did and I am too tired to recall them.

Someone else said no story is ever finished, and as powerful as the drama was in this one, a sequel would be a let down.

Pisses me off that the grammar police knock off stars for the lack f professional editors and proof readers. Fuck sakes, we're doing it for free!

Good work


greowulfgreowulfover 9 years ago
Very well done

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago



AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
hope this was fictional

too bad if hapened fr real :-(

FD45FD45over 9 years ago
I have to say

I am more excited about a continuation of 'Live from the Game' than I am the Ingram series.

And I don't even remember the premise, the plot or the character of that set of stories. I know I have an aversion to them.

Strangely, my curiosity about this fact has not superseded my aversion.

So please hurry with that set of stories so you can get onto the other one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
"Words"......just to many of them!

Great story line, well written and a great read, but by the time I got done I felt like I'd just struggled through a swamp of extemporaneous explanations and words. Need to get to the point a little sooner. The story ended somewhat abruptly. Could have spent some time at the end describing some of the results of the split. Otherwise a great read and I look forward to some more of your work in Loving wives..


WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 9 years ago
Too long for what was written plus you made some very bad calls.

One: don't disrespect people because they have a religious belief, even when you disagree with it.

Two: I've never met a more self centred, narcissistic, self righteous person in my life. The whole first page was dedicated to his own homage. Seriously, get over yourself. You don't to add sex in; but I don't want to read 500 words of self love either.

Three: the moment he laid hands on his wife, regardless of his reason short of self defence, with a witness present, he committed physical assault and she. He took the rings of her body, he committed theft AND the moment he flushed them he committed destruction of private property. Throw in the threat of physical violence against James, a lawfully invited guest, coercion and a whole slew of other charges

and you don't need to be a lawyer to know that your dear protagonist will be going to prison for a very long time.

Write your story as you will; but if you can't write about consequences to his actions, then how could you claim to stand in judgement of her actions?

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I am expecting a prostitute, a reconciliation, and a pregnancy !

Will be pleased and surprised if Jezzaz' story doesn't have that,lol.

Now, on to the story.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Chapter 2

wow this was great!.. it definitely needs a chapter 2 to tie it all together, but I enjoyed this one!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I am so glad, I was wrong! ! Jezzaz wrote a beautiful piece on the end of a marriage.

He made her sterile so no pregnancy. There was no prostitute and no reconciliation. Unless he writes a 2nd chapter. God, I hope NOT!!

Nice dialogue, good depth to the characters . He could have spun this out to a dozen pages but I'm glad he didn't! It would not have been better.

Well, I liked it very much. Maybe I should read his Ingram stories ?? Multiple chapters ,oh Ohh. Maybe that's where Jezzaz has more reconciliation, prostitutes, and pregnancy, lol.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
great story...

as always... the comment pages are as good as the stories. I love the critics who try and justify the idiots in the story.

for example: he flushed their rings and punched the dickhead. now we the readers know exactly what happened. if the cops are called they are going to want to know everything that happened. what are slut and dickwad going to say? He blew up because he did not want to accept his wife continuing to screw the guy. cops hate domestic disputes... and this is a he said she said moment. the dickwad is not a witness, he is the sluts continuing lover. the cops are going to want to know what he is doing there. when the story comes out, 9-10 cops would walk away from this train wreak.

anyway.. thanks for the story and especially one that provokes the comments to entertain.

green117green117over 9 years ago
unlike most here

I was not too pleased with this one.

Two reasons - first, I am generally agin' passive aggressive behaviors. YMMV on that one - I'm not saying that violence is the answer, but being "nice" isn't either, particularly in this situation.

Second, as a story, it had much too much tell and not enough show. There was not enough pain in his language, and not enough of that pain conveyed to the female protagonist. He should feel violently ill. He should be able to convince her that she made/makes him violently ill. And... she did it with intent.

"The Cost" was good that way. The problem here is that the end was a bit weak - it needed more mutually assured destruction...

YMMV, of course.


IronDragonIronDragonover 9 years ago
Excellent tale.

Words can hurt, but I bet the fist in Asshole's face hurt even more. Best use of a sucker punch I've seen in a long time. I have to agree that it was a bit wordy, but it was also very well written. The wordiness didn't detract from the storyline, by my estimation. No worries there. You're not always my favorite author, but this tale was outstanding!

5 Big Stars!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
I would like to see a second chapter

Perhaps FTDS would write one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Too many words

not nuff action

2 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Action speaks louder than word

Good writing skills. If that Mike had known that action speaks than word....

PhotoproffPhotoproffover 9 years ago
Should be read by every married person.

This story should be read by every married person contemplating cheating. It should be a requirement before a couple gets married. Great writing and a first for me to read of your writing. It will not be the last.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Wrong rating

I gave it a 5 star rating; sorry.

It should have been a 1-star. I'd subtract from the author's next story!

I am a fair man and a fair reader... and as such, I must say....

Reading this short story is like watching a badly made Hong Kong kungfu movie... in which all the actors --- all of them are just awful actors, including the hero --- are asked to turn simultaneously hither and thither by the camera man/director, even though they must have watched well made acted movies and characters DON'T behave like that; NOR do real human characters do that in real life...

Fortunately, the story ended after some stupidly tilted fake dialogues between two cardboard characters...

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007over 9 years ago

This was a refreshing change from the usual cuckrotica drivel. I just wish there was more to it. I was really enjoying the intelligent approach this author used in this story. I think the husband handled his slut wife the way I would have. Well, I might have at least stomped the boyfriend balls before throwing him out of my house. 5 stars

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

Excellent tale. How can an intelligent woman (from now on called cunt) think as preposterous as she did. As I've been saying, cheaters are the most stupid people alive. And this cunt was top of the list, dunce cap included. She actually thought her thing\king was correct and logical. Fucking worthless cunt.

Five Stars

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 9 years ago

Thinking is the word.

FullCircle56FullCircle56over 9 years ago
Excellent Story

Love reading about dumb shit spouses. Yes male or female. Cheating is cheating. Really do like some of the one line humor in many stories. Especially loved this one from the husband: "What happened, Kristi? Did you trip and fall on his dick?" Laughed so hard had tears in my eyes. This one ranks with the all time great lines. Excellent story. Thanks for posting. 5*'s just for the laugh.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

And I would love, absolutely LOVE (that's the Word) to read a part II.

Fantastic tale!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This work does not live up to emotional realism of Live from the Game. An overwhelming majority of normal men will not put up with sharing their wife with someone else. They may forgive her for cheating and give their relationship another chance, but not give her carte - Blanche with another partner. And most sane women know that and either keep their affairs discreet, or change partners. This is unfortunately a downgrade from Live from the Game, which may have been unrealistic in particulars, but was very realistic in terms emotions of people involved. I certainly hope that this is not way your long - awaited sequels are going to go.

likeboblikebobover 9 years ago

Good story, thank you for posting it.I do wish you would post more often.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loved it

brilliantly constructed. Five stars.

Danger09Danger09over 9 years ago
Too much talking

It seemed a bit unbelievable, a husband having a calm discussion with his wife & her lover. ... da fuck? If I was a man and I walked in to some fuckery such as this, there'd be no discussion other then where would you like your shit sent? All of this unnecessary talk means nothing. My only discussion would've been" ok. Dear, tell your lover to give you a minute while you pack up your shit. Point. Blank . Period. Why try to change her mind? She's a grown woman who knows what she wants & it's quite obvious it's not a husband. ..

SpencerfictionSpencerfictionover 9 years ago
Loved this

Excellently written story. I loved the pace, the content and the ending

leviayersleviayersover 9 years ago

outstanding story 5 thanks

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
finish the story

be nice to come back a few years later to see what happenned to the 3 of them

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Perhaps study premed and womens issues

I am confused? A litigator that understand people, cannot read or understand his wife? Hum? going back when Kristi was a young teenager and found her uterus and ovaries along with her tubes having defects eliminating any chances of natural child birth, did in fact destroy her hidden ideas of woman hood and the purpose of raising a family. What is more sad, look at their life, a rental condo? so much for the large house with white picket fences. I find fault in both, why? simple, the husband already knew of Kristi's medial problem and how permanent it was, if adoption and artificial procedures are out, then create your life around the home, build your dream home together, start building a life together. Their current life was no life at all, from the rental to their own jobs. Kristi fell in love with another man because she had nothing to really look forward too as a wife, no motherhood nothing. What Kristi wanted was a life suited for her now needs, since no children, no need for a home, why not just play around. I feel if this had not come to light and yes, her guilt, because wrong is wrong and her lying and deceitful ways were going to come out in the end. This fling would have moved on to other men Kristi would encounter. The recklessness of her behavior shows that she cared less about health issues such as STD's that might endanger her husband. I was also puzzled about Kristi's reference towards children? That too offers my point that with that ability taken from her, her chance to share, embrace and love and raise a child or children changed her completely. I feel it was wrong for them to marry without counseling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
support marriage

this is why if the nation wants same sex marriage, then protect all marriages by endorsing laws that protect marriage from adultery. Imagine the turds attitude if the husband can garnish his wages, income tax returns and acquire any properties until the punitive damages are paid in full all because he was in an affair with his wife. and the wife pays too. Want to cheat and shit on the vows, better divorce first.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 9 years ago
Highly logical...

...intelligent and entertaining exploration of human behaviour. Would really look foreward to a sequel here to see, how the situation would actually develope.

No doubt about it: 5*

Thank you for writing this one. It was a pleasure reading it.

SimplyMikeSimplyMikeover 9 years ago
Ah!.... jezzaz,

you have a definitive way of pointing out the defects in 'cheaters' logic and actions which I have never found in any other stories in Literotica other than yours. I don't agree with cheating in any way, honesty in relationships MUST come first.... If you have issues with your spouse then you should attempt sort them out with each other BEFORE you stray. That way you preserve honesty and, therefore, trust. If, however, the issues cannot be resolved then at least you have shown some sort of integrity.

MisterBillBillyMisterBillBillyover 9 years ago
Wow if I only had a brain.....

I would do violence, but this way was so much better. Hopefully I can learn from your thinking ability....bill 5ssssss

Seeker1107Seeker1107over 9 years ago

He didn't want to change her mind to keep her but to destroy her. Throwing her out just lets her hold on to her delusional view of the whole affair. He destroyed that as well as how she viewed herself. While he was the victim he was still the victor in this altercation. I used to watch interrogation techniques when intel guys would talk to arabs. More can be done with words than any beating ever can. We had a bunch of american intelligence personnel come over. And some of them learned a few things.

All I can say IMHO I take my hat off to a master!

Texas_Air_ForceTexas_Air_Forceover 9 years ago
So good, it needs a chapter 2.....

She obviously will try to rationalize and justify herself to save her own sick self-image. So, she needs to come back, either to grovel for forgiveness (after which she will likely cheat again) so he can go another round on her. Just imagine one of those movies where you see the earthquake keep shaking the concrete pillars until they eventually collapse. Of course, he could take down her entire family with her....she didn't learn this kind of sick thinking on her own. Maybe her family would like some pics and videos of her sent via email after he has a camera installed after they 'reconcile' and she brings her lover into their house. Soooooo many potential story lines for chapter 2!!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
communist socialism at its' professed best.

too bad, otherwise woulda been a 5 * tale

2 star

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

This was a awesome story, more than deserving of a sequel.

markranemarkraneover 9 years ago

Incredible effort here. The dialogue, plot, characters, etc all really great. A sequel would be pretty cool but I can supply The Rest of the Story in my head too. I look forward to your next story...

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
what to be expected

from liberal socialized excuse for mankind.

pretty good till the soviet union socialized statement

2 star

tazz317tazz317over 9 years ago

should know not to come unarmed, TK U MLJ LV NV

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 9 years ago
Revenge is best done subtle

Well done. Enjoyed the story very much. Mike is a much stronger person than most men would be in that situation.

Well written, good plot line and a climatic ending. Although, the story begs for a sequel.

Thanks for your hard work. Look forward to these shorter stories from you.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
And the next day?

He was arrested for assault and battery. His wife testified against him and he went to jail. She divorced him and was awarded 75% of the marital assets and alimony. When he got out he had lost his job, his house, his wife and most of his money. Absolutely one of the stupidest endings to a story I've ever read. He was a complete and utter idiot. What a horrible ending to a story that started out so well.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

50/50 no kids , and only 11 years vested , alimony yes , unavoidable

no charges for the single punch . circumstances & location plus he said / she said .

it gets bargained down to nothing with the assistance of good council.

interesting story , well written though not enjoyable , the way the Author weaves the tale , one can almost feel the pain & anguish radiating from the page.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
The Aftermath

Three days later an unidentified kid in a hoody threw acid in her face, The same day Jamie boy was mugged and during the course of the mugging took a knife in the guts. Of course hubby had an airtight alibie. As she lay in hospital she was informed that there was no money to pay her bill and she was being shipped out. Blind in one eye and horribly disfigured she then learned that her lover was being fitted with a colostomy bag and would need constant attention. A few days later a note arrived from her cuckold husband saying "Have a nice life". Oh well shit happens! Aint life a bitch.

AmbivalenceAmbivalenceover 9 years ago
Having someone like him mad at you is SCARY.

To think that she knew him but chose to ignore what she knew because it would have made her having an affair impossible. She wouldn't have been able to justify her actions as if he would be ok with it. She'd have had to admit knowing it would kill him.

Also funny to think that knowing what his job is that she would think she could turn it back on him and best him on his "home turf" as it were.

I truly hope she lives a nice long life and can't imagine him doing anything directly to her - just him using his skill to make her friends and family understand what she's done in the same way he did it to her will crush her in ways that physical violence never could. A person can only take so much physical damage before it kills them - there's no limit to the amount of emotional and intellectual pain you can put someone through.

Loved this story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

I especially loved the symbolism of flushing their rings down the toilet, as she loved them so much. That part almost made me jump from my chair with a cheer!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Please tell us her side of this story.

Please tell us how she started off the afair, drifting in deluding herself with her own wishful thinking, making it all alright in her own mind, how they planned and prepared for this little event, how his words hit her, sober her up and what they did to her emotionally and what happened after she was thrown out.

If anyone can turn that in a heart wrenching, teeth gnasting story, you can.

With your writing style, you time and again succeed in getting to me real hard. Excellent writing.

5 big stars, thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A few months later

Kristi comes home to find strange noises coming from the bedroom, and James buried balls deep into a young blonde. Then it hit her what a fucking fool she had been from the very start. All the bullshit about accepting new situations vanished, and she finally realised what it was to be fucked over by a cheater. She is currently serving 20 to life for murder after plunging a carving knife through James back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A good story blighted

... by unnecessary slams on people's religious and political views. The slam on those who believe - regardless of their beliefs - was totally gratuitous and tied to nothing in the story. I can't believe I'm standing up for them, but the ties to the story for the "bleeding heart liberal" comment was tenuous, at best. There were no other politics in the story, and I believe you could have gotten the point across without trying to make a large portion of your readers feel like fools.

3 stars, knocked way down due to annoyance at the above


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
A perfect example of nirvana Leftist King County Seattle!

"I'm not going to give up. Even if you make me leave. You are mine and I am yours. I'll always be there. You know it."

This BEGS for a Chapter II!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
no liberal!

Sorry, but the premise that this was "authored" by a "liberal" is bullshit! A liberal would have accepted the situation and gone along.... Hate to tell you, but you are a conservative down deep as you know you are. There are rules in life and you've shown (just like the Obamalovers are waking up to reality) that liberalism is nice as long as it gets practiced elsewhere.

IrfonIrfonover 9 years ago
Had an intriguing thought...

....what about another chapter - one which outlined how she got on,Hmm ?

LoneEagleLoneEagleover 9 years ago
Liberal? Conservative?

Just where in the world did you get the idea that people who are liberal condone their wives fucking around on them? That has nothing to do with liberal or conservative, and everything to do with honoring vows. Yes, I am liberal and I can assure you that honoring vows is something I always do, as do others like me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
good story

I very rarely think this but this story definitely needs another chapter.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
just another bitter man

After he gets charged with assault and the judge deducts the value of the rings from his share of the divorce settlement he can sleep well knowing he is so righteous.

SELSTIMSELSTIMabout 9 years ago
Just Deserts

Beautifully done and oh so true. I find that not only do people tell themselves lies to be able to live with what they've done or about to do but after awhile they actually believe the lie to survive and then it's just a small step to a break with reality. He did go a little too far at the end when he got physical with the boyfriend. To be consistent with the title he had already destroyed him, their relationship and her perception of him. He really didn't need to use physical force on him. Great Story, Great Insight I would have loved to have seen the immediate aftermath when she tried to overcome her guilt with sex and then down the road as they tried to live together. She gambled and lost. Thank you

gara5289gara5289about 9 years ago

Loved it. Just like the A/N, no month long elaborate plan, just words. Great story and part of me would love a follow up (for him and/or her) and part me of thinks it ended perfectly.

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I don’t know why this bit exists? Like I’m gonna tell you about myself.