All Comments on 'Words'

by jezzaz

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phil2213phil2213about 9 years ago
Interesting ànd very intense drama

When a couple fails to communicate as in this story, it can result in a major conflict. Of course, this one was a nuclear level conflict. I recall coming home in a snow storm and stopping at the grocery store and buying food. (LOTS AND LOTS) I felt my wife and two kids deserved the best and shouldn't go hungry. When I arrived home I thought I would received a heroes welcome. NOT. I was berated and henpecked about no coupons, not on sale and consequently, my ex-wife returned the entire order. So what was I talking about? This story was evocative in spurring those emotions for me. Also, I'd like to know what happened next. I rated this five stars for the intense emotional effect this story commanded. Thank you for your effort.

ohyessssssohyessssssabout 9 years ago
well deserved

To all you guys out there who think it's ok to fuck another mans wife, keep in mind the words from "Give Me Three Steps" ," I'm a man who cares". Fuck face deserved the punch, and more. A swift kick to her ass as you shoved her out the door would have been quite alright also. Some of you people need a dose of reality.

sugnasugnaabout 9 years ago
Read it Again, Needs part 2

I would love a part 2! What happened over the course of the rest of their lives. Her bouncing from man to man until she was left with a lot of bad history and nobody willing to share it with her. Him, I would like to see catch up to his friends, get remarried to a decent woman, have a bunch of kids and a full life. In the end, I would thing a meeting in a coffee shop, or an old age home, where he thanks her for setting him free to fulfill his destiny. Her wandering off, racked with pain.

Fighting41Fighting41about 9 years ago
Part 2 Required

Have read this a few times now and it certainly needs a part 2

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Part 2 Please

Well done. Interesting character set up. Please follow up with a second part.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

give us a part two :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
I'm needin' part II, darn it!

But please oh please, jezzaz, learn the difference between 'loose' and 'lose'. You 'lose' a game. Your wife's pussy is 'loose'. ;)

My own wife left me for another dude. Like this guy, I'd never met him, didn't know he existed. I was lucky in that at least she didn't fuck him while we were together, that would have been nasty. No, instead she decided that we needed 'time apart'. She needed to 'find' herself. I never suspected it was find herself on another dick.

We rented a nice little 2 bedroom log house at the outskirts of the town we lived in. We'd only been married for 3 years when one day she was sitting in the kitchen at the table when I came home from work. That was odd, I usually beat her home. Then I saw the suitcases packed and sitting next to the door. I was at first alarmed, thinking something happened to her family, who lived about 1400 miles away. But then she told me she was going to move out for a few weeks, that she needed time alone. We were just beginning to try for a baby, she'd thrown her pills away just the past week. I thought everything was perfect, we were so excited

I was stunned, begging her to stay, we could work it out. When she went out the door, I was crying, but so was she. When her car pulled out, I knew it was over. Something inside me told me we were through. The first thing I did was to call my brother. He was studying to be a PI and after I told him what happened, he promised to do his best, put what he'd learned into action. That was good enough for me. Then he gave me the best advice, that I should leave it to him and not become involved, just incase of the worst.

A week later, a week I barely got any work done and I'm lucky I didn't kill anyone, I am a heavy machinery operator. That week I was running a 988 front end loader and loading gravel in dump trucks. I screwed up enough repairs had to be made, costing the company thousands. Thankfully, my fellow crew knew what was going on in my homelife and covered for me.

My brother stopped by the next weekend, about 10 days after she left, 10 days without a telephone call. He had bad news, she had moved in with an old boyfriend across town, she probably figured far enough away that I wouldn't find out. I didn't even know that Bill was back in town. My wife was a year behind me and Bill was too, they had went out together in HS and she admitted he took her cherry and banged her relentlessly all through HS. During their senior year, he dumped her to start fucking one of her friends, although she learned from her friend later, he was fucking her long before he left my wife.

With all the pictures, I had seen all I needed to see. They were basic, graphic and nothing any husband should see. I started preparing for my exit. First, I packed all of MY stuff. I drive an F350 diesel 4x4 with a canopy, I have to just to get to our job sites. So I rented Uhaul trailer into the garage and began loading all my stuff in it. Her stuff I put on the front lawn, making a huge pile as I went. Even the bed, which had been hers, although we bought new box springs and mattress. If it wasn't mine, I tossed it in the pile and man, did that pile grow!

Finally, on the 21st day since she left me, I got a call from her. I wasn't really expecting it but was prepared if she did. She wanted to make sure I was doing alright since she had been 'too busy' to call, with work and moving in to her apartment. She hemmed and hawed when I asked for the address so I could stop by and see her, finally admitting she'd rather not have me see it, saying it was just temporary anyway. I asked when she thought she might come home and actually heard her say, she was working on that but wasn't sure. But soon. It was on a Friday night when she called and I asked if she could stop by the next day so I could give her some mail and papers (yes, a lawyer drew up a basic divorce) and could she do it about 2 pm?

My brother filmed it when she drove into our driveway the next day. She didn't see him, but he said she was instantly frightened when she pulled in to see the huge bonfire dying down in the yard. Then when she walked up and was very close, he saw the instant she realized that was the headboard to the bed she'd had her entire life. He said she shrieked and ran for the house and actually began wailing when she went inside to find it stripped clean. I'd even burned every picture we had but one, I left it on the kitchen table. It was our 14"x18" wedding picture, with my head cut out and Bill's put in its place. Laying on the picture was my wedding ring and below it, were the divorce papers that I'd filed, using adultery. In the packet was a picture of her riding his cock in his back yard.

She was screaming and crying when she came out of the house, running for her car. The instant she started it and backed out, she was on her phone. I suppose she called Bill too, but she called my phone screaming and I could make little of the message. Just she was sorry, blah blah blah, we could get around it, blah blah blah, she wanted to have my babies, blah blah blah.

My Uhaul trailer was parked at a friends house and he had me park my truck inside his garage. I had given my 2 week intent to quit and was finishing out my last few days of work. My boss tried to talk me into staying, but I was going to leave town. He gave me a nice little severance pay and combined with the 1/2 of our savings and my final paycheck, I was set for at least a few months while I found a new place to live.

Tammy just have called my phone an average of 40 times every day. No joke, I didn't even listen after the first few where she said it was all a mistake, she was so sorry, she would do anything to make it up to me, that all she wanted in life was to have babies with me. WTF? Then why move in with and start fucking your boyfriend? I'd like to say I was enraged, I was actually, but more than anything, I was mystified. Why would she go off the pill, telling me how much she loved me and it was time to have our family if she was going to start fucking an old boyfriend? It made no sense to me, still doesn't, but I really had little interest in hearing her convoluted answer.

My last day was a Friday and I planned to leave first thing Saturday morning so the guys at work threw me a going away party. We went to a local hangout, a lounge that served great burgers along with their booze and the party started about 7pm. By 9 I was feeling no pain and surprisingly, having a really good time. Until Tammy walked in. It was strange, I had my back to the door and all the sudden the whole place went silent with everyone either staring at me or something behind me. It was Tammy, she'd noticed all the familiar vehicles in the parking lot and was planning to check and see if she could find me or someone who knew where I was.

When I saw who it was, I just turned away. She moved in front of me and I turned the other way and walked toward another group of friends. Tammy started crying, really making a scene and then began screaming at me! She screamed what a mistake she'd made, she was so sorry and she'd do anything to make it up, she just wanted to come back home and we could start our family. Finally, I'd had enough. Up to that point, I had avoided even looking at her and certainly not responding but I'd had enough. I started shouting back at her, inside her bubble and right in her face.

"You want to get back together?" She nodded her head yes, bawling like a little girl. "Fine, we'll get back together and we'll have all those babies and live happily ever after THE INSTANT YOU GET UNFUCKED."


She fainted. And no, I didn't try and catch her, I let her slump to the floor and walked back to my seat. A couple women who were there gave me a shitty look and hurried over to help her up. She was woozy and could hardly stand and tried to move toward me. I just flung my hand in her direction. "Get the fuck out of her and don't let me see your cheating face again." God, she howled at that, damn near like a dog. They tried to help her out the door but she pulled away and ran to me.

"You're my husband and I'm your wife, doesn't that mean anything?" Good God, can't she get it through her thick skull?

"The moment you walked out on our marriage and spread your legs for another man, we were no longer married. We might be married in the eyes of the law, but even that is all over but for the courts. Leave me alone and have fun raising your cheating little babies with Bill."

She left, assisted by someone I didn't know. I didn't feel any better, oh, who am I kidding, I felt a lot better. I was leaving early in the morning but figured I could stay a bit longer until folks were in the partying mood again. About an hour later however, Bill walked in. I didn't see him but my buddy and my brother, who were sitting across from me did. Bill was pissed and coming right for me. Now, let me explain something here. Bill was a pretty big feller in HS, played guard and tackle both on the football team. Me? I was a bit smaller, about 150 at 6' tall to his 185 at the same height. But things had changed since we were in HS. I had been on the powerlifting team and did 'fairly well'. A few trophies, but nothing special. However, I never quit, unlike just about everyone else. By then, I weighed 235lbs and placed 3rd in the State records for the bench press in my age and weight group, with a 410lb bench press. I held the State record (its been reset since then) in the squat at 621lbs. I couldn't even place in the deadlift with a 555lb dead. Short legs and a long torso didn't help with deadlifting like it did for the squat and bench.

Anyway, old Bill came up behind me and jerked my chair around. He punched me once in the jaw but my head turned and I didn't absorb much of the blow. Now, I wasn't much of a fighter, but I did do a lot of boxing with a neighbor. His next punch came right for the point of my jaw and would have knocked me out, even though old Bill was a bit pudgier than he used to be. Instead, I did whatever boxer would do, I stepped inside the punch and unfortunately, hit him with everything I had in the liver. As a lefty, I hit him right at the base of his ribcage, angling upward on the right side. Right in the liver.

I learned, as did everyone else, what happens when a record book bench press enraged fist collides with a stomach. I knew something didn't feel right and it turned out, although his shirt stayed intact, my fist had split open his skin and the membranes underneath, almost allowing my hand to enter his chest cavity. Of course, he dropped like he'd been shot and didn't move. No one knew how bad he was hurt until we saw blood running out from underneath him.

The ambulance was there in only a couple minutes, soon enough Bill's life was saved. I was arrested and booked into the county jail on a variety of charges. I sat there until the following Tuesday until my old boss bailed me out. The worst charge was intent to cause grievous harm. I had to stay around until things were sorted out. Tammy came in to see me but I refused it. Every day she came in but she was dead to me. My brother also came in and let me know if she wasn't trying to get in to see me, she was in the hospital with Bill.

Soon enough, the charges were dropped after enough people came forward to say I was only protecting myself. I'd only punched him once, while he'd already punch me and missed a second shot. The problem was, Bill had a badly lacerated liver and damn near died. As it was, they removed part of it and sewed him back up. A year later, he still wasn't able to work.

The lawyer fees ate me up. I ended up unloading my trailer in my buddies garage and went back to work for my old boss until he was paid back and my lawyer paid off. After two months, it was July 1st, I was ready to go again, this time with my own trailer I'd bought second hand and rebuilt. Tammy continued to try and find me until I finally had a court order for her to stay away. Then I had to change my number because she refused to stop calling me and telling me she would make it up, it only I'd let her come back.

I left at 6am on a Saturday morning, about 9 weeks after I had originally planned to leave. My trucks two tanks were fueled up and I didn't have to stop for fuel for almost 700 miles. I filled up three times before I found my new home, working for my old boss's brother! It was in Kalispell Montana and as far as I knew, it was heaven! It didn't take long and I fit in with the crew, had a new rental and was moved in. After 6 months my boss told me about a neat little piece of property for sale and thought it would be perfect for me. He helped me out and after 30 days, I was the proud owner of 4.5 acres!

Frequent called to my brother and lawyer kept me up to date on what went on. Bill was released from the hospital and Tammy stayed with him and supported the household while he healed up. She fought the divorce until the bitter end and finally, the court had enough and granted it to me. No one told her where I was, she told everyone she was going to find me and talk some sense into me. Yeah, right. As soon as she's unfucked, she's welcome here.

Me? Coolest thing EVER! I built a pole barn on my property and then me and the crew I worked with finished the inside. Two levels, dormers upstairs, beautiful staircase, knotty pine interior and best of all, off grid! Solar, batteries and an inverter, I had all the power I needed. No tv, propane appliances, water from a spring, I was set for life. Before winter fell, I also built a 24x36 garage to keep my truck inside, plus my own home weight room! One of the guys loved to work with stone and I ended up with a massive fireplace, big enough for 6' long logs! I also cook on a wood cook stove during the winter months.

At a Christmas party, I was introduced to the woman who would be my new wife. She was the niece of my boss's wife. While I was 28 years old, this young woman was 18, too young for me. But over the next six months, I found I was the only one who thought that and was worn down! Kimberly (don't call me Kim!) was an outdoorsman dream. Tall, 5'7" and 130lbs, she was/is built like a wet dream. Longish dirty blond hair and a tiny waist, her little boobs are beautiful as is her bubble butt! We married on June 1st and that night, in our new home, I found she was a true virgin as she promised. After I broke through and we had consummated our marriage, we both cried. Me because of the love I thought I would never find again, Kimberly because of the wonderful pain she experienced and how we shared it together. My boss gave me 2 weeks off paid as a wedding gift.

My brother came out for the wedding with a bit of news. One was that Tammy and Bill were still together but they'd found out he couldn't have kids. Something about the damage, even though it was to his liver, had damage something else, etc. Tammy would have that big family she dreamed of if she and Bill stayed together. I got a call a few days after he got home. He'd ran into Tammy where she worked at a local diner and showed her the pictures of our wedding. Basically, he told her I had remarried, she called him a liar and so he drug out his camera and showed her the happy couple and our home!

Kimberly and I went to visit my brother on our 10th wedding anniversary. We took along our two boys and little girl, Ben, Orrin, and my little girl, Kimmie. We spent a week at his place and I don't know who told her, but Tammy found out I was back in town. She came looking for me at my brothers place and was very nice. After coming in, she stood by the door and apologized for everything. She didn't have an answer for me when I asked why she'd done it just as we were thinking of kids, perhaps she thought, it was fear of being tied down forever. She wasn't sure. But she said she had loved me fiercely and still loved me. He and Bill were still together but not married. No, they didn't have any kids and never would, she was 37 years old and would never find anyone else before she was too old. So she planned to stay with Bill, who was making good money, they were comfortable, although she didn't love him.

About that time I heard Kimberly pull in with our diesel pickup and heard the doors slam. She came in after the whirlwind called my kids blew through. I made them stop, introduced them to my ex and when Kimberly came in, introduced the two of them. Wow, talk about sparks! Neither said a spiteful word, but the look they gave each other was enough. One was saying that's my man you have, the other was saying, stay away from my husband! Tammy made her excuses when she started crying and left. It was the last time I ever saw her. Bill was transferred to another state and she went with him.

I hope she'd happy with her life. I certainly am!

markranemarkraneabout 9 years ago
One of the Best on Lit

Yeah, I know that maybe damming with faint praise but this is truly a great read. The dialogue and build up are unmatched. I even copied and pasted five paragraphs of mediation and psychology stuff to read later.

A second chapter would be interesting but not necessary. I think we can figger out how the rest played out in our little minds. That said, I would welcome it...

A coupla things, shorter paragraphs would be nice as well as an editor that can see syntax and context errors. Really doesn't detract from the story for the most part. I loved it.

And anon's comment two above me should be expanded into a story.

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiabout 9 years ago
One for the records!...

...nothing else to say. One of the best on Lit. says it all! Not enough stars to rate this one, so 5* must do. Thank you.

Pappy7Pappy7about 9 years ago
I liked it, a lot.

He doled out the punishment in a very unique way. He punished the only adulterer, his wife, in a way that was just for her. He hit the lover but only punished him as a thief. The man didn't have a personal responsibility to the husband, just a general one to civilized society to abide by the norms and customs we all adhere to.

I liked the fact that he didn't let her get away with her bullshit run on his pride and sense of morals. He also took complete control of the situation away from the two wannabe cuckers and placed the burden of responsibility firmly on their shoulders. He wasn't overtly physical or loud or even rude, he just stated the facts from his perspective and told they how it really was, not the view they had talked each other into. Calm on the outside puts fear into your opponent from the opening volley of combat, and that's just what it was. They tried to ambush him and force a decision from him without giving him any basis to make the decision.

5 stars from me as well and thanks for sharing your story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

If she doesn't respect him already, does what he say carries any weight with her?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

'Words', yep right name for a story with too many words. Didn't finish it.

rightbankrightbankabout 9 years ago
some of the comments

are more interesting than the story.

the one posted on 05 05 15 should have been submitted as a story itself.

krosis666krosis666about 9 years ago
There's no fuck, like a Mind Fuck!

Excellent story. He did, however, miss a golden opportunity to give her one parting shot. He should have hit her where it really hurts; her inability to ever have children. He should have said that he gave up on having kids, to be with her, and this is how she repaid him. That, above anything else, would have hurt her the most!

BTW, why is it, in these stories where a wife expects a husband to accept her having a lover, because she isn't taking anything away from him, they ALWAYS get angry, when he suggests that he can do the same? That was rhetorical, so I don't expect an answer!

tazz317tazz317about 9 years ago

just look at what you learned today for all the tomorrows that come. TK U MLJ LV NV

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago

“If we'd decided to open up our marriage together, then that's one thing. But we hadn't, and I never would have anyway. I was a one woman man.”

And it wouldn’t matter anyway. I can GUARANTEE that if you said, “Okay, Kristi, we’ll have an open marriage, you can have both me and DICK, and I’ll have both you and another woman,” she would say no way can YOU have someone else!

“I respect you and think you should know.” – If she “respects” him, she would tell him BEFORE she fucks DICK!

“So I wouldn't like it very much, but I'd have to accept it. With proviso's, of course.” – So, SHE gets to set provisos? HE’S presented with a fait accompli, with no say in the matter, but she gets to set “provisos”, LOL!

I don't know why she's so troubled at being thrown out - didn't she say that James wants her ALL the time? Well, now he does!

And he never said it in so many words, but she cheated WITH him, she'll cheat ON him, and vice versa!

sbrooks103sbrooks103about 9 years ago
@krosis666 Re: Having Kids

Excellent point! It will be even better when he sends her pictures of the kids he has with his new wife!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
A truly great story

You have exceeded yourself. Clever, original and fascinating. Best story I have read in a long time.

Rhsc1Rhsc1almost 9 years ago

Follow up, or epilogue would be interesting for those of us "less imaginative" types. Good tale.

LVGirlLVGirlalmost 9 years ago

Jezzaz, this is by far your best piece. Outstanding.

SkibumSkibumalmost 9 years ago

That was intense, to the point, and very entertaining even as it was disturbing.

rockthedogrockthedogalmost 9 years ago
Great story!

The tension builds from the start to the resounding finish. Do not typically enjoy epilogoues, but would very much like to read one here.

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

try not to be the one un-armed. TK U MLJ LV NV

Gomez333Gomez333almost 9 years ago
One of the best authors still posting on here

By and large I think Jezzaz's work is excellent, although one or two of the Ingrams pieces don't quite work for me. But I think this is his best, and I've read it several times now.

Thanks mate!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

A truly remarkable effort! Well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
One small observation

I liked it. Though calling James names countered the intelligence of his arguments.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Words, too many.

Good story, but, too many to convey the message, and the story.

Sloburn38Sloburn38almost 9 years ago
I have read this three times now and I think it is your best story

I really think that you should do a follow up story, how they managed to get through the rest of their lives. You have two really damaged people here and that would make for a good story.

rightbankrightbankalmost 9 years ago
No matter how you try to justify it

cheating is not OK.

No matter how you phrase it, no words make up for the betrayal.

I strongly disagree with the Tags. When she chose to move in with her lover, the husband refused to accept it and left the marriage. He is/was not a cuckold.

sbrooks103sbrooks103almost 9 years ago

The key thing she is missing is that she did her thing behind his back, she never proposed an “open marriage” BEFORE fucking other guys!

“I still and will always love you and be everything to you that I've always been.” – EXCEPT be a faithful wife!

Her words are a contradiction – if he’s “not lacking at all”, then why is she looking elsewhere?

“To let you know he's no threat." – Of COURSE he’s a threat! He’s been sleeping with his WIFE!

“We are doing this here, now, because I won't run around behind your back.” – Except that you HAVE been running around behind his back! At the very least, this conversation should have been held BEFORE you started CHEATING!

“If you loved me, if you really loved me, you'd let me have this." – If SHE really loved HIM, she wouldn’t even WANT, let alone ASK for this!

"We just needed to find a way to tell you that would...minimize the hurt." – So, she acknowledges that she knew he was going to be hurt. So how can you DELIBERATELY hurt someone you supposedly love, ”minimized” or not?

“We thought... we could alternate time.” – So Mike WOULD be getting less! AT least while they were cheating it was at times he was busy or whatever, now she’s talking about actually taking time away from him!

He is SO right! As soon as she felt any sort of attraction to James, she should have backed away from him, NOT act on those feelings!

Flushing the rings, while nicely symbolic, is foolish, there has to be significant monetary value there!

This needs an epilogue where we see what happens to Kristi!

William_LinesWilliam_Linesalmost 9 years ago
Words Can Hurt.

I loved this story and rated it five stars.

Why not write another story or sequel and demonstrate the power of silence (no words).

Billy Lines

C_frommnC_frommnalmost 9 years ago
Loved It!!

But would like to see 2 more Chapters one Her and what the After Affects were from her pov. the other the way it affected both of them Long Term.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
i knew it!

man this was a great story but I knew if I go to the comment section some fool was gonna side with the cheaters. Thank you ann. " he gonna to jail for assaulting james." Do you realize that james trying or did sleep with another man wife. james ass would had be shot or killed back in da day true very old days but regard his ass would be six feet under. y know if u want to fuck with a marriage be prepare for the consequences. if you man enough to get between her legs be man enough to take the beatin' don't be trying to hide behind the law. no one told to fuck her in the first place. Don't come in here with that man card nonsense either. oh i'm a man I gotta handle my business because I got dick and she in need. man please.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Don't understand

all the stuff said about being such a wordsmith. Every thing H said seemed quite pedestrian to me. Nothing special. What any one in the situation would have said. Wife probably felt better not having to feel guilty any more. It would have been better to have a real ending and prove that H was a great debater and show how screwed up W and her boyfriend became after H's great soliloquy.

This is not to say I didn't like it. I did.


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I enjoyed this, though his punching the lover (and actually using physical intimidation at all) kind of goes against the theme. I have to think with a little more thought and perhaps time to review various possibilities the author could have a really superb piece . . . one in which he destroys both his wife and her lover primarily through the use of words. Instead, by using words for the wife, but resorting to vengeful physical violence on the male lover, the story becomes something more routine - guy gets cheated on, calls the wife bad names, and beats up the lover. - While viscerally satisfying for some, I think this disappoints after such an interesting start.

The violence also left me with the feeling that in real life this would have worked out badly. He probably would have been sued for the punch, any career in negotiating would pretty much have been shattered, and the impact of his words on his wife (and others) significantly lessened as her family members and friends now might start to convince themselves that he was prone to violence . . . perhaps thinking maybe he'd also been violent with her in the past, and she just kept quiet. She herself might start to think that though her method was wrong, perhaps it was for the best that she got away from a violent soul (easily forgetting that she was the cause of what we hope was a one-time lapse in judgment on his part). The lover would have been left feeling no guilt . . . perhaps even reveling in his imagined heroic role of pulling the wife away from an 'abusive' husband. - Not a desirable outcome.

But the writing style and many of the lines were fun to read. Nice touch on the rings . . . I would love to see a retooling of the story where the psychological application of words and logic (albeit sometimes twisted) was used to bring both the wife and her lover down. That would be an amazing story!!

norcal62norcal62almost 9 years ago
Wow! Nice analysis from Anon-8/28/15

Agree that punching dickwad ruined the story ending by going against the whole theme.

Lots of truths layered throughout the tale that strike home to me and my personal history.

Enjoyed your style.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Magnificent 5*

A heart rendering story, well done!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Mindless garbage ! "1*" !!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
there is a price too be paid

bye fucking another man wife.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Nope. Didn't work at all

First off he makes a terrible decision - he assumed he could take Jimmy in a fight. Big mistake. Since he was prepared Jimmy either knew he could take him or had a gun or a knife with him just to make sure. After all you said they were prepared. Second bad mistake - he has no legal standing to throw her out. If he touches her to push her out, its assault and Jimmy is a witness. Third mistake - he grabbed her hand, removed her rings and threw them away. She has a witness. That's assault, battery and theft. Fourth mistake - he punched Jimmy. That's assault and battery and he has a witness. So he's going to jail. And Kristi is going to get everything in the divorce. If a plumber can't retrieve the rings then he's paying to replace them out of his share of their savings. Since he is going to be convicted of a felony she will receive the lion's share of their marital assets. Jimmy can file a Civil lawsuit against him and collect damages. The Police will be there shortly after he throws them out, so while he's off to jail, she's back in their place. So all in all this was just a horrible story. Even for fiction he did so many stupid things I couldn't believe you bothered to write it. Did you just not think about any consequences? That he could do anything he wanted and get away with it? Dumb.

jpl7490jpl7490almost 9 years ago
Agree, unfinished

Another good story, you really have a way with these, but I agree this needs another chapter, life after death, maybe I just need a happy ending, lol, but having said that it's an ending in itself so again well done

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
5 stars but I do not understand...

How is this the same writer of Ryan's stories?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Holy Sh*t, what garbage!!

The first two pages of the story could have been condensed down to a single paragraph, were you being paid by the word to write this. This would have been better without all the bullshit as a flash story. You added so much crap to the body of the story that in parts, especially page three, it made it hard to follow.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

the cuckold just wouldn't shut up. the author thought this story is a short one? thanks for the boast, i mean warning, i wont be reading your other drivel.

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
5 for your story and for annony telling us he she it IT

won't read any more of your great stories. That way maybe it won't post any more comments. We can only hole!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I just realized ALL the Brits are fucking flaming Idiots !!

Just read this garbage story and cretinous comment below !

Worthless Brit degenerates will die off soon, I hope. 1* !

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
so long

you could have cut it in way down and had the same tale, only better.

if you wanted to destroy her, you could have hit her with the fact she could

not had kids. low blow, but when she cheated the rules change.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
i get it. i like it. i felt all elements came together well. if i thought you were bi i would get down on my knees and suck your dick and swallow your cum to show my appreciation.

I can image a movie written around this scene. good job. I think most of the comments of others I read, about 10 all together, either were made very uncomfortable, unable to suspend disbelief for a variety of reason, did not have enough experiences to identify, or upset to discover this is not a 'get a nut' story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Pompous and arrogant drivel ! 1* !!

Just like all the others fucking Brits. Damn lowlife !

xylem69xylem69over 8 years ago
Contrary to the Morons

This as an excellent example of a mental BTB. There wont be any charges because neither will press them. He threw her out once before and nothing happened. She is destroyed. The slutty relationship wont last 2 months. She will get grief from family and friends. They were not prepared for his response showing she never knew him at all and will now pay for that lack of knowledge.

tazz317tazz317over 8 years ago

Crossing the Rubicon preparing to do battle. TK U MLJ LV NV

FD45FD45over 8 years ago
Here is the contradiction

I have also followed a lot of boards regarding marriage and fidelity. Jezzaz is correct: a sensitive moral person who is reflective WILL suffer more. does that describe this woman who came to her husband and proposed opening their marriage (at least one way)? This was the height of insensitivity.

My guess, while this will be like malaria with bouts of pain over the decades, her rationalization hamster will be feeding her enough BS that she will feel the victim pretty soon

Re the police:

He might be arrested. However, her ENTIRE FAMILY will have a come to Jesus meeting with her about her actions. I doubt she will be able to hold firm on pressing charges and she certainly would not be witness to the scumlord.

Whether he would...maybe. Maybe not

thebulletthebulletover 8 years ago
too many words

This story would have worked much better with a third of the words. My eyes glazed over after a while. No wonder the wife was screwing around on him. He is a monumental arrogant bore.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I see you are one of the sad people who condone cheating "if it's for a good reason". I have some news for you, my friend. Even if hubby was the biggest jerk on the planet, cheating is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG, WRONG and those like you ensure that cheating will continue forever. I honestly hope your significant other cheats on you and then I'd like to hear what you have to say! I feel SO sorry for you!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is a very well written story where the wife cheats (no other description is better than this) then tries to have her husband, who she really loves in her world, buy into this scenario. He carefully describes to her what she did, what her judgment means and how she has a very distorted vision of love. True love would never lead to such a position. Maybe some day an epilog to this story should be written.

Tiny Tim

woodmanonewoodmanoneover 8 years ago

Well written, engrossing, and entertaining. All the flap from bullet about the husband being "an arrogant bore" does not excuse cheating.

I try not to critique the characters of a story just because my views agree or disagree but only on the quality of the writing. In this case I can do both. Poor little wife wanted her cake and to eat it too, too bad so sad for her.

I have to complement the husband as I don't think I could have held myself in check as well as he did and in doing so would have lost the high ground. Glad that dickwad got a little of what he deserved. But the wife will pay the bigger price and justifiably so.

Even though the story was written some time ago, I would very much enjoy a sequel.

Thank you for your hard work.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Good story, even the second time through.

I would point out that it is doubtful that a selfish bitch like her would remember the scene in the manner that the main character hopes that she would, mainly with regret and self doubt. It's likely that she'd try to justify it in her own mind, i.e. that it was just so unreasonable for him to not accept her offer to allow him to share her. However, it's your story, and it's well told and thought provoking.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
oh good grief

Sorry, why on earth do people spout such utter drivel. It's a good story, well written, powerful. It doesn't need some numpty trying to dissect it. Keep on going.

honeylicker1124honeylicker1124over 8 years ago

I remember reading the first part of this story, which I guess was a year ago, but I don't remember the ending. So I think I started it, and lost interest because of all the wordiness in the first page and a half. Then for two and a half pages, nothing but confrontation and conflict! That's what I like in these LW stories. 5 *'s

Xzy89cXzy89cover 8 years ago
Good stuff

Keep writting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

You nailed it.

MartyMBMartyMBover 8 years ago
I loved his response to "it just happened"

"...You don't just 'fall in love' Kristi. You know that. It's an effort of will. You have to do all those small things along the way. Spending time together, seeking each other out, letting the other person know you are interested. In jokes that no one else gets. Little glances and touches. Personal and intimate things. That's how you fall in love. And you Do Not Do Them Unknowingly. You make a conscious choice to do them. At the least, it's a conscious choice to not prevent yourself doing them...."

Another author used "it just happened" several times in his story. Yours is a great response to his adulterers.

mmk778mmk778over 8 years ago
just super

that was the response need that type of situations so super

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
ANON is an

ID 10 T

I liked it but I think I've read another story like this, I think. Maybe it's a


MattblackUKMattblackUKover 8 years ago
Just re-read this

Still one of the best stories on Literotica.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Matt's right !

Got to agree with you Matt; an excellent "Loving Wives" read.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
You can see the IQ Bell curve the the comments!

For IQ, 50% of the population is above 100 and 50% is below 100. It is obvious from reading the comments that the people who really enjoyed this wordy story have IQ's above 100. All of the people who complained above the story being too wordy, are definitely well below 100 IQ. Some are probably lower than 50!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
bla bla bla bla bla

in the end, she is just another of the absurdly brain-dead wives you find so often on Lit...

cw2216cw2216over 8 years ago
There are intelligent writers/readers in the Literotica community

' Words' is the proof. Thanks.

krnchrmankrnchrmanover 8 years ago
The best story I've read

Simply the best story I've read, thank you. Sorry all I can give you is 5 stars.

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
@thebullet Re: Bore

If he's that much of a bore, DIVORCE him, DON'T cheat on him!

sbrooks103sbrooks103over 8 years ago
"Open" Marriage

Even giving her the benefit of the doubt about "not meaning to fall in love" (though, as he said, that's so much bull shit!), she should have had the integrity, BEFORE fucking dickwad, to come to her husband and try to get him to agree to an open marriage, and I mean a TRUE open marriage, where he would be free to fuck and/or "fall in love" with other women, with NO "provisos", and if he couldn't/wouldn't agree, then she would either tell James they were through, or ask her husband for a divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Great writing.

I would love a part 2. A follow up.

It's that good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Keep Writing

Part 2? 5 Stars

C_frommnC_frommnover 8 years ago

When will we get the Next part. Where they get Divorced. She and James try living together and every one Friends,Family and Co-Workers ask her where her head was at. and the First Time she see's him with another woman and the Other woman being pregnant even if unknown to her he had nothing to do with it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
One of the most griping L.W. stories ever !

This was without a doubt one of the most raw , heart rendering tales ever in this genre ! Bravo Zulu !


betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveover 8 years ago

Re-read this tale. Excellent. Why is there a sequel? Will the husband change her back? Doubtful. Will the boyfriend attack the husband? Maybe. Will the cheating wife lose her mind? Hopefully. I'll check it out.

MbgdallasMbgdallasover 8 years ago
What a dick.

From his reactions he never did love her. He was just pissed because he lost control. What an incredible idiot.

I can see separating and I can see the words but flushing the rings down the toilet was idiotic. Never burn bridges. She hurt him. But to try to hurt her in return is childish. She made a mistake but not as bad as the one he made.

All he did with his actions was vindicate what she didn't get from him. Stupid fucker.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
"flushing the rings down the toilet was idiotic"

That was added to charge up closet-cucks like betrayed - same as a film-maker adding some tits to a movie to charge up teenage boys.

The meat of the story was the diatribe he went on and the concurrent internal dialogue, the last part was fluff for closet cases.

Johnny1MJohnny1Mover 8 years ago
A sequel?

This is one story I'd like to see a sequel to. I'd like to see what happens to the wife. Not reconciliation I think. Does she marry the guy or just lose her husband? The old maxim that cheaters will always cheat is in general true, at least in my experience. So I would not expect the new couple to last.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
hhmmmmmmmm "closet cuck" is a FLC meme

yet this poster is anonymous but uses the same phrasing and word choices as FLC

what does that tell us?

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterover 8 years ago

That by definition memes e things that more than one person repeat? I'm pretty sure that's what it tells you. Besides, I don't abbreviate that way, not do I ever post anonymously. Nice try though.

kjohns2001kjohns2001over 8 years ago
Don't flush the rings? Why leave a cheating slut of a whore wife with anything at all?

If he had let her keep her rings, and kept his, he would have sent the message that he felt their marriage still existed, and that would have only resulted in her never leaving off trying to get him to accept her view of what she wanted the marriage to be. By getting rid of the rings he let her know that the marriage was dead and that there was no hope of it ever being brought back to life. This hopefully saved him from ever having to deal with her again, beyond the minimal contact necessary to legally end it of course. The best thing he could do would be to try and relocate to somewhere else, making sure she never found out where, and try to totally forgot she ever existed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Closet Cuckold is probably derived from

applying the Closet Fag nomenclature to the Wanna Be Cuckold phenomenon that has captured the Loving Wives category.

Have seen it long before Frontline started commenting, but nice try :)

slamdog1slamdog1over 8 years ago
Reread this

After seeing another writer try to write a sequel. He said you had agreed to the attempt. I can only hope you did it sight unseen as his writing does an injustice to this work of art. I look forward to your Ingram posts...

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 8 years ago
Second time through....

Still five stars. Very well done.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Wow! That is some good r my favourite writer of this category.

I would have added an insult to her by telling her that God knew she was evil WHORE that's why he took away her ability to have children to prevent the evil from spreading...That statement would definitely crush her.

I fucking hate those stories with Wimpy husband dream to have their wolves fuck by another guy and then fuck her right after or even suck n eat another mans cum..I wanna fucking kill that stupid Wimpy Ass husband and the writer...


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Incomprehensible drivel ! "1*" !!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
having worked professional in this area

super job well done 5

vastiesmith2vastiesmith2over 8 years ago
Excellenet stroy 5 for you so

it can offset the asshole of lit's 1 vote.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Hard to keep track of this one

I liked the story but it was difficult to keep track of the conversation. I realize that this story is different than someone like SS06's but I've read this one quite a few times and still find it hard to keep track. That being said, I really do enjoy most of your stories (this one included.)

Ib_SaysIb_Saysover 8 years ago
A bit clumsily written, could use a rewrite

I think this could use a rewrite, the premise is excellent and there are a lot of good ideas in this story.

Unfortunately it is marred by a general feeling of awkwardness and distance.

Most of it comes from a fair amount of awkwardly worded sentences, and weird grammar. It reads a bit like the author isn't a native English speaker, but a good speller, so most of it is technically correct English, but used a bit clumsily, which is just as immersion breaking as a lot of spelling errors would have been, unfortunately.

The rest comes from the story being a bit rambling, it is not exactly the most well structured I've ever read.

But as I said it is not without promise it just needs a bit of polish, I would suggest getting a proofreader to help out, and really go into depth with each sentence so that the story can flow smoothly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Very powerful. Great job. I really couldn't help feeling sorry for her I think she realised her husband was the right guy all along at the end. Jimmy was nothing so sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Organized mind

Oh that the rest of us would have the ability to organize and present our thoughts so well under such stress!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Now this is what a LW story is all about

No wimpy willing cuckold husband here. Hurray. Good entertaining story,well worth reading. A little long winded at the start, but I understand what the author was trying to do, setting up the mindset of the husband. Altogether an entertaining read and that's the reason I come to this site. To be entertained. I'm surprised that there are a few that moaned and groaned about this story, must be the guys that put themselves in the other guy's shoes, you know the wife seducer who should be hung by his balls.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
response to moronic comments by Mbgdallas on 01/31/16

Here's part of what you wrote... ((From his reactions he never did love her. He was just pissed because he lost control. What an incredible idiot.))

You have to be another fucking brain dead Liberal to have made the Moronic statements you posted. The slut brought her extra cock into HIS house and informed him that she'd been fucking him for six months and then TOLD him that she was going to continue fucking him and that he could "like it or lump it".

.... If that behavior alright with you for YOUR wife or husband to do and say that to you, you're a gutless asshole whose opinion doesn't count for shit.

The husband made logical and solid arguments that she was INTENTIONALLY avoiding acknowledging... so he pulled out his big guns and shot her cheating ass full of holes that will never heal.

For my money, they're both lucky that he didn't stomp them into eternity.

Flushing the rings was symbolic.. and was MEANT to hurt her deeply and be forever remembered, you insufferably ignorant fuck with your too big mouth and drug damaged pea-brain that reflects poorly on the City of Dallas.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Perhaps, Mr. Card knows something you do not. Fine story, but it really isn't finished, is it?

Your man has put a lot on the table and the cheaters are given the bums rush.....but, it's not over. With a woman like her, it will never be over until she either wins or capitulates.

At the close of this story, she's shell shocked and disappointed, emotionally off center and struggling to cope with both the harsh reality that he's shown her and the violence he's committed, likely the bigger surprise.

But I'd bet good money, she'd be back within a week, guns blazin' and looking to scorch the earth around him. He knows her and is very aware of the various responses and her proclivities. He needs to get ready, buttress the defenses and arm he battlements....'cause it's coming, baby, the storm is coming....will you tell us?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I usually like reconciliation stories now because I got tired of the BTB stories all being mostly the same thing while in the reconciliation stories there is a lot of thought and it gets your mind thinking on the plot but your story is just amazing, a bit dragging at first but I get it was for the story and the way you shaped this story from the dialogue to the actual plot was just great, I know it might seem simple after it being pointed out but a lot of people do not bother to think that deep unless necessary 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
Lessen guilt by confessing

Husband should have told wife she only confessed for her own selfish reason, to lessen her guilt about what she had done and not because she wanted to be resectful.

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