Wounded Sheep


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"Yes, Mrs. Walker." He said without emotion.

She smiled and slid his cock all the way down her throat in one gulp.

"Oh ho ho damn." He whispered.

His hand found her crack and began to rub. Then he slowly moved his hand forward until he was able to rub her slit. But eventually he had to admit he would not be able to pleasure her well from this angle.

"To hell with it."

He said as he maneuvered them away from the tree so he could lay on his back. He took his jacket and laid it down for him to lay on. Then he took her jacket and wedged it under his head to give him the angle he'd need. Then pulled her crotch on top of his face. He loosened and pulled her bloomers down. Thankfully the waist was wide when not tied closed. So he could tug it down to her knees. He heard her hum load when his tongue raced down her slit. His tongue had been so distracting that she hadn't thought to be grateful. That at least this pair of bloomers wouldn't be destroyed.

Grover pulled her underwear down to her ankles and gripped her ass cheeks in both hands. Holding her close as he feasted on her. He felt a tremor start in her hips. While her mouth hummed and slid faster up and down his shaft. When she finally came. Her head popped off of him while she moaned.

Grover's right hand went to the back of her head and forced her back down. He continued to make her jostle and quake. He slid his left hand to her right cheek to keep her pinned in place while his right hand never left her head. She was forced to suck and take what he was giving her.

It wasn't too long before Caroline felt his cock thickening in her mouth. After so many orgasms she felt a rush of appreciation that it was almost over. He held her tight. While his cock fired four huge loads of cum into her belly. Caroline had one more life altering orgasm on his mouth. And then, she was finally free.

They rested a moment. Her laying her cheek on his thigh. While his head fell away from her.

Later they woke in that same position and laughed. Thankfully the boys were still asleep. The cold had roused them. They put themselves back together before he had her lay on top of him. They snuggled together under the blanket and were out in minutes.

Private Barnabus Cummings, 3rd Platoon, B Troop of the 10th Cavalry Regiment, awoke with one hell of a headache. The big man had had worse mornings but he'd be damned if he could say when.

He was laying flat on his back. And he could feel his hands and feet were bound and stretched out away from him. He worked up the courage to open his eyes as he was sure the sunlight would hurt. When he finally did. It was early morning. The Sun wasn;t hitting him yet. Which meant that heat that he had thought was sunlight was,

"Shit. I gotta fever." He whispered to himself.

He could see he was lying in the grass. When he looked up he saw a tree line about thirty feet away. And when he looked down he saw, what he assumed, was a Sioux village. There was nothing to his right. But to his left was another soldier. Sergeant stripes.

"Tolliver!" He whispered. "TOLLIVER!" He whispered?

"What boy!?" Tolliver whispered as he turned his head.

The man looked like shit. He had blood caked down and covering his left eye. "Your eye OK?"

"...Yeah. It's just glued shut with somethin."

"That's blood. Ya got blood coverin most a your face."

Tolliver nodded. "Last thing I saw was a sioux swingin a tomahawk at me."

"See what happened to Silak an Grover? Did they make it?"

"I don't know if Grover an them made it. But I think Silaks's dead. His horse tumbled. An when he came up he was stumblin an firin his pistol. I got bushwhacked right then so... I don't know... What about you?"

"I was shootin one minute an woke up here the next. Any idea what they gonna do?"

Tolliver shook his head. "Just happy they ain't Apache."

Cummings gave a small laugh. "...Mannn... We get outta this. I'm takin my black ass to Paris. I'm done with this shit."


"Yeah. Heard they don't give damn what color you are over there. I'd like to know what that's like for once in my life."

"Hell. We get outta this? I'm goin with ya."

They could see people moving around the encampment. But soon there was a minor uproar. They craned their heads to see about forty warriors get on their horses and ride off.

Tennessee Mike was perturbed. He was having second thoughts. He needed to talk to the Preacher but what was he going to say? He needed Cateh to make him money. He paid for her. That was her job. Preacher didn't have to like it. Damn it, Mike didn't like it. But it was what it was. OK. So what was the Preacher going to say?

...Probably somethin about Mike's God - Damned - Responsibility! Or some other frustrating shit he never thoughtBANG!

Mike was torn from his reverie by the sudden maelstrom of firearms. Unfortunately he wasn't the only one who had been surprised. He could see wagons ahead of them veering off to the left and right. As drivers lost control of their vehicles in the confusion.

Mike could hear Theo yelling something from the shotgun seat next to him. But between Theo's Colts and the girls' screaming. He couldn't make out a word.

The Sioux came in force assailing the caravan from the rear. Counting on their mounts lighter loads to give them an advantage of speed. While coming from the blind spot for most of the vehicles.

Reverend Ellijah had been just as surprised as the others. But his quickdraw made up for a bit. When a Sioux warrior appeared on their right and shot. It only took him a moment to draw and blow the man off his horse. He stood up leaning out around the overhead shade to yell at the men on top.

"Get those rifles firin and get rid a some these bastards!"

That was all it took to get his four friends into the fight. When he Sat back down he noticed Duncan was dead. The old man had caught that first round in the heart. The Preacher kept the wagon moving. Even when two of the wagons in front of him came to a halt. He pulled his team off to the left. Knowing a moving target, no matter how slow, was harder to hit.

He saw the driver and shotgun of the first stalled wagon were dead. But he didn't have time to worry about that now. When he saw one Siouox off in the distance to their right. He dropped the reins and picked up Duncan's Rolling block. BOOM! He never was as good with rifles. Not sure why. But he hit the horse in a dead run. So if the man didn't die in the tumble? Then at least he wasn't having a good day.

Eventually the Sioux made the loop and were coming back down the left side from the front. Firing and reloading on the run. But at this angle it meant that the crews of the wagons could see them coming. And the Preacher WAS good with his revolvers.

He dropped the first warrior and the second with a berrage from his Army colts. Someone a few wagons ahead of him did the same to the next two. Then, just as fast as it had started.

The Sioux left.

The train slowly came to a halt. The Preacher climbed up top with the others to get a look. "How many were left when they ran off?" He asked.

"Maybe eight or ten." One of the men answered.

He turned to look at the disheveled train. And closed his eyes in prayer when he realized. Any moment now and the old anger would be back on him. All it needed was...



"Why! Ahhh! Why!"

"Girtie!" Mike screamed.

The Preacher dropped from the wagon and untied his horse from the back. He mounted up and rode to the font of the train. Pulling up to Breckenried's wagons. His guards came over fast.

"How is it back there?" Darren asked.

"Bad." He said from his seat. "We need to get these wagons into a defensive position in case they come back." Darren nodded. "Pull the back half up along the left side an make a big oval. Get all livestock an people inside it."

"We need to leave!" Brekenried yelled as he stormed over.

"We don't even know if everyone can keep up." The Preacher said.

"That's not our problem!"

The Preacher looked at him with cold eyes. "Fat man, don't make the mistake a thinkin you'd be the first son of a bitch I ever crossed state lines for just to plant in the dirt! If I get back an find out you left folks behind. I {will} find you. An I {will} kill you." When it was obvious the Banker had nothing to say. The Preacher turned back to Darren. "Do as I say. Then tend our wounded and bury our dead."

"Where you goin?"

"I gotta track down these God damned Comanche. An see if they're gonna muster the guts to come at us again. If I ain't back by mornin. Head on to Deadwood." Darren nodded his reply. The Preacher turned his horse about to leave when he looked back at Darren. "Try to get out there an grab as many a those Indian horses as you can. We may need em. An any guns you find."

Darren nodded again. "We'll do it."

With that, he trotted back to his wagon. He could still hear Mike crying from inside the first wagon. Several of the girls were huddled together. Trying to console one another. Theo was looking uncomfortable. The Preacher nodded to him as he passed.

His four friends stood guard next to his wagon. But he could see the look of relief on their faces as he approached. He dismounted. Tied his horse. And climbed up to the driver's seat. He pulled Duncan off the seat onto the floor. Flipped up the lip of the seat and pulled out a large sack, three winchesters and a bandelier of rifle ammunition. Setting those aside he took Duncan's gunbelt holding the .45 Peacemaker.

When he stepped down he noticed Theo standing there. Looking unsure about what to do. "I'm sorry about Girtie." The Preacher said before heading to the back of his wagon.

Theo nodded silently following him.

The Preacher dropped the back gate to use as a table. Just before dropping the bag and guns on the table. "Arnulfo? Pull Duncan's horse out of the traces and get it saddled for me."

The young Cubano nodded and ran to get that done. The Preacher reloaded his Army colts. Then reached into the cavity in the center of the wagon and pulled out two rifle scabbards. He made sure all three of the Winchesters were loaded. Before filling the scabbards with two of them.

The fight with the Sioux, and the loss of a few wagons who'd continued on to Virginia City, meant the Preacher's wagon was sitting just catty corner to Tennesse Mike's. It didn't take much for Cateh to notice what the Preacher was doing.

When she walked over to him, "Get your coat on. You're goin with me." He said without looking at her.

That was not something she wanted to hear. He had that scary look about him again and she wasn't sure she wanted to be around him. BUT, she went back to the wagon and put her coat on.

"I'll be goin with ya." She heard Mike say to the Preacher as she returned to the wagon.

The Preacher had just finished checking Duncan's .45. He holstered it and handed to Cateh. "Put this on." Then he turned to Mike. "Ya ever hunted Indians?"

Mike shook his head "No."

"An I ain't got time to teach ya. I need you an your anger {here}. Protecting these girls." He handed Cateh the three Winchesters and pointed to Duncan's horse. "Put those on Mavis there. The third one you keep in your hands." She nodded and went to store the rifles with their scabbards.

"You'd rather take a squaw with ya than me?!"

"She's hunted Indians before."

"No I haven't." She thought.

Mike sighed in exasperation just before his eyes widened. The Preacher had taken out two of the largest Colt revolvers he'd ever seen. The Colt Walker was a 5lb nightmare of a pistol known as "the Horse Pistol." Either because it was so heavy most chose to mount it to the pommel of their saddle. Or because it could kill a horse in one shot.

The Preacher loaded them and then pulled out an odd double holster from his sack. There was a single thick strap of leather connecting the two holsters. The Preacher slipped the two large guns into their holsters and then mounted them in front of the pommel of his saddle so the handles faced away from him.

No one noticed Theo. As his eyes became large as saucers. While he fought to keep down a fear he hadn't felt since he was a kid. The Preacher finished tying and securing the holsters.


He fought to keep himself still as he looked at the man.

"I got more rifles an ammo under the driver's seat up there. Some a those girls you got can shoot. Get em a rifle an ammo. An use em to help keep watch tonight."

"Yes, Ranger." He said before he left.

"How ya gonna make it back? Just you an one whore?" Mike asked.

The Preacher grabbed two cantines and loaded up some basic supplies in his saddlebags. When Cateh returned he handed her the bandelier. "Just sling it across your shoulder. Then grab Duncan's hat. You're gonna need it to keep the sun outta your eyes." She did as he said. The Preacher grabbed a bedroll and handed that and the saddlebags to Cateh. Then pointed to her horse. She left to get that loaded while he loaded up another set of saddlebags and a bedroll for himself. Mike began to realize the man was NOT going to answer that last question.

"You're gonna die out there."

"It'd certainly be bout time."

Mike sighed but had nothing to say as his friends mounted their horses.

"Now I told Darren, if I ain't back by mornin to head on to Deadwood. If that happens. You can have my wagon and goods."

"[Finally] - a bright side to this mess!"

"Always is. Now, be safe. Ya hear?" The Preacher commented. Then turned and headed after the Sioux.

Mike watched as his friends rode out of site. After a moment of thought, he headed back to his wagon. Theo was standing there just watching where the Preacher and Cateh had disappeared into the woods. Kind of jittery.

"You alright?" Mike asked.

"Yeah." Theo said a little too fast. "Got those guns divided amongst the girls like he asked."

"Uh huh. But are YOU alright?"

Theo shook his head like he didn't want to answer. But, he shrugged. "I remembered where I know that preacher from."

"Where?" Mike asked with concern.

"Ha!" Theo laughed. "You're worried you're not going to see him again. That's funny." He nodded to himself.

"Theo?" Mike warned.

He shrugged again. "When I was a kid in South Texas. I fell in with a bad group of hombres. I really thought I was something." He laughed. "Comancheros." He nodded. Mike's brows rose. "Yeah. We were tough. We took weapons, ammo, blankets,.." He looked at Mike. "Women... And we traded them to the Comanche. One time we took three carts of weapons and ammo to them. We traveled to Southern New Mexico. And we were {deep} in Southern New Mexico.

We're sitting there laughing and joking with the Comanche chief "Wahaatu Puuku." Next thing I know his head explodes in a red mist. People are screaming. Gunfire is coming from everywhere. And these pinche gringos just... appeared. I jumped up, more from fear than anything else. But before I could run. This gringo rides in, shoots the old man next to me, slides off his horse and kicks me in the chest so hard I fell backwards over the fire.

I look up to see him shoot a warrior coming at him with a lance. I struggled back up to run away. I got hit in the leg and went down. I clawed my way up and kept running. Till I went down from being shot in the arm. But I clawed my way out of there. And I hid." He looked at Mike. But instead of any judgment he just saw understanding. "...Once all the noise stopped and they were gone. A long time I waited. To be >sure< they were gone. I made my way back into camp.

Theo shook his head. "They killed everybody. Women. Men... Young [and] old. Livestock. What they didn't kill. They burned. And they left with the wagons and the guns.


Theo shrugged and shook his head. "Texas Rangers."

"What were they doin in New Mexico?"

For the first time since Mike had known him, Theo looked at him like he was simple. "They were (Texas - Rangers)."

Mike didn't know what to make of that. Then he shook himself. "Alright. But what's that got to do with the Preacher?"

Theo looked as if he was afraid to answer. "...He's the man that kicked me in the chest."

Mike was silent as he slowly went back to looking to where his friends had departed.

"You still think you aren't going to see them again?" Theo asked.

Mike sighed. "...No. ...Now I'm worried he's gonna do somethin he won't be able to forgive himself for."

"Ain't no man ever killed a Texas Ranger an lived."

~The original motto of the Texas Rangers~

The Preacher stopped to fill their canteens from a stream.

"I've never hunted Indians."

"Ya ever played hide n seek with the other Indian kids in Florida?"

"No. Because I grew up on a Reservation in Missouri. Because the white man caught..."

"Can we save that shit for later?" He looked at her. She looked every bit the pissed off wife. "Did you play with the other Seminoles?" She gave a reluctant nod. "Then you HAVE." He nodded before going back to filling their canteens.

He handed her a canteen and strapped his down before remounting his horse. "If we come across them before they see us. You're to take all three rifles an get behind the biggest tree ya can find." She gave a nod. "Start at the back a the pack until the first gun's empty. Load. Aim. Shoot. You understand?"

"Yes." She almost hissed.

"When the first gun's empty. Drop it. Go to the second. Load. Aim. Shoot. Till it's empty. Drop it. Then the third. Third's the only one you reload. Someone comes up on ya while you're reloadin? Use the Peacemaker. Got it?"

"Yeah. What will you be doing?"

"Killin people."

"How do we know they aren't watching us right now?" She asked as she looked around.

He looked at her. "Why would they? I mean, what kinda deranged fool would leave a perfectly good wagon train to chase after a bunch a Sioux?"

After a moment he kicked his horse into a gallop as the trail was pretty obvious from this point. She fought the sinking feeling his last comment gave her as she kicked her horse to follow. A long time later she saw him dismount. The woods had gotten thicker. And night was coming. He looked intently at the ground for a few moments before walking back to her.

"We been followin a trail of about three or four horses. Looks like another six have joined em here."

She looked up and saw the trail did look a lot more defined here.

"We must be gettin close to their home. This looks like their main way in." She nodded in reply. "We're gonna move over about thirty yards to the right. Follow it from there. It's still light enough to see the trail from there. And if they come back this way. We don't want to be in front of em."

She nodded again.

The Preacher got back on his horse. Sat a moment. Then took off his hat. Leaned over. Grabbed the back of her neck and pulled her into a kiss.


Their eyes were open as his tongue fought with hers. It took her a second to relax and enjoy it. As much as she could given the circumstance. When he broke the kiss she took in a big breath.

"Focus on the job. Be ready." He said.

Then he put his hat back on and trotted off to the right.

"Focus on the job." He says. I'm not the one going around kissing people before a gunfight." She grumbled as she followed him.

It wasn't long before she saw him bent forward. Low against the back of his horse. She mimicked what he was doing. Trying to see what he was looking at. From the direction he was starring. She knew it was something on the trail. But she couldn't see it yet.

He looked at her as she rode a little closer. "Get your guns and find that tree." He whispered.

She watched as he pulled those two big pistols and slowly eased his horse forward. Cateh grabbed a rifle and held it in the crook of her left arm with the other one. She slid down the side of her horse and pulled out the third rifle. Walking low and slowly to the Preachers right. Trying to get a little closer so she could see them.