Wounded Sheep


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Right about the time she could make out a line of Sioux heading back up the trail,



She heard the two loud pistol shots. A horse screamed. And all hell broke loose. She dropped her rifles behind a tree and chambered a round. Aim...


She didn't know if she got him and didn't have time to care. She chambered another round and took aim.

The Preacher was running his horse hard down the far side of the line of Sioux. He fired again and again into the line of warriors. He heard more than a few bullets whiz passed. But at his speed he was hard to hit. Unfortunately for them, he'd had a lot of practice with hitting what he aimed at while at a dead sprint. He shot the last warrior in the line. Then spun his horse to run back the other way.

What warriors were left had broken from the trail and were trying to maneuver on him.

Many of them were young. A stray thought that found no purchase with his conscience.

One came around the far side of a tree just to be blown off his horse by one of the Preachers pistols.

Cateh looked to her right in time to see a young warrior break through some brush to find her. She aimed and shot him in the guts. She chambered another round. Aimed and "click." She dropped the rifle. Pulled the Peacemaker and shot him twice in the chest until he fell from his horse. Cateh holstered the pistol and picked up the second rifle.

The Preacher had hit the front end of the line and spun his horse once more. But all he could see were two warriors riding towards where he thought Cateh was sitting. He sprinted his horse to them.


He watched as one of the warriors was shot off his horse. The Preacher fired his pistol. "Click." He fired the second. "Click." He holstered the large guns and pulled his Army colts.

Cateh fired at the warrior charging her. She saw him flinch but the round only hit his arm. She chambered another round but the man was on her.

Bam. Bam.


The Sioux warrior jerked as the three rounds ripped through him. He slumped over his horse as Cateh saw the Preacher bring his horse to a stop in front of her.

"You alright?!"

She nodded trying to catch her breath.

He gave a nod. Spun his horse and looked for more.

Cateh heard the Preacher's quiet "Hyah." Just before his horse took off for the Sioux village. She grabbed her three rifles and ran for her horse.

Sprinting his horse down the trail. He Thought the Village had to be close. He breached the tree line to find a clearing with 60 or so tipis. He could see a mob running for the trees at the far end of the camp.

He sprinted his horse after them. A group of about eight of the bloodthirsty Comanche sons o bitches sat between him and that mob. They made a stand just on the far end of the camp. He had nine shots left. He could kill everyone of these godless heathens. And use his last two guns on the mob. He heard a horse come running hard from his rear. He glanced back. Keeping the Comanche in his peripheral vision. It was Cateh.

She jerked her horse to a stop and it slid in the mud to halt not far from him. She threw her winchester out to the right. The rifle flipped around her hand until she used the lever to swing it back. Chambering the next round.

{You're not that man anymore.}

Her words rang in his ears. He looked back to the warriors in front of him. The two old men with lances. The mothers pointing rifles. The young girls with bows. The fear and resolve in their eyes.

He didn't know what he'd looked like to them. What face he'd made. How much of his dark thoughts they'd perceived. But he could see their relief when his posture relaxed. He took a breath.

He heard Cateh's sigh of relief as he decocked his pistols and put them away.

Their warriors had killed his friends.

He had killed their warriors.

He gave a nod to them and pulled his reins straight back. Forcing his horse to reverse away from them. To his right he caught the flash of blue. And when he looked he could see what must be two bluebellies staked out for drying.

He turned his horse and headed to them with Cateh on his heels.

"Keep an eye on those Sioux. Sometimes folks do stupid things." He said.

Cateh made sure to watch them but decocked her gun. Putting it back in the crook of her arm.

The Preacher rode up next to the two soldiers and smiled as they looked at him.

"And how are you doing today, Sergeant Jackson?" He asked as he climbed off his horse.

"I've had worse days." He replied in a raspy voice.

"I've had better." Wheezed the other.

The Preacher got off his horse while Tolliver commented, "Cummings, this is that Preacher I was tellin you about."

"Nice to meet ya." Cummings smiled.

Elijah cut them loose and gave them his canteen. "Can you ride?"

The Private answered. "Mister, point me'n a direction an I can run."

"Alright." He smiled. "We'll double you up on my horse and I'll piggy back with Cateh.

The Village had finished fleeing to the woods. So that was one less thing to worry over. He did however see a pile of Cavalry saddles. Thin made, bare minimum trash. BUT, better than nothing. He helped get the Private up on the horse first. He was big and had a wounded leg. It was best to get him mounted first. Tolliver was in better shape. He was able to pull himself up and sit behind his man.

"Head into the woods. Go right. And when you see a bunch of dead Indians? Wait there."

The Cavalrymen took off. The Preacher grabbed a couple of the lightweight saddles. And their blankets, before climbing up behind Cateh. She followed the buffalo soldiers the moment the Preacher gave her the nod.

"I'm glad we didn't kill those people." She said.

"...Me too." He whispered.

It wasn't far. The Preacher slid off Cateh's horse once they arrived at their ambush site. "Go find as many of those mustangs as you can." He told her. Then swatted her horse on the ass.

Once she was gone. He dropped the saddles. Then helped the soldiers dismount.

"You fellers look pretty rough." He commented. When they nodded he asked, "What happened?" As he helped the Private to sit.

"It's a long story, Reverend." Sergeant Jackson commented.

He laughed. "Well, he handed him the canteen from the horse. "I gotta get water into you. Clean your wounds. Find you horses and guns. So, I think we got time." He smiled.

Tolliver laughed and handed the canteen to Cummings without drinking yet. "Well, there was this woman, I mean family, that we used to check on." Tolliver went on to tell him their story. While the Preacher washed Tolliver's face until he could see out of his eye again. He cleaned and bandaged their wounds. While making sure they each had something to eat from his rations. Cateh came back with a herd of horses. Tolliver paused long enough to ask, "Damn girl. How many'd ya get?"

"Fourteen." She nodded.

"Ain't you one of Tennessee Mike's gals?" Cummings asked.

"I am." She nodded. "I'm Cateh."

"Yeah. The one that..." Then he looked at Elijah with realization. "Oh, you're THAT Preacher."

The Preacher helped Cateh down and handed her a saddle. Then looked at Cummings. "What do you mean, "THAT Preacher?" He asked as he grabbed the other Cavalry saddle and blanket.

Cummings looked at Tolliver with an unspoken apology. Tolliver shook his head and sighed. "After we spoke, I told em you looked pretty dangerous."

Elijah didn't know what to say at first. So he shrugged as he saddled one of the mustangs. "I don't guess I can get offended at that."

They laughed but Tolliver continued as the Preacher and Cateh finished saddling the animals. When he got to the part where they rushed into the camp? "An then I saw you." He smiled.

The Preacher laughed. "There's about twenty some odd dead warriors around here. I'm going to take Cateh with me. See if we can scrounge as many of their guns as we can get." Tolliver nodded in reply. "You two rest and we'll be back in a bit. We won't be far." He said as he mounted his horse.

They started with the four bodies near where Cateh had been shooting.

"Two of these boys can't be a day over 15." She said as they picked them over.

"Yeah." He nodded. "And I'm not happy about it. But if it was a choice between you or them? I'd prefer to have you."

She smiled.

They dropped that load off with Tolliver and Cummings before moving in the other direction where the rest of the Sioux were killed. Once they finished that long task. Overburdened and tired. They returned to the Cavalrymen. After sharing some water and some food,

"So what's next?" Sergeant Jackson asked.

"Head back to the wagon train. Continue on to Deadwood. The train's just a little over an hour's ride from here."

Jackson sighed. "What'd ya want for those two horses?"

Elijah shook his head. "I'm not a greedy man. You can have em... I take it you want to go after, Grover?"

"Yeah. If he and the Walkers made it. They'll be in town. Or at least have passed through."

"And if not?"

Jackson shook his head. "Rather not think about it."

The Preacher nodded once more. "I know you're horsemen. But remember these mounts have had a long day. Lot of fightin. That town is almost two days from here. You can push it and make it by tomorrow but you have GOT to keep an eyes on these horses. They're going to need some breaks."

"Yes, Papa." Cummins answered with mock sincerity.

Elijah heard Cateh laugh. "You got a holster on those Cavalry saddles for the Sharps rifles. Most of these Sioux kept the holsters for the pistols. With you two each having an arm wound. I'd suggest you take a rifle and two pistols each. Just in case."

"I appreciate it Preacher. Thank ya." Tolliver said.

Cateh and Elijak took a few of the Sioux warriors' bags. They didn't have extra saddle bags so they used these for storing what food and ammo Jackson and Cummings could carry. Along with the guns they gave them a tomahawk and a knife each. The Preacher gave them the two bedrolls and the canteens.

"We're only an hour from the train. And you need them more than we do."

Once everything was ready. They helped Cummings up on his horse. While Tolliver mounted his.

Elijah, Cateh and the herd. Watched them leave before heading back to their friends. It was a quiet ride back. The Preacher insisted. He didn't explain. It was night by the time they got home. The Preacher had them move through the woods. Out of rifle range. When they got to where they were facing the front of the train. Elijah lit a small fire before using it to make a torch.

He mounted up and rode his horse to a nearby patch of high ground before waving it at the train. He kept doing that until he saw someone wave a lantern back at him. Then he slowly walked his horse toward the train with Cateh a safe distance behind him.



"Yeah! Come on!" Darren yelled as one of the wagons was being rolled out of the way.

"Cateh's bringing a string of 12 horses right behind me."

"You had luck then?" He heard Brekenried ask.

"Go ahead an take em back to my wagon. I'll be there as soon as I'm done here." He told Cateh.

She nodded and headed passed.

He looked back to the banker. "Yeah we ran into another group of em as we got close to their village. 22 maybe 23 warriors. Most of em too damned young to be there..."

"You alright?" Darren asked.

"Yeah. I was so angry. I was tempted to kill the whole village."

"Probably would've been for the best." Brekenried grumbled.

"Well... I don't do that anymore."

"Oh. My apologies Preacher. I spoke out of turn."

"It's alright. It's been a long day for all of us. Speaking of. How bad is it here?"

"We lost ten people. Uhh, I'm not sure how to tell you this..."

The Preacher nodded. "I heard the girls wailing over Girtie before I Ieft. Is that..?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I knew you two were close. I didn't know how..."

"It's alright. Is there more?"

"We got another two were gut shot. They may make it to Deadwood but they ain't gonna make it." The Preacher nodded in reply. "Folks are assumin you'll do a service for the buried in the mornin?"

"Yeah. Yes. Uh, did we get all of em buried?"

"Yes, sir. And we got another 15 wounded. But I think they'll be alright."

"We got any idea how far we are from Deadwood?"

"Another three days acording to the maps. Though I wouldn't expect too much when we get there. It's still a new town. Not like they'll have a hospital or nothin."

"Still. It'll be nice to be done with this part."

"Amen." Brekenried commented.

Darren and Elijah laughed.

"Well? I'm sorry, gentlemen." The Banker commented. "I had it in my head this was going to be a civilized trip." He shrugged. "It never occurred to me... Well... you know what I mean."

The Preacher nodded. "Yeah, it's a hard thing to imagine if you ain't never seen it before. I knew it would be bad. Eventually."

"Honestly?" Brekenried asked.

"Oh yeah." Elijah nodded again. "We made a treaty with these people. This land was theirs. Then some gringo sneaks out here an discovers Gold? Hell, the Sioux don't care how much we pretend it don't matter. We signed a treaty. In their eyes, we're gonna honor it. Like it or not."

"But now we got three families who lost parents in that fight." Darren commented. When he saw the Preacher acknowledge that news, he continued. "The Pembertens lost their mom and dad. That's three kids under the age of ten. The Dollermans lost their dad. And the Gamboa's lost mom, dad and eldest sister. That's two orphans. The girl's 12 and the boy's 6."

"Who's watchin em now?"

"Tennessee's got some of his girls babysittin."

"Alright." The Preacher nodded. "I'll take charge a em in the mornin."

"That's a lot of kids, Preacher. You sure?" Brekenried asked.

"Well, if I didn't want responsibility. I shouldn't a become a damned Preacher." The others laughed. "Besides, with my four men and Mrs. Dollerman we should be able to make do."

"How DID the fight go?" Darren asked after a moment of silence.

Elijah hesitated a moment then told them the story. And when he was done. He wished them a good night before excusing himself for bed. He walked his horse, on foot, back to his wagon. He tied up the horse. Made sure to check in with his men and Mrs. Dollerman. As well as the girls Mike had sitting with the children. Then, exhausted, he flopped down the big thick mattress his wife had insisted he make. Took off his guns. His jacket and shirt and boots. And laid down.

A minute later. "Preacher?" He heard Cateh whisper.

"Yes?" He asked as he admired her in the moonlight.

"I brought Duncan's hat back." She held the hat out to him.

He nodded. Leaned forward. Grabbed her and pulled her onto the mattress with him. She squeaked in surprise.

He rolled her under him and pulled her mouth to his with his left hand. Her lips quickly opened for him but the frightened look in her eyes remained.

"Preacher?" She got out between kisses.

His right hand slid down her leg to drag her skirt up to her hips.

"MMM!" She hummed in concern as his bare hand gripped her ass. When she felt his hand run against the smoothe skin of her inner thigh? "Ah!" She breathed out as she managed to push him back some. "Preacher?"

He leaned up. Unbuckled his pants and undid the fly before pulling his cock out.

"OH." She whispered as she felt his shaft rub up and down her slit. "Are you sure, Preacher?"


Then he kissed her again. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his large dick slowly spread her open. He couldn't remember how many times he'd fucked his wife on this mattress. But he knew he'd only made love to her twice. He always thought he had more time. He didn't want to make the same mistake with Cateh.

He slowly slid in and out of her at a painfully slow pace. She watched as he unbuttoned her jacket. Then kissed her. Unbuttoned the MANY buttons on her blouse. Then kissed her again. Finally unbuttoning the several buttons of her camise. He slid it to the left and sucked her left nipple into his mouth.


He watched her as he licked, bit and suckled her nipple. All to the steady beat of his cock sliding in and out. He squeezed her breast as he moved his mouth back to hers. The whimper she gave him made him even harder.

Her hips had been moving with him but now her pace increased as the kiss deepened. She felt him grip her left thigh and hold it away from him as a means to force her to slow down. She growled as he shook his head at her with a grin.

"We're in no hurry."

She bit her lip in reply but squinted a frown at him.

He kissed her again. She felt his hand move around from her thigh to grip and squeeze her left buttox. Pulling her tight against him. He pushed in hard until she gasped into his mouth. Letting up for a moment only to do it again.

Then slowly returning to that easy grind he loved doing to her. She watched as he spread her camise to the side to reveal her right breast. She whimpered again as his mouth was almost on it. He stopped and gave her a look. Now she whimpered in frustration for him NOT doing it. He laughed and sucked her nipple into his mouth.

"Ahhhh." She felt the first small orgasm shake through her as her eyes screwed up in surprise.

He raised both hands to hold her head while he kissed her. Gently increasing his thrusts into Cateh. When she tried to push it even faster he broke the kiss.

"Easy now." He whispered. "We've got all night."


He shook his head at her.


She began to run her hands up his back. Even in the moonlight she could see him fighting the urges her touch caused him. She smiled as she kissed him. While she gripped his shoulders just so he could feel her. His thrust became stronger. He frowned as a chuckle escaped her.

"You think you control me Preacher?" She smiled an evil smile.

He gave her one back. "You will obey, woman." As he ground hard into her.

She gasped. But now it held a tone of rebellion.

She wanted to play. But, even in this state of arousal, she remembered there were decent people sleeping nearby. Or at least, making a damned good effort of faking it.

So she whispered, in his ear. "Fuck - me."

She felt him swell inside her. She felt him add a deep hard, mind altering grind at the end of his thrusts. And she felt the tension in his body as he fought it. He tried to control himself with a roll of his neck. "No."

She laughed quietly. Until he wrapped his arms around her and sat up. Now she was slowly being dropped and pulled. Up and down on his cock. And there was nothing she could do but gasp at his cheating. He gave her a petty little victorious smile.

She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a deep kiss. Then began to pump her hips faster. She smiled when he growled at her. He ground into her with each thrust. But she knew he wUUHHHHhaaafuuuu... The shakes lasted a bit longer on that one. She was trying to catch her breath with her face tucked into his neck.

OK. OK, he got that one. But as soon as she recovered. She'd show him. He was kissing her again. His hands did feel good gripping her head like that. Thumbs rubbing her cheeks. Wait. "DAMN IT!" She thought. She was back on the mattress. And he was back to slowly sliding in and out. She whimpered in frustration.

"Just enjoy it." He told her between kisses.

"Fine." She thought.

He continued his steady assault. She continued to have periodic little shudders of elation. Something that didn't happen often in her business. She realized her kisses were intensifying about the time she realized those little "shudders" were coming more often. And more often. And, now he was picking up speed. She would've smiled but she was busy holding on to him.

She buried her face in his neck. Gritting out a big "I think we moved the wagon" orgasm. They held each other tight as he pummeled her with his hips. Not to be outdone, she thrust back at him. Putting everything she had into it. After her second, "I wanna have your babies" cum, she felt the Preacher drive hard into her before she felt his warmth spread through her body.