Wrongfully Accused Ch. 07-09


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"Wow, you weren't lying, he does have a pool and a hot tub. Girl, you will be the envy of the school when everyone finds out where you live, now," Sarah said, as she was eyeing the pool. Patting herself on the back when she bought that extra-skimpy bikini at the store. She told Jennifer that it was to help work on her tan, which was true, but also to get a rise out of Jason.

"Hey, it warmed up pretty well out here, why don't we go for a swim," Sarah said, already putting her plan into action.

"That's a great idea, Sarah, it's been ages since I've been in a pool," Lily said, liking the idea of showing off her body, especially to Jason. She didn't believe that he would join them, but showing off extra skin might entice him.

The girls made a mad dash to Jennifer's room, but Lily was stopped by Lila.

"What are you doing?' Lila asked.

"Taking a dip. He has a pool, why not use it?"

"Because it is not our pool, we are guests in this house."

"Sis, we are going to be living here for the foreseeable future. Until either the investigation is over and we get out insurance money, or your contract with him is up and we get the house. Why not live a little; he did offer us his house, why not use all the amenities that it comes with, like his luxurious pool." Lily said, wishing her sister to loosen up a little.

"Look, sis, I just don't want to up and erase our current situation. Yes, he led us into his house, but he could just as easily kick us out, if we become an inconvenience."

"Lu, he won't, he could have when we showed up late last night, but he let us in. He could have kicked us out this morning; instead, he made us breakfast. Which, by the way, was delicious, so much so that I wonder what his other meals would taste like. Look, Lu, I know he has this distant, icy exterior; we all can see that, you would be a fool not to. But he sheltered us when we needed it the most, he gave us clothes, when he could have easily just let us fend for ourselves. And do you know the best part, he did so with no strings attached. No 'I'll let you stay here if you blow me every night.' No 'if I buy this for you, then you must go out with me,' or 'I bought you jewelry so sleep with me.'"

"I know. It's just that I don't want to feel like we are taking advantage of him," Lila said, trying to sound defiant.

"I know, but you've been with him. Do you get the impression that he would just allow people to walk all over him?"

"No, not really. But he could still change his mind any time."

"Well, then I guess we would have to show him a reason why he should let us stay."

"You don't mean sleeping with him," Lila gasped, knowing that her sister would make that an option.

"No, sis, but that is on the table. I mean we both saw him. But, what I mean is that I will help out around here. I could be the housemaid, I clean, sweep, do laundry, and do anything else that the house needs to be done. I could also help you be his secretary, show that I am not mooching off of him. I wouldn't need to be paid, if he doesn't want me to, my payment would go to the rent."

Lila thought about what her sister said. After all the calls she had made during their shopping trip, she knew that they were going to be homeless for the foreseeable future. Staying at Jason's house was the viable option, for both saving money, and a matter of convenience. If Lily kept to her word and helped out, then there would be less chance that they would be a burden, and cause friction between them and Jason.

"Okay, but you and Jen have to follow everything that he lays out for us. And if you show that you will do the work, then he would be less inclined to see us as a nuisance."

"Good, now come on," Lily said, as she dragged Lila upstairs.

"Where are you taking me?"

"To go change, we're going for a little dip," the fiery redhead said, as she dragged her sister up the stairs and into her room.

"But why, I don't need to swim, and besides I have work to do," Lila said, trying to dislodge herself from her sister's grasp.

"Sis, you've been working since you woke up this morning, and during our shopping trip. You need to relax before that luscious red hair of yours, goes completely gray overnight," Lily said, while stroking her sister's long locks.

"Yeah, but I don't have a bathing suit,"

"Oh, don't worry, I bought a spare."

Lila tossed her the bag that held the other swimsuit, hiding the sinister grin from her lips. She saw the look on Lila's face, once she pulled out the skimpy outfit.

"I can't wear this," then she looked around inside the bag, "where is the rest of it."

"That is all of it. And trust me, you will look gorgeous in it. Now stop dillydallying, and put it on." Lila recently did what her older sister said, and stripped down and put on the bikini.

Lily did the same, but she showed no embarrassment from the new attire. They were both wearing the same style, a string bikini with a thong bottom. The only difference was their color, and how it conformed to their bodies. Lily wore a lavender color that complemented her lightly-tanned skin, and with her plump, but firm, bubble butt, the thong bottoms just made her ass look a little bit bigger. For Lila, hers was black, but since her sister bought it for herself, the fit wasn't all there. Her chest was slightly bigger, therefore it looked like Lila was squeezing two melons together. As for the bottoms, even though Lila's ass wasn't as plump as Lily's, the wider hips, just caused the thong to ride up even higher.

"Lil, I really shouldn't be wearing this, what happens if Jason sees me?" Lila asked, as she looked at herself in the full-length mirror.

"Then he would get a massive hard-on. Lu, you are a babe, it's time to show it, even if it's just to me and Jen. Now come on, the others are probably downstairs."

As it turns out, they were downstairs and already putting on sunblock.

"Wow, mom, you look great, and so do you, aunty."

"Yeah, Ms. Williams, you look fantastic in that bikini."

"Thank you, girls, I appreciate it," Lila said, trying to hide her blushing cheeks.

Lila took a long walk around the pool, and she realized that Jennifer was the only one wearing a modest-looking swimsuit. It was a simple, navy-blue, bandeau one-piece swimsuit, and while it was strapless, it still showed less skin than everyone else's, especially Sarah's. Her swimsuit was an extremely-skimpy string bikini that showed more skin than Lily's or Lila's swimsuit. It was like only stings, with little pieces of fabric to barely cover up her lady bits. But the more prominent feature, was that Sarah's bottom portion of the bikini was nothing more than a g-string that was, at that moment, being swallowed up by the kerf of her massive ass checks. While it was a suit that she or her daughter would never wear, she couldn't help but notice how the white fabric complemented her smooth caramel-colored skin.

"Sarah, what are you wearing?" Lila asked, as she got closer to the two girls.

"Oh sorry, Ms. Williams, I know it seems revealing, but I don't like tan lines; so, I figured if I had this lovely private backyard, then I might as well work on my tan, you know, for beach season."

"Okay, but wouldn't your mother disapprove of you wearing such attire?" Lila asked. While Sarah wasn't her daughter, Lila sometimes treated her as one, since Sarah and Jennifer were childhood friends, who had always been attached at the hip, since they first shared a cookie in the first grade.

"You know my mom, she doesn't care what I wear. As long as I pass my classes, or don't get knocked up. She practically ignores me," Sarah spat out, not caring what her mother did, since she did the same thing to her.

Lila knew the relationship Sarah had with her mother was quite strained. This was why she was more than happy to play den mother for Sarah, seeing that she was a nice girl, and of course was best friends with her daughter. She was also glad that while she and Jennfier might fight from time to time, she was happy with the bond and the closeness they shared, and would never take that for granted.

For the next hour, all four women were lounging around and enjoying the late afternoon sun. Begrudgingly to Lila's situation, she couldn't deny that her sister was right. In that, she needed to relax, before she ran herself ragged, exactly when Lily found the controls to the hot tub; she sighed as the hot, bubbly water washed away her aches and pains, leaving tomorrow's problem for tomorrow. That was until a loud knock could be heard from the front door.

"Oh, he's here," Jennifer squealed, as she got out of the pool and made a beeline to the door.

"Who's here? Jen!" Lila shouted, as she saw her daughter run off.

"Babe, you're here!" Jennifer shouted in glee, as Derek came walking in.

"Wow, babe, these are some nice digs. And by the way, love the suit," Derek smiled, as he drank the sight right in front of him; waiting for the day when Jennifer would finally spread her legs for him.

"I know. I bought it today," doing a little twirl. "Now come on, everyone is out back," she said, as she dragged him towards the patio door.

Derek couldn't help but grin as he saw the bountiful beauties that lay before him. Especially when he saw Jen's mother wearing that alluring black bikini outfit. He had always wondered what Lila would look like when she was wearing only bras and panties. Seeing her in her bikini, he was not disappointed in what he saw. Figuring that when he got between Jennifer's legs, he would make a run at Lila, as well. Seeing as his favorite pastime was sleeping with both girls and their mothers; he liked seducing older women. He found that they were desperate for attention. Then, when he showed them his big black cock, he would have them on their beds howling from pleasure.

The only problem was that he was having a hard time getting into Jennifer's pants. Normally, he would not have to wait that long to get into a girl's panties, and if they were being prudish, then he would just move on to his next conquest. But Jennifer was considered one of the hottest girls in the school, alongside her best friend, Sarah. Not only that, but since her mother and aunt were also, in his opinion, high-class babes; he couldn't miss out on that opportunity. So he bit his tongue, and bided his time. Luckily, he had a few girls on the side that could scratch that itch when Jennifer denied him her sweet pussy. He did try to sleep with Sarah, at various points in time, given that her reputation around school was being the school's slut. But, she shut him down every time.

"Jen, what is he doing here?" Lila asked, as she noticed him checking her out. She instantly reached for a towel, but realized that it was on the other side of the patio, on the other side of Jennifer's boyfriend. Lila wasn't the only one that noticed his wandering eye. Lily and Sarah noticed it, too. And while Lily didn't mind having her body admired by a young man; Sarah, on the other hand, was; since she bought her swimsuit for Jason's eyes only.

"He's here to make sure I am all right after everything that happened yesterday," Jennifer explained, trying to defend her boyfriend.

"That's not the point, Jen, this isn't our house, you can't just invite anybody over without permission," Lila said, admonishing her daughter for her poor decision.

"But he isn't just anyone, he's my boo bear," Jennifer cooed, as she lazily rubbed his face.

"Still, Jen, you still need to ask..." Lila said, then she heard a low growl coming from her side. It was Shae who was eyeing Derek.

'That's weird, usually, she is so friendly with newcomers. Something about Derek that she doesn't, Lila thought to herself.

"Wow there, doggy, I come in peace," Derek said, as he held up his hands.

"Shae, sit!" Lila commanded in Dutch, the dog did what she was told, and Lila was glad that she paid attention to Jason's command calls. The dog did what she was told, but instead of sitting down with that adorable smile of hers, she glared at Derek, like he was still a threat.

"Mom, you should put that thing on a leash," Jennifer said, putting herself between the dog and Derek.

"Nonsense, Jen, as you can see, she is well trained." This time, it was Lily who stepped in, trying to liven up the tension in the air. "Aren't you a good girl. Yes you are. Yes you are," Lily said, in a baby voice as she squatted down next to Shae and began to rub her fur. To which, Shae began to lick Lily's face. "See, she is perfectly harmless," Lily giggled, between licks.

Everything was going well until a deep voice could be heard back in the house.

"Who the fuck is this," Jason said, as he heard the commotion outside his study, where he was surfing the web for his new passion project, and the charities Ronnie had sent him after lunch.

"Oh, Mr. Solace, I'm sorry for all of this," Lila jumped out of the hot tub and made her way inside. Normally, she would go by his first name as he had asked, but when she got nervous, or felt like she did something wrong, "As you can see, this is Derek, Jennifer's boyfriend. She invited him over, so he could check up on her. I'm sorry for this, I know you wanted to be informed on who is over at all times. I promise you this won't happen again."

As Lila was apologizing to Jason, obvious to the fact she was standing dripping wet in her revealing bikini, he also noticed that Derek was checking her out.

'Oh... he's one of those guys,' Jason thought to himself. 'A player through and through.'

"It's fine, just don't let it happen again," Jason declared.

"Hey, I'm here for no trouble sir. I'm just here to check on my girl. Hi, I'm Derek, like the oil derricks," he said, as he stuck his hand out towards Jason.

Seeing that this might be a good time to mess with the little player, Jason took his hand and said, "I'm Jason, like the murderer," with a deadpan smile.

That remark seemed to throw everyone off, except for Lily, who just only snickered, since she was the only one that got the 'Friday the 13th' reference.

"Ah, that's a joke right, right," Derek said, trying to brush off that last remark, while also sizing up Jason.

Derek could tell he was in decent shape and had some looks, but in the end, Derek decided that he was no threat. After all, in Derek's mind, all the women, young and old always go for the young buck; which also led into another of Derek's favorite pastimes--making husbands or boyfriends into cuckolds. To him, it felt like he was the better man, since he was the one that was stealing their women.

Figuring that he overstayed his welcome, Derek bade his farewells, by kissing Jennifer and stealing one last look at all the bikini-clad girls. Then just before he left, Ronnie came walking through the front door, carrying some documents for Lila to fill out to begin the insurance payout procedure.

"Oh, who are you?" Ronnie asked.

"Oh, Ronnie, that is Derek, Jennifer's boyfriend," Lila said to her friend.

"It's a pleasure to meet you," Derek said in a suave manner, flashing her his pearly whites, liking what he saw.

"Pleasure," Ronnie gave back, not liking that look he was giving her. She was weary of men she just met with big smiles.

"Well, I should go. Bye, baby," Derek said, as he closed the door.

'Damn, five fine bitches in one house. This Jason guy is one lucky dude. Too bad for him, though; since I will be taking all of them away from him. Damn, I'm horny, I wonder if Sandra is up for a little dicking, maybe even her mother, as well,' Derek thought to himself, as he brought out his phone and scrolled to Sandra's number.

"That was Jennifer's boyfriend?" Jason asked Lila, as soon as the door closed, and Jennifer made her way back outside to the pool.

"Yes, he is."

"Hmm. I would watch out for that one, he has 'player' written all over him."

"Really? How so?" Lila asked.

"In prison, people would get shanked, for looking at someone the wrong way. The way he was slyly staring at your ass and tits when he thought no one was looking, he might find himself at the end of a shiv, if he isn't careful. Even though it is a nice ass."

Once her mind caught up to what Jason was saying, she finally realized that she was standing in front of him in nothing but a skimpy bikini, or that he complimented her ass, and in some ways her tits, as well. With her face going beat red, she excused herself and made her way towards the patio and directly into the hot tub, submerging herself, as she hoped he would forget all about her and her ass.

"Is that for Lila?" Jason asked Ronnie, who was now standing next to him.

"Ah yes, she needs to sign these for the investigators, and insurance company. Also for the release of her belongings that survived the fire," Ronnie said, as she held up the stacks of paper.

"All right, go do what you need to do. Oh, and here are the charities and the amount I would like to donate. Be sure to get it done," Jason said, as he handed Ronnie a folded-up piece of paper.

"So fast," Ronnie said, as she opened the paper. Her eyes went wide, not because of the charities, or the fact one of them was a cause that she liked to support--but for the amount, he was going to give to them. "Ah sir, are you sure about this, it is a lot of money you are offering."

"I'm sure, and besides I read up on them and they are good causes. As for the money, come meet me in the study when you are finished with Lila and all of her affairs. I have some ideas that I need your legal advice on."

And from there, Jason left her to deal with what she came there for. As he apprised his study, he couldn't help but notice the caramel orbs that were Sarah's ass. Proudly displayed through the big bay window. He couldn't help but wonder if she was showing them off on purpose.


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Fenris420Fenris4202 months ago

Wasn't it Ronald Reagan who said "Autocorrect, but verify." ? 😜😂

But seriously, I'm really enjoying the story so far. The misspellings and such don't bother me too much and don't hinder my enjoyment of 'Wrongfully...' 5/5*

JacktacularJacktacular9 months ago

Dude get a proof reader. The autocorrectes are killing an otherwise good story

WretchedMonkeyWretchedMonkeyabout 1 year ago

I'm still amazed that by the year 2030 Tesla's are being driven by humans and not their robot overlords!

Anyway, far too many errors throughout just auto corrected without any real attention to detail, just as an example in the last paragraph you wrote, "...As he apprised his study..." where I'm assuming you meant 'approached' instead of 'apprised' as it makes not literal sense. There are plenty of other instances, it needs someone with a more practiced eye to look over it and add corrections.

VitalSparksVitalSparksover 1 year ago

Enjoying the story, but your having an auto correct nightmare

NinjatechNinjatechover 1 year ago

Like the storyline, but the spelling errors and mis-used words make it hard to follow. I do like your work / passion. I couldn't do what you do. Keep writing, I'll be waiting for your next postings.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

Far too many wrong words.

EndOfStoryEndOfStoryover 1 year ago

Im sorry to say this, but I am quite disappointed with this latest set of chapters.

Jason seems to suddenly be both blind, deaf and generally clueless. Yet, he is also portrayed as being intelligent and very observant. And then there is the gaggle of females that seem to have adopted a ghost by the name of V, while being described as nothing but meat/eye-candy. Please keep in mind, just because a story is posted on lit, there are still, a lot of, people that appreciate a good story, instead of a rushed collection of words.

Your first chapter bundle of this series left a much more coherent impression of the characters than this one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

shot callers not shock collars, really enjoying the story so far.

taco1085taco1085over 1 year ago

great story, cant wait for the next chapter

RanDog025RanDog025over 1 year ago

Damn, can't wait for Part 11 through whatever. 5 BIG ASS FUCKING FLAMING NOVA STARS! Thank you.

ThorlolThorlolover 1 year ago

I feel like the story needs more than all the women swooning over him and everyone telling us that hes the top dog. Let him get it on with the mother, aunt and daughter, throw the lawyer also in there for good measure and move on to some plot other than 'I am the best and all the women want me'. Its headed there anyway without being subtle.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

This is the first I have seen of this story but it is interesting in the concept that you are creating. Hope to see more in the future

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

It could of been better, needs a bit more excitement. You build up the story and then drop it back to the start with out anything happening, major disappointment. I just hope the next part is better.

mandingo1234mandingo1234over 1 year agoAuthor

Thank you for all you fans that support me, and for those that choose to support my story. For those who want early access to my work, or read initial drafts of it, discussion board then please Join my Patreon. Link to my page is in my profile.

Keep reading and hopefully I can see you soon.

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