Young Lust Ch. 06


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"In a dressing room, seriously," Daddy asked." And what, you had her naked?" But then, totally switching tracks, like as if he fully expected me to jump at the chance he asked "So, how about we skip breakfast? Maybe, well you know, we could adjourn to my cabin and work off a few calories, and maybe even work up an appetite?" Well, it wasn't like him to be so roundabout; so, giving him my best dumb blonde look, I showed him a raised eyebrow. "Well fuck," He snapped. "Stop playing coy, you know what I mean!"

What; I'm not nuts. Of course, I said yes. And the thought that maybe I could wear him out never crossed my mind. There just wasn't enough time, not with Daddy's legendary stamina anyway. Ooh, but trying would be a kick and a half. So, I pushed to my feet purring a breathy "Come on stud, lets see what you've got!"

Daddy pushed the door open and I stepped in to his spacious cabin. OK, at least it was spacious compared to mine. And, I'm not sure the door had even closed when Daddy's forceful tug left my shorts and thong both down around my knees. "Let me," he ordered; and yeah, I know when Daddy's ordering. So, I raised my hands and waited for Daddy to peel my tank off over my head. And then, I stood there with my hands raised as Daddy knelt, his tongue hot and wet in my ass's cleft as he quickly finished undressing me. I didn't move, already breathing hard as I listened to the rustle of clothing. His clothes landed on top of mine, which was on the bed, which yeah, left me wondering. Well, Daddy didn't leave me wondering for long. Right and I didn't suppose we'd be using the bed. "You're going to want me wet sweetheart," Daddy briskly informed me. Yeah, well by then I was on my knees.

Ready to submit, I dared "Anything you want Daddy; only, whatever you do to me you just better do to Issy too...assuming of course you're lucky enough to get the chance!" Yeah, good thing I was on my knees. I mean, it's hard to spank someone down on her knees, especially when that someone has your cock in her mouth.

Daddy grabbed a fistful of my hair; so, I laced my hands behind my back. Daddy growled, his fat cock's head already pushing in to my throat as he acknowledged "Deal sweetheart!" And then, like it was a done-deal, my always confident Papa declared "Once I have her naked, I don't think Issy will say no to anything!" I agreed of course, glad I wasn't in any position to tell him so. I mean, I was way to busy getting a half-foot of wickedly thick cock powered in and out through my lips.

He likes doing it; so yeah Daddy fucked my mouth. He did it using slow fully penetrating jabs, the kind that meant he wasn't about to cum in my mouth. Right, so I sort of figured I'd end up bent over the bed anyway. And, if I was lucky Daddy would treat me to a couple of sweet orgasms, and I'm talking before he got around to fucking my ass. Uh-huh, because if he took my ass, well it would sort of give him license to take Issy's. Hey, I'd seen the way he'd eyed the twin curves of tan ass showing below her short shorts. So yeah, I'd have bet anything he intended to take my ass. Yeah, I just had the how of it wrong. Anyway, I found that out after he slid his slippery cock out of my mouth, and after the nastily chuckling bastard bitch slapped my freaking face with it, which means before he pointed and ordered "Over there, and...assume the position!"

Ashley's Dad is the only one who had ever taken me "Up against the wall" as they say. Yeah, and I'd loved the way he just absolutely hammered his big thick ten-inch cock in to me. Ashley's Daddy can do hard, and he can do it for a long, deliciously wicked time too. Anyway, up against the wall wasn't quite what my daddy had in mind. Nope, he pushed me in to a corner, settled my hands head high, one on each wall, caught my hips and tugged me back, his foot right there kicking my legs wider apart. Exposed, what who me? Valnurable, what who me? Loving it, what who me? Fuck yes, that was me alright.

Not at all sure what would result, I dared "What are you going to do to me Daddy?" Right, I lied. I knew; so, before I got fucked, Yup, I got spanked. And then, I was pleading, "Yes Daddy, yes," as the fat head of his cock nosed me open. He held my hipsin an iron grip, taking me from behind, ripping hard aggressive thrusts up in to me. And then, he was pulling my head back with one hand, the other one playing rough as it moved back and forth between my breasts, my nipples, his breathing ragged in my ear as he asked "Tell me, can you see Issy in your place?"

Pops wanted an answer. Yeah, well fuck that. "Harder," I cried, meaning it as I pleaded "Oh God yes, make it hurt!" Daddy did, me gasping as I snarled a challenging "The bitch will love it! Only, she's gonna want you to actually fuck her ass hard!"

It wasn't me laughing; it was the guy viciously twisting my rock hard nipples. Yeah, and Daddy was laughing right in to my ear as he slowly eased his Coke can sized cock out of my vagina. "So, you think she's going to like it when I do this," he asked.

Guess who was answering with a squealed "Yes," as her Daddy drove his cock in to her ass? Yeah, the same daughter who followed up with a screamed "All of it, fuck yes Daddy, I want it all!"

It was bound to happen. I just wasn't expecting it to be my Daddy who made it happen. But, right there pressed in to the corner, his fat cock repeatedly thrusting deep in to my ass, I came. And no; I didn't even see it coming. No kidding, like the other times he'd made me cum he hadn't been fucking my ass. Well Hell, he'd done it with his tongue plenty of times, with his fingers too, just less often. Still, no one, not even Ashley's Daddy had ever made me cum while; well not while I was taking it up the ass. So, like woowoo, let's hear it for firsts.

No; of course it wasn't the first time Pops had taken my ass. Hey, but it was the first time he'd done it standing up, his cock and the hand tangled in my hair the only things keeping his orgasmic Daughter on her feet. So, I took that knee-buckling orgasm. Yup, and then feeling the need to be, well contrary I suppose, I challenged "Good one Daddy; but, I just bet you won't get Issy to beg for it. Uh-huh, and I know you won't be able to make her cum all over your big dick either!"

My big mouth didn't get me spanked; but hey, it did get me fucked some more. And then, with me squealing "Hard, like that; yeah Daddy, fuck her like that," it was him grunting and growling as he pumped a massive load deep in to my ass.

Daddy insisted I go first, so he was still in the shower when Ike's incoming text pinged on my cell. She wanted to know where I was and of course "What, or who are you doing?" Texting back, I told her that I was with my Dad and that we were going to try for a late breakfast. "Want to join us," I asked.

"I'm with Jenny, but sure. You meant lunch right? Where?" I texted suggesting the outdoor café. Ike answered texting she knew where it was. We agreed to meet there.

I'd just pulled my shorts up when Daddy, fresh from the shower showed up, a towel wrapped around his waist. He stopped his eyes riveted to my boobs. "Damn girl, but you do have a gorgeous rack...ooh!" Well yeah, it's true. Oh God, and when I spotted the erection beginning to lift that towel, well I almost asked him if he wanted to try fucking my tits. Gosh, I mean it would have been a first...for Daddy anyway. But then, when that towel fell away well, I just couldn't stop myself. So yeah, I was on my knees, licking my freaking lips while my heart pounded away. But no, I didn't ask. Hey, it would have meant another shower. Daddy didn't ask either; nope, he just took my mouth. Right, so we met Ike and Jenny, me with the tangy taste of Daddy's cum still lingering in my mouth.

Jenny and Ike both wore shorts. Ike's were baggy but still clung enticingly. But, Jenny's abbreviated shorts were like Issy's short as a pair of Daisy Dukes. Yeah, and Ike's tight fitting polo shirt was downright conservative next to Jenny's revealing light weight cami. And then, there was that neon blue cami top's bold "I do" imprint. I made the introductions, explained that Ike was married to Mike, or Geronimo as the rest of the blindies called him. I told Pops that Jenny's nickname was the imp; and that, her boyfriend was called Normy.

"What, after that guy from that old TV show," Dad asked.

"Yeah," Jenny replied, sighing as she added a forlorn sounding "And as usual the asshole is sleeping off a hangover. So, bummer, but no Pacifico brewery tour for Normy!"

Dad wanted to know, so I explained that the guys were going to tour Pacifico's Mazatlán's brewery. It was Ike who told us that Marty was going along. "She's sure not looking forward to playing den mother," Ike explained, adding a huffy "Oh well, someone has to do it!"

Dad asked what the three of us had planned. Ike volunteered that we were going to meet up at some Cantina later that afternoon for dinner and drinks.

"It's called Hussain's," Jenny said, before asking "Hey, if someone wouldn't mind reading the menu, I'd like to order!"

Dad scooted his chair over, which left him sitting right next to The Imp. Yeah, I went on alert. I mean, my hotdogging Daddy had a hand resting way up high on her bare thigh as he leaned in, like maybe he thought she was hard of hearing. Well, not only didn't she mind, but by the time she'd decided on a club sandwhich she was stroking the hand busily stroking her inner thigh. I caught Ike staring, and we shared shrugs when she noticed me noticing. As for me, well with a pretty good idea of what was coming, I wondered, hopeful that my studdly Papa would wear himself out with Jenny. Right, as if with Issy on deck that was going to happen, Dad wearing himself out I mean.

We were finishing up lunch when Ike said "Hey, Jenny and me are going to try one of the local beaches.", and then, she asked "Want to join us Anita?"

"Sure," I quickly replied. "I'd love a chance to work on my tan; and, I've got that brand new bikini!"

Ike nodded in the direction of Dad and Jenny. I looked, and sure enough, Daddy was whispering in to her ear. Jenny sucked in a sharp little gasp, blushing as she shyly, like no shit shyly hummed and hawed her way through an expected "Actually, I think I'm going to hang out with Murphy. He, well, he's sort of offered to, well, to show me around the ship!"

Dad paid the check, and even graciously offered to buy Ike and me another round. He did; and then, he was on his feet and sliding jenny's chair back. And, proving Pops was indeed a total land shark, as he was helping Jenny to her feet he was explaining that he wanted to swing by his cabin. Oh my freaking God, and of course no one bought his lame "I forgot my sunglasses!" Jenny's blush only deepened; so yeah, she knew. I knew too, and Ike's barely stifled snicker said that so did she.

"Think they'll make it out of his cabin in time for dinner," Ike asked.

"Uh-huh, but its going to be sooner anyway," I answered. "Oh wait you don't know," I hurriedly added, anxious to spill my guts. And of course I did just that.

"Well, we ran in to Marty and Issy earlier," I explained. "Yeah, and Daddy being Daddy, he jumped in and volunteered to Pick Issy up after her dumb kayaking thing. Uh-huh, and trust me girlfriend, it was only to freaking obvious Issy figured they'd be hooking up!"

"No shit? Well, it would explain your Dad's big rush! Fuck girl, your Dad's a dog!"

"Yeah, he's a horn-dog, but one with a big fat dick!" And then, ignoring Ike's raised eyebrows, I dug myself in a little deeper. "Tell you what," I heedlessly exclaimed. "Bet you The Imp will have that Coke can sized dick in her mouth before that waitress is back with our drinks!"

Instead of taking my bet, looking, well yeah puzzled Ike asked "It's none of my business of course, but umm, just how is it you know how your Dad's hung? Like, you know if you don't mind my asking!"

Thinking fast isn't really one of my specialties; but yeah, I gave it a try. Gosh, and up to a point, I even told the truth. And, if I'd been paying any attention at all, I wouldn't have opened my mouth until after the waitress had dropped-off our drinks. OK, so I didn't really give a freaking shit. So what if she overheard me tell Ike my Dad had walked out and caught my girlfriend Ashley and me naked in the pool? Actually, I got a kick out of her startled gasp. Like what; just because two chicks were busted making out...really? Whatever, she was gone by the time I said "Well, it's sort of like this."

Marty listened; Hell, she was, well like totally captivated as I blabbed my story. And why not; after all, I began by telling her I'd been banging Ashley's Dad, well step-dad regularly. Not only that, but I backed up and told her about this seriously hot little three-way that had included Ashley. So then, well of course I just had to tell her that both Ashley's step-brother Dave and his buddy Wayne had been banging me. Well, by then I was on a roll, or maybe I was only stalling. Whatever, I admitted to getting down with Ashley's Mother Tawny. Well, I innocently told Ike that sometimes, OK that sort of regularly Tawny would decide to play the Dominatrix. Anyway, that left Ike shaking her head and eyeing me quizzically. "Yeah-yeah, it was, well like just for fun," I confessed defensively, before grinning and admitting "But yeah, playing the obedient submissive can be a turn-on to the max!"

Whatever I'd been expecting it sure wasn't Ike's solitary "Wow!" Hey, I wasn't looking for scandalized; but really that lame "Wow," didn't cut it. So, I suppose hoping for a bit more of a reaction, I slathered on a bit more detail.

"It wasn't like all hardcore or anything," I said. And then, while pretending at a casual I sure as Hell wasn't feeling, I went for the jugular. No, nothing hardcore," I repeated, before a dramatic little pause. Then, going for cool, I said "Well, that's unless of course you think being handcuffed to the headboard while this strap-on wearing Dominatrix runs a fat twelve-inch dildo's full length in and out of whatever opening she happens to be in the mood for is, well you know...hardcore!" Well, Ike didn't bite; so, I decided to get back to that time with Ashley, my Dad, yeah, and me of course.

Ike didn't even look surprised at learning that Ashley had only been waiting for a chance to get down with my Dad, yeah, like big surprise. After all, Ashley isn't just brazenly uninhibited and utterly insatiable, she's a born instigator. But then, so is Dad.

"So, one afternoon, poof like magic Dad was there," I told a slowly nodding Ike. "He stood there out on our patio bare-chested, wearing baggy shorts, and well, looking kind of hunky actually. Now he wasn't gawking, not quite anyway. But yeah, he was definitely scoping us out. He smiled; Hell, he even waved. So, I thought, cool! I mean, like Pops was watching his Daughter indulge in a bit of lesbian like mutual finger-banging, and he's not freaking out. And then, Ashley was pointing, not even bothering to whisper as she blurted "Look, he's got a hard-on!" Well, he did! Yup, I'd already noticed. But, I didn't tell Ike that.

"Alright, so check this out," I blurted. "Well, the next thing I knew, I was alone in the pool. Ashley had climbed out and was calling, hi Jeff, what's up?" Stupid right; I mean, the bitch was staring at what was up. No shit, she headed straight for Dad. No hesitation, she just went to her freaking knees. No shit; and of course Dad just stood there grinning while she pulled his shorts down. I'm talking Ashley; so, the bitch had his dick in her mouth before she even got his freaking shorts off!" And then, well Hell that's when I reminded Ike that Daddy's dick maybe wasn't all that long; no, but it was big around as a Coke can. "Oh Hell, I'd watched Ashley deep throat her step-dad's big ten incher," I explained, quick to add "Yeah, so I figured she'd deal with Daddy no problem. Uh-huh and the bitch took it all! Right, so then when Daddy grabbed her head and began to like seriously fuck her mouth, Ashley just laced her hands behind her back and let him do it," I said, ahead of conceding "Yeah, well watching was like totally hot!"

Slipping in to instigator mode, Ashley had swatted Dad's hands away and was jacking him off as she asked "Come on girlfriend, don't you want an up-close look?" No, she didn't stop there; nope, she did some coaxing. "Don't be a scaredy-cat; yeah, because I know you want to do more than just look! Come on, now's your chance!"

Ashley had it right; and yeah, I knew it. Still, I didn't really decide to do it; but, I did climb out of the pool, sort of on auto pilot maybe. Anyway, that's what I told a wide-eyed Ike.

"So, I'm naked, Ashley's jacking Dad off, and like oh my freaking God Ike, Daddy was totally scoping me out," I, well unashamedly explained. "It was, well having him look at me that way was, well kind of hot actually!" I sighed. I shrugged. And then, seeing as how stopping was out of the question, I blathered on.

"Hell, I just did it," I admitted, and yeah that would be sort of enthusiastically. Right; just telling the freaking story was getting me hot; Like duh!

"So anyway, I walked right on around behind Dad," I told Ike as my excitement began to spike. "Ashley let go of Daddy's dick, and I swear the bitche's eyes were daring me. Anyway, I pressed right up against Dad's back, reached around and grabbed his dick. So, he's pushing back in to me, his dicks' in my freaking fist, and he growls this totally guttural "Yes!" Fuck, it might as well have been a neon sign flashing "Go for it," because my stomach did a freaking somersault. And well, Dad's big cock was hard, hot, and my fist didn't seem big enough. Anyway, there I was jacking him off. And, like the crazy thing is Ike, right then, I wanted him!"

Ike knew what I meant; well, I hoped so anyway. Whatever, by then it was way too late for anything silly as embarrassment. And, because it was the truth, I told Ike "So, like instead of feeling like a total slut, which yeah was pretty much what I expected to feel, seriously, I was just about as turned-on as I'd ever been!"

Maybe I paused; anyway, I did sort of intend to stop there. I didn't, like big surprise huh? OK, so maybe I did briefly wonder if I could get away with telling Ike that Dad had unloaded in Ashley's mouth. It would have been a lie. Yup, it was my mouth Daddy unloaded in. Well OK, lets hope confession is good for the soul. Ooh, it better be anyway!

"Ashley dared me," I told Ike, and it was true. So, I fed her some more of it. "Once I had Daddy's fat cock in my fist; well Hell Ike, all I could think about was getting my lips wrapped around it. So, I knelt, elbowed Ashley out of the way, and went down on my own Dad. It was easy; you know, deep throating him I mean. And, I'm making like one of those stupid bobble head dolls, when he takes hold of my head and begins to fuck my mouth," I revealed in a rush, before pausing to snatch a breath. Hey, I also snuck in a quick peek, curious and needing to check Ike's reaction. Her mouth opened. Her mouth closed. She shot me a cockeyed grin. I relaxed...kind of, and rolled on.

"Right; so anyway Ashley was whooping. And, well there I was thinking, woowoo, Daddy's like cool with it. Right, so Dad lets go of my head, and slows it down. OK, so I was sucking on the head of his dick and jacking him off at the same time. Oh God Ike, and suddenly the taste of his cum was in my mouth. And, like he grunts, whoops "Take it sweetheart," and banged his cock in to my throat. So yeah, my Dad came in my mouth; but honestly, Ike, he could have taken me, fucked me, whatever and right out there in front of Ashley!"

Who knows why? Whatever, it sure wasn't from embarrassment; but I buried my face in my hands. Ike waited for me to peek out between my fingers, before saying "Hey way cool story! Hell girl, you told me your folks were swingers, and you're a big girl, and what the Hell, no one coerced you; so, like deal with it! Gosh, I bet, no I know, Marty, Jenny, me, and yeah, Issy too have done things we enjoyed to the max but aren't exactally comfortable talking about. So, like chill girl," Ike insisted. Right, so guess who was suddenly all ears, and yeah, curious? And really, I was about to demand details when all casual like, Ike says "So, how about we blow this joint?" And then, well totally ignoring my scowl, she says "I'm good to go, bikini and sunscreen in my bag. But, I suppose we'll need to stop by your cabin...right?"
