Young Lust Ch. 06


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Pitching a bitch was what I wanted to do. Instead, I made nice. So, I thanked Ike for listening and not freaking out. Uh-huh, and then I made it clear that if stories weren't forthcoming someone would be walking the plank. She laughed. I scowled, gave it up and agreed "Right, we'll need to stop by my cabin. Like so whenever you're ready!"

On the way to my cabin, I started to tell her about the previous night's happenings. "What; you mean that bit with Marty and Brian? Don't bother Anita," she exclaimed. "Marty already ran her mouth, blabbing the entire story I'm sure!" And then, with a wild whoop she took my hand, and we began to run, laughing like a couple of freaking lunatics. "You girlfriend are definitely invited to tonight's party! Tell you all about it while we change," Ike laughingly gushed.

We were in my room. I was naked, bent over and rummaging in a bag, on the hunt for my new bikini, when Ike blew out an ostentatious breath. And then she said "Damn girl, fuck it's no wonder Brian banged that thing twice!" So, I acknowledged her compliment with a wag of my ass. Yeah, but it wasn't what Brian had done to me that sent a quiver racing through me. Nope, it was the thought of what Dad's fat cock had done to me, what, not even an hour ago. Uh-huh, and I wanted to tell Ike badly actually; but, I decided to wait. Hey, I figured it would make great bait; you know, in case I had to go fishing for those stories. I turned, holding my bikini and froze. Ike was still naked, her bikini discarded, a heap of shimmery black on the floor. Her knees were drawn up and splayed open. The hand working between her thighs moved langwidly, but purposefully. She caught my eye, her voice a purr, but no less an order demanding "Come here and do me!"

"Not happening," I told her, challenging "At least it isn't before you dish the dirt!"

"Uh-huh, well I want to hear more about you, your Dad, and of course that big thick cock of his." And then, with her voice going from dreamy to a breathy pre-orgasmic slur she offered up a compromise. "Do me Anita, make me cum," a voice already thick with passion challenged. And then, as her breath turned ragged she panted "Yeah do me, and then we'll swap stories. Come on, do me, do me now!"

Ike was so close to peaking that just the thought of my tongue should have sent her rocketing over the top. I mean, the tip of her middle finger was still slowly flicking the tip of her swollen clit as I setteled between her legs. "Snarling "Give it to me," she used both hands to open herself. I slid forward, my tongue leading the way. I pushed in to her, tasting the musky flow of her juices. Ike moaned, back arching as she pleaded "Please Anita, please-please-please!"

Ike was mine, she knew it, I knew it, and it was going to cost her. So, and so lightly it could have been the brush of a feather, I slowly outlined her exposed clit with the tip of my tongue. Her back arched again as she offered herself to me. I laid down another feathery soft brush stroke, that time back and forth across that silkily smooth nub of swollen flesh. She moaned, a purry growl rumbling from her throat. "Tell me," I demanded, my lips so close her clit had to be vibrating just from my heated breath. "Tell me, have you fucked Issy," I whispered.

"No, I swear I haven't, not that I haven't tried," a gasping Ike protested. "Marty hasn't, neither has Jenny, and of the guys only Mike has," she managed, her voice by then a husky rasp. I thought, what; Mike fucked Issy...really? I froze, not wanting to believe my ears. So, I'm like devastated, and trying gamely to ignore my pain, when in a voice full of command Ike hissed "Eat me bitch! Fuck yes, stop your silly pouting and do me!"

Doing Ike took maybe ten seconds and maybe a half dozen aggressively delivered flicks of my tongue. So OK, but then Ike's second ear-shattering climax took me a teensy-weensy bit longer; yeah, but only because I made her beg for it, beg and promise. Gosh, and then when she did stop screaming, I worried that she'd lost her voice. Yeah-yeah, I'm just kidding.

"Pay up," I demanded, already up on my knees, her thigh between my legs. I lowered myself, and caught the gasp as my heat kissed her thigh. "Talk," I once again demanded, sliding a knee forward, setteling it against her sex's slick wet heat.

Ike talked. I rode her thigh, only using it as a tease as I listened. "OK, so no, none of us girls have done her," Ike repeated. I growled. "OK-OK, so like just listen," she more or less commanded. "Robert's done her, fucked her brains out according to Issy anyway!" And before I could do more than open my mouth ready to snarl, oh something like, so just who the fuck is this Robert Bozo, Ike told me. "He's another one from the same Blind Men's Group as the rest of the guys. I guess you could call him a swinger, or he was when he was married anyway!" Hell no, I didn't like the sound of that; and no, I didn't even try to hide my scowl. Ike grinned; and then she wisely rolled-on. Actually, he owns one of those erotic boutiques. And, he's got a partner. She's hot, drop-dead sexy and just too damn cute for her own good! They're a team, and I mean both in and out of the bedroom. And according to Robert, who the guys call Onward Bob by the way, she's the bitch who turned Issy out!" Uh-huh and while I wondered just how much hit men charged, Ike said Yeah, but that was only after Robert talked Issy and Richard in to opening up their relationship!" Well, I was wondering about the possibility of a quantity discount when Ike went silent.

Ike began to use my knee like a freaking itching post; which yeah, caught my attention. So, I leaned forward, which let me scratch my own itch. I worked my clit, rubbing and sliding it over the soft slick skin of Ike's flaming hot thigh. But, like I said I was only teasing; and yeah, that would be both of us. Anyway, as I knelt back upright, I once again demanded "Talk; make it good and I'll do you again!"

"Oh god, do I have to tell you that story too," Ike wheedled.

"Tell me; and then, you can choose, my story or my tongue," I coaxed; pretty sure Ike would collect both.

Ike's story was short on detail, but it still managed to paint a pretty picture. Ike and Mike, well Geronimo, are confirmed swingers. Ike claimed Marty and the appropriately named Huggy swung, but it was more Marty's thing than Don's. Issy and her sidekick Richy were interested in swinging; but, interested was all they were. And, according to Ike, Robert caught on and realized it was Richy holding them back. Why; well Ike claimed it was because he was afraid she'd run-off with the first woman to get her naked and make her cum. Hey, supposedly it had happened to one of his buddies. But, Robert talked to Issy, who talked to Sidekick. They decided to give it a try, a three-way anyway. Only, Ike admitted to not being real sure Richy knew he'd agreed to it. Whatever, Issy, with just a little help from Robert orchestrated a sweet little setup. And, with a little coaxing Ike told me what she knew; which, wasn't really all that much. But...

Robert was invited for drinks at their beach city condo. Poor semi-clueless Richy was off making a last minute Uber run for wine when he arrived. Issy settled Robert at the bar with a beer; and then, she excused herself. OK, so I knew Richy had some vision, just not much. Issy is pretty much, as they say total. Robert as Ike explained could see well enough to recognize faces, in good light anyway. And that explained why Issy reappeared in the well-lighted kitchen wearing, well Richy's surprise. No really, she actually pretended to be insecure, not sure that Richy would think the lacey black teddie she wore was sexy. Yeah, well my unasked question was, was that cutely corny or just pplain dumb? Whatever, according to Ike, by the time Robert's roaming hands had confirmed what his eyes couldn't, Issy was naked, down on her knees and sucking dick. Hey, so far so good right? Well, I'm sure Robert thought so!

Richy showed up. Well, by then things were looking pretty freaking awesome for Issy too. The way Ike tells it Richy slammed on the brakes in the condo's entryway in time to hear an orgasmic Issy scream "Two" as Robert's tongue delivered on secohnds. Well, I never did find out if they drank the wine. But, after hugs, kisses, a bit of explaining, and a blow-job that I'm sure sealed the deal, yup, Richy was all in. Apparently, Richy and Robert were both all in, several times according to Issy as related by Ike. Me, well I couldn't wait to hear Issy's version; only, yeah, I wanted to fuck her first...damn straight!

Issy wasn't there of course; which yeah, seriously sucked. But, I snarled a no doubt guttural "Fuck...I need to cum!" But, I wasn't about to let Ike up; fuck no, that bitch had some more explaining to do. So, I settled lower on her thigh, leaned back, smirking nastily as I commanded "Don't just lie there bitch! Do it; come on make me cum!"

Ike didn't argue, which was a seriously wise move on her part. Instead, she reached out, caught my hips, working her thigh as she expertly maneuvered me. Ashley likes taking it that way; and right then it was working for me. And, after acknowledging that happy fact with a grudging "Ooh yeah, that works," I huffed out a commanding "Hey, I'm still waiting. Spill it; tell me about the lucky bitch that turned her out!" And then, well Ike sort of distracted me. Yeah, cumming will do that. Well fuck, I came, came hard enough to leave Ike's thigh drenched and me shaking as I fought to catch my breath.

Ike laughed, called me "Easy," laid back and then told me another story.

The bitch's name is Leslie; and, according to Ike anyway she didn't have a nickname. Ok, so yeah, I decided "Bitch" could work. Except, as I would come to know first-hand, not only is she a sweetheart, but she's a scandalously sexy stone cold fox! "Anyway, Mike and I have partied some with Issy and Richey," Ike explained. "Mike's done her, banged her, and banged her hard actually. Fuck, the bastard's done it in her mouth, gone down on her, and yeah made her cum too!" Well my inner bitch was growling, disgustingly green with envy and just because Issy had let some Bozo make her cum. Yeah-yeah, me bad! But, hey I felt loads better after Ike grumpily confided that with Issy she'd never gotten to do more than sneak a kiss and cop a feel; and then only while Mike was banging her. So then, she went and surprised me. "Believe me, that chick is something else," she said. And, I'm thinking, so tell me something I don't know when she adds "You know I'm beginning to think she's, well like a slightly older version of your gal pal Ashley!"

Like duh, I'm thinking; but what I said was "I already know she's like totally hot, does guys but digs chicks, oh yeah and that's she's a terrible tease. And now you're telling me she's all that and...well, brazenly insatiable, utterly incapable of saying no, unable to resist a dare, and oh yeah, that she's also Queen of mischief! I mean, like Ashley's all that!" Gosh, it's no wonder the bitch is my absolutest BFF. Yeah, she'd earned her Chica Mala T-shirt; which hey, doesn't mean Issy couldn't. Ooh, and for sure I was ready to help her earn one of her own. Whatever, Ike wasn't through blabbing.

"OK, so now I really need to meet this Ashley bitch," Ike declared, ahead of a wise "Yeah, but never mind that for now! Ok, so this happened not long after there three-way with Robert," Ike said. "But wait, like I said Leslie and Robert are partners, but she also owns an interest in Goodies, some local dive bar. Anyway, it was Issy who made the first move. Like no shit Anita she just showed up one night at Goodies. Well, Leslie just happens to own a condo. Uh-huh and its right down the street from the bar. Still, for whatever reason they Ubered. Robert told me Issy's panties were in Leslie's pocket before that cab even made it out of the parking lot!"

I groaned, eager to hear more, even if I was ready to pitch a pout. Come on now; after all, it hadn't been me peeling those panties off Issy. And, if it had been, well I'd have been telling her just exactly what I planned to do with her once I got her home. Huh, but then, I suppose that's just what Leslie did. Well fuck the cunt; but wait, actually that sounded like a seriously good idea! So, I muttered "OK, so maybe before I murder the bitch...I'll fuck her too," I told a snickering Ike.

"The cute thing is," Ike began. Well, like right after she stopped laughing anyway. "Issy got home, well early the next morning, did her best to fuck Richy's brains out; and then, she, at least she swears she told him the entire story. Uh-huh and supposedly Richy told Robert that for days afterwards she just couldn't seem to get enough cock. I believe it!" "Well, so did I; which I suppose is why I sat there pitching a pout. Ike ignored my play for sympathy, sighing as she explained "Hey, really, that's all I know. So, if you need to hear the gory details, girlfriend you'll have to ask Issy."

Count on it I told myself, you're going to fuck that woman, make her dribble out all those juicy details; uh-huh, and then you're going to fuck her some more!

Not that it would have made any difference; but hey, I wasn't paying attention to Ike. Nope, I was picturing it, the sweet feel of my hand sliding in to Issy. Right, so Ike easily flipped me on to my back, while squealing "My turn!" What she actually meant though was that it was my turn, well my chance to even up the orgasm score anyway. So, for a while, when I wasn't busy cumming, I was fighting to breathe as I told her about my latest encounter with Daddy's fat cock. Yup, and first thing, I blamed it on Issy.

"Ike, it all started innocently enough. I met Daddy for breakfast, and of course he wanted to know what I'd been up to. And, its still Issy's fault, but maybe I shouldn't have been bragging about Bummer's having taken my ass twice when he'd only done Marty's once. Whatever, I sure managed to jump-start Daddy," I explained.

Next thing, Ike got reminded of just how freaking cute and sexy Issy had looked. She already knew Daddy had practically fallen all over himself when he insisted that he just had to be the one to pick her up after her Kayaking run. "Hell, by the time Issy left Daddy knew he was going to get lucky," I complained. And then, it was time to admit that my drooling, hard-on sporting Papa had suggested that we skip breakfast and adjourn to his cabin.

Ike, as it turned out wasn't quite ready to listen. Uh-huh, but she was ready to order me to roll over. I did; which left me lying there face down with Ike stretched out between my legs. Well, she pushed up on to her knees, suddenly acting all macho like as she roughly spread-eagled me. "Don't move, keep your lips zipped; that means, even if your cumming I better not hear so much as a peep out of you," she snarled in to my ear. Fuck, and I could swear I heard the crack almost before I felt the stinging swat she bounced off my ass. Another walloping smack, and then she was hissing a threatening "Be a good bitch or tonight I'll put you on your knees, hands behind your back while Wiley, Richy, Don, and Mike take turns fucking your mouth. Uh-huh, but it won't be your mouth they cum in!" So of course I'm thinking, cool, how do I make sure it happen? And meanwhile, well after another pair of nastily delivered swats, I got to hear "You bitch will wind up with your face looking like a glazed donut!" Well yeah, of course I wanted to pop up, and well, poutilly declare "Oh yeah, promises-promises!" I didn't; but only because it might have hurt her feelings, or at least spoiled her fun.

While I struggled not to squirm, Ike slowly licked and kissed her way down my spine. Yeah, and her tongue didn't stop at the base of my spine either. That means I wound up with its swirling tip rimming my asshole. Same location, different equipment, but whether it's a big hard cock or a swirling tongue I say the sensations generated are just totally de...fucking...licious to the max! And just when I didn't think it could get any better that tongue penetrated me. And then, Ike was pistoning her tongue in and out of me; yeah, and all I could think was, fuck, I should be standing over in the coerner with this bitch on her knees behind me. But, hey my freaking lips remained zipped. I was dead sure Ike would have done it; not that I'd have minded winding up with a cum-glazed face. Woowoo, and like wouldn't that have been another one of those win-win things? Well yeah!

Anyway, after Ike had thoroughly tongue-raped my ass she took me. And, she blasted me over the top face down and spread-eagled. Who knew; but yeah, I could cum, not just quietly, but absolutely silently. Well hey, but then that was the easy part. Not scooching up and lifting my hips was, like the total bitch. Of course the bitch just had to dish-out a second Big-O; and oh God, that one was nothing short of exquisite torture. Complain; me, not hardly!

Ike left me face down, all the easier to smack wicked swats off my poor ass. And, before she settled in straddeling a thigh she took advantage of my vulnerable position. Yeah, think crack-crack-crack-crack. But then, the cackling bitch was ordering "Tell me the rest; but bitch don't you dare move!"

Ike listened, learning Pops had me naked almost before his cabin's door had swung shut. And then, of course I told her what happened before he'd pointed to the corner and ordered "Assume the position!" There, I was rudely interrupted. "Well damn, why didn't I think of that," Ike groused, snarling "Next time" as she punctuated her point with another pair of snappily delivered thwacks.

"Jesus Ike he took me rough; OK, and I just fucking loved it," I almost giddily declared. "Hell, he didn't even have to order me to beg! Fuck no, he just yanked my freaking head back, his breath hot in my ear; and, oh Hell yes, I was asking for it too," I almost crowed, excited and eager to describe the wickedly delicious way his fat cock had swelled me open as it penetrated my asshole." It was way-way better than Ashley's Mom. Powerless and being taken and by my fucking Father no less, well yeah, it was glorious," I gladly confessed. And then, I told her I'd climaxed with half a foot of wickedly thick cock being rapidly pistoned in and out of my ass, knees buckling as I screamed for more.

"Did he cum, your Dad I mean," Ike asked.

Huh; well that non sequitur left me shaking my head. "Uh-huh, in my ass," I answered, while still shaking my head. And then, all that was left was for me to tell Ike Daddy had gotten off a second time. "Yup," I excitedly squealed. "Oh God so check this out. I showered, and then Daddy did. And yeah, me bad; but, I was naked when he walked back in to the room. Uh-huh, and like wham-o he was hard again. So, I sucked him off!"

"Hot damn girl, you're Daddy's' a total stud," Ike gushed after hearing that bit of 411. Just saying, but yeah Color me one proud Daughter!

Caring more about my suddenly itchy clit then about Ike's silly threat, I wriggled around and wound up back on my back, where I patiently suggested "Fuck me bitch...make me cum!" Hey, guess who didn't need to spell it out either. Nope, Ike took me rough. Right, which left me getting my clit practically sucked out by the root as I screamed for more. And that time more meant more fingers. And gosh, Ike already had a trio of them repeatedly corkscrewing pistoning jabbed deep in to my ass. Well, one more turned out to be enough. Hey, it left her thumb free, and ready to deal with that still itchy clit. I came, hard too! And no; my knees didn't buckle...right, I was flat on my back. So, two well-done and thoroughly satisfied chicas mala decided to share a quick shower. Right, as if!

It was sweet, the bitch word wasn't used. But then, quick it wasn't. Well, more or less wrinkle-free we made it to the beach. So what if it was later than planned?
