An Unusual Beginning Ch. 08


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"I'm better now," Arlene said giving the flight attendant a look that demanded she shut up.

"She's going to need something to eat," the flight attendant said ignoring Arlene's look, "because during the entire flight, she couldn't keep anything down. Whatever she ate would come back up less, then a minute later, and she would be off to the restroom again to make another deposit."

Now thoroughly embarrassed Arlene took her hand and covered her face.

David laughed, his mother took her elbow and nudged him in the side.

"Don't be embarrassed," David said taking her hand and removing it from her face. "You're pregnant getting sick is part of the process."

"That's what some of the women passengers told her," the flight attendant said. "I was sick from beginning to end with my last child, but he was worth it. All eight pounds, seven ounces of him."

David felt Arlene flinch when the flight attendant revealed how much her son weighed when he was born. He knew he needed to get Arlene away from the woman and her good intentions.

"I'll take it from here," David told the attendant getting up and moving behind the wheelchair replacing her. "Thank you for taking care of her."

"I was glad to do it," the flight attendant replied moving to let David take over. "You have a healthy baby," she told Arlene. "And don't forget to call someone if you need help," she whispered in Arlene's ear.

"What was that about?" David asked finding the woman's behavior strange.

"Some of the women passengers thought that you were being neglectful allowing me to travel alone," Arlene said trying not to smile, "considering my condition and all."

David started pushing the wheelchair after he turned to his brother, gave him the keys to his car and asked him to bring it to the front of the airport so that Arlene wouldn't have to walk to the parking garage.

Franklin Jr. took the keys and left to do as David asked.

"I can walk David," Arlene said trying to stand upon hearing him send his brother to get his car.

"Are you still dizzy?" David asked placing a hand on Arlene's shoulder to keep her sitting.

"Just a little," Arlene said, "but it's nothing I can't deal with."

"You're not getting out of this chair until we're out front, and you're getting into my car," David told Arlene his tone letting her know it would be useless for her to argue with him. "Do you have any luggage?"

"One suitcase," Arlene replied pulling out her claim slip from her purse.

Her response made David and his parents turn and look at her.

"What?" Arlene asked.

"You packed only one suitcase?" Pamela asked.

"Yes," Arlene replied. "I'm only visiting for the weekend.

"Could you show my wife how to travel with only one suitcase," Franklin Sr. teased. "When we go away for the weekend, she packs no less than three suitcases."

"Go, get her suitcase," David's mother said taking the claim ticket from Arlene's hand and passing it to her husband.

"That suitcase contains more than you think," Arlene said, "and the only reason I have only one suitcase is because most of my clothes no longer fit. I do plan to go shopping while I'm here. Which means I'm sure to have more than one suitcase when I return home."

Everyone laughed until Arlene suddenly turned green, jumped out of the wheelchair, and made a dash for the lady's bathroom across the from where they were standing.

A concerned look his face David tried to follow her and he would've if his mother hadn't stopped him at the door of the lady's restroom.

"I'll go in and check on her," she told him. "I think it would be better if you stayed out here with your father."

David nodded his head as his mother went inside the restroom.

Pamela once inside heard Arlene emptying the contents of her stomach into the toilet and felt sorry for her.

"Does it get any better?" Arlene asked as she opened the door to the stall and found David's mother, waiting for her.

"Yes, it does," Pamela replied with a chuckle as she pulled down paper towels from the dispenser and passed them to Arlene as she rinsed her mouth and threw water on her face. "I can't tell you when it'll get better, but it will get better."

"I guess, I'll have to take your word for it," Arlene said. "I just hope it gets better soon because I don't think I can take much more of this."

"I hope it gets better, too," Pamela said. "I don't think David can take much more either."

Both women laughed and made their way out of the restroom. When they opened the door David rushed over to Arlene pushing the wheelchair in front of him.

"Are you alright?" he asked Arlene.

"I'm fine," she assured him. "I just need to get to my hotel room so that I can lie down for a little while."

"You're staying in my parents' guesthouse," David said. "It's already been prepared for you."

"Are you sure?" Arlene asked. "I don't want to be a bother."

"You're family, Arlene," David's mother told her smiling at her, "and family is never a bother."

"Arlene I would like for you to meet my mother, Pamela Fitzgerald," David said realizing he hadn't introduced his parents and his wife to each other. "Mom, I would like for you to meet my wife, Arlene Patterson-Fitzgerald."

"Nice to meet you," Arlene said to Pamela extending her hand out to her mother-in-law."

Pamela Fitzgerald looked to be in her mid to late fifties, standing five feet, six inches tall. Arlene put her weight at about one hundred fifty to one hundred sixty pounds. Her face barely showed any signs of aging except for the beginning signs of crow's feet in the corner of her eyes. Her silky blonde hair stopped just at her earlobes, her blue eyes were warm and welcoming.

"Welcome to the family," Pamela said taking hold of Arlene's extended hand pulling her in for a hug.

"And this," David said as his father walked up carrying Arlene's suitcase, "is my father Franklin Fitzgerald Sr."

"Hello, Mr. Fitzgerald," Arlene said extending her hand to David's father, "and thank you for going to get my suitcase."

"Welcome to the family," Franklin Sr. replied engulfing Arlene's small hand in one of his large hands, shaking it and surprising Arlene by kissing her on the cheek, "and call me Franklin Sr., Mr. Fitzgerald makes me feel old.

"Hey, old man," David teased, "none of that."

"I'm just welcoming Arlene into the family and getting my tip for picking up her suitcase," Franklin Sr. said.

Franklin Sr. was an older version of David the only differences between them was the fact that David was fitter, and his daddy's hair was sprinkled with grey throughout.

"Thank you again for picking up my suitcase," Arlene said.

"No, problem," David's father said the smile he gave Arlene going up to his eyes.

"I really like your parents," Arlene said as David pushed her through the airport in the wheelchair, "especially your father."

"Hey, he's taken," David said feigning jealousy, "and so are you."

"I guess that means I'll have to make do with the copy, if I can't have the original," Arlene said her tone teasing.

"You're going to pay for that," David teased back

"Should I start running a tab for you?" Arlene asked.

"You don't know me very well, do you?" David said.

"That's why I'm here," Arlene said smiling. "To get to know you."

"And that is what we're going to do," David said.

"Franklin Jr.'s out front with your car," his mother said after answering her cell phone.

"Then we're ready to take you home," David said to Arlene pushing her wheelchair through the front of the airport to his car parked at the curb.

Once they were outside David asked his brother if he would drive them home so that he could ride in the back with Arlene.

"You don't have to do that," Arlene assured him. "I'm fine."

"Yes, you are," David said opening the back passenger door of his red BMW, helping Arlene to get inside. "That's why I want to ride in the back with you."

"Now you're laying it on too thick," Arlene said buckling up her seatbelt.

"Not if it's the truth," David said buckling up his seatbelt.

"Alright you two," Franklin Jr. said looking at them through the rearview mirror. "Don't make me have to come back there."

"Just take us home little brother," David said giggling. "Don't worry about what's going on back here."

Arlene laughed at the interaction between the two brothers.


As they drove towards the Fitzgerald's home, she focused her eyes on Franklin Jr. there was something familiar about him.

David watched her as she stared at his brother. He wanted to kick his own butt when he realized why she was staring at Franklin Jr. He hadn't told her that one of the people involved in changing their lives was his brother.

Flashes of her time in Vegas went through Arlene's mind and an image of Franklin Jr. being among David's group of friends appeared in her mind.

From the gasp, that escaped her mouth and the tensing up of her hand on his arm where it was resting let David know that Arlene remembered where she had met Franklin Jr. before.

She turned and looked at David, her eyes asking for an explanation.

"I'm so sorry," David said looking down at her tearing up, red eyes.

Arlene wanted to scream for Franklin Jr. to stop the car and let her out because the last place she wanted to be, was in a closed space with him.

But she didn't scream, opting instead to bury her face into David's chest.

David put his arms around her and comforted her. "I'm so sorry," he said again.

His words causing Arlene to lose her the battle in her effort not to cry, her tears flowed.

Franklin Jr. watched the scene unfolding between his brother and his sister-in-law via the rearview mirror. The pain he saw in Arlene's eyes when she figured out who he was and the part he played in what happened made his heart constrict. The hurt that filled her eyes when she realized who he was, cut into his heart and made him feel an inch tall. He now understood the pain he caused by what he and the others had done, and he realized that it wasn't a joke to ever be played on anyone.

Not wanting to inflict any more pain on Arlene, Franklin Jr. pulled out his cell phone and speed dialed his father and asked him to pull over into the parking lot of a restaurant that they were about to pass.

Both cars pulled into the restaurant's parking lot. Franklin Jr. turned off David's car, took the keys out of the ignition and got out of the car.

He walked over to the passenger side of his father's car, handed the keys to David's car to his mother and asked her to drive Arlene and David the rest of the way home.

Pamela got out of the car and made her way over to David's car and slipped behind the wheel, started the car up and started towards home.

"What happened?" Franklin Sr. asked his namesake as he closed the car door.

"I don't think she knew that David and I are brothers," Franklin Jr. replied. "She recognized me from Vegas, became upset and started crying.

"Damn," Franklin Sr. exclaimed his hand hitting the steering wheel. "We were all so excited about meeting her none, of us thought about how seeing you again might affect her."

"Dad, I feel like the lowest form of pond scum," Franklin Sr. said his voice laden with guilt.

"We'll get pass this," Franklin Sr. said. "Arlene was just shocked to see you. It might take some time, but Arlene doesn't seem to me to be the type of person who holds a grudge, and I believe she'll eventually forgive you."

"If David doesn't kill me first," Franklin Jr. remarked. "I hope you're right."


By the time they reached the Fitzgerald's home Arlene had managed to calm down a little and gain some control of her emotions. When she exited David's car everyone except Franklin Jr. who decide he would go visit some friends walked her into the house.

"You have a lovely home," Arlene told David's mother as she looked around the house once they were all inside.

"Thank you," Pamela said. "Would you like something to eat or drink?"

"I'm a feeling a little tired," Arlene replied leaning against David and covering her mouth as a yawn escaped her lips.

"You're going upstairs to take a nap in one of the guest bedrooms," David said.

Arlene didn't want to be a bother, but she really didn't think she could make it to the guesthouse no matter how close it was. She just wanted to lie down.

"I think taking a nap is a very good idea," Arlene said.

"Follow me," David said taking Arlene by the hand and leading her up the stairs.

"This room is right across from my room," David said standing in front of the guest bedroom where Arlene would be taking her nap. "If you need anything like food, something to drink, or company."

"I'll be sure to call you," Arlene said as David opened the door, took her hand into his and led her into the bedroom.

Arlene looked around the room. It was larger than her master bedroom in her condo. The walls were painted a calming light blue with a dark blue border across the top. The dark blue Berber carpet felt plush and comfortable under her feet even with her shoes on. Against the longest, widest wall covered with a satin, blue and white comforter was the one thing Arlene wanted to see a bed. A huge, elegant, mahogany, four poster, California king size bed.

A four poster bed was something Arlene had always wanted from childhood. It was one of the first things she wanted to purchase when she purchased her condo, but she couldn't find one she liked.

This one, the one sitting in David's parents' home was exactly what she dreamed about, pictured when she thought about the bed she would lie in when she retired at night.

"Where did your mother buy this bed?" she asked David never taking her eyes off the bed.

"She had it custom made," David said leading Arlene over to the bed.

"It's so beautiful," Arlene said her voice filled with awe as she made a mental note to ask Pamela who made and designed the bed.

"Thank you," David said chuckling. "I've never heard it described as "beautiful" before."

"Oh, my goodness," Arlene said running her hand over the firm mattress. "Even the mattress is perfect. I may never leave this room during my entire visit here."

"I'll have to tell my mother you love the bed," David said trying to figure out why he was jealous of his wife swooning over a bed. "But you're going to have to leave this room. I have plans to take you out to dinner tonight."

"And where are you planning to take me?" Arlene asked turning to face David.

"A place where you can wear that little black dress that every woman packs when she travels," David replied.

"I've never had a little black dress," Arlene said smiling at David. "My dress was red, it doesn't fit me like it used to," she said rubbing her stomach. "And I would prefer casual to fancy my first night here."

"I can do casual," David said finding the change refreshing. "I'm going to let you get some rest.

"Okay," Arlene replied. "I'll see you later."

"Have a good nap," David said walking over and giving her a hug.

"I will," Arlene said leaning into the hug.

They hugged for a few milliseconds, David then released her and left the guest bedroom.

An hour later David made his way back upstairs, to see if Arlene needed anything.

He knocked on the door. Arlene didn't answer. He slowly opened the door and found her asleep on top of the comforter, her arms wrapped around one of the pillows. Her stocking covered feet hanging off the bed. David stared down at the woman who had become his wife and who in seven months was going to make him the proud father of triplets. The fact that he was going to be the father of three babies amazed and terrified him. That was what he wanted to tell Arlene when she told him she was afraid, when she found out, they were having more than one baby. But, needing to play the big strong man, he didn't.

David reached down and eased Arlene's hair away from her face, then he reached over and covered her with the part of the comforter, she wasn't lying on. After covering her, as he was leaving the room, he stopped dead in his tracks when Arlene spoke to him.

"Thank you, David."

David smiled and rested, his head against the door. "How long have you been awake?"

"Since you entered the room," Arlene said. "I'm a light sleeper, until I become comfortable with my surroundings."

"I'm going to have to remember that about you," David said filing the information away in his mind.

"We'll both try to learn as much as we can about each other over the weekend," Arlene said sitting up in the bed.

"I want to talk to you about staying for the weekend," David said turning to face Arlene.


"I was hoping you would stay longer than the weekend," David said.

"We discussed the weekend so that's what I planned for," Arlene said.

"Can you stay longer," David asked his tone hopeful.

"I don't think extending my stay would be fair to your parents," Arlene said.

"My parents wouldn't have a problem with you staying longer," David said. "They meant it when they welcomed you into the family, and they said that this was your home just as it's mine."

"Okay," Arlene said after thinking it over, "but you're going to have to take me shopping, because I really didn't pack that much."

"I'll take you bright and early in the morning," David said.

"What time will be leaving for dinner?" Arlene asked.

"Seven thirty alright?"

"Seven thirty would be fine," Arlene replied lying down on the bed.

David walked back over to the bed, leaned over and kissed Arlene gently on the lips.

"See you later Sleeping Beauty."

"Didn't Prince Charming kiss Sleeping Beauty to wake her up, not to put her to sleep?"

"I could wake you up with a kiss, if you like," David said, arching his eyebrows.

"That won't be necessary," Arlene said. "One kiss will do."

"As you wish, sleeping beauty," David teased. He left the room with a big smile, rubbing his lips. He wondered if Arlene realized that they'd just shared their first kiss.

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6King6King5 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I remember this story from the sweetest taboo fiction site. Wonder story but I do not believe the author will come back and finish this novel.

4Klo_Black204Klo_Black20about 1 year ago

Bru, it's been four months 😭 when are you going to post? 😭 please, what happened in chp 9??????

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


Looking forward to reading more. Great premise and writing but, needs more work if you are still planning to re-publish.

mssoft2hldmssoft2hldabout 1 year ago

In the beginning of the story she’s doing some real 1997 stuff of scanning the photos and emailing them. And she was having a phone call with someone and she slammed the phone down in the cradle. when was the last time you slammed the phone down? But then it moves to she’s on a plane with a mask on because of Covid. The timelines just don’t match I assume that you started writing it a long time ago and then kind of picked up on it recently. The reality is she was raped and it’s being downplayed. I hate the way she’s a gentle soul and doesn’t want any revenge on her former friends. Not me, that would be my first stop but nobody accused me of being a good person

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