Good Girl vs. Slut Ch. 19

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Trisha graduates from high school.
19.3k words

Part 19 of the 19 part series

Updated 11/01/2022
Created 08/30/2008
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***All characters are over 18***

"I am so excited to graduate this weekend, Trish. I can't fucking wait!"

Britney was facing her locker, with her back to Trisha, her waist-long, blonde hair dangling down her bare back. The head cheerleader was sliding her long, slim legs into a pair of tight-fitting jeans, sliding them over the curves of her hips, up and over her thong. The two girls were the only ones left in the cheerleaders' locker room. Trisha was sitting on the bench behind Britney, still in her cheerleader's uniform, too lost in thought to change.

"Yeah..." the brunette said now, absentmindedly, staring down at her lap. "Me too..."Come on, Trisha! Just do it! Just say it!

"New things to do, new places to guys to fuck!" Trisha looked up now to see Britney grinning down at her. The head cheerleader was as tall and gorgeous as a model, her sky-blue eyes glittering as she winked. The curly-haired blonde had a body that most girls only dreamed about; her legs gloriously long and slender, her hips curving into a smooth waist, her chest firm and plump and buxom. Britney had just slipped on a snug, low halter top, and now she was adjusting her tits, doing her best to fit each double-D handful into the too-small cups of her blouse. Britney towered over Trisha, especially since the petite brunette was sitting down in front of her. While Britney's figure was curvy and statuesque, Trisha's was pert and dainty; she was barely over five feet tall, her legs lithe and slim, her little hips slender and flared, her C-cup tits impressive but tight and perky. The brunette looked even sweeter and cuter than usual in her cheerleader's uniform, and now the zip-up blouse rose slightly on her slender frame as she took a deep breath, revealing a bit more of her taut tummy.

"Britney..." Trisha said, " have to tell you something."

The head cheerleader's gym bag was plopped on the floor, and now Britney had bent over to rummage through it. From her seat, Trisha had a generous view of the blonde's tits, pushed together and straining against her halter top, already struggling to pop free.

"Yeah, what's up?" Britney asked the floor, still rummaging.

Trisha took another deep breath. She was absentmindedly picking at the pleats of her cheerleader's miniskirt, nervously fidgeting, unable to bring herself to keep talking.But...I have to! I do! Don't be scared...just be totally honest!

The petite brunette steeled herself. "I...I saw you with Dan, Britney."

The blonde suddenly froze, still bent over, her hands now deep in her bag but completely still. Slowly, stunned, Britney straightened, her eyes wide with confusion as she stared back down at Trisha.

Stumbling with her words now, Trisha hurried to continue. " was...a few weeks ago. Remember when I came over to your house that one time and left my purse there? I came back to get it and everything, but then I got to your house and I saw you and Dan in the kitchen..and" The brunette quickly looked back down at her lap. She suddenly realized she was puffing for air; she must have forgotten to breathe while she was talking.But I have to finish!

"Trisha..." Britney said softly. "Look, I owe you an explanation – "

"Wait, Brit..." Trisha interrupted. "Before you say anything else, I...I have to tell you the rest of what happened." And so Trisha told Britney everything she had done afterwards. She explained how she had called Dan and eagerly showed up at his apartment that same night, displaying her little body in a tight black dress, offering herself not only to him but a group of strangers; how they had thrown her on the dining room table and pounded her together, spreading her dainty legs and plunging into her twat, ravishing the petite cheerleader one after another.

But that wasn't even the worst part. Trisha paused then, staring down at her lap, fiddling with the pleats of her cheerleader's miniskirt, draped across her thighs.I have to...I have to tell her everything!So Trisha went on, explaining how Mandy had asked to join in, how Trisha had brought her friend to Dan's, and the two girls were gang-banged in the same room. How the two eighteen-year-olds had willingly serviced another group of strangers, traded off cock after cock; each man using one girl's pussy until he was ready to cum, then depositing his load in the other's one's mouth, so that both Trisha and Mandy got to taste the other cheerleader's pussy juices over and over. And then, finally, Trisha told Britney about discovering Dan and Mandy in the locker room, and realizing that the lifeguard just enjoyed finding and corrupting the sweet, good little girls. He had already turned Trisha into a dirty slut, and so now he was moving on to Mandy, and he'd move on to another girl soon too.

"So...I...I can't let you apologize, Brit, because I did the same thing," Trisha explained. "And I'm telling you because, well...I don't know." Trisha paused again. That wasn't true. There were a million reasons. "I guess because...I miss being friends with you! And I hate lying to you, and I miss having fun with you, and I'm worried about Mandy and..." She was rambling now. "I just...I don't know how all this happened." She sighed. "I mean...why did you tell me you never talked to Dan anymore when you did?"

Britney shook her head. "No, I didn't. I hadn't talked to him even over a year."

Trisha blinked. "Huh?"

"That was the first time I'd seen him in over a year, Trisha. But I still had his number in my cell phone, and I called him right after you left, after you had told me that you had fucked him. And I regretted it the next day and haven't called him since."

Trisha stared up at Britney in surprise. A lock of her wavy brown hair had fallen over her eyes, but she didn't even notice it. "But...why?"

Britney sighed. She sat down on the bench next to Trisha; the tall, buxom blonde next to the petite, perky brunette. "Okay." She took a deep breath. "Do you remember a girl in the class above us named Brianna?"

Trisha paused for a moment, thinking. "I don't think so...why?"

"Really? All the guys couldn't get enough of her. She had short black hair and brown eyes and a great body...she was pretty short. She had this really sweet, adorable look to her, but once you got her out of her clothes, she was a fucking firecracker. I mean, she could blow your fucking eardrums out, the way she screamed when she came. Actually..." Britney paused and smiled. "She was a lot like you, Trish."

Trisha blushed a fierce red at Britney's comment, and she quickly looked back down at her skirt. " you two are friends?"

"Well...yeah. We were. For a while, we were best friends. Brianna was...well, basically, she was the class slut before I was. And I used to just shun her like all the other girls did, but then one day I got paired with her in History, and we got to talking, and she was one of the sweetest girls in school. She was so interesting, so smart...she wasn't like any of my other friends. And so...we started hanging out."

Britney was looking out across the room now, reminiscing with an amused smile on her face.

"God, Trish...I can't believe you don't remember last year. You would have laughed so hard...I had gotten my tits a few years ago, but I was so ashamed of them I would always wear these baggy sweatshirts and coats and stuff, just so all the guys wouldn't stare. But Brianna taught me not to be ashamed. She was always really crazy. I mean, the two of us were inseparable. She taught me how to deepthroat...she taught me how to show off my body...I tried out my first gangbang with her...oh, I found that adult bookstore with her! You know which one I'm talking about, right Trish?"

Trisha blushed deeper. Of course she remembered.

"And she was the one who taught me that you just have to learn to not care to be a real slut! You can't be worried about all this other shit about people looking down on you, or which boy you like the most, or if other people talk about you behind your back. I mean, it doesn't matter what other people think, just what you think, right? It's just about the sex, you know? But I never really thought about it until I met Brianna."

Trisha nodded. It was so hard to imagine Britney different than the way she was now; carefree and wild and brazen, happily flaunting her body, making every boy she passed drool for her with just one smoldering look. That earlier Britney reminded Trisha of herself a year ago, and now she tried to picture her friend the same way; a hardworking student, a good girl, timidly sticking to her group of girl friends, avoiding all the boys because she was too nervous around them. But she couldn't do it.I can't even imagine her like that...that's just not Britney!

"So for a long time, we were really good friends. We were the two school sluts." Britney smiled as she spoke. "But...well..."

The head cheerleader sighed, and crossed her arms under her impressive chest. "I don't even remember who met Dan first...I just remember the first time I caught Brianna lying to me. She was a sweet girl, but she was a terrible liar." The blonde sighed and shook her head. "Anyway, I don't know how it happened, but all of a sudden I was lying to her too. It was just like, if she's going to lie to me, then I'm going to fucking lie back to her, or something like that. I don't know. And if you can fuck him, then I can too, and stuff like that. But I mean...well, you know Dan, right Trish? The guy's a total asshole, but he can really fuck your brains out. He's just so damn good at punishing you so hard and rough..."

Trisha squirmed slightly on the bench, unable to look up at Britney. The petite brunette knew exactly what Britney was saying, and now the memories whirled past her in her mind, of each and every time that the lifeguard had pounded and pumped the little cheerleader's body.

"...and suddenly, it wasn't even about the sex anymore. It was just about getting back at Brianna. And I hated that, you know? I hated it so much. All that time Brianna and I talked about how much we loved being sluts, about how it was just about the sex and about fucking. We always talked about how we didn't care who he was, that we just liked being free to be as nasty as we wanted to. We were best friends. But then what happens? Some fucking guy gets in the way! I pathetic is that?"

Trisha nodded then, mostly to herself. It made so much sense to her, because she felt the exact same way.I hate that I've lied to my friends the way I have! And for what?She remembered now her rendezvous with Mr. Jackson last week, in the parking lot; he had just randomly spotted her in her car, and suddenly, a few minutes later, he was reaching through the window and pounding the little brunette as hard as he could, while she whimpered and begged for more.I can do that...I can grab any guy that passes by and rip his clothes what's the big deal about Dan anyway?

She turned back to Britney. "So...what happened?"

Britney sighed and shook her head. Trisha suddenly realized that the blonde's cheeks were rosy red – the head cheerleader was blushing, ashamed of her story. "I...well...I guess that was it. Brianna and I kept lying to each other, and going behind each other's backs, acting like a pair of dumb, vindictive bitches...and suddenly we weren't friends anymore. She graduated, and that was that. And I decided that I wasn't going to let that happen again, and from then on I refused to let myself talk to Dan again. And that one day, Trish..." Britney paused. "I guess I just wanted to see if he was as good if I remembered. And you know what? He wasn't. So I'm done with him. No guy is worth losing a friend."

Trisha was silent, staring at Britney, watching the blonde shamefully look down at the floor as she recounted her story. Finally, she piped up. "Just like that, Brit?"

Britney turned to face Trisha. "Huh?"

"Well..." Trisha shrugged, and then offered a reassuring smile to her friend. "I dunno, just doesn't seem like you to take something like that sitting down. Dan ruined your friendship with Brianna and you don't even do anything about it. I mean...don't you remember how you punished Principal Johnson for me? You were so awesome, Brit!"

The blonde burst out laughing, and Trisha laughed too, happy to see her friend grinning again. "Well..." Britney had a mischievous look on her face. "I did kind of have a plan to get back at him...but I needed Brianna. And by then she had already graduated."

"I'll do it with you!" Trisha had spoken before she even knew it, and for a second even she was shocked by her response. She didn't know why; she was just so happy to be talking with Britney like this again. It was back to normal; two girls being honest with each other, not hiding any secrets.

Britney grinned at Trisha, but she shook her head. "No wouldn't have worked anyway."

"Comeon, Britney!" Suddenly, the petite brunette found herself standing, staring intently at Britney. She knew now why she was so excited.Dan deserves punishment! All this time I've felt so helpless to him...unable to resist him, unable to say no. But now, Britney and I are working together!"We can't let him get away with all the stuff he's pulled, Britney. And anyway, when have you ever chickened out of something before?"

The blonde burst out laughing at Trisha's encouragement. She paused for a second, considering. Then she finally nodded. "Okay, Trish. I just can't say no to you. Let's do it."

Trisha nodded vigorously, her hair flopping against her cheeks, her miniskirt swishing as she bobbed up and down in front of her friend.Yes!

"But first, we gotta do something else."

"What's that?"

Britney was the one grinning now in excitement. "It's another plan that Brianna and I had for her graduation...but we never got to do it."

Trisha stopped nodding, and now she paused in hesitation. "Um...what is it?"

Britney grinned wickedly at her, a teasing look in her sparkling blue eyes. "Why, were so eager just a second ago! Guess I'm not the only chicken, huh?"

Trisha gaped. "I...well...but..." Britney was giggling as Trisha stuttered, and finally the brunette had to laugh too. "Okay...fine! But what is it?"

"I'm not telling you yet. It's a surprise." Britney giggled at Trisha's look of shock in response. "Don't worry, don't worry, you'll enjoy it. But I'm not telling you until graduation."

Trisha paused. "Um....but I don't get it, Brit. Whatever it is, why do we have to do it first?"

Britney shrugged now, her blue eyes back to glittering, her grin back on her face. " it a rite of passage, Trish. A big fucking good-bye to high school." She leaned down now and picked up her gym bag. "You'll love it. I promise."


"Okay, Trisha! We'll see you in a little bit!"

The cheerleader's mother smiled at Trisha as she got out of the car, the rest of her family waving.

"We're so proud of you!"

Trisha smiled back. "Thanks, mom!"

The car slowly drove off, and Trisha started towards the football field. Graduation was always outside on the field, and in late May that it meant it was uncomfortably hot. Most students dressed accordingly under their stifling graduation robes. Trisha had picked out a cute, short sundress; light pink with lacy shoulder straps and a hint of frills around the tight skirt, stopping halfway to her knees. Her entire family was going to be at graduation, so she made sure to pick something that wasn't too risqué; the dress dipped low enough to reveal only a hint of her firm chest, and while the dress hugged her tight enough to show off her dainty waist and slender curves, it wasn't so skimpy that she had to worry about anything.And anyway, I'll be wearing this black robe, anyway...Trisha stared down at the graduation gown bundled in her arms. But then, another thought came to her.My entire family's going to be here...what's Britney going to make me do? It's not going to be embarrassing, right? I mean...even Britney knows not to do that...she wouldn't humiliate me in front of my entire family! At least...I think she wouldn't...

Trisha still remembered how excited she was to scheme with Britney in the locker room last week, how eager she was just to be talking and giggling with the head cheerleader again. But now that it was really her graduation day – now that she was about to finish high school – she realized how nervous she was. And she remembered how crazy and bold Britney could be.What did she and Brianna plan to do?The petite brunette nervously bit her lip as she reached the gym and walked alongside it, her kitten heels click-clacking on the pavement. There was a sidewalk alongside the gym, across from the football field, where all the students were supposed to line up to get ready for the procession. Trisha recognized Mandy and a few other girls from the cheerleading squad, already in their robes, looking eager but anxious. They waved her over, and Trisha smiled and waved back.

"Hey, Trish!" Mandy grinned at the brunette. "Isn't this exciting? I'm so nervous..."

"Me too..." Trisha replied, hugging her friend. Mandy and Trisha were almost the same height, barely five feet tall, and just over her friend's shoulder she caught a glimpse of a tall, leggy girl with bright blonde hair striding towards them. Immediately, the cheerleader knew it was Britney, and she felt a butterfly flutter through her stomach.


The head cheerleader also had her robe still in her hands. She was dressed in a silky red dress with a halter top, her knee-length skirt loosely flowing around her gorgeous long legs. Every garment had trouble containing Britney's incredible chest, but this dress was doing an admirable job, cupping each double-D tit even as they sloped out of her slender frame. Britney was wearing stiletto heels too, and she grinned at Trisha, her bright blue eyes framed by her gorgeous blonde curls. Still, she had to admit that even Britney, who was always so confident, looked a little nervous too.

"Ready? Let's stop by the bathroom. We only have a few minutes!"

"Oh...okay, Brit."

"Huh?" Mandy looked confused. "Where are you going? You'll miss our entrance, you guys!"

Britney was already hurrying towards the gym, and Trisha quickly followed, her hair bouncing around her pouty cheeks. She glanced over her shoulder. "I'll be right back, Mandy!"

The brunette hurried to catch up with the head cheerleader, carefully tugging the skirt of her dress back down as it slid across her slim thighs. Britney was heading back into the gym, and she led Trisha into the girls' bathroom. It was empty, of course, but just in case she checked all the stalls anyway.

"Wh...what's going on?" Trisha asked nervously.Britney's always like this...she loves surprises! And the worst part is I have absolutely no idea what she's planning.

"Just want to make sure we're alone," Britney replied, grinning. The head cheerleader turned to face the mirror above the sinks, and Trisha followed her lead, turning to stare at the two high school girls in the glass. Even though she had been friends with Britney for almost a year, Trisha was always amazed at the contrast between them. Her reflection in the mirror was a short, petite brunette, looking young even for a teenager in high school, her wavy brown hair dangling down her slim shoulders and framing her pouty face and big brown eyes. Trisha's slender frame went perfectly with her dress, looking even more tight and perky than usual. The dainty cheerleader was such a contrast to Britney; tall and statuesque, her long, slim legs stretched out from under her ruby-red dress, and her impressive chest burst out from her model-measurement frame. Now, the head cheerleader brushed a strand of curly blonde hair away from her face, and turned to grin down at Trisha.