Jed Finally Drops Anchor


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Samantha was wearing a short white skirt and a tight blue top while Jed was wearing fawn slacks and a black polo. He stared as she stood and she asked what.

"You have a beautiful figure."

"For an older woman?"

"You have a beautiful figure."

She laughed and kissed him and said they should walk and if he talked to her like that he was bound to be rewarded, eventually. They ended outside a Thai Restaurant and she asked was he game to try Thai food, that she'd had it a few times and enjoyed it.

"I know something about Thai food. Tell me what are your favorite meats and vegetables or would you prefer fish?"

"No, meat today but a light meal. At my age I have to diet and exercise a lot."

"I too have that need."

The delightful waitress spoke excellent English and although Jed spoke to her in English he ordered their meal using the Thai names and without consulting the menu.

He asked Samantha, "Water, beer or wine and the wine must by spicy."

"Gewürztraminer then."

"Great choice," Jed smiled and ordered it.

Several dishes were brought to their table and Samantha's eyes revealed her delight. Jed told her to each as much or as little as she wished and identified the dishes for her and he received a side dish of rice.

"I didn't order you rice."

"How very thoughtful."

Near the end of the meal and noticing a piece of chicken on Samantha's plate Jed asked if he could taste it. "Pass it to me on your fork."

"But I've touched the chicken and had my fork in my mouth."

"Considering parts of me you are likely to mouth, I don't see that as a problem."

Samantha colored and looked around wildly but no one at nearby tables appeared interested in Jed's sexual comments.

"Christ Jed, I'm forty years old, not one of your giggling bunnies."

"Relax Sammy, we are having a great time aren't we."

"Well yes, adorable actually."

"Quote me the rules that say we must act our ages and always talk with proprietary when out socializing informally."

"I know of no such rules apart from commonsense and social etiquette. What we do in the bedroom is our business. Oh God, what am I saying."

Jed pretended he hadn't heard any of that. Instead he leaned over and whispered, "Let's pretend you're come down five years in age and I've come up five years in age and therefore age is no longer an issue between us."

"I feel very comfortable about that," Samantha laughed easily, thanks to the alcohol.

"Great, that's great Sammy. Keep relaxed. Now talk to me about something I could be really interested in. Talk to me about your pussy."

Samantha gasped and grabbed the wine bottle. She sloshed some into her glass and gulped it down.

Hands remaining remarkably steady, she put her glass down and began. "I rather like me vulva and groom it with love..."

Jed hunched closer so she didn't have to talk loud and smiled softly in encouragement.

* * *

They entered Samantha's luxurious apartment and she kicked off her shoes, sending them flying halfway across the room.

She looked at Jed defiantly. "Never, never have I offered myself on a first date."

"Oh, I'm so very proud of you Sammy. I wouldn't want it any other way. Give me a quick tour of the apartment, coffee and then I'll be off."


"You heard. You'll decide when we'll fuck. I know you'd not want it any other way."

They talked for almost another three hours when Jed kissed her and pressed against her until she was moaning and groaning. He then said goodbye and left, flagging down a cab.

Samantha called him minutes later. "Come back, I need sexual release."

"Sorry, you'll have to arrange that yourself. It's our first date remember? Bye."

Late afternoon next day Kitty and Nick arrived and while Aunt Rebecca fussed with the baby and walked Nick around the house, Kitty told Jed she missed him but it was working out with Jerry and his parents and his younger sister. "I feel very much at home."

"That's good."

"Mom still wants me to marry you but dad won't hear of it."

"Well, I guess this is working out for the best," Jed said, making no mention he'd missed her and that he was established a relationship with cousin Samantha.

Aunt Rebecca returned to the room, apparently thinking she'd given the couple time to get things off their chests. "Samantha called me very early this morning to say she's being blown over by your ex."

"Oh Jed, that's wonderful," Kitty cried, running around the table and hugging him. "I was so worried about you. Sammy and you will fit ever so perfectly as a couple."

Aunt Rebecca laughed and said, "I'm inclined to agree with that. Now talk to me, tell me about baby Nick's weight gains."

Nick went to the restaurant by cab and waited in the bar for Samantha. She arrived late and he was asked to kiss her on the neck because she'd spent a fortune on being made-up.

"And it shows, you look like a princess."

"Jed, please, you're making me nervous. Please don't make suggestive remarks to me tonight in front of other people."

"Is behind their backs okay."



They walked into the cocktail party and everyone turned and smiled at the handsome couple, looking at Samantha in particular.

"Hello everyone," Samantha said. "This is a pal, Jed."

"Good evening everyone," Jed said, giving a little wave and most people turned away.

"Dr Jed Smart, who single-handedly got our presses up and running the other day, averting a non-publication disaster."

All the directors peeled off and crowded Jed, offering their congratulations, while their partners grouped and looking at Samantha spoke behind their hands.

While orders for choice of desert were being taken, the president said Jed must tour the company's operations.

"I've done that Gerald, extensively."

"Oh, and your impression?"

Jed glanced at Samantha seated opposite him and then at Gerald and said he was an outsider and therefore his opinion was irrelevant. Several people including spouses said they were interested in what he had to say.

"I was aware you were shown through the company but was not aware you received the VIP tour," Samantha said.

"I'm a guest, it is not my place to embarrass or offend anyone," Jed pleaded.

"Samantha, I trust you have not put Jed up to fire us a bullet."

"I'm innocent Gerald. All he told me he enjoyed the tour and that was it. He didn't appear interested so I didn't press him. Shoot Jed but take care not to shoot yourself in the foot."

"Or us in the back," Gerald laugh.

"I'd seen the newspaper pressroom on the afternoon of the emergency and was already impressed. It is modern and well maintained and that followed through the entire newspaper -- modern, well-planned but I did find the newsroom rather cramped."

"So we have been told, often, Gerald said.

"I've helped install or upgrade computerized systems in some twenty major newspapers in three countries. Your establishment in my opinion would rank in the top ten of them. That's just my impression."

Gerald smiled and said thank you. "And our com-print operation?"

"May I ask is it profitable?"

"It's fallen to become marginal after decades of being our cash cow. We are worried. We've made management changes, bringing in new blood. Margins have been slashed due to increased competition."

"What is the plea from your new managers?"

"I rather not say," Gerald said, running a finger inside his collar.

Jed pressed on. "My guess they have come cap in hand pleading for capital reinvestment, heaps of it."

Gerald said softly, "That's the truth."

"And they were told you were looking at it, it was a priority, just as they and their predecessors have been told year after year?"

"We spent $2.79 million on re-equipment in com-print in the past financial year."

"What, instead of $15 million? You are operating equipment in com-print that is obsolete. I bet you have to make your own parts for it in your machine shop."

"We do," Gerald said. "We do. What can be done?"

"You need to call in consultants to do a cost-benefit study and then bite the bullet when they make their recommendations."

"Well, you have told us anything we didn't know," Gerald said scowling and Samantha looked at Jed very indifferently. "If it was your intention to ruffle us Jed, you have failed. Sorry everyone to take up so much time with business. Let's talk about something else. Lauren, how is that stunning flower garden of yours."

Jed began to feel more and more isolated. Apparently he'd committed a blunder and didn't know what it was unless he'd touched a raw nerve by suggesting to the directors they spend more money. Samantha was now ignoring him completely, not even catching his eye to glare at him. It appeared he did not exist.

When the group went into another room for coffee Jed peeled off, went outside and waved down a cab to take him home, knowing another chapter to a very disjoined and basic unsatisfactory post-university life was over.

Aunt Rebecca knocked and came into Jed's bedroom next morning to find him packing.

"Samantha called and thought you might be leaving today after humiliating the directors in front of their partners last night. You painted the directors as a bunch of skinflints."


"Don't apologize to me, go to Samantha and grovel."

Jed said politely that he did not believe that was necessary so Aunt Rebecca said all men were the same and he should finish his packing, and left and left the house as well. At that Jed realized he'd learned something new about McCain women: they appeared to be poor losers and stuck together irrationally. There was no sign of Aunt Rebecca when his cab arrived so he scribbled a note thanking her for her hospitality and said buy some flowers, leaving her fifty dollars. There must be more to life than going around in disappointing circles, Jed thought as he closed the gate on the white picket fence carefully. And then it hit him: he'd been bumbling along in life within a plan and without a purpose. In the cab he sighed and decided to change nothing, just move on and take the next opportunity.

On the way to the bus station Jed called Mike to say goodbye and was surprised to find he was home.

"My damn computerized phone-interrogation-answer system went on the blink over the weekend and I have no calls lined up although have follow-up checks later this morning. Fucking modern technology."

"Want me to come over an take a look? Unless power to the system was cut I ought to be able to digitally retrieve the stored information and play it back through my laptop for you."

"That will be great. Come around now as Jessica and I are about to have breakfast."

Jessica leaned lazily against Jed as she kissed him in the hallway, sexuality seeping out of her, giving Jed and instant hard-on. Sadly he knew he would soon be saying goodbye to a rare woman who had the potential to reach his soul. A voice deep inside Jed cried, "If only you'd found her before you brother did. He sighed that Sniffed deeply to take in the so-called sugar and spice natural fragrances that surround some women 24/7.

Mike hugged Jed and the powerful fists of the vet dented the ribs on the younger brother's back. Affection poured through the recipient, as he knew Mike found it difficult to unleash affection and that probably was the problem his wife had with him and was thinking about flitting off around the world with that insolent ball-breaking Douglas McCain and perhaps she'd already decided to do just that. So when Mike said spend the day with him as he didn't have much on Jed said okay, and when Jessica added stay for dinner and stay the night, in fact stay, Jed shuffled and said 'Oh heck' and wiped something from his eye.

After breakfast Jed did something to the phone recorder that probably the manufacturer was unaware that could be done outside of a fully fitted out electronics laboratory and transferred all the messages to his computer and played them back for Mike.

"None are really urgent," Mike said. "I'll spend half an hour on the phone telling the callers what to do until I arrive tomorrow morning, and then after you accompany my on my round we'll pick up a couple of broads, have some beers and late lunch and then fuck the afternoon away."

"Oh bliss," Jessica said wistfully, "You lucky guys."

The guys glanced at each other a little uneasily; she appeared to be serious.

Jessica got ready to go out on a gardens tour with some girlfriends and broke up the yarning between the brothers to call in Jed to help decide what she should wear.

Jed whispered, "She means you Bro" but Mike said no, Jessica knows I'm useless as an adviser on what she should wear. She really knows what she should wear but simply requires confirmation. Go -- you'll see a great ass and great tits."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I see them daily. Go, don't be pathetic. I'll make more coffee. I'm really enjoying your company."

Jed crabbed sideways into the room ready to run if Jessica was in the nude displaying the great ass and tits Mike had mentioned and Jed knew from brain imprinted images -- clothes of course -- than she possessed. His inner man thought he should be unzipping. At that Jed's crab walking stumbled and Jessica rushed to save him from falling but he was already recovered but nonetheless she made a fuss at mothering him. The ass and tits were covered, the tits substantially so because there was a lot to keep under control. The lacy things she would call panties were lacey boy shorts with barely any depth and would have been considered by some mothers as indecent on a slim 12-year-old. On Jessica, as far as Jed was competent to judge, they were sensational, mouthwatering, and his mouth watered.

Okay the tum was rather rounded but who would quibble, she was maturing into a woman a cut above her age group.

Jessica looked at his crotch and grinned. "Tide's in," she murmured and for that Jed loved her to bits.

He chose blue with white dots but she'd obviously favored the cream dress with the red tie that was already on the bed.

Jessica waited for Jed to leave but his feet remained anchored.

"If you stay watching me dress it could lead to adultery," she whispered. He bolted, her peels of laughter reaching even Mike who grinned and said, "She's said ever since you first arrived in town you make her feel alive. Have you fucked her?"

"No. That's a no-no."

"That was said passively so I believe you. Had you been guilty you would have protested your denial vigorously."

"Sorry to have disappointed."

Mike roared with laughter. "Have you thought about it?"


"Good man, you wouldn't be human if you hadn't. She's some bit of flesh and has personality to boot. Pity she likes prattling on all the time, otherwise she'd be perfect."

"Jessica is perfect."

"Good man, I thought's you would think that. Mom always prattled on to you and I would clear out. That's why you gained an overload of knowledge but being such a fucking know-all girls would have nothing to do with you, which is why you don't handle women well, being too blunt and calling them stupid even when they are. Astonishingly, Jessica has been an exception ever since she found you possess hero qualities."

"That's bullshit."

"Mate, don't be surprised if she offers you the ultimate at the chopping block."

"The kitchen meat chopping block you mean."

"Yeah mate. When Jessica is really steaming for it and I'm not showing interest she leans on the chopping block, panting, and raises the back of her dress and spreads the lips of her cunt. I move in and do remember much after that as I hang on for dear life and barely have to move -- just keep it hard. She does the rest, going berserk."


"Don't let our mom catch you saying that. I must give some thought about you, me and Jessica.""

Jed waited but there was no elaboration. Instead Mike switched the conversation. "Listen mate you can stay with us as long as you wish but next week sometime Jessica's older sister is coming to stay so we'll need your bed for her. Her husband's run off with one of her friends and it's believed they had left the country. No kids fortunately but apparently she's a mess emotionally. She's been staying with her mom and Jessica has been over to see them a couple of times."

"Ladies first, I'll head off."

"No Jed, stay. Jessica is friendly with old Mrs Abel less than fifty yards down this street. She'll arrange a bed for you there. Please stay as Jessica says your wit and teasing, providing it remains light and keeps away from relationships might be what Deborah needs."

"Well, I want to hear from Jessica first and she'll need to be convincing as I have no wish to screw up her sister more than she is now."

Mike grinned and said that was the spirit but Jed should not get his hopes up about making out with Debs -- she was the plain one of the family.

Mid morning, with Jessica's amazing French presume no longer in the air around them, Mike and Jed left in the 1-tonner van with veterinary tools, supplies and surgical clothing neatly stored. Jed drove.

The first call was at McCain Ranch and to Jed's relief was told the McCain's were staying at Lake Resort, although he would have liked to have seen Irma. The mare from which Mike had removed a steel fragment in the nostril on Friday was well and the hard-ass looking stables foreman -- obviously Douglas's kind of man -- looked pleased with the report.

As they walked on Jed whispered why the fuss over a minor nose job.

"She is insured for $150,000 and is carrying a Red filly that if birthed okay could sell for more than $300,000 as a yearling."


"Don't let mom hear you say that," they chorused.

"What's a Red filly?"

"Want to see him?" barked the foreman and Jed nodded.

They entered the really grand stables on the left through 12ft high double doors and in the loose box straight ahead was the tallest horse Jed had ever seen that rolled his eyes and snorted.

"Stay back here," Mike said but the foreman grinned and said, "Go pat him Jed, he's a pussy."

"Just a quiet touch and get you hand away," Mike warned, voice tight. "He'd capable of ripping your arm off."

Jed felt the feeling he knew was a gift, an ability to virtually read outcomes. It worked when dealing with electronics and occasionally in dealing with difficult people. He hadn't been aware it worked also with animals as he now felt it switched on. He knew the giant red horse was having a good day. So he walked right up and scratched Red between the eyes after reading the name hand-carved into the lower stable door, Redwing Richmond Fidel-Lebrijano.

"Fuck, I bet you prefer being called Red."

Red dropped his head on to Jed's shoulders. Jed turned to grin at the guys and saw his brother appeared frozen in motion and Lenny was crossing himself. He pulled away and said to Red, "I best be going; it appears those guys don't appreciate I appear to have an affinity with horses."

On another ranch they were inspecting some penned two-year steers. Jed was very careful not to call them moo-cows.

Mike said, "Bad infestation of worms -- I need to get some samples of fresh dung." He and the foreman jumped over the railing and as they returned to the fence Mike said very quietly to Jed, "Turn very slowly and face the critter and then don't move."

Jed turned and saw a wild-eye cow advancing on him. He summoned his special powers but the tank was empty. He sweated as Mike said, "If she charges step aside at the very last second and she'll knock herself dopey on the railings."

Although he was basically scared of moo-cows, having being charged and tossed when he was young, Jed knew he really wasn't a coward. So he advanced slowly on the animal whose calf had died. She stood her ground until he was within two-feet when she suddenly wheeled and trotted off.