Miley and the Alpha Ch. 03

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Miley refuses reality.
2.2k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 10/30/2022
Created 04/17/2010
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I want to thank everyone for the great feed backs and compliments. They were very much appreciated. I am aware that chapter one was a mixture of 1st and 3rd person and chapter 2 is in 3rd person. My editor and I have decided to continue the story in 3rd person from chapter 2 till the end. I want to apologize for the inconveniences and confusions. I am sorry it took so long for me to get this chapter out. I had hit a writing block and finals snuck up on me. Oh the joys of being a college student. I want to give thanks to my editor Resapoo, she does a great job in making the story flow and smoothing out the rough edges.


Miley looked at him. "What's impossible and why do you have that stupid look on your face? Stop smiling and answer me."

Dante looked down at her. She is amazing, he thought, and so beautiful. Then her words penetrated his mind. He looked up at her and pulled her to her feet. "Come on, were leaving."

"What? We just got here. Why are we leaving?" Dante was walking so fast, Miley was practically being pulled along.

Dante pulled out his cell phone as they stopped at the edge of the street. "Pull the car around," he said to the person on the other end of the line. Miley watched as her silver Mercedes Cabriolet was driven up to them with a black SUV behind it. "Meet us back at my house and tell Tracey to bring her equipment and meet us," he told the man driving her car.

"Dante, where are we going?"

Dante looked at her and smiled, "to my humble abode," he replied. She looked at him as if he was crazy. He must be. Why else would he believe that she would willingly go home with him?

"I'm not going home with you. In fact "Mr. Take Charge", you can pull over, get out of my car, and make a call for someone to 'pull the car around' for you."

"Miley, please? Can we not argue right now? I don't want you to get worked up. We'll talk when we get to my house." Dante leaned over and gave her a kiss. "Ewh, I forgot you threw up. " He smacked his lips some more, "gross, I think I can taste it."

"Good. That's what you deserve for kissing someone who doesn't want to be kissed," Miley replied, looking very satisfied with herself. Dante didn't say another word the rest of the way.

During the car ride, Miley looked out the window. It was starting to get dark now, but it wasn't hard to make out all the trees that they were passing by. When Dante pulled up to his "humble abode," Miley's first impression was that it wasn't so humble. The house was enormous. The place resembled an old century style mansion: Lots of landscaping and shrubbery. The house was made of bricks and had columns and featured a few modern additions, such as a garage.

Miley had only ever seen these houses in history books. She had always thought them beautiful and wanted to see one in real life. Walking inside, Miley was spellbound. The house held furniture from what Miley could only imagine was from at the same period as the house. There were paintings everywhere and she couldn't identify a single artist, but she knew they must be worth quite a bit of money. Dante's voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "Miley, this way." Miley didn't realize that she had stopped moving.

She followed him up the stairs and into a large bedroom. The bed was a California king with blue-grey and chocolate square pattern. The only reason she knew that the furniture in the room was dark cherry wood, was because her dad was a fan of it. If dark cherry wood was an option, then that was what he got.

"What are we doing in your bedroom?"

"Just a small exam. Lay down on the edge of the bed, I'll be right back." Dante was gone in a flash.

Miley did not take kindly to Dante's demand, but before she could think about that any further a woman came in with a look of despise on her face. The woman was tall, with long curly red hair and had a body which was lean with small curves. She was probably considered beautiful to many people, but to Miley, her attitude made her ugly. It seemed like redhead was going to say something very unpleasant but suddenly, a fake brilliant smile was posted on her face and Miley on had to look towards the door to see who put it there.

"Dante, I was just about to start. Who is this creature that you have brought to me?" The red head's voice was way too polite. Can you say FAKE?

"Tracey, this is Miley. Miley, this is Tracey, one of the doctors from my pack." Dante looked at Miley the whole time he spoke. "Miley hasn't been feeling well for the past two days. I want you to examine her and tell me the cause if you can."

"There's nothing wrong with me. I probably just need to eat," Miley contradicted.

"Or stop eating, but that is just an observation. You look a bit...big for your size," retorted Tracey.

Dante looked sharply and growled at Tracey. Miley beat him to the punch in her defense. "Jealous that your tits are barely a hand full and the only time your ass looks good is when you bend over and people can't tell that it's relatively flat. I think I'll stick to eating just to make sure I don't slim down to your size."

Dante contained the laugh bubbling up in his chest but he let out a snort from the effort.

"Dante didn't seem to mind. In fact, he couldn't seem to get enough of me."

Her malevolent smiled disappeared when Dante spoke in a low tone void of emotion: "watch who you speak to and what you speak about or else you will find out just how much that I have had more than enough of you and your ways. Get on with your job."

Dante didn't look at Miley, focusing on Tracey's every move with calculating eyes. Miley noticed and stared at the ceiling as she processed what the bitch said. Dante and Tracey were lovers, or used to be lovers and, from what Tracey said, they met up quite a lot. Why should that bother her? She didn't want Dante. Miley was shocked at how Tracey comment had upset her. Strangely, she felt like crying, but she knew she couldn't. She would not give either of them the satisfaction of seeing her cry.

"No, she can't be. NO!" The red heads face was a mix of emotion: horror, hurt, anger, anger, and anger. She turned blazing eyes on Dante. "The only way this could have happened is if you mated with her and she is too young to mate. You have broken pack law. You mated someone who is underage. She isn't even worth the trouble for the consequence that will be handed down on you. What were you thinking? Alphas are not above pack law and that includes you, Dante."

"Calm yourself!" Dante thundered, making Miley jump.

"I am aware of pack law and I can assure you that I have not broken any laws. Watch who you accuse of such things, Tracey. You know that pack law breaking is taken very seriously and great punishments are laid on those who falsely accuse others. Miley was just under a year at being newly turned when we first met. From your diagnosis, we know now that her body had not quite adjusted to a female Were's fertility cycle; thus making her pregnancy very possible and in line with pack law."

Dante was looking furiously at Tracey, and Tracey was looking horrified and spitefully at Miley. Miley didn't notice either of them, staring at the ceiling with her mouth opening and shutting like a fish in water, one word swimming in her head: pregnant.

Pulling herself together, Miley got up off the bed and decided that she wasn't pregnant.

"I'm not pregnant. I just need to eat more, then I'll feel better and this sick feeling will go away. Dante, I think you should take me home. My father will be worrying about me soon." Miley turned and headed for the door, but was turned back by Dante and led back to the bed where

he sat her down. She heard Dante say something, Tracey leave the room, and shut the door behind her.

Dante grabbed a chair and sat in front of Miley, who was seated on the edge of the bed. He took her chin in his hand and turned her face towards his, saying her name a few times before she came back to reality. Miley stared at Dante and realized that he was speaking. "I know that this is a shock to you, but you need to listen to me."

"I don't want to listen to you. You have caused me nothing but problems since you barged into my life. I think it's time for you to listen to me Dante. I am not pregnant. You and I have only had sex one time. We are not married. We are strangers. I don't even know you, and you don't know a thing about me. You are going to take me home and never come near me again. This topic is forever closed, you understand?"

Dante looked at Miley with patient, guarded eyes. "Miley, you are pregnant. We are pregnant. We are going to have a baby. We are going to get married. You are going to be a mother and I am going to be father. Your father is going to be a grandfather. You are pregnant."

Miley, as stubborn as ever refused to acknowledge any of what Dante said as true. "No, I'm not. Take me home, I want to go home."

Dante realizing that he wasn't going to get through to her and knowing it is best for the baby not to get her upset, decided to do what she was asked. He drove her home and walked her inside and up to her room. She undressed without looking at him and slipped under the covers. Dante heard her father come in the house and went down stairs to meet him.

"What are you doing here?" Nico, Miley's father, demanded.

"We need to talk," is all Dante said and made his way to the living room where he resigned his self for a very uncomfortable talk with his future father-in-law.

"I don't like beating around the bush so I'm going to get straight to the point. Miley is pregnant. We are going to have a baby."

Nico was looking blankly at Dante; then Dante's words seemed to make connections in his head. "Get out, you son of a bitch." Nico stood up and rushed Dante.

Dante, understood that this was an uncomfortable conversation to have with a father, and gently grabbed the man and forced him to take a seat. "Nico, I understand that this is the last thing a father wants to hear about his little girl but you need to listen to me. It's very important."

Nico soccer punched Dante in the jaw then sat back down. "I'm ready, talk."

Dante rubbed his jaw out of habit than from Nico's punch. Dante over looked the punch to the jaw from Nico. "Miley is my mate. A mate to a were is the equivalent to a husband or wife, except there is no divorce. Like a soul mate. Usually only one in a life time, never two at once, and is more binding than anything once the ceremony has taken placed and it's official. I am committed to Miley, heart and soul. I will tear apart anyone who seeks to hurt. I made a mistake the very first time I met her and I regret how I handled myself. Miley is young and she was hit blindly as the recipient of a male were who had found his mate. For Miley to survive, she needs to learn the ways of a were. She doesn't want to learn, and I need her to understand that there isn't a choice in the matter. She's so new at this and all that has happened I think has stressed her out..."

Nico held up his hand to stop Dante from going on. "If she is pregnant, it is her choice on whether or not she wants to marry you. Italian blood may run through her veins but she is an American woman. I am happy at the prospect of becoming a grandfather, but I still want to cut your dick off. You hurt my daughter and I will cut your dick off and feed it to you."

Dante rubbed his eyes. He needed to see Miley again and hold her. He looked up to the stair case.

"Go on, go to bed," Nico commanded Dante like he would a small child. It's hard not to be a dad when you've been one for what seemed like forever. Someday soon Dante will understand.

Dante, funny how it sounds, did as he was told and went up to Miley's room. He undressed and slide under the covers and spooned her back. He groaned at the feel of her naked body against his and willed himself to sleep, though it wasn't easy. He hoped come daylight Miley would be ready to deal with reality.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

I Absoloutly loved it

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

You show promise as a writer but some of the story just doesn't flow well or make sense. Why would the father send him up to bed with her? Etc, etc. Flesh out the ideas a bit more and try to step into their shoes. They need development to make sense.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago
This great not the run of the mill BS....

I am loving your story!! None of that mess about werewolve can do and don't. They make a mess just like anyone else... Loving the story keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
*omgziez!!!!! I absolutely loved it!!

Wow another great story! seems like on every one of your stories there are the few jealous people who wouldn't know a good story if it smacked them in the face. Loved it and cant wait to read the rest!

SnarleyowSnarleyowover 12 years ago

The dad lets him go up to her? This is making no sense at all by this point.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Just found this...

And wish I hadn't bothered. Girl, this needs sooooooooooo much work!

You aren't dealing with the ramifications of the alpha bullying a very young woman all alone in her house,then raping her. That he somehow manages ti make her come, while doing nothing that would cause her pain to go away and morph into arrousal, is something beyond the realm of make-believe. Your Alpha is a class A dick head with zero redeeming qualities.

I sure wish Miley's Dad hadn't soccer punched him. He deserved to be sucker punched. Little girls should stick with barbies and leave erotic stories to the grown up women who have actually had sex.

shygurl6193shygurl6193over 12 years ago
Yeah right!

If he really thinks that he can tell her what to do he has another think coming! Please upload more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Did you seek an editor for this piece? For any of your work? It doesn't look like it.

Poor grammar, poor punctuation and horrible syntax.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 13 years ago

Dante has no reason to control her life! First he rapes her, then leaves her alone, then two months later he is telling her they are gonna get married and live happily ever after! Humph! I dont think so!


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

you need to develop it much further at the moment it looks like its been written by a 16year old. but like the storyline

mariasmdmariasmdover 13 years ago

Im so pissed at dante. i feel horrible for miley. i hope ti see you make him suffer ALOT for milley's sake.

Immortalman20Immortalman20over 13 years ago
are you going to continue the story

because I really want to know what happens next and I am sure others do to.

cristina0123cristina0123over 13 years ago

Are you going to fill in the blanks & tell us what happens next in the story??? I really, really, want to know what happens to Miley & Dante!

Chuckles437Chuckles437over 13 years ago
Doing the happy dance!

Great story, looking forward to reading more soon I hope!!!!Congrats on the Mac'll love it!

Thank you for your gift!

AlydenAlydenover 13 years ago
One more please!

Oh NO! finished again.... write faster! LOL just kidding :) I really enjoy it. post the next one soon

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

omg. i cant wait for another installment. i constantly check but nothing, hope to log on one day and find the next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 14 years ago
more please

I'm glad you've bought a new computer.... now you can start writing more chapters. you have left this story hanging so do continue on

saorisaorialmost 14 years ago
More please!

Glad to hear this story will continue, I can't wait to see what happens next!!

LustforAlphasLustforAlphasalmost 14 years agoAuthor
This is LustforAlpha

I am starting to write again. My laptop had to be sent off and sorry to say it won't be coming back. However, I have donated the piece of crap computer to my mom and have bought myself a Macbook Pro. YEAH!!! I am working on the next chapter of this story and will post soon. Thank you all who have sent me emails and for all the support that has been given to me.


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