Rick Summer, Ace Detective


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The robot seemed to freeze for a moment, as this information was relayed to someone inside the house, then his posture grew more relaxed.

"Okay lady, the boss says you and your friends can go on in, but no funny business, mind you?"

All four were thoroughly frisked for any weapons, then marched up to the front entrance.

"Was it my imagination, or were Janine and I searched a lot more thoroughly than the two men?" Summer mused, as she readjusted her short skirt, to hide her naked crotch.

This time, they were ushered in by a man, who was obviously some sort of bodyguard, judging from the bulge under his jacket, caused by a gun, no doubt?

He ushered them all through into the library, with its bookcases still crammed with genuine, antique leather-bound books. The same two leather-bound armchairs were positioned in front of the same huge, old-fashioned fireplace, with the same tiger-skin rug covering the parquet flooring, in-between.

The white haired man rose from the chair nearest the coffee table, as Summer and the others, walked toward him. The bodyguard remained by the door, ever watchful.

He held out his hand to Summer, aware that she was a sex-droid, but still willing to show her some good old-fashioned courtesy. His eyes glittered, as he noted the lack of a black choker about her neck. "I am Arnold Scrooge, President of 'Droids 'R' Us'," he greeted, as she shook his hand. "And you are...?"

"Summer Childe," she replied, with a smile. "Formally, Rick Summer, PI!" She deftly caught his elbow, as he threatened to fall over, such was his surprise.

"But... but that's impossible!" he gasped, his old eyes watery with wonder. "I had long assumed that Mister Summer had met with his unfortunate demise!"

"Please sit down, Mr. Scrooge!" Summer said gently, leading him back to his chair. "I have a long story to tell you!" When he was seated, she settled herself, comfortably, in the chair opposite him, ready to begin.

"Er, would you keep your knees together, young lady!" he said, politely, before she could start. "I'm finding the view, most off-putting!"


"And so, Mr. Scrooge, we managed to escape from the plant, and here we are! I thought it best if I informed you first, before going to the authorities!" Summer finished, crossing her long legs, as she sat opposite him, forgetting that she wasn't wearing any underwear. Janine stood alongside her, holding her one hand.

"Well, well, that is the most amazing story I've ever heard!" exclaimed the white-haired old gentleman, as he dragged his eyes away from her glistening pussy. "But," he raised his arms towards the two girls, "the proof is here, before my very eyes! You have done very well, Mr. Summer, um, young lady, I mean!"

He looked over towards Miles Canterbury, who was huddled up near the door, looking thoroughly dejected and miserable. "Take that scum away, and lock him in one of the guest bedrooms, until I decide what to do with him!" he ordered the huge bodyguard.

"Yes Sir, Mr. Scrooge!" the man replied, grinning, broadly, stepping menacingly, toward the fat man.

"Oh, and Roger?"

"Yes Sir?"

"If he causes you any trouble, there's no need to be gentle with him!"

"Yes Sir, thank you, Sir!" Grabbing Miles by his shirt collar, the bruiser lifted him up, and literally carried him from the room.

Scrooge waited until the door had closed, then waved Ian over to join them. "Now we must decide what we are going to do?" he said, looking at each of them in turn.

"What do you mean?" Summer snapped, heatedly. "We hand him over to the cops of course!"

Scrooge sighed. "I'm afraid it's not quite as simple as that, my dear! If this mess gets out, not only will it cause the greatest public outcry in all history, but it will totally destroy the credibility of the Robotics industry. People would never trust a Robot or Android again! Also, it would totally destroy your and Ms. James' anonymity! You would be splashed all over the Vid-screens. Also, don't forget there is a little matter of the death of Hans Smuts? Then there is the vexing question of ownership!"

"Ownership?" Summer queried, frowning. "What do you mean?"

"Of yourself and Janine! Legally, you are both still the property of BioRobotics!"


"But we can't just let innocent people continue to be kidnapped and slaughtered!" Ian protested.

"No, no, of course not! The first thing we must do, is get our Mr. Canterbury to halt all production of the sex-droids, and get his people to halt the kidnapping and murder of these young girls!"

"Then what?" asked Janine, wide-eyed.

"I shall get our Mr. Canterbury to sign over ownership of BioRobotics, and all its patents to me, so that we can immediately start dismantling that assembly plant, until there isn't a trace of it left!"

"And how do you propose to do that?" asked Janine, sarcastically.

"Simple! In exchange for his signature on a few legally binding documents, I shall promise not to hand him over to the authorities. If he was indicted for the homicide of all those girls, and found guilty, which should be a near cert, with you three giving evidence against him, they would give him the death penalty, and he knows it!"

"You mean he's going to get away, scot-free!" exclaimed Summer, angrily.

"No, I don't mean that! Believe me, the punishment I have in mind for Miles Canterbury, will be entirely apt, and it will also enable you girls to lead at least a semblance of a normal life!"

"What will 'Droids 'R' Us' be getting out of this?" asked Ian, suspiciously, peering over the top of his glasses, at the white-haired man.

"We shall still be getting a whole lot of leading-edge technology out of this deal," Scrooge admitted, with a smile. "Also, there are some amazing possibilities that could come from it. People who have a terminal illness, or a severe physical handicap, might prefer to have a new android body! We could all live indefinitely, by trading in our worn out biological bodies! The possibilities are almost endless, but that is all for the future! In the short term, there would be some impressive advances in robotics!"

"Hmm, yeah, I guess I can see your point!" Summer agreed, reluctantly. "Okay, we'll leave you to sort out Miles' punishment, but it had better be good!"

"Oh, it will be, my dear, it will be!" he replied, with another chuckle.

Scrooge settled back in his chair, and steepled his fingers. "Now, about our original deal?" he murmured, with a twinkle in his eye. "I have noticed that neither yourself, nor your charming companion here, is wearing a black choker about your neck! Can I assume then, that this means that neither of you will explode, if, ah, tampered with?"

Summer smiled. "Well, no, not in the context that you're referring to, anyway!" she replied. She squeezed Janine's hand. "If you still want it, we are willing to allow your boffins to go through Janine here, with the proverbial fine toothcomb, but only on the complete understanding that neither her mind, nor her programming is interfered with, in ANY way! Also, Mr. Shanklin is willing to add his considerable expertise, if you are willing to take him onto your research team... at a suitable remuneration of course?"

"Of course, my dear lady. Agreed! I can talk terms with the boy, later!"

"Gee thanks Mr. Scrooge!" Ian exclaimed, excitedly.

"As for yourself, can I safely assume that you are no longer interested in the original inducement that we discussed?"

Summer turned and smiled at Janine, who returned her smile, happily. "No, that will no longer be necessary, Sir!"

"Then let me deposit, say... a half a million credits into a bank account, for a job well done?"

Summer gasped, wide-eyed. "That's... that's very generous of you, Sir! I-I don't know what to say?"

"Just say yes!

"Yes please!"

"Good! Now I'd better see about getting some guest rooms prepared for you three young people. I'm sure you're all exhausted, after your adventure, and we shall want to start thoroughly examining Ms James, in the morning, if that's okay with you?"

Summer nodded. "Yes Sir, thank you Sir, but one room should be sufficient, preferably with a king-sized bed!" she replied, blushing, prettily.

"Very well!" He smiled, knowingly.

"Oh, by the way, where's Jayne?" Summer added, with a slight frown. "I haven't seen her, since we arrived, and I'd like to say hello, if I may?"

"Alas, the lovely Ms. Morgan is no more," Scrooge replied, spreading his palms outward. "Boom!"

"Boom?" Summer echoed, looking aghast.

He nodded, sadly. "I'm afraid so, my dear! An over-enthusiastic technician accidentally set off the explosive charge, and neither of them are with us any longer!"

Summer felt a momentary pang of regret, but then she felt a reassuring squeeze of her hand, and, looking up into the big blue eyes of her android lover, she felt a familiar thrill between the tops of her thighs.


There was a lot of girlish giggling, as the two naked girls frolicked on the huge bed, pinning down the near naked youth beneath them. "Girls, please?" he gasped, pausing his writhing for a moment, to straighten his spectacles. "I really do think I should have been given a room of my own? You two are completely insatiable!"

"Oh come on Ian, don't be a spoilsport!" exclaimed Janine, pouting, sexily. "You know you're gonna love it!"

"But... but I've never been part of a threesome before!" he protested, trying to hang on to the front of his underpants with both hands, as Summer tried to tug them down past his knees. "One of you will probably end up being severely disappointed?"

"We'll take that risk," replied Janine, with a giggle, joining in. The combined attack of both girls on his briefs was too much, and they snatched them from his clutches, and yanked them down his legs, and off his feet, leaving him as naked as themselves, apart from his ankle socks.

His erection immediately sprang upright, amid loud whoops of girlish delight. "So endeth the debriefing!" Summer cried, then grabbing his shaft, she dipped her head, and slid it between her ovalled lips.

"Mmmmm! Mmmmm!" she murmured, as she started moving her head up and down on it, expertly.

"Oh Jesus!" gasped Ian, his head falling back against the pillow, as she started to deep throat him. Her throat muscles clung tightly to his silky shaft, as it slid in and out of her mouth, her teeth grazing the bulbous knob, at the top of each stroke.

Janine wasn't about to miss out, and moments later, she'd clambered astride his face, and positioned her glistening pussy mere centimeters from his gasping mouth.

"Nooooh, mmmgghh!"

His protest became muffled, as she grabbed his hair, and pulled his mouth up against her hot love box! "Eat my pussy!" she cried, laughing, squirming her hips, so that her already copious juices were smeared all over his face. "Come on Ian, eat my juicy twat!"

His nostrils flared, as the unmistakable musk of a girl in heat, assailed them. He gave a mental shrug of defeat, and thrust his tongue between her puffy labia, and laved it over her swollen clitoris.

"Aaahhhhhh!" She gasped loudly, arching her spine and ramming her crotch forward, while playing with her nipples. "Oh yes, yes, yess!" she gasped. "That's it Ian, lover, bite my clit!"

Ian's hips were starting to jerk now, as he felt his orgasm rapidly approaching, and he bit down, harder than he'd intended, on Janine's burgeoning clitoris.

"Aaagghh!" she screeched, yanking her crotch away, involuntarily. "Not that hard, you idiot!" she admonished.

"Jesus, I'm gonna cum!" he panted. "D'ya hear, you bitches? I'm gonna..."

"Oh no you don't!" panted Summer, pulling her lipstick smeared mouth off his cock. "Shove up, Janine!"

As the brunette slide her crotch back up against his face, Summer clambered astride his hips behind her, and positioning his erect shaft beneath her, lowered her vagina onto his penis, with a long gasp of satisfaction, until he was fully embedded inside her.

She wrapped her arms about Janine's waist, and pulled herself closer, crushing her aching breasts against the sex-droid's back, before starting to gently raise and lower herself, clutching her pussy muscles tightly about Ian's rigid shaft. Her hands crept up and cupped the fleshy orbs of her sister droid, flicking the nipples into full erection, with her thumbs.

Janine felt the nipple rings scrapping against her back, as Summer slipped into a steady fucking rhythm, and she gasped with pleasure, as Ian started to suck her clit in and out between his pursed lips, in perfect synchronization with Summer. She closed her eyes, and threw her head back, her breath coming in short pants.

"Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah..."

Behind her, Summer could sense her approaching orgasm, and her breath came in shortened, gasping grunts.

"Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh..."

With a muffled groan, Ian climaxed, his scrawny legs jerking, as he pumped his hot load of cum into Summer's tight pussy.

As Summer felt his spunk splattering against the walls of her sensitive vulva, she climaxed, her cunt spasming about his pulsing cock. "Oh, yes, yes, yessss!" she cried, her fingers squeezing and pulling at Janine's sensitive teats.

"Aaaagghh!" Janine cried out and started to orgasm, her left hand slipping between her legs and rubbing against her erect clitoris, where Ian had just left off. There combined moans and gasps filled the room, as they moved in the age old rhythm.

As she felt Ian's shrinking penis slip from her sopping twat, Summer rolled off him, and snuggled up against his left side. At the same time, Janine moved from astride his face, and cuddled up close to him, on the opposite side.

"Mmm, that was great, honey!" murmured Summer, nibbling Ian's earlobe.

"Yeah, that was real good!" added Janine, wrapping her arms about his neck. "We shall have to do this again, soon! Real soon!"

"Oh nooooh!" groaned Ian, smiling, happily, as the two girls leant over him, and kissed each other, tenderly.


Ian and Janine were waiting for Summer when she stepped out of the library, into the hallway.

"All fixed!" she announced, beaming happily. "Mr. Scrooge has promised to fix up myself and Janine with a fresh set of identity papers, and a fictitious past history, which should appear genuine enough to fool all but the most suspicious official!" She wrinkled up her nose. "But it's gonna cost us! There goes most of my fee from this little caper!"

"But what are we going to do, from now on?" asked Janine, sulkily. "Ian may be fixed up with a new job, but I don't want to have to end up walking the streets for a living!"

Summer looked at her quizzically. Janine looked a picture of misery. "How do you fancy becoming my secretary and receptionist?" she enquired. "I can see the sign on my office door now; 'Summer Childe, Ace Detective'!"


Summer Childe sat back, with her stiletto heeled feet propped up on the battered desktop, oblivious to the fact that her short skirt had ridden up to the top of her thighs, revealing the crotch of her sheer panties, to anyone who carried to look. It was good to be back in her old place of employment, and it had been a real thrill to see her name on the glass-fronted door of the outer office! She pressed the old-fashioned intercom button. "Janine, could you come into my office please?" she murmured, her big eyes glittering, mischievously.

She tilted the battered Fedora back on her blonde head, and reclined back in the old, Vinyl-covered armchair, looking up with a broad smile, as her secretary sauntered into the room, electronic memo-pad in hand. The shapely brunette looked a knockout, in that tight little black number, with its short skirt that clung to her tight buttocks, like electrostatically sprayed paint.

"You want me, boss?" Janine asked, with a grin, aware of the double-entendre, before moving around the desk, and brushing her employer's feet off, onto the carpet.

"Hey," protested Summer, as her high-heels hit the floor hard, and she jerked forward in her chair, "is that any way to treat your employer?"

"You were showing your panties again, you hussy!" Janine admonished. "If the Summer Childe Detective Agency is going to build a reputation as a high-class outfit, you're gonna have to learn a little decorum, sister!"

She slid her own skirt up about her waist, and slipped astride Summer's lap, before entwining her arms around her graceful long neck, and lowering her lips to those of her sexy employer.

"Mmmm! Mmmm!"

"I'm beginning to like this job," she murmured, with a twinkle in her eye, as the kiss ended, "except when work gets in the way!"

"You're encoura..." began Summer, grinning, but she was interrupted by the insistent beeping of the Vid-phone, as the Vid-screen sprang into life, on the wall opposite.

"Damn!" She shoved Janine off her lap, picked up the remote control, and pointed it at the screen, clicking the laser cursor on the phone icon in the bottom right-hand corner.

Immediately, a picture of a distinguished, gray-haired man appeared, showing him sitting behind a large, genuine mahogany desk. "Good afternoon ladies!" Arnold Scrooge greeted, peering out of the screen. "I just thought that I'd drop you a line to let you know that we have finished gutting BioRobotics' assembly plant, and the last SD-series droid has rolled off the production line!" It had been almost six weeks since their escape.

"Good riddance!" muttered Janine, pulling a face and slipping her shapely ass onto Summers' lap while placing her left arm over her shoulder.

"Yeah, I'll second that," agreed Summer. "What have you done with that creep Miles Canterbury, by the way, Mr. S?"

"Perhaps I should introduce you both to my new maidservant?" Scrooge suggested, with a twinkle in his eye. "Why don't you introduce yourself to the ladies, my dear?" he added, looking away from the screen.

A gorgeous blonde, with an altogether too familiar face and body, appeared in view, as she slipped onto his lap, and wrapped her arms about his neck. Her top was scandalously low, her big breasts almost tumbling out. The girl turned her lovely face toward the Vid-screen. "Hi there," she said, bashfully, fluttering her long eyelashes, "my name's Canterbury, Canterbury Tayles!"

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Darkstar93Darkstar93over 10 years ago
oh wow

The story did not really go how I expected it at all, It was however still an amazing read.

Also loved the ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

love this story.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
with the exception of...

with the exception of much erronous punctuation.this was an excellent work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 18 years ago
way too many exlamation marks

the entire piece looked like the characters were shouting at eachother. not a bad story though.

R-GR-Galmost 19 years ago

Great job!! Your syory is a wonderful read. I hope to see more in the future!

LastoftheGreatMikeysLastoftheGreatMikeysalmost 19 years ago
Good tale.

I'm far too straight to enjoy a man being turned completely into a woman, but I was able to just skip through the sex parts to enjoy the story. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 19 years ago
Appreciation of a good story

I believe you have written one of the better stories I have read!I would like to see more of your work!

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