Sherry and the Camping Trip


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I thought that we were each going to take our own shower head but instead Mark and Marietta surprised me by sharing the same showerhead. In fact they lathered each other up and were quite friendly under the hot running water. So in jealousy I made sure I did the same with Jeffrey. I also made sure I stroked his sizable cock enough that he began to get a fresh erection. The other gentleman had left the shower so I was only entertaining my husband by getting Jeffrey aroused. But I soon grew angry when I saw that Mark was involved in pleasuring Marietta under the running water. Her nude wet back and bottomside were pressed against Mark's front. Mark's hands were moving between Marietta's legs and out of the corner of my eye I watched Marietta slump back into Mark's arms as if she had just had an orgasm. When she pulled away from Mark my husband's cock was revealed and it was at full attention.

Seeing this I quickly finished, dried off, and stood waiting while Jeffrey, Marietta and Mark all took their time to rinse and then dry off. Marietta made a point of now walking out of the shower room nude with both my husband's and Jeffrey's arms linked in hers. Jeffrey wrapped his arm around my shoulders, patted me on my round butt and hugged my naked hip with his large left hand. He bent down and kissed my head and then we separated from Marietta and Mark until we got outside the men's shower room.

"Where to next, honey?" I asked Mark. "We need to go back to Jeffrey's tent so he can get some clothes on for hiking. There's a little spot I'd like us all to visit. Marietta and I went there before. It's beautiful and is the perfect setting." We all headed back to Jeffrey's tent where he dressed in shorts and a t-shirt. Mark and Marietta had already gotten an outfit to dress me in. Inside I was steaming. That bitch was running with my husband and despite the fact that I had had more cock inside of me than I couldn't remember, the thought that Mark and Marietta might have hooked up was irritating me.

We headed out, and soon we arrived at a secluded spot in the woods next to a pool of water and a little rapids feeding that pool. Right in the middle of the pool however was a smooth, moss-covered, flat rock which the morning sun was warming up. Marietta and Mark stripped and waded across the water with their stuff held up out of the water. Jeffrey and I did likewise. As Jeffrey stripped I still found myself confused and immediately desirous of feeling that massive cock of his plowing my insides and feeling his muscled ass moving sensuously between my thighs.. God damn, he was a fine male specimen!!! The fire in my belly was still there even though my husband was now only a few feet away.

I felt weak in the knees as I clambered out of the cold water and lay back on the warm moss. It was very soft and formed a cushion between the hard rock and my tender skin. It felt good to sit down and soak up the warming rays of the morning sun as it pierced the trees surrounding this little natural surprise.

As I looked down at my body I again was proud of how good I looked. My breasts were firm and standing out, the cold water having hardened my nipples into little pebbles sticking out from my light tan areolae. My stomach was firm and flat and so was my belly which ended in a trimmed patch of red hair now caught in a ray of sunlight warming my pussy. And my butt and thighs were firm and sexily rounded in the just the right ways for a woman's body. As I thought these thoughts and gazed down at my crotch I noticed that my labia had folded open. I was ready for Jeffrey to sink that marvelous manly meat into me and make love to me with deep thrusts. Mark and Marietta had swum over to the rapids and were playing in the falling water as if it were a cold shower. Little screams from Marietta's voice pierced the quiet of the forest as Mark dove under the water and played with Marietta.

I had no idea whether what they were doing was simply playing or whether they were engaging in sexual foreplay. As I looked down again and saw that now my nymphae had opened up and thus the wet pink hole of my vagina was visible, I knew that I wanted to fuck Jeffrey right then. A slight shudder ran through my groin and my crotch. Jeffrey was standing to my left and slightly in front of me watching Mark and Marietta and looking back at me. That magnificent 7" cock of his was still mostly flaccid but his glans was just peeking out from his foreskin. I knew fully erect that Jeffrey could be half again larger than he was right now and I felt my vagina get wet. The wetness oozed from my vagina and I touched myself there and confirmed that I was fully ready. My breathing quickened and my skin grew flush. I would either have to consummate these feeling fully in front of my husband or dive into the cold water to quell the eruptions happening inside of my belly. God, but I wanted Jeffrey's penis sliding inside of me!!

Jeffrey said, "Baby, you need my attention." It was not a question but instead a statement and just like that and in full view of my husband and Marietta Jeffrey positioned his head between my open legs and his tongue began to lick my wet pussy and aroused clitoris. "Fuck my husband," I thought to myself. I gave in fully to the incredibly wonderful sensations Jeffrey's long thick tongue was creating between my thighs. As his tongue darted into the wide open opening of my vaginal tunnel and reached my g-spot I moaned...loudly. And then I laid back on the moss and let Jeffrey complete his mission: giving my sexy body yet another nerve clearing orgasm. Ohmigod it was wonderful. Even after the last three days and nights I was ready to begin again with orgasm after orgasm after orgasm after orgasm. I knew I would not tire; this new body could do it again and again and again. I felt so lucky to be a woman and know I could couple with multiple men easily and keep on going. They wanted me and I wanted them.

It was in the middle of my second orgasm at the tip of Jeffrey's tongue and at the sucking of Jeffrey's full lips that I felt a momentary pause and before I could open my eyes, Jeffrey's now fully hardened penis sunk all 11" into me. I came...violently screaming and moaning and crying out "Oh god...oh my...oh jesus" multiple times and with complete abandon. Now the time disappeared as Jeffrey fucked me missionary style, doggy style, and with me lying face down. This latter position was so tight against that pushing hard cock of his that it drove me wild and when Jeffrey found my clit with his finger and vibrated it, it made my orgasms all that more intense. Finally Jeffrey, knowing that I loved the intensity of an ejaculating orgasm, removed his penis from inside of me and finger fucked my g-spot until I screamed out a long cry and streams of ejaculate sprayed out of me wetting the moss-covered rock for a few feet and actually sprinkling into the water.

"Oh, baby, do that to me again. You can't imagine how incredible it feels when I spasm on the inside, feel my clit literally vibrate, and feel my urethra contract and spray my own liquid." I was Jeffrey's whore; I was no longer Mark's wife and our children's mother. I did not want these incredibly sexual sensations to stop.

Jeffrey began palpitating my pussy once again. Vigorously his fingers worked up and down and in and out and back and forth against the walls of my vagina and against the nubbin of my g-spot. And again I felt this incredible surge inside of me. My vagina deep inside began to spasm first, and then it rolled forward and hit me with a huge quivering surge. Again I felt my clit vibrate and my upper belly seize and this time I actually heard the stream of liquid expel out of me in multiple squirts. But this time the stream was caught by Jeffrey's mouth covering my urethra and drinking my ejaculate.

As I calmed I felt his penis thrust inside of me once again. But it was smaller. I opened my eyes and there was my husband leaning over me doing incredible things inside of my pussy. He moved hard and firm against me and moved his penis so it touched me inside in different ways with each stroke. And he kept up the thrusting. I was shocked. I didn't know what to say, but the very sexual woman inside of me adapted and I let myself enjoy Mark's steady thrusts and felt the passion rise inside of my belly.

Briefly I looked to my left and there was Marietta on her back. I watched as Jeffrey's massive chocolate brown, thick uncircumcised penis slid in and out of Marietta's upthrust, black hair covered belly and disappeared to the hilt inside of her. I could tell by that helpless look on her face that she was losing control. It's that wonderful sensation that all of us women can have when we approach climax and you know you can no longer resist the warm sensations coursing through your body. You know with a certainty that you will be totally out of control, every muscle vibrating with pleasure and saying things you wouldn't normally utter. And then it builds and sometimes you pass out from the intensity. It's like nothing any man can ever experience. You wake up confused and yet wanting to do it again because it feels so darn good. For just a few moments and maybe, if your lover is really good and can keep you riding on that knife's edge, for more than a few moments, you can turn off all the thoughts moving through your mind and just be. Why else would a woman who normally can't stop thinking have so many incredible places on her body to create these mind freeing sensations. We have been evolved way over men's simple sexual drive and at that moment I marveled at how lucky Marietta was to feel what she was feeling and how lucky I was to be feeling what I was feeling. And then it hit me: that wave I had spoken about, that point of no return. Mark's incessant moving inside of me, the touches he was making against my skin in intimate ways, the caresses of his kisses against my breasts and the nippled tips of my breasts and against my face and lips built up into that wave. It was the moment when I freed myself and I just felt...wonderful. I gushed from my vagina such that the sound of our fucking was liquid. I looked down at Mark's reddish penis and it was covered in my own thick creamy juices. I put a finger on his cock and scooped some of it up and fed it to him. It was like an aphrodisiac that hardened him and lengthened him and thickened him inside of me. My vaginal walls molded themselves around my man's penis so that I could feel every vein and bump as it slid in and out of me.

I came with a sudden rush and deliciously passed out from the wave of heat that shut my brain down. When I awoke, Mark was still inside of me and he was still hard. Oh, god, he was so hard and deep inside of me. Now I felt his heavy, shaved testicles slapping against my ass and he took a different approach and quickened his pace inside of me. I came again. And still he remained hard inside of me.

Now he pulled out of me and rolled me over so I was face down. I lifted my hips to show him my thickened pussy lips ready and open to receive his penis between them, but he surprised me. His slick penis instead pushed against my anus and then was inside and steadily with little thrusts he pushed deep inside me until I felt the cool skin of his belly against my butt crack. And then he was fully inside of me and sliding in and out and his fingers curled across my belly until he found the excited length of my erect clitoris and vibrated it back and forth not along the shaft but side-to-side across the shaft. I felt my rectum tighten against Mark's penis sliding in and out of it and felt my vagina tighten against its own empty walls, and I came yet again.

Now Mark lifted me off my feet and held me up as Jeffrey positioned himself underneath me and I knew what was about to happen. I was going to have two men inside of me. I was a woman and this I knew for a certainty was one of the ways in which we can enjoy sex like no man can.

The feeling was incredible as Mark and Jeffrey held me in place and positioned me so that Jeffrey's penis found its mark between my open pussy lips and began to sink inside of me. I came almost immediately even before Jeffrey was all the way inside of me. And yet he and Mark continued to slowly move inside of my rectal and vaginal tunnels bringing such incredible pleasure. Now I felt another hand and fingers moving against my damp haired belly. Four hands were holding me in place between my two men so that meant it must be Marietta. Her fingers sought out my clitoral hood and the erect clitoris under it which I could only imagine was now peeking out from under its hood with all 9000 nerve endings just humming with pleasure and sending signal after signal through my groin and thighs in which the clitoris is embedded like a large wishbone and out to my whole humming nervous system.

I opened my eyes and saw Marietta squatting to my left. Her right hand was tangled in my short red pubic hair playing with my clit and playing with Jeffrey's and Mark's heavy testicles which were mashed against each other. And with her left hand she was exploring her own pussy.

As the haze of my own ensuing orgasm blurred my vision I heard that quavering moan of a woman cumming as Marietta had found the mark with her own fingers. I then heard Jeffrey groan and felt his eruption inside of my vagina as stream after strong stream of his semen filled my vagina. And then I heard Mark groan also and shortly felt his strong squirts filling my butthole with creamy semen. My butthole got very slippery as the copious amounts of his semen lubricated my rectum. And then I smiled and passed out.

When I awoke everyone was laying out in the sun shining on the rocks. Both Mark and Jeffrey's penises were now flaccid. And they were both creamy with my cum and their own cum. Marietta's dark pubic hair was parted back fully from her reddish pink labia and dribbles of cum stained her dark pubic hair. And me...I felt magnificent as I felt the men's semen sliding around inside of me as I moved. I touched my fingers to my own tender pussy lips and tasted the mix of Mark's, Jeffrey's and my own cum. And this gave me the desire to taste everyone.

Quietly I arose and kneeling first over my husband I licked my tongue up and down the shaft of his penis cleaning the creamy thickness of his semen off his penis. Then I moved on to Jeffrey and encircled his thick, flaccid cock with my lips and sliding my lips to his belly I sucked his penis clean before he could harden and I wouldn't be able to wrap my lips around his sizable penis. Lastly I knelt between Marietta's legs and ran my tongue over her damp pussy lips and used my lips to nibble the dribbles of cum from her sweet smelling pubic hair. Her hair was curly and thick and had a scent slightly different from Celeste's the night before. But again the pleasant scent reminded me why men are so fascinated with going down on women.

Having completed this cycle I lay back on the rock and let Mark reciprocate with his tongue. He commented on how much cum was draining from my vagina which caused us both to laugh. And then we all ran laughing into the water to do a little swimming and playing in the waterfalls of the rapids.

It was later as we headed home and after several more days of sharing partners that Mark let me know that he had run into two of my girlfriends. One was a new friend I had made at the gym and she had let Mark know that my new body needed more than whatever he was doing for me. The other was an old college friend of mine he accidentally met as a customer through his job. Over lunch she had let slip all the sexy secrets I had not told him and how I was at my absolute best as a person after engaging in those wild antics. So loving me dearly and without me finding out, he had arranged for his co-worker, Marietta, to arrange for some of her wilder friends to happen to be at this particular, clothing optional and highly-conducive-to-swinging camp resort. Celeste was an unplanned bonus. Who would have known she would have participated and would like to play with women as well as men? In fact, Marietta and I both discovered that weekend that like many women we enjoy the more tender acts of a woman's attentions.

So now, whenever I feel the need or whenever Mark feels the need we invite other men and women into our bedroom. We pack the kids off to grandma and grandpa's home so we can usually make a weekend of it. Mark says he absolutely loves watching how sexy I am whenever another man is pleasuring me. And I love watching him pleasuring other women. We even engage in threesomes where we are all tangled together and thoroughly having a great time which includes dinner, dancing and lots of healthy sex. I'm so grateful for my new body and my new husband who loved me dearly before and loves me even more now.

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26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
Loose weight

Lose weight, then become a whore. Makes perfect sense in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
sluts and cucks are special.

Sorry you can't satisfy your wife. Extremely stupid slut story, just dogs fucking in the ally porn.Hopefully you are not allowed around children.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
OMG-what stupid comments

I never realized that there are so many idiots reading these stories, especially the anonymous prick who keeps moaning about closet cuckolds. Give it a fucking break you moron.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"We just hate Cunt wives"

Luckily you will never have a wife so it's all good. Virgins with neckbeards dwelling in mommy's basement spewing misogynist vitriol on a fuck story site has zero chance of ever being laid. Good thing, since they're eunuchs anyway.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
why can't wannabe cucks like billyboy get their jollies too?

just because they get theirs by consuming every cuck story, beating their mini-meat, then absolving their shame by leaving a negative comment, they get grief just for being closet-cases? closet cucks are people too you know....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
we know it's a story you fucking loser

We just hate Cunt wives who disrespect husband's and hate worthless faggot writers who turn all the husband's into sissy faggots just like you. So fuck off!

NewYorkeroticNewYorkeroticabout 10 years ago
One of the best.

If only there were more of this kind of exuberant, uninhibited and shared passion detailed in the stories posted on this site.

muleteammuleteamover 10 years ago

I just cannot believe the pussies that have left their comments about this written story.

Pussies like billyboy1690 & the other anonymous pussies that post comments hoping this woman would contact aids & her children too. To the biggest pussy billyboy1690 and the other anonymous pussies, the key word here is "story": 1. The writing of this story is just a story, true or not. 2. The comments that are to be left here are to be about your thoughts in regards to the story "Sherry and the Camping Trip" not about the people involved. If you did not like the story, then just leave a comment saying that you did not like it and why. Pussies like billyboy1690 & the anonymous ones probably have two peckers that they can't even get up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Wife just a cheap whore hope she gets AIDS and dies. Husband too stupid and spineless to know better, probably wants to suck the niggers cum from his wife's asshole deserves to die to so they do not dilute the human gene pool.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago

Was not erotic, just fucking. No feelings at all, robots having sex.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
This should have been posted to "group sex"

I certainly wouldn't want to be married to this "loving" wife. The husband was just a cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
Sherry, plus Cock makes a trifle of love juice.

well what a week end break, out of this world, this sounds like a woman on a day release that never ends, but to find her husband being well treated, put the cream over the hole scenario, how I wish, but My wife and I are to old for all that sexual exercise

these days, there are time`s my wife could have done with a break like that, but it never happened. It was a thrill to read, I felt I was there. day dreams are great fun as well, I think it would be Ho God what a way to go.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
doesn't make sense.

First, the header after the title reads: "My wife uses her new body in incredible ways" so I'm expecting a story from the husband's perspective. However, the story is written from the wife's perspective. What's going on? Who is doing the story telling?

Second, the first paragraph leads with the wife's dilemma: "And my poor husband, the man I've loved, what do I tell him?" Where does this come from? It implies (and promises) a confrontation, a dilemma that the wife faces. But, again, there is nothing of this in the story. Suddenly the husband is there, participating in the action.

I get the impression that the husband is doing the writing, fantasizing about what he wants his wife to think, such as "I hugged him tightly and kissed him like he, not Mark, were my man. I wanted to have babies from these men. I wanted to be their sex toy, their children's mother".

The story doesn't make any sense at all unless it is a cuckold fantasy.

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