The Band: On Tour


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"Thanks, just don't ask me to sing again, my voice isn't that strong so less singing the better." He nods and shrugs.

"Not why I wanted to get back here." You know I never did find out how one gets a backstage pass.

"How did you get back here?" He snorts.

"When buying the ticket there is an option to get a backstage pass. In this case the option makes you pick a band, usually they just sell a backstage pass and you can talk to either band. The hands handle how many go to each room. You have never gone to a concert?" Shrug and wink.

"Went once with my parents but I grew up a little poor, never owned a cell phone until we signed the contract. I did parties on a constant basis through most of high school and that was just to afford my black bass. Gold one came as a signing bonus I think."

"You weren't paying attention?" Shake my head and we both snort.

"Had a record deal to sign. So if you aren't in here to get me to sing, why are you in here?" He looks me up and down.

"Wanted to meet the band, would not mind seducing you now." I smile at him, nice to hear but I don't really want to be seduced at the moment.

"That is sweet though not really wanting to be seduced at the moment, I'm tired." He nods and shrugs.

"Not all that often that it would happen anyway." Notice one of the security guys heading for the door.

Reaching it he opens and steps out of the way for more groupies. Well this is surprising and then where the heck have they been. They come in and look around then come for me or Mark, Andrew is being ridden at the moment which I missed starting. Also realize Woody hasn't come out yet, or did and went in the dressing room.

I sign some autographs and notice a gal against the wall crying so head that way. Everybody else seems to be ignoring her, probably what she wanted anyway where she is. She looks up at me when I get close and sniffles some trying to stop.

"What happened?"

"I got put in with the wrong band, I so want to meet Martin. I've been following them since they got here." I smile at her, nice to hear that one since I was with them for then.

"What do you think of that really tall bassist?" She sniffles a time or two and giggles.

"He is really good and such a hunk but I really want to do Martin. Not as good as the gal they had before of course." Snort and giggle some.

"Well alright, Martin is fixated on Steph, got her pregnant and everything. You should try for Francis or Carl. Anyway come on I'll get you over to their room." She looks at me shocked and I look down to find I am wearing the band tag they gave us so head for the door.

Stepping out I find more people than I thought would be out here. Some groupies and plenty of hands are out here. A number of the hands are diddling a groupy as we go the relatively short distance. I'm giggling a little at this, not sure if they were willing to do the hand or the hands are demanding a fuck to let in a room.

Then we are stepping in to the right room and no Martin. Steph is out here still so we go over to her.

"Hey Andrea, who is this?"

"This gal has been following us since we left our hometown. Fixated on meeting you guys and wants to do Martin. I mentioned how Carl and Francis would be open for it but she hasn't said anything about that. So where is Martin?" Steph is grinning, I'm the same way, a groupy that has been following us that long is awesome to find.

"He is in the dressing room, we have cots in ours. Come on let's go in I want to ask her and you something." Nod so we all three go in their dressing room.

Martin is indeed on a cot and by all appearances asleep, or he came in to stroke and rolled over when we came in. I want to ask Steph what she told him that he is in here but well shit it doesn't matter.

"So miss what is your name?" She has been staring at Martin so we snap our fingers in front of her face a few times.

"Madison." Huh, another of the common names, not as popular as mine so I am in a small way jealous.

"Would you be willing to come along as a band slut." I'm staring at Steph and she is as well.

"Dang Steph, you just told me you were wanting to do that." Steph grins and winks.

"Well yeah but I also thought about it. Two band sluts isn't as good as three would be." Madison is stuttering a little then swallows and gets it out right.

"You mean go along on tour and fuck these guys?" Steph nods and winks.

"You would rotate among all three bands like we are going to. You may not get to do Francis, he wants a tall freak like him but otherwise."

"Madison already said she thinks he is a hunk." Steph grins then Madison remembers how to talk again.

"But I have a job, and an apartment, crappy place and job but they are hard to find." That reminds me on what the guy said.

"If the job is that crappy how did you afford to get backstage?" Madison snorts.

"The job sucks but pay is good and cheap apartment." Snort and giggle, makes her a waitress.

"So you waitressed?" Madison nods then looks up at me.

"How did you know?"

"I was a waitress as well, why we only did two or three gigs a week. At least one of those I went from work to the gig." Steph snorts.

"Usually it was two, they liked to make her work during the day. Now pay won't be good, band sluts don't get paid but we would feed you and you could screw any of the guys. We are doing a hat rotation, every day you reach in and pull out a new name and you are his slut for the day. This is for Andrea, she doesn't have that big a sex drive but being kissed and she gets in the mood."

"Not just kissed, I need foreplay." Madison snorts.

"Foreplay always helps. Just where will I live when we get back?" Steph and I are grinning now, we got a band slut who is not in the band.

"Well we are getting a mansion next door to Andrea and her studs. So in that respect we can house you. Would be good if you fall for someone besides Martin, he's mine and we are trying out swinging so you could have him. First though, need to ask if you have anything?" Madison snorts.

"I'm cautious, condoms until I know the guy. Do get tested and I'm clean. Won't the guys use condoms?"

"They will on the groupies, we skipped the hat for tonight. I only had two guys open for doing me and Paul who is busy until late so probably just crawl in bed for him. So what we are doing is seeing who did not get laid and us sluts will go to him. Course if there is more than three now some will go without tonight. Next tour site is our home town." Steph snorts.

"Share the rest little miss mom to be." Sigh and swat Steph.

"I don't like saying it until I tell my folks and not looking forward to that conversation." Madison looks confused.

"Why haven't you told your folks?"

"I have two guys that fathered the kid in me. Well one did but both rode me for the conception so who knows which. Probably Mark because he rode me second the whole time they both could produce wood. You know we should have asked, are you on birth control?" Madison nods and hefts her purse.

"I carry it around with me, though getting clothes would be good and need to call the office and work. May even have a job waiting for me, my boss likes me."

"I only started to take the pill and then stopped in like two weeks, not even before somebody corrects so I don't know. Do you need to get a new prescription each month?" Madison shakes her head.

"It is a reoccurring prescription, if you want to go back on you just go to a pharmacy and give over your information and you get another package. Probably have to pay for it though, not all insurance will cover across the country." Look over at Steph and she shrugs.

"I don't know, they got me on a new health insurance plan. I was state being a victim and unable to work. Wonder if we can find a hand to drive our new band slut to her apartment." Steph thinks about it and shakes her head.

"We are getting close to the time when we pack up and get out. Remember we will want to practice today before we do another concert. We can take a bus to pick up her stuff, I think the other one, ours is not so good at the overpasses remember." Nod and sigh.

"Just hope you can like the guys, we hate them after all." Madison snorts.

"I was there for the competition." Snort and we all giggle getting Martin to roll over and look at us.

"Ah hell I wanted to get some sleep." I look over at Steph.

"What did you tell him?"

"I said he isn't getting a groupy. Course if Madison is willing she can ride Martin and then go with the guys we hate." Madison is bouncing a little so I think that is a given.

"Well I think she is willing so let's go see the other guys and ask them. I mean be a little rude to promise something they are unable to do." Steph snorts.

"Just clothes, maybe something valuable to her." I pause us then because I had a hell of an idea.

"Perhaps we don't have to have her collect the heirlooms. Let's find Paul we can have him call up pond scum and set up a rent payment on her place then clear it out if she falls hard for anybody besides Martin. Course ego boy would love to have two sluts." Steph snorts and shrugs.

"Not sure I want to but I am going on rotation with you so we can find out quick. Go on Madison get under Martin. He is clean as well so ride him bare." Martin sat up and is staring at us.

"What the hell?"

"Madison has been following us since we moved here. Fixated on you riding her for unknown reasons but is willing to be a band slut so we got three. Need to pick up clothes for her so we will have the other bus do that and we need to find Paul to handle paying rent on her place. So give her a good bout of sex and we will be back later." Steph is giggling and points at me.

"What she said, serious babe do her. I'm getting another guy tonight anyway so this may be a one night thing. Promise to not hold her against you later since I'm having another guy finally."

Madison goes over to Martin and they are kissing in half a moment if that long. We get a thumb up out of Martin so we go look for Paul. Well actually what we do is go find a security guy and ask him. Paul not being here yet but on the way we direct him to send to the first band room and go there ourselves.

Inside we find a goodly number of gals draped all over the guys. Everybody has clothes on so I guess there was no orgy. Slightly surprising then they all look at us because Steph snorts.

"Huh, I expected an orgy or the after of one."

"Hey that is insulting, we took them to a cot for that, with condoms we promise." Steph and I trade a glance.

"Better have been but have things to discuss so send forth a representative."

Plenty of giggling to that but one of the guys does get up and I get swarmed. Plenty of autographs to give out again. Don't have a permanent marker this time, that was the oddest thing. Course that was also pretty damn cool, I mean wanting to get our autographs to get them tattooed in. Once I finish I follow Steph and the representative out to the hall where it is at least mostly empty.

"Really a third band slut?" Nod and giggle at his expression.

"We are going to have her do the hat as well so I guess we always stop to have breakfast or something."

"Not a hat but yeah that sounds good. Stop at a truck stop, those always have good food. We were talking to our drivers about it earlier." He stops and looks at us. "Does it have to be breakfast? Dinner stuff is usually more filling." I open my mouth then stop remembering one important thing that will happen soon.

"Dinner is a better idea yeah. Morning sickness is coming for me, though it may not be morning either so we may change later but for now dinner stops for the hat and new stud is good." We all nod and smile then Paul comes over with a frown.

"What is wrong?"

"Nothing is wrong, we have a third band slut now. These guys will take her to her apartment and get clothes for her. We need you to call up pond scum and have her rent paid so it is still there when we get back. Mostly just need her stuff kept safe since she may fall for one of us and move in with him. Also, need to ask if my insurance would pay for birth control pills on the road, hers may not and better to not pay for them." Paul snorts and nods.

"Yeah your insurance would cover it. You are on Dad's insurance, all of the bands signed by his company get it, covered everywhere on the planet that doesn't have a centralized medical system." Paul stops and stares at me for a second. "You found two girls out of one apartment?" Shake my head and lean against Steph.

"My best friend is going to slut with me. Martin decided it is a good idea, they can try swinging in a safe environment, sort of at least. No telling if the guys will always wear condoms and there is no break of one." Two snorts.

"Hell we do want to live through the tour." Paul points at the other guy.

"Besides that it is a better chance of not getting with a gal who has something. Guys are the big carriers of the STI since most are dormant for us." Well not so much dormant as hard to spot and or ignored until it gets to a bad case of it, still he has a point.

Also yawn with Steph so we decide to go find cots in my band room. Not real sure why mine but Paul comes along. He is also pulling out his cell phone and asks for her address. We don't know so send him after Madison who is probably still under Martin. Earns us a glare for not asking I guess but he does go.

Back in my band room we pass through to the dressing room and find two things. We have cots and Woody is in here asleep. Little surprising, fairly sure he fucked the permanent marker gal. Monica was still in Andrew's lap as well, though they were finished with the fucking. Remembering one thing I go get Monica and get her up to come into the dressing room with us.

"Monica we got three band sluts now. Steph is going to give it a try, may only last the night. We got another gal Madison who is getting ridden by Martin at the moment. She is coming along on the tour to be the band slut with me so definitely have two. Far as I know Andrew is only cleared to fuck me." Monica snorts and nods.

"So long as he comes back clean he can fuck any of the sluts. We are thinking of trying for kids, well not so much thinking as just not using protection and fucking away. Are you sure you don't mind me moving in to that mansion?" Nod and smile.

"I am sure, little help with meals is nice when you are there of course. I promise no letting Andrew seduce me outside of tour either." Monica snorts.

"Hell even then I don't care that much. He has a healthy sex drive so even if you do him a couple times a week he has enough for me." Steph and I are gaping at her now.

"Damn, that was unexpected." I nod along to Steph on that then well I may as well ask.

"I've never seen so what's he like?" Monica grins and shivers.

"He is long, and a good thickness. Lasts long enough as well so there's no worries on him satisfying which I have had problems with on other guys."

"You know I just realized, fairly sure all of the guys got laid already." Look over at Steph and frown, that is true.

"Mark may not have. I can go without for a night if you need a fuck. Course there is Paul as well, he may need to sleep but we do have until dinner." Steph nods and shrugs.

"I can wait a little longer, though if there is nobody who hasn't I may just pick a guy. I mean I know Martin is getting laid so I need to find a guy and try it out." Nod and shrug.

"You get first pick, my sex drive is low enough I can go without and Madison got laid." Steph nods and leans against me, I like this it's chilly in here.

Paul comes in with four guys so I'm gawking, along with Steph and Madison turned around. All four guys are a little buff and quite hunky. We got an older guy with some gray in his hair and doesn't look to have shaved today, or yesterday I think at this point. The other three however are young and a little buff and well alright I drool a little.

All of them are brunette which is fine, I don't have a hair preference. One has a large nose but great chin. The one next to him has awesome cheek bones and a great nose though his chin is a little small. The last guy has a smile and is checking me out, he also has a great masculine face and poofy long hair.

Then I notice all have a shirt on that says roadie. Well heck this is great, we got guys to load and unload for us. I was already told on this, roadies go with the band and we are getting some, didn't expect four though.

"These are the roadies for you guys. You get four since two buses. The hands at the stadium will help so don't worry on how much stuff you got. If you ask they are not in charge of your clothes though you probably can get them to do laundry at a walk up place. A certain person with pink hair is not allowed to do her own laundry." Look over at Steph to get a shrug so well alright we will ask.

"Why not?" The older one steps forward.

"Apologies miss but besides getting the bus loaded and unloaded we are to keep you guys safe. You are distinctive and as such going out in public may or may not have people running at you." Well that kinda sucks but not really, I never enjoyed laundry anyway.

"I can live with that, hate doing laundry. So do I get a bodyguard who will fall in love with me or was that just a movie?" All four of them are laughing now.

"Just a movie, and we got a run down on you so know you have issues with unwanted touching" Steph nudges me so look at her and mouths hunky to me so I guess I better ask.

"Right I think before anything else I better ask if you are all straight and single, along with don't have anything transmittable besides a cold." The older one sighs and looks down for a moment.

"I like men."

"I don't really care if you do or not. Rather good that you do since we can do girl talk." He snorts and looks up.

"I'm the man in bed just want to with a guy." Look at Steph and we are both grinning.

"Just as good, we can check out men together. Fairly sure all of the guys in the bands are straight so you may not get laid much but we can have fun anyway." He's smiling and I'm smiling then turn to the other three.

"So I take it you three are single, straight, and not having anything bad?" They all nod so I look at Steph.

"You want to pick one now or wait until we are getting on the buses?"

"We are to go load them now, just came in for the introductions and let you know." I nod and go up to the older guy and hold my hand out.

"I'm Pinky or Andrea, take your pick on which though always Pinky on stage." He smiles and takes my hand.

"Cade, and then in order that is Mike, Chad, and Trace." They all smile at me and just have to ask.

"Trace do you have an accent?" He shakes his head.

"Grew up here, my parents are country fans and him specifically but not named for him. They have a friend named Trace and apparently he's a good friend but I never wanted to know how good." Snort and giggle.

"Not blaming you, so you guys are all on the buses with us or separate vehicle?"

"We are on the buses, two of us to each."

"I would like to know what you mean by pick one now." Look over at Chad then look at Steph.

"There are three band sluts, we are two of them and yes we know in the band. Pinky hasn't found love yet but does lust so to not be horny all the time she started to slut to her band. I just started because Martin, my boyfriend and also in the band, wants to try swinging and this is safe. We just found our third and need to get her clothes so two of you guys will help her and the third band with that. We let the guys do the groupies with condoms and we don't so it's important you start out clean and stay that way, we are both pregnant as well. Madison is on birth control and we will help her stay on unless she decides to go off." The guys all nod and three grins.
