The EMT Ch. 09


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"Well this looks fine" he said after a couple of seconds. "No obvious damage from last night's exertions, but I'm not really surprised given the degree of lubrication if your reaction today is anything to go by." Suzanne whinced with the embarrassment again.

"Are you taking any contraceptives?" he asked, and Suzanne confirmed that she was 'on the pill'.

"OK, I'm going to look a little deeper, and I'd rather do it without instruments if you don't mind." Without waiting for an answer, Dr Packard slipped his thumbs into Suzanne's vagina, which was effortlessly achieved given her extreme wetness. He then pulled gently apart with a gradually increasing pressure, causing her to first clamp her pelvic muscles at the invasion, and then to slowly relax as his pressure remained constant, opening her slowly to his inspection.

He bent closer, and moved his head around to peer into her open orifice, examining the walls of her cavity. After a few seconds of this treatment, he removed his thumbs, letting one slide slowly over her lips, up to her erect little clitoris, which was now standing free of its hood. He quickly rubbed her clitoris, and felt her respond before removing his hand. The touch was brief and gentle, but caused Suzanne to catch her breath, it was so sudden and unexpected.

Standing quickly up, Dr Packard stepped over to a sink that Suzanne hadn't previously noticed, and rinsed his hands, leaving Suzanne frustrated and excited on the couch. He then sat back at his desk and typed in some notes, ignoring her, and leaving her exposed and vulnerable. She slowly and reluctantly closed her legs, and shuffled back up the couch, sliding the gown from beneath her, and covering herself as best as she could with it. Finally, she slipped her legs over the side of the couch and sat up.

"Don't get down" he said without looking at her, "I still need some samples." As he spoke, he walked over to the couch, opened a discreet drawer at the end, and started to pull out a number of stainless steel instruments that had been soaking in a pool of disinfectant fluid.


Much later that same day, after Emma had been put to bed, Ian and Suzanne sat side by side on the little sofa in the study, sharing a bottle of wine. They had been chatting for twenty minutes or so, and had passed through the stage of asking each other how their day had gone. They each felt they had a lot to tell the other about their own eventful day, and were each eager to hear from the other about the first day of their new life together. They had eventually agreed that Suzanne should begin with a description of her day. She had already briefly summarised the medical examination for Ian, including the tests and samples that had been taken as that part of her experience with Dr Packard had reached a conclusion. Suzanne had described how the mysterious Doctor had taken the usual cervical smear, blood and urine samples, and then asked her to dress again.

"Well," said Ian, after hearing Suzanne's story so far, "At least it appears that they are taking good care of you."

Suzanne nodded thoughtfully. "I have to admit, that at that point, I was feeling the same way. But I have no way of understanding the relevance of what happened next."

Ian looked quickly down at his wife, who was snuggled against him on the sofa, his arm around her shoulders.

"What do you mean? What happened next?"

"Well, remember I said at the beginning that he'd said something about taking pictures?"

Ian remembered her saying so at the start of her story. "Yes, I was going to ask you about that."

"Well, after I was dressed" continued Suzanne, "he asked me to follow him, and he led me upstairs to the room immediately above his consulting room. I was beginning to think he was going to take some X-rays or something, but I couldn't have been more wrong."

They each reached for their glass of wine and took a slug, whilst Ian waited for her to continue. He couldn't explain why, but the sexual tension, already high after Suzanne's account of the intimate examination she had undergone, seemed to raise up a notch or two, and he could feel Suzanne's body shiver against him as she remembered what happened next.

"He led me into the room, and I was surprised to see it was equipped as a photographic studio, just like the one we went to in London when we had those portraits done for Emma's third birthday. There were backdrops and scenery all set up in the different corners of the room, with lighting set up, tripods, furniture, the works."

Ian remembered the studio they had visited, and how the professional make-up artist had prepared the three of them, even lightly applying make-up to Ian much against his better instincts, before the very competent photographer had arranged them in various groupings and settings, taking scores of pictures. The results had been a very expensive, but excellent selection of portraits against a series of backgrounds, and which had already paid for themselves by providing very welcome Christmas and Birthday presents for the rest of the family. Suzanne brought him back to the present.

"The settings were similar, but somehow more adult than in London, more grown up. Doctor Packard explained to me that Graham had asked him to take some pictures of me, but he didn't say why. He said that photography was one of his hobbies, and it was a service he sometimes provided for special clients, but it was all a bit mysterious. It was also very difficult to switch from thinking of him as a Doctor to thinking of him as a photographer."

Ian swallowed another gulp of wine and wondered where this was going.

"Anyway, he pointed me to a dressing table at one side of the room, and asked me if I wanted to freshen up my make-up. I was a bit confused, but sat down and 'powdered my nose' so to speak, whilst he busied himself getting some cameras ready, and some of the lighting switched on and arranged."

"Go on" said Ian, who was starting to think this was sounding like a promising additional extra.

"When I was ready, he sat me in one of the little settings, made some adjustments, and started to take pictures. He kept asking me to change my position slightly, turn my head, that sort of thing. I found I was quite enjoying it."

"At first, it was just portraits, fully dressed, using the various backdrops that were already set up. But it didn't take long before he asked me to unbutton one of the buttons on my blouse, or to pull up my skirt slightly to show more leg. I didn't feel I could argue, as the pictures had been ordered by Mr Leicester."

Ian's mouth was starting to feel dry as he listened to his sexy wife describe how she had posed for this relative stranger.

"There was nothing blatantly offensive about any of the poses, and the settings were normal and not at all erotic or rude. They were kind of....businesslike I guess. One was like an office with a desk and computer. Another like a reception desk, and another set up in the bay window. Apart from asking me to show a bit of cleavage or thigh, nothing untoward happened, but I did find it kind of sexy, being asked to pose, and being pictured in these settings by this man that I knew nothing about."

Ian's curiosity was piqued. "But what does Graham want the pictures for? Did you ever find out?"

Suzanne shook her head. "Beats me. I did wonder, and I did think about asking Doctor Packard. But I never really got the opportunity. He was very professional and very busy throughout. Setting poses, taking pictures, changing lighting. I had, and still have no idea what it was all about. After about 40 minutes, he said he had enough, and showed me out of the door. He said he'd see me in a month or so, earlier if he had any questions after the samples were analysed, and that was it. I never saw Ms Pyrford again, and got back just in time to pick up Emma and prepare dinner. That was my day, what do you make of it, and how was yours?"

Suzanne got up from the sofa and poured more wine whilst Ian began his account of the day. He told her about his move of office, which May had completed before he left for the day, about his meeting with John, and how weird that had been for him. At this point, Suzanne was very interested and wanted to know all the details of their conversation, and what exactly he had said about her. They were both in an excited state as Ian's recounting of the conversation reminded them of the events of the previous evening.

After telling Suzanne about various other meetings and conversations he had taken part in, he finally got around to mentioning his meeting with Karl Solomon. Suzanne's jaw dropped as he told her of his conversation with the company secretary and treasurer, and of his instructions to be passed to her by Ian. That she was to meet Karl first thing the next morning, that they would be going to London together overnight, and that Graham would be ringing later that evening with further instructions. As he quickly told her all of this, her colour rose, and her temper rose with it.

"What!! You've waited until now to tell me all of this, and let me prattle on about my day. What were you thinking about Ian? I can't believe you. There are a million things I have to do. What about Emma? What about packing? What do I need to wear? I need to wash my hair, do my nails. Jesus Ian, it's nearly nine pm and you've only just told me this?"

Ian calmed her down as best he could, and reassured her about Emma, telling her Ms Pyrford would be arriving at 06:00 am. Before Suzanne could do any of the things she had listed, the telephone rang, giving them both a start. Ian looked over at her as she froze halfway to the door.

"That'll be Graham," he said, "you'd better take it in here." Then he left her alone in the study as she looked daggers after him, and moved slowly towards he phone.


"Hello Suzanne. How was your day? Any second thoughts?"

His voice had the same quiet power that she remembered and recognised, and had the instant effect of quietening her temper. She closed her eyes for a second, counted to five quickly, and then replied.

"Hello Mr Leicester. I had an interesting day thank you, and no, I have not chickened out or had second thoughts. What can I do for you Sir?"

Graham laughed quietly at the other end of the line. "I was sure that you wouldn't Suzanne, and Packard tells me that you were most cooperative with him earlier today. I hope that he was gentle with you."

Suzanne sat down at the chair by the desk, and assured Graham Leicester that Doctor Packard had been as gentle and professional as possible. She could see Ian through the door into the kitchen, obviously trying to listen to her conversation, and she scowled at him, embarrassed at how quickly Graham Leicester had changed her mood from anger at Ian to quiet submission to Mr Leicester.

Ian started to rinse the wine glasses as Graham continued.

"Did Ian warn you about your little field trip tomorrow with Karl Solomon?"

Suzanne looked daggers at Ian again as she replied.

"Yes Sir. He has just this minute told me about it, and I was thinking about all the things I need to do when you called."

"Good Suzanne. Don't worry too much. You are seeing Karl at 09:00 I believe." Suzanne confirmed her understanding of the arrangement. "You will have time after that to go to the beauty parlour, before you are taken to Waverley for your train, so don't worry tonight about that sort of thing. Just pack for an overnight, we'll discuss what you need in a minute. Does that make things easier for you?"

His understanding of her needs, and his anticipation of her little female requirements once again impressed Suzanne. "That takes a load from my mind Sir, thank you."

"OK Suzanne, thank YOU. Has Ian explained the purpose of the trip?"

"Only in the most basic terms Sir. I understand that Mr Solomon and I will be dining with a client that we are trying to influence, and that a little flattery or more may be required."

"Well put Suzanne, that is the essence of the matter. I want to check that you are happy with that outline before we proceed. Are you prepared to do what is necessary to achieve our ends in this matter?"

The question caught Suzanne a little by surprise in its bluntness and candour. She realised that Graham Leicester was asking her if she was prepared to sleep with a complete stranger if necessary, to let some unknown man use her body if required, to achieve whatever business objective suited the company. The thought sent butterflies flying in her stomach, and her nipples stiffened with the thought of what may happen to her in less than 24 hours time.

"Mr Leicester, I realise that I have signed a contract, and that I am obliged by that contract to use whatever talents I have in your service. I am not only willing to keep my part of our bargain, I am looking forward to being of some genuine use to you and the company, and also to the adventure that that entails."

"Excellent Suzanne." Not even the distance of the telephone could keep the obvious pleasure from his voice, and Suzanne glowed with the knowledge that her answer had pleased her new boss. "Karl will fill you in on all the technical details in the morning, but I want you to be aware that for the next 36 hours, Karl has my full authority over you. You are to react to orders and instructions from Karl as if they came straight from me. Whatever he demands of you, you are to obey as if it were me making the demands. Is that clear?"

Suzanne answered in the way she had been taught. "Yes Mr Leicester, I understand."

"Good. Now for some personal instructions from me, so that you can pack appropriately. You will be staying and dining in a first class hotel in London. As my representative, I'd obviously like you to look at your best at all times – make me proud of you."

Again, Suzanne could not explain why comments like this left her in a warm glow of pleasure.

"For dinner, take something that is sophisticated but sexy. Something like the cocktail dress you wore to meet me last week." Suzanne couldn't believe that it was only a few days since this mad adventure had begun. She remembered how carefully she had dressed when meeting Graham Leicester for dinner the previous Friday, and the effect that her appearance had on him.

"If you choose to wear underwear, it should be exciting and provocative lingerie. Let Karl know if you need anything, he can make the necessary arrangements."

Suzanne replied that she was sure that she had everything that she needed in her own wardrobe.

"Take some nice night clothes, just in case they are needed – John tells me that you have a very sexy negligee that may be suitable. Do you know the one he means?"

Suzanne's breath caught as she remembered standing in front of John in her honeymoon negligee, which was almost totally transparent, whilst her husband encouraged her to display herself to him. Obviously, John had described everything to Graham, and she was almost more ashamed of him knowing than she was of her wanton behaviour in front of John.

"I know which one he means Mr Leicester, and I'll make sure I pack it, in case it is needed."

The reality of what she was facing was already exciting Suzanne, and she was quickly moistening as her husband's boss discussed the intimate details of her wardrobe and preparations with her. She looked at Ian again in the kitchen and saw that he was watching her intently and listening to her every word as she planned her first company duty as company whore. Ian was obviously and clearly excited at what he was seeing and hearing.

"Look at this as something of a test of your resolve, Suzanne." Graham continued. "We will discuss it in detail when you return, and I will be asking Karl and others how you performed, so remember to make me proud."

"I will do my best for you Sir" she responded, genuinely excited at the prospect facing her, wondering what the next 36 hours were to bring.

"Right Suzanne, I think you are ready. Report to my office immediately on your return on Thursday to let me know how things went for you. Good luck, and good night."

The 'phone went dead before she could respond. She replaced the receiver and looked up at her husband who was watching her expectantly. When he walked towards her, his erection evident in the tent at the front of his trousers, she shook her finger at him to stop his progress.

"Whoa there boy. My contract says that I have to put you under stoppage once I have received instructions. You'll have to wait until I get back."

At Ian's suddenly crestfallen look, she smiled at him to take the sting out of her words.

"Besides, I have to work tomorrow, and I have a lot of preparation to do first."

Ian watched her head towards the stairs, to pack. As he locked the house and followed her upstairs, he couldn't help thinking that being the husband of the company whore had its drawbacks as well as its compensations. be continued.

In the next part, Suzanne's first assignment for the company, in all of its glorious detail.

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devilspy2001devilspy2001over 10 years ago
Great build up

I am wondering how the Dr will fit into all of this. And what other duties he will require.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Excellent quality !

Excellent writing with full attention to details that fully enhance the understanding of emotions as well as images! Please continue this story !

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
I love this story

And I can't wait to see what Karl has in store for her.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Wonderful, can't wait for the next two years. Best I've read.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
My top 5 fav author(s)

Excellent,best I've read.Please don't stop or leave us in suspense too long.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago

Superb writing as usual, you continue to tease your loyal fans with exciting possibilities and developments for Suzanne and Ian. Can't wait for Chapter 10.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 18 years ago
Next Chapter Please

Thanks for the latest chapter, I am really looking forward to your next installment

viking4519viking4519almost 18 years ago
The wait is over

Great to see the latest chapter. Well done. Setting the stage, establishing context makes for a better and hotter story. Looking forward to Chap 10 and Suzanne's trip to London.

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