The Loving Husband Ch. 01


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As we did, Louise had her legs over mine facing me. She said, "Oh God you're still hard I feel you! You're still hard! The girls were right, your cock is staying hard after you cum! Oh God Tony, hold me tight and let me feel your big cock inside me! I need this so bad! So bad!! This is the best fuck I have ever had."

She had her legs wrapped around me and I held her tight as she sat on my thighs with my cock still deep inside her cunt. As we were sitting there on the bed with her pussy squeezing my cock I bent her back and began to suck on her tits. We could both feel the cum begin to leak out her hole. She held her arms around my neck and kissed me with all the passion and desire her body could give. She said, "Tony I want you to be my lover. Tommy, my husband will be happy for me and I will be so happy if you will say yes. Say yes Tony, say you'll be my lover and that you'll spend the night fucking me."

As I was about to speak, we heard the front door open and a voice called out, "Hello! Louise? Anyone home? Lou, are you home?"

It was her husband! Louise called out to him with a deeper voice that usual, "Yes Tommy we're in the bedroom."

I felt a chill go up my back and my cock start to shrink quickly. I was going to pull away from her when she held me and said, "No Tony! It's OK! I promise. Stay just like this baby! I want him to see how happy I am. Don't move baby! Please stay still and keep your cock hard enough to stay inside me."

I tired and just as she finished asking me to stay hard inside her, Tommy was standing in the doorway! He looked at us and said, "We? Oh Louise, I didn't know anyone was up here with you. Who is he and what are you two doing?"

Here I was sitting on his bed, holding his wife on my lap with my cock stuck in her cunt both of us completely nude and she was going to introduce me. It was very strange, very strange. Louise smiled at her husband and said, "Hi baby!? I would like you to meet Tony! Tony this is my husband Tommy. Tony is going to be my lover baby! How was your day"

He said, "Lou! What is going on here? Who...who is this guy?"

I had taken my hand off her tit to shake his hand. He didn't look very pleased at first and didn't offer his hand back to me. Then Louise said, "Tommy! Remember you and I agreed that I could take a lover if I wanted or needed to? Well Tony and I were just seeing if we were compatible enough. And I think he would make a very good lover for me. I was going to ask you tonight for your approval but you're home early and now you know I want him. I want you to tell me it's OK. Say you accept this Tommy like we talked about. Please!"

He just looked at both of us. Then Louise said, "OK Tommy. If you can give us a few minutes, maybe we should talk about this in the living room."

He said, "Yes and with some clothes on Lou, and you to." He was looking at me

He turned around and walked out of the bedroom with his head down. I felt bad about this and I told her, "We better get up and get dressed and go talk to him about what just happened. Maybe I should leave for now and let you talk with him"

She sighed and said, "Oh OK! We can talk to him if we have too! But I don't want your cock to leave my pussy Tony. I want to cum again and I really don't want you to leave tonight OK? He and I both knew the first time was going to be very hard for him. We talked about it for a long, long time. He can deal with it. It's just going to take some time. Please stay the night Tony like we discussed. Tommy will eventually accept this I know it."

I said, "We'll see about tonight after we all talk. He didn't look very happy."

We both got up off the bed and as I put on my clothes I could see the cum leaking out of Louise's pussy. She slipped on a robe and said, "Don't dress completely Tony. I want you to stay here with me all night. Here put this robe on Tommy won't need it."

I said, "I..I...I don't know about that Lou. Let's see what your husband has to say about this." I put my pants and shoes and socks on. I took my shirt with me but she held my hand and I didn't put it on.

She held my hand and we walked into the living room together. Tom was sitting there with a large drink in his hand and watched as we walked into the room. I let go of her hand but she held us tighter together. She sat next to her husband and patted the seat next to her still holding my hand. I down sat on the other side of Louise.

She took her husband's hand in her left hand and held my hand in her right. She looked at Tommy and started to talk, "Like I said in the bedroom, Tommy this is Tony. I have asked him to be lover Tom. You knew like we talked about. You knew I would ask someone sooner or later to help with the sex. Well I asked Tony today. We were seeing if we were compatible for each other when you came home. I wanted to see how it would be Tommy and that's why I did it before talking with you. I didn't want to put you through this twice."

She waited for Tommy to respond. He looked at her and said, "I guess I knew one day I would have to deal with this. I haven't been living up to our agreement in the bedroom have I Lou?"

She held his hand tighter and said, "No baby you haven't. We're back to once a month again. You know how I am Tommy. I have to have sex more than that. We have talked about this for a long time and a lot of times Tommy. You told me more than one time that I should take a lover and that's why I have asked Tony here tonight. He has agreed to be with me as long as it doesn't break up our marriage. He's a nice guy Tommy."

Tom looked at him and Tony could see the pain and hurt in Tom's eyes. Then Tommy looked back at he beautiful young wife and said, "I know Lou! I know I can't satisfy you all the time and for that I am sorry. It just seems that the stress in my life and job keeps getting more and more. I am so dog-tired when I get home it keeps me from giving you the love and the sex I know you want and need. I knew this is my fault too. I'm not very large down there." He looked at Tony again and said, "I guess you are!"

She kissed Tom gently on the cheek and then she kissed his hand. She said, "You give me all the love I can use Tommy. It's the sex baby! Tony isn't here to give me love Tommy. Not any love, just the sex I want and I hope you are OK with it. We have talked about this a great deal over the past year babe and you know I don't love him and never will. I love only you. And you knew that one-day I might bring a man home with me. You gave me the freedom to do it and for that I am truly thankful. I think that is the one thing that showed me more than anything else, just how much love you have for me. I know you care for me more that anything else but Tommy, I want Tony to be my lover with your blessing. Please say yes darling!"

Tommy looked at her and held her hand. He could see the passion and excitement in her face and in her eyes. He hadn't seen that in her eyes for him in a very long, long time. She had a lust for this man sitting with them and Tommy knew he couldn't give her what he knew she wanted. She wanted to have sex at least once everyday but most of the time she wanted it more than that! Finally, he said, "Yes I know we agreed, that if I couldn't... couldn't perform as often as you wanted, you could take another man to give you what you wanted and needed. But, I guess I never figured you would actually do it. I guess the shock of seeing you in our bed doing what you were doing has really gotten to me Lou.

Tony could see the hurt in his face and hear it in his voice. Tommy continued, "Tony, I know she invited you here and I know she told you she wanted a man to give her the sex when I can. But right now I am having a great deal of trouble seeing you fuck my wife. I want to make her happy but I'm not sure I can deal with it when I know it's actually going to happen."

Louise looked at her husband and said almost begging him, "But Tommy! You promised! You promised me you would allow me to do this! You even told me you would leave the house if I wanted you to go the nights I'm with my lover. But I told you that you didn't have to do that, just leave me alone with him. We talked a great deal about this and you agreed it was far better this way than to me sneaking around behind your back in bad motels and allies, cheating on you. We agreed baby! You can't now tell me you don't want me to do this! Tony is here with me to meet you just like we talked about. I am so happy about it and so worked up about having him here with us tonight Tommy. I have asked him to spend the night Tommy. Please don't tell him to go! Please!! "

Tommy said, "Oh Lou! I know Lou! I also told you if I stayed home I wouldn't interfere with you and your lover. You could do whatever you wished wherever you wished to do it. And I was sincere when I said it. But I guess that deep down inside I nerve would have realized that it might actually happen one day. Now that it has I'm having large problems dealing with it. But I guess there's not much I can do about it now. I mean he's here and you are already lovers. You have already taken each other at least once. I'll have to learn to deal with it, somehow. I won't ask you to have Tony leave now Lou that would be unfair to you and him. I'm sure Tony is looking forward to spending more time with you in our bed. Do you want me to leave and go to a hotel for the night or sleep in the spare bedroom?"

Before Louise could answer her husband, Tony spoke up saying, "Look folks if this is going to destroy your marriage I don't want anything to do with it. Louise, we agreed it wouldn't effect him this way. You also told me he would be OK with it! But I can see he's not happy about it at all. I think I should leave for now and let you two talk this out!"

She said, "Oh no Tony don't go. Let's all talk about this over dinner. Come on I know we can reach some sort of an agreement. Tommy and I both knew the first time I took a lover it would be very hard on him. He agreed to accept this way of life and I'm sure it will become easier for all of us as time goes by and you and I see each other more. Right Tommy?"

Tommy said, "Tony, I really want my wife to be happy. And if I can't give her everything she wants and needs I guess I have to look for help. I don't feel much like eating or going out but let's call for a pizza and have some beers. We can at least talk about this and how it is going to work for all of us. I do appreciate your understanding and concern Tony I think you are a nice guy."

Tony couldn't believe what he was hearing. Here was a man so in love with his wife that he was willing to share her so she could have enough sex to make her happy. He had never met anyone like Tommy before. He ran all of this over in his brain as well as what he and Louise had done to each other a few moments ago in their bed. He definitely knew he wanted more of her. But he wasn't sure her husband could handle it and he didn't want to be the one who broke up their marriage. He said, "Well I am hungry and if this is going to really work Lee I think we do need to do some serious talking about it. I'll buy to pizza."

Lou kissed her husband tenderly and held him for a few minutes telling him she loved him so very much. Tony sat there looking at them. He believed her but he felt very uncomfortable! Then she turned to him and kissed him with more passion. While she didn't hold him tight, she did hold his strong arms as her lips met his. Then she got up and called the order in.

As they sat in the kitchen, Louise told Tommy about their lunch and what she had told me about their situation. I told Tommy a little about my life and that I was happy and honored to provide Lou with the additional sex she craved. I also said that any man would love to have her as often as he could! Then I realized what I said was inappropriate and told Tommy I was so sorry I didn't mean to hurt him.

Tom told me he wasn't hurt and realized how beautiful and sexy his wife was. He wished he could give her all the sex he could but realized over the years she was just too much woman for him. I felt Tommy seem to actually like me. He found me to be quiet honest and sincere. Finally after 3 or 4 beers all the pizza was gone and Tommy told Louise he would be willing to try and accept me as her lover with conditions.

He told her this would be sort of a test or trial periods for all of us. After 3 months he would have the final say about it. If she cheated on him once he would divorce her. In hindsight that might have saved him a great deal of sadness and heartaches. Tommy wanted to know when we were going to be together and he told me he may want to watch from time to time to ensure Louise and I weren't falling in love with each other.

She assured Tom that wouldn't happen but he insisted on watching when he wanted to. Finally she and I agreed to his terms. Then Tommy told us he wouldn't stop us from going out some place and then having sex but he didn't want her to become so involved with me that she would not want him when he could get it up and do it. Well he didn't say it exactly like that but that's what he meant. Finally after 2 hours of discussion he asked me to spend the night with his wife.

I was completely shocked. Louise jumped up and hugged and kissed her husband and held him. She told him she loved him over and over again and that he was the best husband in the entire world. As the night went by Tommy let the two of us alone more and more for longer periods of time. Finally he told us that he was going to bed in the spare bedroom. We could have the house to ourselves.

As Tommy left, she told me to wait for her in the living room she would be a little while. She told me later what she had done. She followed her husband back to the spare bedroom and told him again and again what a wonderful man and husband he was to her. She kissed him and held him and undressed him. Then she softly stroked his small cock bring him to a hard on. She worked him up and told him to lay down on the bed. As her lips covered his cock he held her head gently letting her suck him off. He knew her pussy belonged to me tonight and that she would refuse to fuck him tonight. She did the oral sex tenderly, and with love and deep, deep feelings for him. She was an expert at sucking cock and within a few minutes Louise made Tommy cum in her mouth. She showed him that she swallowed all of his cum and then held him for a long, long time. Finally as she felt him relax and fall asleep she stood up and quietly left the room. She went to the living room and took my hand leading me back to the master bedroom. She kissed me and said, "Tommy is asleep and he gave me his blessing Tony. He told me to tell you he wants me fucked properly and completely. He wants me to be satisfied totally tonight. He has given me to you unconditionally as your lover tonight baby."

I held her as she dropped her robe and stood before me completely nude. She was so beautiful. Her body was magnificent. I didn't know what to make of a man who so loved his wife as to give her to another man to sexually satisfy. But I wasn't about to miss this opportunity to have sex with Louise. She wanted me to fuck her and fuck her I would! I realized that there was no love here between us. There was only the need for sex and to be fucked and satisfied! She just looked at me as I lowered her beautiful body to the bed and moved over her. She said, "Fuck me Tony! Fuck me hard and fuck me good. I know tonight is going to be the start of something unbelievable for all of us! How little she knew that she was so right.

The real question now was should I continue this affair and this story?

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Mrhappy4aaMrhappy4aaalmost 4 years ago
26 is right...

A 1 star same old standard slut, wimp cuck story, very predictable. Really sad for both Tommy and Tony. Louise is a selfish slut, me, me, me. Her husband is having second thoughts but she is going to screw her lover, NO MATTER what her cucky husband says. Tommy should divorce that Slut wife of his, she is a cheater, and will always be a cheater. Tony should do the right thing and leave, if he had any morals, but I suspect he doesn't.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
The watching

Continue with Tommy watching

26thNC26thNCover 4 years ago
No and no

Don't continue the affair and definitely don't continue the story. Just another whore and willing cuck.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
No Fu€%# WAY

Run, don't walk and never, I repeat NEVER LOOK BACK! Only trouble can come from this.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another Wimpy Writer

What is it with authors who create the least sympathetic husbands who are so whiney and wimpy? Easy to see where this one's going. How long will it take the husband to figure he's gone?

betrayedbylovebetrayedbylovealmost 12 years ago

The wife has the balls that the husband doesn't.

don87654don87654over 19 years ago
Very understandable.....

A "100,000,000" out of a "100". Very well defined and thought out. A bit lengthy, perhaps, but this length only adds to the eroticism. I see, altho they agreed it would only be sex, a bit of "love" creeping in, with her wanting his sperm as opposed to semen. This is good and perhaps she can convince her husband Tommy to let her get pregnant by Tony as well, and continue to build a family with Tony while remaining married to Tommy?

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Keep up the good work

Story has unusually good character development for this site. The other commenters clearly like wam bam thank you mam stories since they can't make it through 3 pages.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Far too long

So long to get to the point and then it just fizzled out. Not worth the effort to read such a long story. A real erection killer.

Nightowl22Nightowl22over 19 years ago
Something missing

What is it?? A husband that's a man and a .357 mag.

Get him on the rise; then her.

Or make sure he's a black belt and kicks the shit out of good old Tony and boots her ass out to bounce down the sidewalk!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago

Guess I'll only mention the lover is only to fill in when hubby can't. But tonight the hubby can, but intercourse is only for the lover. Hubby can't have it tonight. That makes no sense.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Not that unusual a situation

Having lived fifty plus years with my eyes open I know this isn't an unusual situation. Older men with much younger wives do face the problem of disparate sex drives, and often a lover does appear, agreed upon or not.

I do have to give Need You full credit for creating a third party lover with reletively good moral sense, a conscience, and the brains to ask the right questions repeatedly until he gets answers so he understands the situation. He evenhas the integrity to even to be willing to break off the affair if it's going to hurt their marriage.

That's a rare character creation here on Lit and for that I thank Need You.

AnonymousAnonymousover 19 years ago
Can't be serious

Even in fantasy, no husband is this wimpy . Even stud invited lover is embarassed by the wife. Does anyone write loving wife stories or they all slut wimp stories? They are pretty disgusting.

beetle_221beetle_221over 19 years ago
Another great start.

I have enjoyed most of your stories over the past several weeks. I hope you are inspired (and encouraged) enough to continue this story. I see possibilities for a lot of psychological development in this story.

Kindly continue



ed1ed1over 19 years ago
He's another whimp husband

He' another whimp husband. Please put us out of misery!

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