Those Days of...Ch. 31-35


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As Mike got to that point I felt Helen's hand reach for mine and pull it down beneath her skirt and up between her legs - her panties were literally soaking wet and as I felt for and then slipped my fingers into the cleft between her swollen pussy-lips I heard her give a sharp gasp of pleasure. Her hand covered mine, guiding it to the hard nub above her slit, rhythmically pressing it against herself as Mike continued his description.

'I knelt behind her and slipped my cock into her and even though she was almost sopping from what Freda had done to her she was still amazingly tight and the sensations it triggered for me were so fantastic that it took all my self control to stop myself from simply slamming into her hard and fast. Instead I tried to pace myself the way they did with each other - watching the changing expression on Freda's face as Tracy took her closer and closer to her release, feeling the strength of Tracy's reactions to the feel of my cock building slowly - and at the same time of course, savouring the thrills I was getting.

Even so it was me that came first, it just came out of nowhere and there was no way I could stop it - but the feel of it pumping into her must have triggered Tracy's because although she continued avidly sucking Freda's pussy I heard her muffled grunts of pleasure blending with my own as I fired the last of my semen into her - and a few seconds later, Freda joined in with her own, much more constrained but obviously equally pleasurable orgasm.'

just then I felt Helen's pelvis give a series of jerks as she gripped my fingers even tighter against herself and let out a sharp but almost imperceptible grunt, then sighed and relaxed a little. I was amazed but also pleased that she'd been able to give herself an orgasm, albeit a small one, without even disturbing Mike's telling of his story. Although I'm sure Barbara had noticed what had happened I'm equally certain that Mike hadn't - or if he had he gave no sign of it, just continued on.

'I knew if I stayed any longer I'd never be able to get to work on time the next morning, as it was I felt so utterly drained that I was sure I'd need twenty-four hours sleep the following night to recover. So, once we'd all untangled ourselves I kissed them both and said I'd have to get dressed and leave. They understood and I think they were glad in a way, I feel sure their plans didn't include having a bristly male around them first thing in the morning.

But, just as I was leaving, Tracy gave me two pairs of panties, one of hers and a more lacy pair, that I presumed were Freda's. When she saw my puzzled look she said. 'For your aerial.' And when I still looked at her quite blankly she explained that a friend of theirs had told them that if they got one of the Rangers to fuck them they had to give him a pair of panties, which he then fixed to the top of the radio aerial, to prove to his mates that he'd scored.

After I'd opened the gates and the office the following morning I put both pairs up - and though the Head Ranger of course made me take them off again, he left it until late enough for several of the guys to have seen them, including Pat - and although he wasn't particularly happy about it, he grinned as he shook my hand and welcomed me as a fully-fledged Ranger.

'So how come you didn't ask me for mine Mike?' Barbara asked.

That time I was sure he blushed and his answer, when it came was in a much quieter, more serious tone of voice.

'It wasn't like that with you - in spite of the strange circumstances that first time. Even then I didn't want you to be in the same category as the others had been. Somehow I knew it was different with you, that you were going to be special, very special.'

'Oh Mike, what a lovely thing to say.' Barbara whispered up at him, then turned and hugged him to herself.

Then, she just as suddenly let go of him and in a tone of mock indignation, said. 'Others! It sounds as though there's a traffic jam of women queuing up around the park, waiting their turn to get screwed.'

But as Mike laughed at her outburst she grinned and then added. 'Seriously though, are there many women around like that?'

'Not that many Barbara. I was lucky if you like, to be initiated in such a spectacular way I mean. Other than the guy I told you about, the one that was sort of kidnapped, nobody else had been propositioned by two women at once. But during a year there are quite a few women that come down, some just the once, others more often - I think there must be a bit of a grape-vine operating in the suburban areas around the park.'

Looking across at me Mike added. 'It always amazes me how women talk to each other about the most intimate things. I mean this is the first time I've ever told anyone the details of what happened with Tracy and Freda, men don't do that do they Roger.'

'No we don't.' I agreed. 'It's something that fascinated me when I first got to know Helen and even more so when I met Barbara. I'd never struck it before but with these two, the more detail the better.'

'So I've found out too. But it must be pretty common, some of the women that come around can tell you exactly what happened to a friend of theirs, blow by blow - or should I say stroke by stroke. I'm sure if you asked them they could give the precise size of each Ranger's cock, his favourite position, staying power in minutes and seconds and probably how many pubic hairs each one has.'

Which broke us all up of course and it was several minutes before Barbara was able to ask what she had started out to really find out.

'O.K. - very funny. But exactly how many women have you had, either those that have propositioned you, or that you have 'cajoled and persuaded' - to use your own words?'

'Other than Tracy and Freda? just two.' He answered immediately. 'Then I met jean, thought she was going to be special and avoided or ducked any other opportunities that came along - that is until you did, of course.' he said with a broad grin - and which earned him a sharp dig in the ribs from Barbara's elbow.

Suddenly it was Helen speaking up. 'Two more! Tell us Mike, it's exciting hearing about what happens.' she said enthusiastically - and as Barbara joined in by saying - 'Yes, please do Mike, I was only kidding.' - he really had very little choice but to continue.

'There's not much to tell about the next one, she turned out to be a friend of Tracy and Freda, they told her about what they had got up to and she came looking for me. She was quite pretty, in a fluffy kind of way - to look at her you'd never have picked her as someone after a quick, casual fuck - but that's all she wanted.

After we'd finished and I asked her what had brought her to the park she told me she knew the other two girls - and that this was just the kind of sex she preferred, that she was always looking for new places to bump into men that she could have it off with, just the once. She didn't want to be involved in a relationship you see - just needed the sex.

To tell you the truth I don't think she even mentioned her name, if she did I certainly don't remember it.'

'That's a disappointing sort of a story. What about the other one Mike?' Helen asked.

'Ah, the other one! Margaret. Well, if you like sexy stories this one should really curl your toes up.'

'Oh good!' Helen and Barbara exclaimed in one voice, then giving him their full attention.

'Where to start? Well for one thing, Margaret was married and had two kids, a boy eight and a girl a bit under six years old - so by then they were both going to school, which is what gave her the time to go looking for what she was after. But I don't honestly think she was actually looking when I met her the first time, not consciously anyway.

She'd got a flat tyre, that's how I met her, found her stuck and looking pathetically helpless on the road nearest the big shopping centre - a lot of people use that bit as a short cut during the day, to avoid the traffic. Anyway, naturally I stopped to help her and as she'd run off the road when the tyre went and I had a bit of trouble making the jack secure in the soft grass, it took me longer than usual to fix it for her.

She was very grateful, offered to pay me something, which of course I refused and frankly I forgot all about the incident and quite honestly, I'd been so concerned about getting her car under way again that I hadn't even taken too much notice of her.

So, when a few days later, while I was checking some signs that had been damaged along the same stretch of road this woman stopped and came towards me, I didn't even recognise her and when she gave me a small parcel, nicely gift-wrapped, I thought she must have mistaken me for someone else. It was only when she said it was a small 'thank-you' for helping her with her tyre that I suddenly remembered what had happened and realised who she was.

I was quite touched, we don't often get any thanks for what we do and I suppose being fairly new to the service then I was even more pleased by her thoughtfulness. She told me not to open it until later, again said 'thank-you', went back to her car and drove off.

It was a bottle of very expensive after-shave and I don't mind admitting I was impressed, I'd never had that sort of gift from a woman - and this was total stranger. I sat in the vehicle and thought about her for a while, wondering if the present was just what she said it was, a 'thank-you' for a kindness, or whether it was an indication of some other, deeper interest.

The day had been wet and she'd had a light rain-coat on so I had no idea what the rest of her really looked like - but I recalled her face and the bright, attractive smile she'd given me as she handed me the present. As I pictured her I remembered I had been struck by the unusual colour of her eyes, I couldn't decide whether they were a very light hazel, or grey, flecked with green - certainly they were fascinating. Her hair was fair, not truly blonde but quite thick and cut to hang just above her shoulders. She had a generous mouth and that nice smile. And that was about all I could be sure of.

I had no idea where she had come from, nor whether I would ever see her again.

As it turned out it was in fact a few weeks before I did, I later found out that she had been uneasy about returning to the park, she couldn't understand the feelings she had experienced - until then she had been a totally faithful wife and a loving mother. On top of all that, I was quite a few years younger than she was - and yet she said she had, during those two, relatively brief meetings experienced many, many strange feelings, some of which she didn't like admitting even to herself.

Since then I've read a few books and understand a bit more about the kinds of sexual fantasies people have and that women don't just dream of some romantic interlude, they can imagine having actual sexual encounters just as easily as a man and that often the images they create are even more graphic. I think that's what happened to Margaret, with the children off her hands during the day, with more time to herself, she began to have these fantasies - and after that chance meeting with me, I started playing a role in them - and then she became obsessed with actually experiencing some of them. Maybe she had also reached that stage in her marriage where she needed to prove to herself that she was still an attractive woman.

Whatever the reasons, the next time I saw her she was sitting at a table at one of the picnic sites, as she told me later, she'd spent several hours there on a number of occasions, hoping I'd come along. Because I had been thinking about her, wondering about the motivation behind the gift, I had been keeping an eye out for her car and when I spotted it I turned into the parking area and pulled up alongside. There was a flask on the table in front of her and she waved, said hello and asked me if I'd like a coffee. I smiled, said I would and sat down opposite her.

Her eyes were almost mesmerising, I saw that they were grey-green but was to find out later that they actually changed colour, depending on her mood and her level of sexual arousal too. She poured me a coffee and we chatted for a while, about the weather, the park, my job, just general chat - then a bit later she said. 'You're not wearing the after-shave.'

I said I thought it was too good to wear every day, I was keeping it for special occasions - to which she answered.

'For when you go out with your girl-friend?'

I told her that I didn't have a particular girl-friend just then. She made some comment about that being hard to believe but that she hoped I'd wear the after-shave for her one day, so she could see how it actually smelled on me - and I said I'd do that, if I knew when she'd next be in the park.

So in a round about kind of way we made a date to meet at the same place a couple of days later, on a day when I knew I'd have some free time - just in case. We chatted for a while longer but I could tell she was getting nervous, her eyes were jumping all over the place and when we'd finished our coffee she suddenly said she'd have to go.

The change in mood had been so sudden I wondered of she'd actually meet me but on the day we had agreed to I splashed some of her after-shave on before I drove round to the picnic site - again, just in case.

When I drove in she wasn't there and although I felt sure she wouldn't turn up I was proved wrong, about ten minutes later she arrived and apologised for having been held up, I asked her if she'd like to walk a little and we set off along one of the easier tracks.

We'd walked in silence for a while and when I said she hadn't commented on the after-shave she stopped and turned, her eyes staring deep into mine as we stood there, then she came closer and as she stretched up to take a sniff, I slipped my arms around her and kissed her.

It was though I'd flicked a switch, she went crazy! She flung her arms around me, holding me so tightly that I nearly couldn't breathe, kissed me hard and thrust her tongue deep into my mouth. My hands had slipped down to cup her bottom and I felt her buttocks flexing beneath my fingers as she ground herself up against me.

Her response was so powerful that it triggered an almost instantaneous reaction from my cock - and she was pressing herself so tight up against me that she didn't miss that.

'Fuck me! Please fuck me hard!' she hissed as she gasped for breath.

'Here? Now?' I asked, frantically looking around for somewhere for her to lie down.

'Yes, here - and right now Mike!' she answered as she let go of me, fumbled with my zip and then said - 'You do it.' - as she unzipped and took off her slacks.

Underneath she had on a pair of white, lacy, bikini briefs but it was all happening so fast I didn't really have any time to see anything more than that and then the fair, crinkly hairs covering her mound as she lay down just where we were, shoving the roughly folded slacks under her bottom and told me to hurry up.

God she was hot! Took me as though it was her first and last time - digging her finger-nails into my bottom and urging me on faster and faster. After I'd come she hung on to me, holding me inside her pussy and thrusting herself up at me until she'd brought on her own climax - and even after that she still gripped me tight, arching herself up at me, keeping us firmly locked together.

A little later, when we'd cooled off a bit, we put our things back on and walked together - she was very quiet, preoccupied with her own thoughts and as I was still in a bit of a daze from the intensity of her passion I wasn't in the mood to say very much either. We had our arms around each other's waists but every now and then she'd let her hand slip down over my bum, squeezing me and after the second or third time she did that I pulled her closer, slid my hand up under the jumper she was wearing and cupped and squeezed her breast. I could tell from the way she leaned into me that she liked that so I left my hand there, her bra was lacy, like the briefs I'd caught a glimpse of and although her breast wasn't over-large it was full and still nice and firm.

We must have walked like that for another fifteen minutes or so, her hand squeezing my bum, mine fondling her breast and neither of us saying a word to each other. I didn't know what thoughts she was having but I was trying to think of a place where we could do it again, in more comfort, so I could see her properly - cursing the fact that I hadn't suggested we go for a drive, when we could have used the back seat of the rangers' vehicle.

It was as though she'd read my thoughts. She suddenly stopped, looked up at me and said. 'That was exciting - but it wasn't enough, was it?'

'Not really Margaret - it was a bit quick and couldn't have been very comfortable for you.'

'I didn't mind that so much - but it would have been nice to have been able to do more.' She paused and then, as though speaking to herself, added. 'After all there's so much more to try.' Again she paused, staring off into space, lost in her own thoughts, then looked back up into my eyes and said. 'Would you let me suck your cock?'

I was bewildered by the suddenness of the question - but stammered out - 'Yes of course!' - thinking she meant the next time we met - but she didn't, again she meant right then and there. And that's what she did, just dropped to her knees in the middle of the track, unzipped my shorts, got my cock and balls out and though it seemed obvious she had never done that before and I'd had little time to recover, she didn't have any trouble in actually sucking me off.'

'Obviously a smart woman.' Helen whispered quietly so as not to disturb Mike as he continued his story. 'She knew that the best way to a man's heart is in fact through his cock!'

'When she'd swallowed everything I had to give her she grinned up at me, licking the excess from around her lips and said. 'I told you there was more. That was nice too - I've always thought it would be. Would you do the same for me sometime?'

I was still trying to catch my breath - again everything was happening too quickly for me to keep up with her - but I answered - 'Yes, of course I will, right now if you like.'

'Not just now Mike. Knowing you'll do it for me will give me something to look forward to - something else I should say. But we'll have to find a better place to meet.'

Chapter 32

Margaret's Stranger Needs

Although the shadows had deepened as the fire burnt lower and I had my eyes fixed on Mike's face as he told his story my attention was suddenly caught by a movement and glancing lower, I saw that Barbara's hand had slipped down over his thigh and though because of the angle they were sitting at I couldn't really see, I felt sure she was fondling his cock. His story had already started to get me excited again and as I imagined what Barbara was doing for him and I remembered how her skilful fingers felt, my cock surged even more strongly.

Whether Helen spotted what Barbara was doing to him or it was just that she realised that the images Mike's story triggered for me must have got me going I don't know - but a short while later her hand slipped down into my crotch and found the thick hardness of me, gently squeezing it encouragingly as Mike continued his story.

'We used motels for a while, she arranged everything and we met when I had a day off during the week. The first time was pretty normal - oh, she was just as eager as she had been in the park, she'd got there before me, had already stripped and hardly gave me time to close the door behind myself before she was in my arms, thrusting her body at me. Then after we'd fucked she reminded me of my promise and I went down on her, quickly giving her a second climax before she gave me a chance to relax and take a proper look at her.
