
Stories by AudreyHepburn

Review of a "couple's" adult film "Carnal Cravings"

3.78 31.7k 2 1 4
by AudreyHepburn
Erotic Couplings& more 10/30/2022
255.4k 83 41 115

A detective's erotic memoir.

4.15 15k 3 6

Transcript of actual interview with porno actor Scott Styles.

H 4.53 32.4k 4 2 8

A discovery of rare old porno.

H 4.65 46.9k 8 1 14
by AudreyHepburn
Erotic Couplings& more 08/30/2017
133.1k 27 13 42

Reviews of soft-core sex films on cable.

4.18 28.2k 4 3 5

Reviews of late night cable erotica.

3.88 23k 2 3 2
by AudreyHepburn
First Time& more 09/22/2022
113.1k 7 13 15

Transcript of actual interview with a 'Skinemax' actor.

4.29 25.5k 2 12 3
by AudreyHepburn
BDSM& more 08/29/2017
82.1k 12 10 29

Reviews of late night Cinemax softcore films.

4 23.3k 1 4 1

A writer finds inspiration in Vegas.

by AudreyHepburn
Romance 06/08/2007
3.78 8.2k 2