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joeshort2001's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Forced to have sex with her lover and husband.

4.04 109.5k 29 10 36

Greta is introduced to a new lifestyle.

4.03 119.9k 15 3 22

Brother rides along with his kidnapped mom and sister.

4.47 960.4k 780 1k

A man discovers the joys of photography.

4.44 110.4k 54 2 81

A black hypnotist changed our lives forever.

by notemale
Mind Control 08/18/2003
4.36 369k 193 3 262

The wedding day arrives.

H 4.53 388.8k 83 15 93

Young lawyer pays for her mistake.

4.39 751.3k 355 26 500