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justforfun581's Favorite Stories

My all-time favorite stories I've read on Literotica

Gorgeous artist is abducted whilst on a solo bike ride.

3.89 62k 15 3 24

A student blackmails a teacher, gangbang ensues.

4.33 310.8k 116 18 164

Sexy school teacher gets a lesson.

4.41 462.5k 105 13 144

A cocktease learns the hard way.

4.08 153k 36 1 59

The local car repair shop helps Katie out.

4.26 90k 41 1 49

Chinese virgin is raped and gangbanged.

4.22 890.6k 687 867

Young lawyer pays for her mistake.

4.39 751.2k 355 26 500

Hot busty tourist becomes star of a back street porn flick.

4.42 182.8k 81 8 122

A teacher's summer job has consequences.

4.32 193.9k 46 7 62

Sexy teacher stumbles her way into trouble.

4.3 983.8k 779 29 1.2k