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Incredibly hot, it will be worth waiting for the next chapter.

There could definitely be more to this one.

Truly one of the few joys in this life

Need to change the synopsis to alpha bitch takes control of rivals and humiliates them. 7 chapters in and there's still no revenge. I'm already bored and can't wait to see how this trash fire is put out

Decent setup, clear style in first chapter, hot. Can't ask for much more!

And their likeness was never seen again.

Alas for nineteen years.

Wild. A bit hard to follow some bits. But still some great, crazy world building.

Brilliant job as per usual Novalist!
Heads up though. For some reason your new "next part" that should be clickable at the end of each chapter, (underneath where it says: READ MORE OF THIS SERIES) never shows up for this series whenever you have a new chapter. It's very odd. So each time when i want to check if there's a new chapter of your series i have to do it "manually", i.e. find your account name, click on works, find the series and click on it there. It's been this way for a couple of months at least. It works on other series im following on here though. Does anyone else have a similar problem?

Would you be okay with me finishing God App?

And thank you for writing! Sad to see you may go.

which path is folowing the world on this stories ?

We are blessed to get a completed story from instead of leaving us blueballed with cliffhanger.


Quality lesfic😝. You have something their❗This is one of those stories that you can add to because of the element of the draw of the product used to draw in the subjects😝😜😋🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥❗

I stayed up waaaay past when I needed to be asleep due to that fight. Thank you, for sharing.

Wow talk about cliffhangers❗they don't come any more incomplete than yours😡❗.
If you are holding back waiting to see how good of a response to this story. I for one loved this beginning😝😜😋.🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥.

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