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"Hello! Nice to meet you."

"Hi! Likewise," she replied.

I turned to the other girl. Like Napoleon's empress - her namesake - this girl had a transparent appearance, very slim, blond, and with pale skin, matching her extremely light blue eyes. Our eyes met as we shook hands.

(Aw! I thought. Sizing up the competition. Are we now.)

She was wearing a short summer dress in a diffuse pattern - maybe flowers - in light pastel colours, making her blend even more into the walls. I did notice that her breasts were smaller than mine and she had the decency to wear a practical and full-cupped bra. Even though she was slim, the straps of the bra and her undies made an unbecoming set of visible folds in the thin material of her dress.

"This could be fun, " I thought. B usually has plans when bringing people together, and I could see from the almost invisible smile on her face, that things were developing the way she wanted and that she was already enjoying herself. I began speculating: What could I do to upset her plans - and what could I do to support them?

The bartender was a young and very efficient guy. Not only did he seem to be walking casually back and forth behind the counter, but he also managed to juggle bottles in the air and handle a large coffee machine in the middle of the back wall. All at the same time.

It seemed like nothing or nobody escaped his attention, and he produced drinks at a phenomenal speed.

I had a "sunrise" with the usual umbrella! Why do they stick these things into people's drinks? One day someone is going to get seriously injured by poking it into their eyes or swallowing it - and why the f*** has somebody figured out that a drink needs an umbrella? Anyway, I managed to dump the thing fast and could relax and sip my drink in quiet.

B and Melanie quickly got involved in some kind of political argument that was basically very uninteresting to anybody else. So, I started to look around. Mainly to have a discreet closer look at the two companions B had invited for the night. In that way, my eyes would casually pass over them now and then, as I was surveying the hall.

I often imagine how it would be like if one had some sort of "tracer beam" attached to the eyes at these gatherings, and then some way to record the patterns people's eyes moved in.

Anyway, the place was as boring inside as it had looked from the outside. Normally it was probably used for local sports arrangements and it looked the part: Linoleum floors in a non-descript colour, matching the bare walls and rather sharp lighting. Some architect or designer had come up with the idea that the walls should have a series of lamps mounted in a way that the light only shone upwards. Normally this would probably have been a good idea, but the bulbs were too white, sharp, and cold and the walls were in a very light pastel colour. Thus, the reflected light made everybody not standing near the more direct lighting pattern at the bar look like they were ready for serious medical treatment.

People were moving to and fro. Most of them trying to get something from the bar to bring back to one of the groups of people crowding the hallway.

A few times I noticed different men passing through the crowd. Suddenly one came through the crowd and spotted me on his way further down the bar. His head turned two or three times while he was closest to me on his way to the counter. Each time his eyes looked at a different part of my body. However, these "encounters" are too fast and random to have any fun with.

I selected a cute-looking guy three places down on my right. Had "accidental" eye contact in the mirror above the bar, and directly along the bar a few times. Each time holding the contact just that fraction of a minute longer than a pure "scanning" of the bar would be. I imagined him speculating and being uncertain if I was actually inviting him, or if he would get the cold shoulder should he try to approach me. I Just let him sweat.

After about 6 or 7 "contacts" he seemed to drop the interest - or maybe he was trying to pretend to be unaffected.

I caught his eyes in the bar again about one minute later, let my eyes down, and made a very small and almost invisible smile. I kept my eyes down for a minute or two, and when I looked up, he was still watching me. He was on the hook once more.

Then he tried a wide smile, but I stone-faced him and let him dangle a bit on the hook.

Of course, I was "scanning" Melanie and Joséphine at the same time during my little game with the stranger down the bar.

I found another victim across the room on my left. This one was more direct and his eyes never left me. For this kind, I usually use another tactic. No reason to push-pull him. He is already in the net and just trying to figure out a reason to come over and throw "pickup- and score" one-liners all over the place. A person really happy with himself.

After ensuring that the guy on the right was still trying to make discreet faces at me, I grabbed my drink and turned a quarter the other way.

I took a sip and then wiped the side I had been drinking from with the compulsory paper napkin accompanying the drink. I wanted to make sure there was no condense on that part of the glass.

Holding it in my left hand I managed to bring the dry and cold side of the glass in contact with my left nip. I instantly felt the chill and smiled as the nip hardened.

I turned and shifted the drink to my right hand, and gave the self-happy guy a nice view of my profile. That probably gave him something to think about.

I pretended to listen intensely to B's and Melanie's discussion for a few minutes.

The shy, face-making guy at the bar had not seen my little "act" - so I gave him another slight and modest smile. He was still digesting line, hook, and sinker. Good.

Now I was beginning to worry that he would come over, so I turned quickly to B, put my drink down slung my right arm over her shoulder, and pulled her down to me. As I gave her a very long and very deep kiss, my free left hand directed her hand to my breast, which she caressed as I was expecting. All in full view of the man on the left. That ought to keep him in his seat for a while.

As we let go of each other, B whispered in my ear: "So you are at it again! You nasty, little girl!"

"What do you mean?" I tried sounding insulted and innocent. Pushing my lower lip out in my best sulking look.

"Don't give me that. Even the bartender is watching you flirting left, right, and center!"

I looked and the bartender gave me a very knowingly smile. I realized he had been following my little games for a while. After all, he was a pro that saw things like this every evening. I smiled back at him, and a minute later I had another drink in front of me, this time without the umbrella.

"Here. Have one on me," the bartender said.

"Thanks, and even without the umbrella, but why?"

"Let's say it's a little reward for your performance - and I noticed your dislike of umbrellas before!" He giggled softly and was off to serve some customers at the other end of the bar. Pumping beer in large glasses for them. He did manage a nod and a smile as I toasted him.

I had one last look at my two "victims" before I let B escort me to the entrance to the big hall.

Chapter three - Dinner and plans

by o_girl © 2024

Two and a half hours later we emerged from the concert.

I was dizzy, happy, and full of music. B always says that I smile and go into a kind of self-centered coma, when I listen to live music. Be it any kind of live music from Gregorian Church hymns to Sex Pistols. She is probably right.

When we entered the dark hall, it took a few minutes before Terly and the band appeared on stage. The first couple of tunes sounded awful, but I suppose the hard acoustics of a concrete sports hall are a challenge to even the best sound technicians. After they made it work in perfect balance. I spent the first couple of songs getting a good spot near the stage (it was a standing-only concert) - and was thus placed a little to the left of the man himself. Again, I was amazed that he is almost as small as me but has a charisma that fills the room fully, and a coarse voice that gets the message across perfectly.

After the first couple of songs, I also lost track of my surroundings, time, and place. There was just the music and me.

I was surprised when it finished. Seemed like they had just started and then almost three hours had passed.

Felt numb in the brain and like waking up from a good dream. A little disappointed that it was over already.

"You seem like you enjoyed that?" B was escorting me out with an assisting hand on my elbow.

"Yes. He throws some pretty good parties. How did you like it?"

I had turned and was addressing Melanie and Joséphine.

"Great show. He did well. Time has certainly not made him any worse. He is still good."

Of course, it was Melanie who answered. Joséphine just nodded.

"What to do now?" I asked looking at B in anticipation. I was sure she had more up her sleeve for the evening.

"I thought we might go for a walk through the city centre, and find somewhere to have an after-hours meal. How does that sound?" She spoke out into the nothingness but was addressing us all.

The square in front of the entrance was slowly emptying and the mild summer evening was turning into a darker blue night.

Since nobody else answered I decided to: "Sounds great. I could do with a sit-down and something solid in my tummy after standing up for so long."

"OK. Then."

We walked in silence the few hundred meters to the busy road nearby and B caught a taxi passing by.

The silence of the walk and the taxi ride suited me perfectly. My mind was still full of the music and needed to relax and come down to earth again in peace and quiet.

B made us all get out at the town hall square and we proceeded. Not down the tourist-filled Pedestrian Street, but into one of the parallel streets. Equally small but not totally car-free. It was actually quite close to my apartment but I did not imagine that B would land us there. However, when we started down the street I realized that this was the only "kinky" street in town. It had several BDSM shops, a some "Goth" shops, a few punk shops, and a couple of more kinky restaurants, clubs and cafés. Among them the "Copenhagen Jailhouse" an obscure cellar café catering to the leather-clad gay community of the town.

My mind worked overtime figuring out what she was aiming at.

Of course, the street also had a selection of quite ordinary cafés and restaurants.

We proceeded slowly and window-shopped all the way. In front B and me and right behind us Joséphine and Melanie on the narrow pavement.

Quite "casually" B stopped at one of the BDSM shops. It had a sale of leather cuffs. Arranged and displayed in sets in the window.

"Look. They are having a sale!" B said and gave me a sideways look. I smiled slightly at her. Everybody gathered around the window.

"How perverted. What would you use that for?" It was Joséphine putting in her 2-bits.

"Hm. I think I know," B said. "Don't you, Girl?"

"Yep. I think you have some of those, but in a better quality, of course!"

"Sure," B replied.

"Look. They have coloured dildos." I pointed to the back where there was a display cabinet with several bright coloured dildos in assorted sizes.

Joséphine frowned.

"Do you play games?" Melanie asked.

"Games and games. I don't know if it is the right term for it? What do you think, Girl?"

"It's not an act! It is definitely not an act!" I noted their faces as I said that. It was a quote from somewhere. A quote B and I used between us in our secret understanding.

Of course, it left Melanie and Joséphine without any idea what was going on. In the streetlight, I sensed that Melanie's face was lit up and her eyes had gotten a gleam to them, whereas Joséphine did her best to try to stone face the whole thing.

"Well. We had better find a place to eat. What about that place down there on the next corner?" B pointed to a decent-looking café with a friendly, inviting, and warm-looking facade.

We all agreed that it would be worth the try, and stepped inside.

"Table for four, please. Preferably in a quiet corner with a view of the street!" B always acted as if she was the queen of the world. The very young and voluptuous waitress just nodded and turned. We followed her to the back and were seated exactly like that: In a secluded corner with a view of the quiet side street.

As I sat down my skirt slid up, and I could feel the relatively cool leather upholstery of the chair on my almost naked underparts.

"Ah. Nice to take the weight of one's feet, don't you agree?" B was once more driving the conversation. I was beginning to think that Melanie and Joséphine was not the life of any party, but a rather dull twosome. What was in her mind by bringing them along?

The menus came and we all decided on a light starter Melanie and B had steaks, while Joséphine and I decided on the seafood platter.

An angel crossed the room for a few minutes.

"Don't you think it is rather perverted?" It was Joséphine again.

"Perverted and perverted. What's perverted in grown-ups having a good time? As long as it is by mutual consent?"

"I have never done anything like that - and probably never will."

"Hm. Would you like to watch and experience something like that?"

"I probably would not like it."

"How do you know? If you have never been near it?"

"I suppose you're right, but I also suppose that there's no way you could lure me into one of those BDSM clubs anyway."

"Well. If it wasn't a club then. Girl here and I might show you a few tricks."

"Are you two into things like that?"

"I suppose you could put it that way. What do you think, Girl?"

I let my eyes rest on the table in front of me. So, this was what she had in mind. I immediately decided to go along. B's games were usually both exciting and satisfactory.

"Ahem. I suppose you could say that we have a different relationship than most people."

"Well, put. Ah, here's the starters."

The conversation took off in a different direction. Discussing and dissecting the concert as everybody was stuffing their faces.

After the starters. Joséphine excused herself to go to the ladies' room. She had hardly left the table before Melanie leaned over against B: "What did you mean by 'watch and experience' something like this?"

"Well. Girl here is a pain-slut if ever there was one, and I could suggest that afterward we went back to my place for coffee and I could use her to demonstrate a few things to show you what it is all about!"

Melanie looked at me: "Would you consent to that?"

"Of course, she would," B replied. "She's a real bitch just craving to be misused. Aren't you?"

I still looked at the table in front of me. "I suppose so..."

Joséphine came back and sat down.

"Ah. That helped. What are you talking about?"

"We were discussing the possibilities of going back to B's place and she would demonstrate some BDSM on Girl here," Melanie said.

Joséphine's eyes wandered around everybody and ended by fixing my gaze across the table: "Will it be ok?"

B took my hand: "Now, Girl. These people seem to be doubting that you will consent freely to whatever I and they decide to do to you later tonight. Will you consent?"

My eyes stayed on the table: "Will you be gentle to me?"

Melanie replied: "Of course we will. We will not harm you in any...."

B interrupted her: "We will not be gentle to you. In fact, we will train and punish you as hard as we see fit."

I had lowered my eyes again and smiled at my half-empty plate.

"In that case, I will be happy to comply."

"See! What did I say? She'll be very obedient and endure."

It had already started! B used the way of speaking about me and over my head. She knew it turned me on and I could feel a slight tingle in my body.

"OK, Girl," it was B again. She pulled her paper napkin out from under her plate and found a ball pen in her small bag.

She wrote on the napkin: "I, Girl will tonight from 11 o'clock and the next 24 hours submit to anything B, Melanie, and Joséphine will subject me to. I willingly and by my own free will agree to this and leave my body in their hands for them to do whatever they please. Signed:..." and then the date.

She read it out loud and then pushed it across the table to me, handing me the pen. I hesitated for a few seconds. Did not want them to think I was too eager, and that it was what I had waited all evening for.

Joséphine sent me a strange look: "You know this has no legal value. Don't you?"

I looked up and fixed my eyes on hers: "Yes, but it is a gentlewoman's agreement, so it has as much value as we put in it."

"Yes. I am sure Girl will honour this agreement. Otherwise, If she deviates in any way from it, there are ways to make her comply." B smiled again and looked round the table.

Joséphine looked even more pale than before, but Melanie smiled.

B grabbed the napkin and pen and made both disappear into her bag.

Then there was another long silence, but fortunately, the main course appeared and the conversation started up slowly again turning to the concert and other light subjects. I tried my best not to look up more than necessary but noted that Joséphine repeatedly stared at me with that same look in her eyes.

Somewhere at the back of my brain, a small devil had begun to shovel coal on a fire that slowly spread throughout my body.

The expectation and the note that was now safely in B's bag were constantly in my mind.

Halfway through the main course B took her mobile out and phoned her housekeeper. She gave a short instruction that we were coming back four people in a short while and needed coffee and so on and that the housekeeper could take the night off after making the necessary preparations for our return.

Chapter four - Playtime

by o_girl © 2024

On the way back in the taxi B had arranged it so Joséphine sat in the seat beside the driver, and I sat between Melanie and B in the backseat. Although they did not touch me, I sensed Joséphine's anxiety about this arrangement. She kept turning round and talking and her eyes scanned the rear seat constantly. I noticed that B seemed very content and happy about the situation. My worry was that she was trying to make Joséphine as jealous as possible before we arrived at her home. It seemed to work. Unfortunately.

Entering the house, we went to the drawing room in the back facing the garden. There was a small serving trolley set out with coffee, sweets, grapes, and other small delights.

B swung her arm out in a wide arch: "Here we are. Sit down, please. Not you, Girl. You stand here and face us."

Josephine and Melanie sat down, and B acted "mummy" and poured the coffee. Of course, there was no cup for me. I could feel my breathing getting a little faster and my heart beating at a quicker pace. I looked at the floor and tried to stay calm.

After they had gotten their coffee B came over and walked behind me.

She put her hands on my shoulders and leaned close to my ear.

"Now. You little slut. Let's see what you are good for."

Slowly her warm hands moved down my front and cupped my breasts. I closed my eyes and felt the electricity radiate through me. She deliberately spread her fingers and let them slowly pass down across my nips. One by one. I could not help a loud sigh escaping from me.

"Quiet, bitch!"

I concentrated as much as possible and kept my mouth shut. My legs had begun trembling slightly. She continued the "torment". Then whispered again: "Spread your legs. More, more. Put your hands together on your back."

I grabbed the thumb on my left hand with the fingers on my right to keep the pose.