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We repeated the stop and go a few times, and Joséphine got quite good at it.

"She's very wet. It almost runs out of her." She said in one of the short breaks.

Joséphine was also clearly getting aroused, I could see her chest moving up and down rapidly, and her mouth was open and wet.

"Now turn around. Put your legs on each side of her head. That's right. Very good. Let her arms stay on the outside. We don't want her to interfere. If she cannot keep them to herself, put your knees on her upper arms."

I crawled to the end of the bed and grabbed Melanie's legs.

Now you go down and do as before with her crotch, but do not lower your hips. Make sure she cannot reach you, but see your opening at all times." I giggled.

Melanie uttered a deep, deep sigh. This was torture of another kind, and I was really enjoying it. Getting rather wet and excited as well...

Melanie became very loud.

"Let her suffer. Don't let her mouth get near you!" I said.

Joséphine worked hard. I pushed Melanie's ankles up and then moved my hands to her knees and spread her wide. Holding her with a determined grip.

I crawled back to Melanie's head and Joséphine's bottom.

"Mmmmm...how nice! Now turn around once more, Joséphine - and dive down as before. Hold her legs apart. Don't let her move too much."

As she turned and connected her lips and mouth with Melanie's crotch once more, I grabbed her hands and held them down. Looking at her face.

"You do your end, Joséphine. I'll do mine", I giggled.

Melanie was helpless and had our full attention. Joséphine secured her legs with her hands and used her tongue, teeth, and lips in and around Melanie's wet opening. I held her wrists and bent down. Kissing her face, nose, lips, neck, breasts, nips, and everything else within my reach.

Melanie came with a scream and bucked wildly in our combined grip.

We held her till she slowly stopped convulsing and screaming. Then we rolled to each side of her and lay panting.

"Now I know why B prefers to lock your hands - and the rest of you - up. You are mean!" Said Melanie.

I giggled and we just laid on the bed for a while looking at the ceiling as we came back to the world.

"That was nice," Joséphine said.

"Nice! It was fantastic." Melanie exclaimed.

"mmmmm," I said.

Joséphine let her hands slide down to my crotch and played a little with the ring.

"Fascinating." She said.

"Would you like to have this done to you?" I asked.

Melanie looked eagerly at us.

"No..ehhh..don't think so. It's a little too advanced for me."

The light in Melanie's eyes went out again.

Joséphine continued playing with the ring and the clit - and I felt ready once more...

Suddenly she sat up: "You little slut." She grabbed my wrists and after messing around with the cuffs managed to lock them together in front of me.

"Turn around. On your knees. Melanie help me with her."

They pulled my locked arms in between my legs and locked the legs and wrists together.

I was lying helpless with my butt sticking straight into the air and my face on the bed. This was not what I had expected.

Joséphine gave me a hard slap on my butt with her flat hand. The sore ridges from B's loving treatment earlier made it very painful.

"Now. Let's see what we can find." She rummaged through the drawers and cupboards but found nothing.

"Wait here," she said and left the room.

I lay silent as Melanie took another cup of coffee.

"How do you feel?" She asked after a while.

"Have been more comfortable in my life, but it's ok."

"I liked being fucked by you two just now."

"I know. I could feel it. It was nice. Also made me almost come really slow and nice. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me!"

"Yes, I do. Any favours offered to me while I am under contract is a gift, that needs to be properly thanked for."

"What do you think, she's up to?"

"Don't know. She is probably looking for B to get something to make my life miserable!" I giggled.


"Yep - and between them, I am sure it is not going to be pleasant for me, but that's ok."

"Do you really like this?"

"Yes, I love it. Couldn't live without it. Just worried that you are both so inexperienced."

"I'll try and help you if I can."

"Thank you. I put my faith in B. She knows what she's doing."

The door opened and Joséphine came back in.

"I had a chat with B and she gave me some ideas. We still have about an hour to play with her."

I could not spot her bringing any larger pieces of equipment along, which calmed me.

"Look, Melanie, help me with this."

She kneeled beside me and pulled a thin line through the ring in my collar, then down to my clit ring. She pulled it tight and had Melanie press me down before tying the ends to the connection between my ankles and wrists.

"Now, she will have to lie perfectly still. Otherwise, she will pull her delicate parts."

I knew she was right and tried to relax.

"Come here, Melanie."

They took turns. Each had selected a buttock. Striking me with their flat hands and each time making me jerk and pull the thin line.

"You've done this before, bitch. B says you have, and you love it!"

She held a dildo in front of my face. It had a series of round 'bumps'. One after the other and each one larger than the one before it. The one nearest the bottom plate looking far too big for any kind of comfort.

"Now we will see if we can fit this into your cute little anus."

The dildo disappeared from view and I hoped she would grease it before use.

I could hear her settling behind me.

Someone. Probably Melanie. Took a firm grip on my buttocks and forced them apart.

Then a finger rotated around my anus, before being shoved inside and moved around.

My line and ring 'arrangement' pulled at my sore clit.

I realized it was Joséphine greasing me up in preparation for what was to come.

"Ah! Plop!" Said Joséphine as I felt the first, little round top of the dildo inside me, and my sphincter close on the small part between the two knobs.

"That went well. Don't you think so, bitch?"

"Yes, Miss. Thank you."

A press, and expansion of the sphincter, then another close over the second knob.

It was still not very uncomfortable, but I could feel number two being definitely bigger than number one.

Melanie still had her hard grip on my buttocks.

"This is going rather well. Don't you think so, Melanie?"

There was a short pause.

"Yes. It goes in nicely."

This time I could really feel the larger knob. And the increased pressure it took to push it inside. My sphincter also did not feel like it closed that much as even the intermediate thin part got bigger after that knob.

Joséphine seemed to enjoy herself. "Plop. One more. Nice fit."

She kept pressing one knob after the other inside me. Each time larger and gradually becoming painful. Very painful. The last one took a lot of effort, but in it went.

I bit my lip and stayed quiet.

Melanie released my buttocks and the dildo stayed in place. No way was I able to push it out.

Then I felt a finger run up and down my inner labia. Again, probably Joséphine.

I had a hard time lying still and each time I made the smallest movement the string pulled at my clit.

At one point Melanie moved up along my side on her knees and with one arm over me was able to torture both my nips by pinching and pulling.

I came with the best possible control I could muster, but still pulled the string and clit more than I enjoyed.

Before I was down to earth again, Joséphine had gone to the bathroom and Melanie carefully pulled the dildo out of me. One knob at a time. Finally, she untied the string and undid my wrists and ankles. Pulled me up and held me in a soft embrace. My body was still shaking. She showered me with soft kisses.

She whispered: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It was ok."

Josephine stuck her face out of the bathroom: "Oh, I forgot to say. You can send her back to B now."

With shaking legs, I walked out of the room and back to B's bedroom.

She was waiting for me.

Chapter nine - Dinner

by o_girl © 2024

"Hello, my dear. I trust you have had an enjoyable and educational time?"

"Yes, Miss. Thank You, Miss."

She unlocked and took my restraints off, and told me to take another shower and come down to the study when I had finished.

Standing in the hot shower, my sore body enjoyed the lukewarm water for a long time.

I was not only sore, but a lot of places were throbbing and feeling well used.

The cuffs and collar had left a slight red mark, but it quickly vanished. As I was not doing corset training regularly at the moment, my waistline was almost back to normal when I turned off the water and left the shower.

It was a marathon, and I was not sure I was able to take a lot more.

I used a lot of time caring for my 'war injuries' and soreness. Then tried to fix myself up with some fresh makeup.

I walked downstairs in all my naked, bruised, and striped splendour.

They were all sitting and waiting for me when I came down in all my freshly showered nakedness.

"Ah, there you are. We have been waiting for you. Come over here and kneel."

B beckoned me to come closer. I sunk down on my heels with my legs spread.

"We discussed talked about it, and even though we still have your contract until almost midnight. We have decided that you have had enough now. Not that you are released, but we will leave you more or less alone. Now get dressed and we will all go out for a meal". She pointed at a small table, where my black dress, shoes, underwear was lying.

I was sure it was B that had led the discussion, and I was grateful as I felt like I had been run over by a large truck.

I got dressed as fast as I could and returned to my kneeling position facing them.

"I was not quite truthful. There's one thing to go."

I sank a few times. I knew this was too good to be true.

B came over and stripped the Triskelion collar off. Then placed another collar around my neck. I heard the click as she locked it, and knew perfectly well what it was. I twisted my head a few times to feel this new collar. It was very tight and snug.

It was about an inch wide and had a nice soft lining. All black leather and the lock was integrated on the back, so only the keyhole was visible. I knew the leather was a just cover or decoration. Inside was a steel band, and it had two small points sticking through the lining. On each side of the front of my neck.

Integrated and completely covered by the leather was a battery pack and a receiver.

B demonstrated by pressing the remote control in her hand, which made me bend forward in pain. I gasped.

"See, girls! This is and will be a lot of fun. The device here sends signals to her collar, and jolts her neck. Now let's go eat." She rose - and we all followed out and into a waiting taxi.

After a half an hour eventless ride, we got out at a very elegant downtown restaurant.

The immaculate dressed waiter showed us to a table by the window, overlooking a small square.

I felt uncomfortable. It hurt my bum to sit on the otherwise nice, upholstered seat, and I was the only one wearing the quite obvious collar, and I sensed the waiter gave me a quick second glance, but then returned to his very neutral look.

We were immediately served ice water and bread and butter - and of course the menus.

Apart from a few general and polite remarks, nothing was said till the waiter appeared back. Ready to take our orders.

Of course, B could not leave the remote alone, when it was my turn to order. So, my requests came out in intervals and stuttering. The waiter was unmoved and probably did not know what was going on. My three companions smiled and giggled now and then.

I gave them a look and pouted my lower lip after the waiter had left.

When the starters came, talk had resumed and we all pitched in. Discussing in detail the events of the last many hours. Joséphine and Melanie seemed to have a lot of questions and between B and myself we tried to explain everything and go into details here and there.

I did not quite enjoy my 6 oysters starter. Even though each oyster had been prepared in its own delicious way and different from the rest.

B seemed to know the exact right moment to press the remote.

It took the last bits of my self-control to get through that.

And it continued through the main course and dessert.

At one point I had to go to the Ladies. The water we had had at the beginning seemed to run straight through me.

I discovered that the remote had a range even reaching the Ladies, and upon my return found out that B had let Joséphine handle the small device.

Crossing the floor going and coming had me do some weird shakes, and I felt conscious of people watching me.

Joséphine hung on to the remote while we had coffee and Cognac and she seemed to have a fondness of pressing the damned thing every time I spoke, which gave my speech a stutter and a raise and fall in the tone of my voice. I really had to concentrate every time I tried to speak to sound coherent.

It was a long meal, and I definitely wished I would never have to repeat the experience.

Finally, we were all done and took a taxi back to B's place

I was sure the waiters had a long talk about me out in the back.

Chapter ten - wind up

by o_girl © 2024

The taxi back was uneventful, apart from the fact that Joséphine acted like a child with a new mechanical toy. Pressing the control in different combinations, just to hear if and to what degree I would react.

It was getting dark again outside as we crossed the gravel to the front door staircase.

Inside B offered us all drinks. I had the usual Sunrise.

We wound up the discussion, and Joséphine finally got tired of playing with the remote.

B decided it was enough for me. So, she unlocked the collar and took it off.

I was happy when I had my Triskelion collar back on, and it hid the two very red spots where the points of the electro collar had had contact with my skin.

I was of course in the usual position kneeling in front of them.

"As we still have a little time, you may go upstairs to my bedroom. Undress and wait.

You will then get a chance to thank each of us in person for the treatment you have received."

"Yes, Miss. With pleasure."

"Joséphine will be first. Follow her to the room upstairs?"

"Yes, Miss."

Before I was up on my feet, Joséphine stood beside me. She took my hand rather gently and together we walked up to the bedroom.

She sat on the bed and watched as I undressed, folded my clothes on a chair, and came over and stood in front of her.

She reached out and let her hand run over my crotch. Very gently.

Then she whispered: "Get down on your knees!"

She pulled her panties down and kicked them away. Then spread her knees.

"Closer, closer. Kiss my foot. Take the shoe off!"

I smiled to myself. She had enjoyed the first 'foot treatment' I had given her. Nice.

I grabbed her left leg with both hands and carefully pulled the shoe off. Then dived down on her toes. I gave her toes and foot the full treatment. Taking my time.

Then licked and kissed my way up the inside of her leg. It was no match to push her dress up and make room for me at her opening.

She leaned back on her arms, arched her back, and started moaning.

She squeezed my head when she came with a loud cry and her legs and body shook for a while.

Then she got up without a word. Grabbed her shoe and panties and left the room.

A few minutes later Melanie came in.

She also sat down on the bed, where I was still kneeling and leaning my head on the sheets.

She let her hands caress my body. Very, very slowly and gently.

Lifted my head up and kissed me. Long and deep.

Her dress also had buttons in front and while she kissed me I undid the buttons one by one. Finally pulling the dress off her shoulders.

I smiled as I noticed her bra had front locking, so it was easy to open and push that out of the way.

We rolled around on the bed and climbed all over each other. Till we had a joint, pleasant, long, and slow orgasm.

Then we both lay panting for a while before she rose.

She grabbed my head one last time. Gave me a long, soft kiss, and whispered in my ear: "Thank you, thank you!"

Then she let go, turned, and left.

Finally, B came and we also rolled around in the bed for a very long time. Ending in a perfect joint explosion.

Fifteen minutes later, she had helped me get into the black dress, carried me down to her car, and was driving me home. I slept most of the way into town and just woke up when she landed in front of my door.

When the car stopped, she brought out the napkin and tore it into shreds before my eyes.

I gave her one last kiss and staggered upstairs and keeled over on my bed.


by o_girl © 2024

After a very long sleep and a very long bath, I put on my soft cotton trainer trousers and blouse. The softest material, I could put on my sore body. Then made it with some difficulty down to the bakers. I had overlooked that it was not only Sunday noon but also that it was the first Sunday of the month, so all the shops were open. Not just the bakers.

Thus, a lot of people were in the street. I tried to lock myself into my own world and made it to the bakers and back in a haze.

Coming in through the door, I noticed that the door to the hairdressers was open, I peeked inside, and there were no customers. As the door closed behind me the small bell made a tinkling sound and Robert came out from the back.

"Ah, my favourite friend. You look terrible! What traffic accident have you been in?"

"Thank you, you sure know how to make a girl feel good!"

"Let me look at you! You've had sex. I can see it on your face. Apart from the worn look, your expression is like the Cheshire Cat!"

"Right on that, Robert, but no cigar. I was hoping you had some of that wonderful coffee of yours, I have croissants, and I can see that you are not particularly busy right now!"

"Of course. A customer got a sudden case of flu or something, so I have half an hour. Come in the back and tell me all about it."

"You don't want to know, believe me."

I lowered myself carefully down on his soft armchair, my behind being too sensitive to just jump into the seat.

In a few minutes, he had made and served the coffee. We sat quietly and munched on the croissants.

Then he pointed to a place just above the loose collar of my blouse: "What's that?"

I turned to the mirror. There was the end of a very blue streak on the skin. I pulled down a little just to see the line continue down.

"Oh, scars of war, you know."

"I never understand you. I mean I am supposed to be the pervert - not you."

"Robert, Robert. It is years since being gay had anything to do with being perverted."

"Can I do anything for you?"

"No not really. In a minute I'll go upstairs and rest, that's the only thing I need."

"I hope it was fun and worth it?"

"You bet. I had a great time. Ought to keep me going for the next few weeks or so."

"Well, then. Cheers." He lifted his cup and we clinked with the china.

Half an hour later I was sound asleep on my couch.


It did meet both Joséphine and Melanie later. Once at one of B's parties, where everybody circled around with a drink and a sandwich for a few hours.

Joséphine pretended not to know me, but Melanie tried for a while to make discreet eyes at me. I did not encourage her in any way, and finally, she gave up...

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AnonymousAnonymous22 days ago

thank you for writing again

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