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"No. We might feel sorry for her - and..." It was Melanie and she was stroking my butt gently. I knew she was just trying to be tough, and I would be able to roll her round my little finger in no time - if only I had her alone. B was her usual cool, self - and Joséphine...She worried me more and more.

"OK. Let's get her into the gear, and out of the cage."

It was just as if they had all done this many times before. They had chosen the black, leather cuffs - I could feel it. A good choice. The set matched the collar I was already wearing. They were lockable with small padlocks, had a very soft lining (good for me) and were wide enough to be hung by without pulling anything out of joint. I expected B to have had a decisive influence on the choice of cuffs. She had probably chosen these, as they were good for beginners and good for me.

While I was thinking this, my hands were released. Only to have the tight cuffs mounted. My elbows got the same treatment. Not really any difference, seen from my perspective. Someone released the clit leash. I emitted a very long moan deep down in my throat as my tormented clit was not strung out tight any more. At first the sudden pain blocked my brain, but then I realized that it was I making the noise. My eyes watered again behind the now totally soaked blindfold.

Nobody commented on my utterances of combined pain and relief. The rod over my back and the lock in my collar was removed. As were the strings holding my tits. It only resulted in a slight throbbing pain. Was actually more of a relief when the pull ended. They left the clamps on.

I was pulled upright and could breathe freely again

Then the blindfold came off.

"Aww. She's soaked my scarf!" It was Joséphine again!

"Well. You can punish her in a minute." B replied.

I blinked at the light and while B held my head up with a hand under my chin, Melanie removed the clamp on my left nipple. Even though she did it very carefully (I could feel her fingers tremble), it still had the most fantastic pain-sensation screaming through my body. As B had a firm grip on my chin, I just sat there and felt the tears running down my cheeks. I also sensed the stomach convulsions and the way my chest going up and down. B had the kindness to massage my nipple back to the world. It was throbbing in sync with my fast heartbeat.

Now Joséphine took the right one off. She was not quite as careful and her hands did not shake. On the contrary, her face was very close to mine and I could smell the coffee and feel her hot breath in my face. She was panting a little as her fingers removed the clamp. Of course, I could not control my reaction, and it annoyed me that this cow had so much control over me and seemed to enjoy it so much!

A couple of ankle cuffs later, I was helped out of the cage. Shaking and broken. B sure new how to get things started!

"Bring her over here." B controlling the situation as always.

Melanie and Josephine each grabbed me by the upper arms above the cuffs. Pushed-pulled me stumbling over to the platform and posts in the other end of the room.

Separating my elbows and wrists from each other they each took an arm and lifted it up above me. They pulled me up in the "X" position. B made sure the chains had just the right tension: Enough for me to move a little back and forth, but not enough for me to twist or turn very much. I did have both my feet firmly planted on the ground and it felt ok. I knew what was coming and I also knew she was making sure my body would be in a fixed position. The whip or cane would be easier to use and hit the right spot. Even for a beginner. Had it just been B, she would have made the chains much slacker. She so skilled and so enjoys it when the submissive tries to avoid the lashes. Her aim was always perfect...

However, I expected the two newbies to have a lesson in "whipping the bitch" - and I was going to be the bitch!

"Well. You two. As we talked about before it is about learning the cunt where her place is and who's in control. On her way down here, she might have been thinking she was a true submissive and that she would do anything, but it was still a conscious decision in her mind. Now we are starting up by taking that away from her. The result of this little exercise should be that when we are finished with her, she will not try to distinguish between us, or try to appeal more or less to one or the other. She will be 100% ready for anything and anybody. And the means to do this is a good whipping. If she gets any ideas of her own or forget her role in this at any time later tonight - be it ever so little - she will quickly find herself back here and getting another taste of the whip. Not that we might not give her another lashing just because we feel like it, but the educational punishment she is about to receive forms the basics."

B gave my butt an encouraging couple of slaps with her hand: "Now, who will go first?"

"I will!" Of course, it was Joséphine and I thought her reply came just a little too fast.

"OK. You can start on her back. Melanie come over here."

I noticed a drop of saliva running down my chest. It tickled. The huge thing filling my mouth not only made my jaws hurt and my cheeks feel bloated, but also prevented me from holding back my mouth water.

Melanie appeared in my vision. She stared into my eyes.

"You can fondle her while Joséphine administers the lashes. Makes the whole thing more fun. Especially for the bitch."

"OK.! Melanie put her hands on my breasts and pressed slightly. Being extremely sore and sensitive after the clamp treatment, it felt like electricity throughout my whole body. One of her hands moved gently down my front and found my wet opening. Across my equally sensitive clit and inside me. I trembled.

"Whenever you are ready, Joséphine."

B had made her pick a medium sized flogger. A very good beginners' choice and the first couple of hits were more a caress than a hit, but then she got the hang of it and increased the force. She quite obviously had no experience in this. The lashes seemed to fall irregularly from the top of my legs to my neck and sometimes straight on the back, sometimes just on the side and a little bit in front.

Melanie had leaned over and her mouth closed and sucked very, very gentle on my sore left nip. The fingers on her left hand played just as gentle and carefully with my right nip. In my crotch she had a slow rhythm. Moving in and out and sliding against my clit.

I closed my eyes, tried to ignore the irregular strokes of pain on my back and enjoy.

As Melanie began to get into it, Joséphine increased both the pace and force until it was more than bearable. To me it was very obvious that she did not appreciate me enjoying Melanie's soft touch.

("You silly slut, it's my kidneys! B do something. She's beating my kidneys to a pulp. Stop it, you amateur!) My mind started screaming and I struggled and fought more than I normally would. At the same time I was trying to connect with B in my mind and get her to stop it. Fortunately she seemed to have grasped what was going on. Suddenly the hitting stopped.

"Look here. I think we need one more thing to keep her happy. Wait a minute." She came back and slung a leather corset round my waist.

"This will suit her fine."

("And it will protect the delicate parts of my body," I thought. Good thinking B!)

"Push on the sides, Melanie. Pull the cords, Joséphine."

Together they managed to compress my waist into a very narrow size.

"See, this is good. It not only shapes her waist and makes her look pretty. It also pushes her insides down, so that her already tight cunt will feel even tighter. Besides it makes her stomach nice and round." B caressed my front as she spoke.

I heard the click-clicking sound as she wound the capstan on the side of the post and I was pulled up so that now only my big toes were touching the ground. She wanted to be sure I did not move an inch. Even though it was like being on a rack, I still appreciated her concern by doing this. Now I would be perfectly still. Whatever happened.

I looked down my front. My breasts were flat and almost non-existing and there was a shiny trace from where my saliva had run down the middle of my chest. Melanie licked it off with a long stroke of her tongue and started kissing and sucking my nipples again.

Joséphine began again. This time there was no way she could hit anything but the parts not protected by the corset, but her jealousy as Melanie had her fun with my front made her vicious. I was caught between Melanie's sensual, gentle, and exciting work on my front and her violent beating of my back.

I was in tears and screaming deep down in my throat before they finished - and I was sure that it was B, who had stopped the punishment. Joséphine would probably have continued till I was unconscious.

Apparently, she realized what she had done, because suddenly she was in front of me. Holding my wet face in her hands and kissed it all over.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry..." she kept saying.

B interrupted quite unmoved by the events and my obvious dissolved condition: "Well, now it is time to change places. Melanie you can have a go at her front with the flogger, while Joséphine can play with her back."

"I can't do it when she's looking at me," Melanie stated.

"Not to worry," B said, and a minute later my head was in a loose, black leather bag tied round my neck.

It left me to enjoy and sink into the feeling and kept me from displaying my pain and trying to compose myself in vain.

Melanie was not as violent a whipper as Joséphine, but she did have a few good strokes.

She had a much lighter hand, and mainly let the flogger kiss my stomach.

Sometimes I could feel Joséphine's hands round my body, cupping my breasts as if she wanted to protect me from the lashes.

She probably regretted having her jealousy show to such a degree and was now trying to make things a little better for me.

B showed her how to get at my vagina from the back, and she also helped her grease my anus and use her finger to probe this opening. I could hear her instructions now and then. Quite calm and business-like. Just like her. It did give me a lot of pleasure and excited me to an almost orgasm before Melanie had finished.

Then it was B's turn. She took the bag off and used a long thin bullwhip. It was nice and somewhat comforting to be back in her hands again. The variation in the hardness of the lashes, the unexpected but precise way she hit me and the way she waited for me to calm down between a series of especially exciting lashes.

She knew how to work me up to almost a pain orgasm and then wait till I had calmed down again before bringing me up once more.

I loved the rollercoaster feeling and B was an expert executing it.

Finally, they finished with me. B released the chains just enough for me to relax, have my feet on the ground and still hold on to the wrist chains for support. The gag was deflated and pulled out. My legs were shaking. B held my head in both hands and looked in my face as my irregular and staggering breathing turned back to normal.

Chapter six - Electrifying rewards

by o_girl © 2024

"Well. Now we need some refreshments."

They had all used the bathroom and seemed ready for another round.

B and Melanie unchained me, and B locked my wrists together in front of me and attached a short chain from the back of the corset, under me and to my locked hands. I moved my jaws and tried to get some feeling back in them after the gag expansion.

Now I was able to move my locked hands up to around my waist but no further. I could not wipe my face. It felt puffy. My saliva and tears were drying on my cheeks, chin, and chest. B really wanted them to enjoy my state of decomposition.

In the middle of the room was a lounge group with a soft sofa and two armchairs. Flanking a little round table.

They sat down in the soft furniture.

"Come here. On your knees, bitch."

I went down and crawled over to them.

"Will you serve us a cup of coffee?"

"Yes, Miss. Of course, Miss"

I crawled to the trolley and got up as far as was necessary to pour coffee from the insulated container into three cups. It was more than difficult as my arms and hands had a very short moving range because of the chain.

"Do you take sugar and milk?" I asked politely and in turn they gave me the instructions.

I crawled back and forth with the cups. One at a time, and was very careful not to spill anything.

"Now. Don't you think it is proper to thank us for the punishment?"

"Yes, Miss."

I inched over to her and bend down so that my forehead touched the floor: "Thank you, Miss."

"You're welcome, bitch."

Then I crawled to Melanie and repeated the process and finally moved to Joséphine.

She did not reply to my thanks, but pushed one of her shoes off and crossed her legs: "Lick my foot!"

I moved closer and began kissing and licking her big toe. Sucking on it and letting my tongue caress every little part of it. Then moved to the next one and so on. When I had been all over her toes and foot, she switched position and I had to do it on her other foot as well.

"Thank you, bitch. Now get back to the trolley."

I crawled back and assumed the kneeling position from before. Being very careful to sit up straight. Being aided well by the stiff corset. I placed my hands as far up in front as the chain allowed. Making sure the thin steel ran through the centre of my half open vagina - and of course I had my knees far apart.

They sipped the coffee.

"I think she is much too insolent and horny for her own good. I even think she enjoyed being whipped. I have an idea how we can prepare her for her next duty. Go and pick a front and a back dildo - and make sure they are big enough, bitch."

B rose and came over. I got up and turned so that B could release the chain from the back of my belt, then walked to the wall where the dildos were hanging in nice orderly rows.

"Not those. The ones on the left!" B directed.

I moved to the section on the left, knowing that these dildos had a metal band up along the centre and a possibility to be wired. I shivered.

I picked a front and a back dildo in as small a size as I dared too.

B approved of my choice and ordered me over to the chair.

It was a type of chair one could easily think belonged around a dinner table. Although it was rather more solid build. It stood on a low, square platform, and was bolted to the floor.

The seat had two round openings for the dildos in the middle.

I kneeled down in front of the chair and fitted the dildos in the holes. It was just a question of pushing them through the hole and turning them a quarter round to secure them. Each of the dildos had a small steel rod sticking out from the bottom

I completed the task and leaned back and waited.

They all came over and had a look.

"It's big!" Joséphine said and folded her hand around the front one. Pulling a little to test that it was firmly stuck in the seat..

"They could be bigger, but we will be kind to her this time. Suck them, bitch."

I let my mouth close on the front one. I had to turn my head so the back one brushed against my cheek. Joséphine was right! It was big! Slowly I moved it inside to the point of almost gagging. The hard rubber had a warm feeling to it, but the metal band was disturbingly cold.

"Good. Good. Here's the grease. Grease the back one for us." B was enjoying herself ordering me around. I smiled inside at the sensation of being controlled like that, and in anticipation of what I knew was to come.

I grabbed the tube she handed me and pressed a suitable amount out in my hands. Then embraced the straight dildo at the back. I did it as slowly as I could, knowing the sight excited both them and me. After having ensured that it was good and ready, I moved to the front one.

"Stop. Not that one. You are probably wet enough to manage that one without extra lubrication, slut!"

I handed the tube back to B. Who in turn gave me a napkin to wipe my hands.

"Now get up and impale yourself."

I stood up, turned around and looked at their excited faces. Then moved backwards until I could feel the points of the hard rubber touching my skin. I wriggled a little to get both dildos in place at each of my openings. I lowered myself. Slowly. Very slowly.

They were both cast very naturally. Each had a life-like head and a straight part below that. Unfortunately for me the circumference increased considerably from below the head and down.

My poor openings were gradually expanded. Wider and wider. It created a burning sensation as I sunk down and I felt myself being widened. More and more.

I could not help uttering a small sigh, when the heads of the things were inside and the smaller diameter of the stems began sliding into me. Halfway down the size had increased so much that I had to move up a little and then down again - and then again - each time getting myself a little further down towards the seat.

"Get it done, bitch. You're not supposed to hop on them or fuck yourself. Just sit down." B said.

Finally, I felt the cool seat under my buttocks. I had both of them all the way inside. I straightened up. The front one pushed at the tip of my cervix. The back one just felt like my sphincter was burning up.

B and Melanie went down on each side of the chair and grabbed my ankles.

Lifting my feet up and clicking the rings on the ankle cuffs to the snap-locks on the legs of the chair. My legs were now useless to push me up, and I was definitely sitting solidly on the chair.

Then they undid my wrists and pulled my arms over the back of the chair. My hands were re-locked together and pulled down by a strap to a cross beam between the back legs of the chair.

"Look how pretty she is!" B stroked my cheek gently and smiled. "I bet you like that. To have a nice and relaxing sit-down after all your torments?"

"Yes, Miss. Thank you, Miss."

"How does it feel, slut?"

"Good. Very good. Thank you, Miss.," I was much too clever to admit that the position and the dildos were definitely not pleasant.

"Good girl."

"How long is she going to sit there?" Joséphine asked.

"Oh! Not for long, but we are not finished with her yet. The real fun is just about to begin"

B went and fetched another small trolley.

"What's that?" Joséphine asked.

"Something that will have an electrifying effect on her. Watch."

The trolley held a large black box. A panel on the side was full of buttons and dials. From the other end of the box came a bundle of thin wires that were draped over the handle.

B grabbed a wire with one hand and closed the thumb and forefinger on her other hand around my left nip: "Oh! The poor tormented little nipple. Is it sensitive Bitch?"

"Yes, Miss. Very much so!" My voice trembled as my nip was more than sensitive after the previous treatments. B placed the two small, round metal plates on each side of the nip and pressed to keep it in place. Then turned the adjusting screw. Slowly pressing the skin just behind the point together. When she had finished, she pulled a few times and checked that it was firmly attached.

She grabbed another wire, and repeated on my right nip. I looked down and followed her actions.

Then she went down on her knees and attached more wires to the metal rods from the dildos sticking out under the chair.

She got up and smiled. Held up yet another wire in front of my eyes. This one with a crocodile clamp at the end. She opened and closed the clamp with two fingers and looked at me: "You know where this one goes. Don't you, Bitch!"

"Yes, Miss!"

Bending over she found my clit ring and clasped the crocodile clamp to it.

Getting up again, she turned to Joséphine and Melanie: "Let's sit down, and I'll demonstrate this while we finish our coffee!"