A Chef Nurse Patient and Pâtissier


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"Right..." Dillon, mumbled, not knowing what to say. "Why didn't you come with me?"

"Because, he wasn't ready to accept my leaving. He was so close. I thought it would only take a few weeks. Every day he got a little brighter. But then you were so angry. I got confused. It took me up till a few weeks ago to build up the courage to tell him I was leaving."

"How did he take it?"

"Badly, he got angry, but his anger carried him. He called me names, told me to fuck off. He didn't need me. That was when I knew he'd be okay."

Chuckling softly Dillon said. "Sounds like he took it about as well as me."

Jade smirked, but said nothing. They finished their lunch, before she said. "You've made a wonderful life for yourself here. I can honestly say, I never expected to see you wearing Lycra, or riding bikes."

"Me either. I have to say though. Bloody hell, Jade. You look spectacular in that outfit."

She blushed a little mumbling. "My legs are killing me, they feel like jelly."

"You'll be right once we get moving again."

"What happens now, is there any hope, or should I just sign on the dotted line and go home?"

"No, don't go. Lyla, and I talked a lot last night. She wants you to stay. She gave me lots of reasons, and I think I understand. I want you to stay as well, because. She was right. You and I, we need to either get closure, and then move on. Or we need to give it another go."

"But what about Lyla, what happens to her?"

"She said she would rather we were happy. She didn't want to live with me with your shadow hanging over us. When she asked me last night whether I was ready to close the door on our marriage. I couldn't answer. I just don't know. I do know I don't want to hurt her."

As they stood by the bikes, Dillon, said. "You arrived at a bad time, Jade. Normally I can easily get time off during the day. For the next two weeks, we're booked solid with conventions. That means big lunches, breakfasts, and of course huge dinners. I'm simply not going to be able to get away."

She sighed, the defeat building up around her. "I guess I should just leave. It seems fate is driving this train wreck."

"No, please don't go. We can get some time together. It just won't be a lot. Lyla, said she would look after you during the day. She can get up early and prepare the pastries and deserts."

"I don't expect that Dillon. She's got a life to lead as well."

"Jade, listen to me. She likes you. She wants to help."

When they got back to the hotel, Jade could barely walk. Dillon apologised for pushing her so hard on her first ride.

Lyla met them at Dillon's, room. "Oh my god, what happened, you look like you can hardly walk?"

"My fault." Dillon said. "I wasn't thinking. Went a bit hard."

"Idiot." Lyla scoffed playfully. Glancing at Jade, she reached for her hand. "Come on. We're gonna have a soak in the hot tub. Dillon, you're needed down in the kitchen."

Lyla grabbed a couple of swim suits, towels and dragged Jade out the door.

She found them a spa pool with views out over the lake. She handed Jade, one of her swim suits. "It won't be a perfect fit, but it'll be all right till we can buy you your own." Pointing to changing rooms, she said. "You take that one."

Jade felt completely shattered. Her legs ached, her mind was mush. Nothing made sense. She looked ridiculous in Lyla's bathing suit. Lyla was much bigger in the breast department, and the suit although stretchy, sagged hanging loosely around her boobs.

She stood there thinking of ways to say she didn't want a spa, but it sounded so good, she actually wanted it. If it wasn't for the humiliation of this awful suit...

She was dragged out of her despair, when Lyla threw open the door. "Come on babe. The clocks ticking." Without giving Jade a chance to complain. She dragged her to the spa, and almost pushed her in.

"Oh shit... That is heaven." Jade sighed, after sinking in up to her neck.

"Yeah, choice aye. I always come down for a soak after riding. It's a little bit of magic."

"Did you guys get a chance to talk?" Lyla asked.

"Yeah, I'm not sure how Dillon, feels, but I made my case, tried to explain. He'll probably tell you about it tonight."

Lyla grinned. "I'll grill him, get him to fess up. We can talk tomorrow, and I'll give you an update."

"Why are you being so nice to me, Lyla? Is it a case of keeping your enemies close?"

Lyla looked offended, she couldn't hide her response. "Fuck you, Jade. I like you. Okay, we both love the same man. That doesn't make us enemies. If you're hanging with me for information. You can fuck off. I'm here because I like you."

Stunned at Lyla's anger she quickly gushed. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you. I like you as well. I'm just at a loss. I can see how much you love him. It's as plain as day. I just thought you might prefer if I left."

"No way chicky babe. I like you, and I want you guys to figure your shit out. I love him but I don't want to inherit a broken man. I want to be with him, but only if he wants to be with me. You and I might be in competition, it doesn't mean we can't be friends."

"So I am the competition?" Jade whispered.

"No, not unless you want us to be. There is always more than one solution to a problem, Jade. In this case there are many. First thing is getting you and Dillon, to open your minds, and see that the world isn't black and white."

"What does that mean?" Jade answered, confused by Lyla's cryptic response.

"I mean, like, lets imagine you've come to an intersection. There are four converging roads. Each one you walk down would take you to a different tomorrow. Each one is a different opportunity. At the moment, you can't see that."

Jade went to say something in reply, but Lyla raised her finger and placed it against Jade's lips. "Shush, lets just enjoy the soak. How are your legs feeling?"

Jade smiled. She should have been offended, but Lyla was hard to be angry at. "They feel wonderful."

"Good, what say you and I go for a ride tomorrow. Dillon, is going to be busy as. You and I can enjoy some time together."

"I'm riding your bike though?"

"I can ride Dillon's."

After they got out of the hot tub, and dried off. Jade said. "I might go and look around the shops. I haven't really looked around much."

"Do you want company?" Lyla, asked.

"Nah, I think I'll just wander around." Lyla picked up on her wanting some alone time, and didn't push. What Jade really wanted was some riding gear of her own. She hated that she had to use Lyla's. It gave her some time to think...

It wasn't hard to find riding gear. The city was over supplied with adventure equipment providers, and apparel retailers. She found some sexy little Lycra riding outfits, and a pretty one piece bathing suit. She also stumbled on a shoe retailer, and picked up some cross trainers.

Dinner was nice, Dillon and Lyla sat with Jade and again they chatted easily. The awkwardness seemingly vaporising.

It was later, when Jade came down to help with the clean up in the kitchen, and stayed on for the social drinks. Walking back to the rooms, Jade ached watching Lyla and Dillon walking off to his room hand in hand. It felt to her like Lyla, did it on purpose...

It was as Dillon, and Lyla, lay in bed, slowly making out. Lyla, said. "Dillon, if you want to sleep with, Jade, I'm okay with it."

"No, I'm not ready for that. I'm trying to figure out my thoughts. I want to be able to forgive her, but I can't. Not yet."

"Babe, it might be what's missing. If you want to find out how you really feel. You are going to have to allow some intimacy back in. Otherwise, you may as well just tell her to leave."

"That might be the best thing. I don't know that I can forgive her. She broke our marriage vows. We made promises."

"Dillon, don't be a hypocrite. You and I have probably had more sex than her and Mark, ever did. What about your vows?"

"We were broken up."

"That's crap. I think if you were down here by yourself, and she was left behind. We would have still got together. So stop being an arse."

"Jesus, Lyla. Why are you defending her?"

"Because I've heard her story. I believe what she said. She made a mistake. She was trying to do the right thing, and by the way. I don't believe in monogamy."

"What, how come you've never said anything before?"

"It wasn't relevant before."

"So at some point, you're gonna want to fuck some other dude?"

"No, that's not what I said. I'm not a slut. I don't sleep around. However, If I met, or you met somebody special. Then so long as it was consenting, and that would mean everybody. Yes, maybe I would, and perhaps it might be you."

"Fuck me..." Dillon, sighed.

Lyla, giggled. "Oh don't you worry. I plan to. By morning, you'll not have a brain cell left."

It was at breakfast, that Lyla, came and sat with Jade. "Sleep well?"

Jade, smiled, and surprisingly, teasingly even replied. "I probably got more than you."

Lyla, giggled. "Yeah, that might be true. Although... That might depend on whether, you looked in my night dresser."

"Why would I do that?"

"I keep some toys in there, if you need a little relief."

"Oh my god, you mean sex toys?"

"Yep, there's a really choice Hitachi magic wand. It might need recharging. There's also a bunny rabbit pearl. My personal favourite."

"Shit, Lyla. I wouldn't do that. They are yours."

"So what, who cares. If you want them, they're there okay."

After breakfast, Lyla asked. "Have you ever practised Tai Chi?"


"I do, every day I like to start off with it. Would you like to join me?"

"Um, yeah... I suppose, but I don't know how."

"I'll teach you. I promise, it's good for the soul." She reached across the table, and said. "Wear some loose fitting clothes, and meet me back here in ten minutes."

Lyla led them, down to the park, and found a secluded area with not to many passers by.

"Okay, stand facing me, and follow me."

Jade watched as Lyla started to go through her warm up. The gentle flinging of the arms, in the side to side motion. Then she made this heart shaped movement with her arms, that started low down, then stretched all the way up, as high as she could go.

"Jade, breathe in through the nose, on the way up. Then out through the mouth, as you stretch back down. It's a breathing technique. In with the good, and out with the bad."

Jade followed Lyla's lead, and chanted along with her. "In with the good. Out with the bad. After the warm up it was into the movements. Jade was stunned at the elegant grace, the beauty of the movements.

It wasn't just the movements, it was Lyla. She flowed from one movement to the next. Always smooth, and graceful. Never rushed or off balance.

Jade wasn't so fortunate. She struggled with the fluidity, the grace. Her movements were erratic, not completely uncoordinated, but awkward by comparison.

"Christ, I look terribly clumsy." Jade sighed.

"No, you look wonderful." Lyla said without breaking her routine. "I wish I looked as good on my first lesson."

After the Tai Chi, they changed and went for their ride.

"I love the new outfit Jade. It suits you."

"Thanks, I didn't think it was fair that I borrowed yours."

"Nonsense. I am happy to share."

Their eyes met as those words flowed from her mouth. Jade, tried to decipher. Was she alluding to more than clothes?" The thought sent a shiver through her body. Was it shock, or arousal. Lyla was so sensual, and so very sexual.

She had managed to provoke thoughts, that she'd never experienced before.

The ride was longer, and Lyla rode hard once she warmed into it. She pedalled hard, and jade had to push herself to exhaustion to keep up.

As they pulled into the hotel building. Jade collapsed off the bike. "Shit, I'm buggered."

Lyla patted her on the back, reassuringly. "You did great babe. Shit you pedalled your arse off. I'm impressed. I was going pretty hard."

"No kidding. God, I'm going to have a shower."

"No, I've got something else organised. Follow me."

The surprise was a massage. The hotel had it's own massage therapy clinic. They lay on tables side by side. The masseuses working their tired body's. Kneading and rubbing. Working the stressed muscle fibres to relax.

Afterwards, it was into the hot tub, before going back to their rooms. Jade was again left on her own, as Lyla had to go in and help in the kitchen.

She took the opportunity to do another round of shopping. This time, she wanted something sexy for dinner. Nothing outrageous, or flamboyant. Something undersold, but still sexy. A low bust, and mid thigh, with plenty of swish.

When she went down for dinner. Carl, the Maître de, met her, and guided her to a quiet table.

Lyla rushed out. "Sorry, babe. You're on your own for dinner tonight. Slight crisis in the kitchen."

"Can I help?" Jade replied, seeing Layla's obvious distress.

"No, it's not something more hands will fix. Sorry, it means going solo."

The waiter brought over wine, and poured her a glass. Jade took the chance to look around the overflowing room. They had extra tables set up where they could. "Over booked." The waiter said softly.

As she people watched. A very well dressed man approached. "Are you waiting for somebody, or are you alone?"


"Would you like some company?"

Jade, waved for him to sit. "Can I get you another glass?" He said.

"I think it's covered already."

He nodded. "I'm Cameron." He reached across the table to shake jade's hand.

"I'm Jade." She replied, taking a sip of her wine."

"Beautiful name, for an intoxicating creature."

"what brings you to town, Cameron?"

"Business conference."

"Ahh, right. How long are you here?"

"Four days."

"Are you married, Cameron?"

He nodded. "Yes I am."

"Would your wife be happy with you talking to me?"

"We have an arrangement. It works both ways."

"An arrangement, like an open marriage?"


"Convenient." She replied warmly. "Is this something you do... Chat up single women?"

"Only if I'm fortunate enough to meet somebody as enticing as yourself." He took a sip of his wine, before adding. "What about yourself, Jade. What brings you to town?"

"Meeting my husband, actually. He works here."

"And he stood you up?"

"Yes, unfortunately. He had to work."

"Well, I suppose I should get along. I wouldn't like him to get the wrong idea."

She giggled. "Goodbye Cameron. Say hi to your wife from me."

She smiled broadly as he walked back to a table full of men. Apparently they all worked for the same company. There were some hi fives, and some sneering laughs, as they chided him for getting shot down.

For the first time since arriving. Jade felt lonely. She missed not only Dillon's company, but Lyla as well. "What a situation." She said to herself. Lyla was so kind, and if she didn't know better. She would swear she was flirting with her.

That thought was preposterous.

Rather than go back to her empty room. Jade decided on going into the main bar for a drink. The place was packed. A DJ, spun discs, and the dance floor overflowed with hot sweaty bodies. As in the restaurant. Jade crowd watched. The couples, in love, the business men, who were like her. Gazing expectantly around the room.

She was a little surprised at the number of single, or rather by themselves patrons. The bar was obviously a good place to pick up. She watched the business men, targetting the females attending the same conference, who were also there by them selves.

Even in that packed bar. She felt alone. Bars, wasn't something she'd done since her Uni days.

Deep into her people watching, she was shocked when she heard Lyla's voice in her ear. "Wanna dance cutie?"

Turning, she saw Lyla in her casual attire. "How come you escaped?"

"Dillon, felt sorry for me." She threw back her drink, in one gulp. "Come on. Lets show these bitches how to rock."

She dragged Jade out into the heaving throng of bodies, and burst into a wild dance. Jade, not wanting to be shown up, did likewise. Together, they danced, and danced, and danced. As the night wore on, the dancing became more and more risqué. Lyla, was like a force of nature. Graceful, yet powerful.

As one AM, rolled around. Lyla said. "I've had enough. Want to call it?"

"Yeah, my legs are aching, especially in these new heels."

They staggered out to the elevators. Lyla leaning against Jade for support. "Wow, what a night. Shit you can shake that tushy babe. You were hot."

"Nah, you were the hot one. Shit every guy in there had their eyes on you."

"No, not me, us." Lyla replied with a sexy giggle. "Don't undersell yourself Jade. You're gorgeous."

"Piss off." She ran her fingers through her thick black hair. "Not with this mop. It's bloody horrible."

Lyla moved forwards, standing right in front of Jade. Her hands raised, and her fingers combed through Jade's unruly frizzy hair. "This is stunning, wild and carefree. God, I'm envious. It's you Jade, perfect."

"Thank you." She replied falteringly. Lyla's face was right in front of her. Fingers massaging her scalp. Their eyes fixed, their breathing shallow, mingling.

"I hate my nose." Jade, blurted out, not knowing why.

"That's ridiculous, it's cute, and perfect."

"Nah, it's flat, and big."

"Silly, it's wonderful." Lyla leaned in closer, and planted a wet sloppy kiss on her nose. "Beautiful." She gushed.

Just then the elevator doors opened, on their floor. They walked, staggered down to Jade's room. she, turned, ran the key card through the lock, and the door opened.

Turning back to face Lyla, she found her standing very close. Lyla's, hands came up and held Jade's face tight. Her mouth closed over Jade's, in a deep sensuous kiss. Her body pressing jade, back against the wall. Her tongue slithering seductively into Jade's, mouth. Their lips, moist and succulent mashed together.

Both had their eyes closed, Lyla's, body writhing against Jade's. Jade's, arms had automatically circled Lyla's, neck, and she held on for dear life as the kiss developed a life of it's own. Neither wanting to be the one to break the spell.

The wolf whistle, brought them both back to reality. A couple of drunk businessmen reeled down the corridor. "Don't stop on our account girls." One of them said. "We could film it for you, if you want?" The other suggested.

Jade, gasped in embarrassment. Lyla laughed. "You dirty buggers. Go off to your rooms, before we call security."

They wandered off, and Lyla's eyes returned to stare into Jade's. Her body still pressed hotly against Jade's. She wriggled, gyrating and pressing her hips forward. Her lips grazing Jade's. "Would you like me to come in for a drink?"

"Lyla, what are you doing?" Jade, whispered confusion and anxiety eating away her confidence.

Lyla, sucked in a deep breath, and stood back. "I guess that's a no? That's a shame. I was quite thirsty." Lyla's brazenness surprised and scared Jade. She was so direct, not exactly forceful, or pushy, simply candid... straight to the point.

For Jade, it was more about what hid behind her intent. Was she actually interested in her, or merely testing her?

Lyla, turned and walked away, fishing through her handbag for her key card.

With Lyla out of sight, Jade stumbled into the room, her pulse racing... God, she was so aroused. Her sex already gooey and sticky. She could feel it as she walked.

She showered, and climbed into bed. Her thoughts hard to move away from Lyla's seduction, if that's what it was. She tried to think of other things, but that kiss, wow... What a kiss. She felt things, she hadn't felt before. Was it embarrassment, or guilt. Would she be cheating on Dillon or did Dillon know?

So many questions, so many emotions... So few answers.

As she lay in bed, her phone buzzed on the night stand beside the bed.
