A Chef Nurse Patient and Pâtissier


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Jade had the drinks ordered, and served before they returned.

"Wow, holy shit. You look sensational." Dillon said approvingly. "That's pretty special. I don't remember you ever wearing your hair short. It makes your features stand out."

"Thanks babe." Jade replied happily soaking up the compliments.

They sat and picked up their drinks. "Busy day?"Jade asked.

"Yeah, crazy mad. We could hardly keep up." Dillon replied. "Damn I needed that drink."

The chat was fun, and went back and forth. Jade and Dillon managing to find a little casual banter. The awkwardness slowly dissolving.

The food arrived, and they all dived in. It was after that Lyla said. "Come down for after work drinkies."

Jade went back to her room, but after the emotional high from the new hairstyle. She sank into a little darker mood. This was when she felt the most alone. Sitting in the hotel room alone.

She phoned her Mum and Dad, then some friends. It didn't take her eyes from the clock face. There hands moved so slowly. That old adage sprang to mind about the 'Watched pot, never boils.'

Getting sick of her own company. She wandered down to the kitchen to help. Dillon, introduced her to the temp who was in charge of the dishes. It was a shit job, she found the temp Terry really fun. He had a story for everything. They were soon best mates, and the laughter showed that.

Terry, got a bit excited, at Jade's responses to his flirting and took it up a notch. He went from flirting and having fun. To hitting on her, and Jade quickly became uncomfortable.

He got louder and louder. Eventually, as Jade, tried to get out of his way. Dillon walked over and grabbed Terry, by the wrist. "Dude, leave my wife alone okay. You say one more inappropriate word to her and you and I will be out in the fucking car park, got it!"

"Whoa, chill bro. I didn't know. I thought you and Lyla, were an item." He turned to Jade. "Sorry, I didn't realise you guys were married."

Jade flashed her wedding ring. "Three years, in May."

They all went back to work, but Jade caught Dillon, staring at her with short looks. It brought a smile to her face, and created little tingles in other places.

They all sat down for drinks, and Lyla sat beside Jade. It took Lyla only seconds, before she pulled out her phone. "You dudes wanna see, Jade and my bungee jump today?"

Of course they did, and they crowded around to watch. "Fucking hell." Terry gasped as he watched. His eyes going straight to Jade.

"Wow, that's a hell of a kiss." Phillipe stated.

Jade blushed, but Dillon's, stare changed from furtive to lascivious. Lyla showed the video with pride. She had no reservations about the others seeing the kiss. She had never been one for hiding from who she was sexually.

Jade on the other hand felt decidedly embarrassed. When it came to an end. Terry, said. "Show us again. Put it up on the big TV screen."

"Fuck off ya perv." Lyla chided him.

As usual, Jade Lyla and Dillon walked out together, heading for their rooms. As the lift doors closed. Dillon said. "You girls did have a big day today didn't you?"

"We sure did babe." Lyla replied. "It was like, choice. Aye babe?" Her eyes fixed on Jade.

"It was." She let her eyes fixate on Lyla before adding. "Thanks for today. I wouldn't have done any of that without you being there to push me. I adore my new look."

"Hey, no worries girl. Do you wanna come back to our room. We could put on some music, dance, and have some drinks?"

Jade glanced quickly at Dillon, to see what he was thinking. She couldn't pick it, but he didn't say anything. "Nah, I better not. You two have an early start tomorrow. You need your sleep."

Dillon actually looked happy with that outcome. Lyla on the other hand looked disappointed. "Ahhh, now I'm sad."

Jade swiped her door, and slid in before Lyla got a chance to repeat the kiss. She needed to find out how Dillon, felt before she allowed Lyla, to manipulate things.


In their room, Dillon, was quick to complain. "What the fuck was that kiss, at the bungee jump?" Is there something going on between you two?" His anger came from nowhere, and caught Lyla off guard.

"It was a kiss, settle down. It's not like we did anything."

"Fuck, Lyla. The bitch cheated on me once. Now you're falling into her trap."

"For your information, Dillon. Take another look at the video. I was the one who kissed her, and while we are talking about her. I like her, and if she's into it. I want to sleep with her."

Dillon, stumbled backwards away from her. "What did you say?"

"You heard, but if you wanna hear it again. I want to fuck Jade. She's gorgeous and sexy as fuck."

"What about us?" Dillon, spluttered.

"I would love for you to be part of it. I love you, we're special. But I have told you already. I don't believe in monogamy. I like, Jade, and I get the feeling she likes me. If you're not going to sleep with her. I will."

"After what she did to me..."

"She was wrong, I'm not defending her actions. I hate cheating. She made the mistake of not communicating with you. If she wanted to sleep with him. She should have told you."

"Told me... What the fuck, Lyla. We were supposed to be soul mates. She was supposed to be mine."

"Oh please." She replied, her voice tinged with displeasure. "Nobody owns another person. I love you, I have said those words many times, and I love being in your life, having you in mine. But never for one moment think you own me, because you don't."

Confused, Dillon lay back on the pillow staring at the ceiling. "I don't get it. How can you think I would have been okay with her sleeping with somebody else?"

"Dillon, listen to me carefully. I don't believe in monogamy. I believe in love, and I do love you. You were angry with Jade, because she betrayed your trust. I would be angry with that as well. But after talking to her. I understand what happened. She fell into a situation where her feelings toward Mark, became unbearably confusing. She became emotionally attached, but. I believe her actions were positive and she was trying to help him."

"So you think it was okay for her to have sex with him?"

"Yeah, so long as you were okay with it."

"But I wasn't."

"I know, and I get that. She should have told you about where she was emotionally. Then you could have explained your position, and she would have had to make a choice. By not communicating. She broke your trust, betrayed your love."

"Shit... I'm confused." He sighed.

"Okay what if I told you I was going to climb out of bed right now, and go down to Jade's, room and sleep with her?"

"What the fuck?" He spluttered in disbelief.

"Come on, answer me. What would you say?"

"I'd say. Do what you want. But don't come back."

"Really... Then I don't believe that you actually love me. People who love each other, talk issues through, and try and find common ground."

"You can't love more than one person at a time, Lyla."

"Yes you can. You told me you still love, Jade. I think that's a true statement. Everything I've seen proves that. I think you love me as well, but your mind is twisted up in social programming. We are taught from a young age that you choose one person, and that's it. I don't believe that."

"You're not helping here Lyla."

"Do you love, Jade?"

"Yeah, there will always be a part of me that loves her."

"And you love me as well?" Lyla said softly.

"Yes, definitely." He sighed ruefully.

"Then why can't you love both of us?"

"Okay, what say I said. I'm going to go down and sleep with, Jade. How would you feel?"

"Honestly Dillon. I would say. Thank god, do it. Let your anger go, and be with her. She wants you in her life. She drove down here to see if it was possible. I have been trying to tell you. Do it. Let her in, love her, forgive her. She made a bloody mistake. It's not the end of the world."

"Yeah, then what happens about us, you and me?" He muttered, confusion tying him in knots.

"We, continue to evolve. I don't want to lose you, Dillon. I do love you, but I'd be prepared to share you."


"Yes, there's more than one solution Dillon. You're thinking her, or me. Why not have both?"

"Fuck me drunk..." He mumbled, his mind spinning.

"Of course, that means you'd have to share me as well, because I like, Jade. I like her a lot, and if she opens her mind enough to let me in. Then I want to be part of her life as well."

"You want Jade, as well?"

"Yes, very much so. I like her, a lot. It might grow into love, I have high hopes. She's passionate, and attractive. Actually, she's as sexy as fuck... There is a sexual energy between us. I hope that grows to include love. I could happily live with her."

"Fucking hell."

"Dillon, open your mind, let the horizons expand a little. You watched that video of our bungee jump. What did you see?"


"Watch it again, with your eyes open. The kiss was physical, have a look at the way she stared into my eyes... It was beautiful. She gave herself over to me."

"Maybe you should be sleeping with her." Dillon snapped.

"I would, but then you'd be angry at both of us, and you might end up alone. I don't want that. I do love you, and if you'll let me. I'd like to live with you forever."

"Then what about, Jade?" He replied.

"I'd like her to live with us as well, with me, and with you. Why couldn't we all live, and love together?"

"Like in a threesome?"

"Occasionally, but three people can live together, and love together outside of sex. I mean, sex is a part of it, but it's not the only component. The main ingredient here babe, is love."

"Have you talked to her about this?"

"No, not really, but we have touched upon it. She realises now, that you can love more than one person. She has genuine feelings for Mark. She left him, to be with you. It shows how much she loves you."

"Jesus, you've got a twisted mind."

"Maybe, but I know one thing. I want to make love, right now." She pulled him into a powerful searing kiss. Dillon, a little hesitant, but he couldn't hide from his desire. He did love the crazy bitch.

Jade woke in the morning, filled with trepidation. Her dreams had been filled with images of Lyla. At some point during the night, she came to the conclusion. She wasn't just jealous of Lyla she was jealous of Dillon. He was in Lyla's arms, and that was something she was now thinking about, as something she wanted.

It astounded and confused her. She'd never once had feelings of attraction towards a woman. Now, she craved it, wanted to experience it. There was something about Lyla she really liked. It was more than a physical attraction, it was like the feelings she had for Dillon and for that matter Mark.

That made her question everything. She absolutely loved that bloody kiss, as they dangled on the end of that rope. It was full of trust, and support, caring and tenderness.

She now wanted to experience more. The only thing holding her back was Dillon. She didn't want to ruin Lyla and Dillon's relationship, and she still hoped that he would take her back. It was fucked, all of those thoughts made no sense.

How could she be with Dillon and not destroy his relationship with Lyla?

At breakfast, Lyla and Dillon both came and ate with her. The conference crowd already gathering.

"What are you girls doing today?" He asked.

"Well..." Lyla, said. "I thought we might go up to the spa and get massages, I have been dying to try the hot rock massage therapy. Then maybe go for a drive. I'd love to show Jade, around."

"Wow, that sounds awesome." Jade replied.

"Hell, I'm jealous." Dillon laughed. "I'm gonna be stuck at work."

Lyla frowned. "You're right, but the conference is over on Friday. There aren't many bookings over the weekend. What say we save the hot rocks, till Saturday. Then we could all go together?"

Jade smiled. "I'd love that."

Dillon glanced from woman, to woman. Then said. "I didn't mean to spoil your day. You can still do it today, then we could still all go Saturday."

"No, I think it should be a first for all of us. Jade, and I can entertain ourselves today. We could take a ride on the Kawerau river jet boat?"

"Yeah, that was amazing." Dillon said. "You'll love that Jade. It's pretty scary, but worth it."

"Deal." Lyla announced. That's what we'll do." She stood quickly, and then kissed Dillon, passionately. She reached for Jade's hand. "Come on babe. Lets get ready." They were about to leave, when Lyla, said. "Give him a kiss. It might be the last one. People have died on the jet boat."

Jade filled with uncertainty. Leaned over, and kissed him. This time, he didn't pull back, he held her tight, and it quickly escalated into a fearsome, spine tingling searing expression of love.

When she stood, they both panted. It was Lyla who giggled sexily. "That's more like it."

As they went through their morning Tai Chi, routine. Lyla stood close behind Jade. Her body pressed tight to her back. People watching might have thought they were one.

Jade sucked in a deep breath, she enjoyed the feel of Lyla her hands holding her, directing and guiding her. She had to ask though. It was burning her up. "You didn't mind me kissing Dillon?"

"Mind? God no. I loved it. He loves you, and you love him. You should kiss, you should be making love, every night."

"What about you?" Jade responded, her words filling her with discomforting doubt, and bewilderment.

"Me, well, I'd like to spend the whole day today in your bed. I want to hold you in my arms, and make love to you. I want us to become one. I want the same with Dillon. I did say I was prepared to share. He doesn't have to choose, you don't have to choose. There is more than one answer to a puzzle."


"Yes babe, sharing. I love him, but I don't want to own him."

"You want to make love to me?" Jade, said falteringly, the words slow, deliberate."

"Yes, don't you feel it?"

Jade swallowed hard. "Yeah... I do."

She turned in Lyla's arms. They stood face to face. Their breasts crushed together. Their hearts beating in unison. Their eyes melting into one single liquid pool of light.

Their noses touched, and Jade enjoyed the Hongi, she moved, allowed her nose to caress Lyla's. Their breath mingled, condensing between them.

Lyla's arms circled her waist, pulling them closer together. "Jade, I want you so bad, but I can't. Dillon, isn't on board with this yet. I have told him how I feel about you. But he's not ready, not yet. I will never cheat on him, or you."

Jade heard her words, and it hurt. "You think I cheated?"

"No, I think you broke his trust. That's why he's so angry with you. I would be too. Dillon is confused at the moment. I told him how I feel about you. He said If I slept with you, I couldn't go back to him. I hope he changes his mind, because I want this with all my heart."

Jade stared into Lyla's eyes, the words filtering through slowly. "What happens, if he doesn't accept it?"

"Then he and I will be over. I couldn't live like that."

"Like what?"

"Thinking that the heart belongs to one person. I don't believe that. I love Dillon. I respect and admire him. I think he is an amazing person, but then I look at you, and I have those same feelings, those same emotions."

Jade leaned closer, and her lips gently grazed Lyla's. Not an assault, but a welcoming gesture of submission and acceptance.

Her tongue traced the tiny gap between Lyla's lips, soaking in the feel and taste.

Lyla's mouth opened, and the crushing emotions brought the kiss into the moment. Jade's hands came up to hold Lyla's head, and the kiss ignited, no longer gentle, now a burning searing explosion of both their desires.

The world ceased to matter. The wolf whistles from a couple of passing young boys went unheard. It was unimportant. What was important was the moment, the joining of their souls. Their bodies were as one, as were their minds.

They both gasped, separating in need of life saving oxygen.

"We have to wait for Dillon..."

Jade nodded. "Yes, I don't want to ruin your relationship."

Lyla smiled, her whole body smiled. "I know that. I never viewed you as the harbinger of doom. I never felt like you were the grim reaper."

Jade collapsed to the ground, and Lyla followed her, they sat cross-legged peering into each others eyes.

"How could it work, Lyla. I hear your words, and I feel your honesty. I simply, don't understand."

"Relationships can contain more than two people. The centuries have proven that. It's rare, but love, real love. Can be shared. We would simply be three people living and loving together."

"The three of us, in one bed..." Jade, replied. Her face betraying her uncertainty.

"No, not always, but sometimes. Relationships like that only work if all of the people can be together as one, and yet separately as well. If for instance, it was you, Dillon, and myself. I would want, no need to be able to have a sexual relationship with you alone. Some of that would be separate from Dillon. Sometimes, it would be the other way around."

"You think that can actually work? I mean have you experienced that?"

Lyla shook her head. "I have been in relationships, where the boundaries were open. But I have never lived as a throuple."

"But you think it could work?"

"Yes, with all my heart."

"Wouldn't you be jealous, if Dillon, said he just wanted to sleep with me tonight?"

"No, well, probably. I hope that my love would allow it to happen. You both might have to work hard the next day to make it up to me."

"You're an amazing woman, Lyla."

"No more than you... Jade, I'm falling in love with you. I can feel it. I feel such a huge attraction to you. I feel your hurt, and I feel your joy. That only happens with love."

"Maybe you just feel sympathy for me?"

"No, god no. This is deeper than that. I hope you will one day feel it as well. I hope it's not unrequited."

"No, I feel it, well, I feel something, which I can't explain." Jade whispered guiltily. "I have dreamed about nothing else for the last couple of nights."

Lyla giggled sexily. "Did you try the rabbit?"

Jade blushed, but couldn't hide the smile. "Yes, I tried them all. They're amazing."

"Sure are," She tittered. "I love them as well."

They ended up driving to Arrow Town, and having lunch, cruised through the shops, and played tourists.

They arrived back in Queenstown in time for Lyla to go and help prep for the dinner crowd.

Hey babe." Lyla said as she breezed into the kitchen. Dillon glanced up in time to get a juicy kiss.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Awesome, we drove to Arrow town. What about you sexy man. You look a bit stressed?"

"You sorta gave me a lot to think about last night. I guess I've been taking a look in the mirror."

"Oh babe, I wasn't judging or criticising. Don't get all bent out of shape over it."

"No, I realise that. You were being honest, and I guess it scared me. I wondered whether we wanted the same things."

She gripped his arm, as she stood beside him. "Dillon, don't try and figure everything out. Just take it day by day. I don't even know what I want."

"Do you want to be with me?" He whispered.

"Yes, more than ever. Jade told me lots of things today. Things you and I have never spoken about. I think I'm more in love with you than ever."

"What about Jade? I've given that a lot of thought." He muttered."I realise, I do still have feelings for her, and I'm confused about that. I question myself. How can I have these conflicting emotions. Like, how can I love her, and you?"

"Because you're human. Forget everything that society teaches us. You had a tough childhood, and I'm worried that you never shared that with me. Now it makes sense to me. We both love you Dillon. It's possible if you open your mind, allow love in."