A Chef Nurse Patient and Pâtissier


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Reaching for it, she read the incoming text. "DON" T FORGET... THIRD DRAWER DOWN."

Jade giggled, it was Lyla and she was talking about the sex toys. That made her blush, she wasn't inexperienced with sex, she had several partners before Dillon, and she had masturbated when she was single. Sex toys though, that was something she had never tried... She had never even seen one in real life.

She ran her fingers down her moist crevice, she felt the heat, the slick viscous juices. Her curiosity got the better of her. Rolling to the edge of the bed, she pulled open the third drawer down. Reaching in, she lifted up the first thing she found.

"Oh my god." She gasped. It was like a curved penis, with a little flexi thing that stuck out. It felt firm yet soft, smooth, but velvety.

Finding the switch, she flicked it, and it burst into life. The vibrations caught her off guard, and she dropped it. There it lay moving erratically on the duvet, vibrating like an out of control phone.

She picked it back up and turned it off. Doing a closer inspection, she found the control, and realised it had various speeds. Dialling it down, she turned it back on. This time, it was a gentle buzz.

"Could I?" She said to herself. It was clean, raising it to her nose, it didn't smell of anything.

"To hell with it." She said aloud. Parting her legs, she moved the tingling vibrating head over her pussy. She was that aroused, it slipped easily between her outer lips.

She moved it back and forth along the length of her swollen valley. She almost levitated, as the vibrating head slid across her swollen clitoris.

Back and forth she moved it, allowing it to hover over her clit longer and longer with every pass. She definitely didn't need lube, god she felt sodden, the sheet already damp.

As she got braver, she allowed the head to pierce her vagina. Dipping in a little deeper each time. It didn't take long, her remembrance of the kiss, the feel of Lyla's, body pressing against hers.

Her hips moved, gyrating and jerking in time with the thrusts. Jesus, the little clit stimulator rubbed her swollen nub with every thrust now. She turned up the speed, and shrieked giggling. "Fuck."

With her eyes closed, she gave herself over to the fuck... Her hips pushing back convulsing and shuddering as her orgasm carried her into a tingling ball of muscular jelly. Her thighs squeezing her hand tightly as she jammed the buzzing toy deep inside.

Sleep came easily after that. The slippery toy laying under the duvet.

The morning, brought embarrassment. The bed reeked of her sex. The stain on the bottom sheet was noticeable. In shock, she ripped the bedclothes off the bed, the toy flying into the air as she snatched the sheets from the mattress.

Seeing it laying on the floor, she grabbed it, and rushed into the kitchenette to thoroughly wash it. She scrubbed, and scrubbed until it smelt like a doctors surgery. She placed it back in the drawer, and quickly dressed making her way directly to the laundry.

With the washing done, she showered and changed.

Breakfast was nice, but she blushed when Lyla appeared. She sat opposite, sipping her coffee. "How are you feeling this morning?"

"Refreshed, I needed the sleep."

"I'm sorry if I was a bit forward last night. I didn't mean to offend you. I get horny, when I dance like that. It's so freeing."

Jade giggled. "I wasn't offended, you just took me by surprise. I've never kissed a woman before meeting you."

"Did you enjoy it though?"

Blushing, Jade whispered. "It was different."

"How so?"

"Shit, Lyla. Are you going to make me say it?"

"Yes, I want to hear. Why was it different?"

"Okay, well. Men or at least the ones I have been with are very overpowering, more physical. Your kiss was delicate, your lips softer, gentler, but still firm and insistent. Sorry, I can't explain it." She felt her face burning.

"Yes, I feel the same way. Your kiss was incredible, your lips are so full and sensuous. Juicy, delicious. I loved it. I didn't want to stop."

"Really, you were serious?"

Lyla recoiled a little, her face looking confused. "Yes, I was deadly serious. I wanted you last night Jade. I wanted to feel your naked skin on mine. I wanted to taste you, smell you, feel you. I wanted to consume you. Leave you exhausted and spent, totally satiated."

"Fuck, me..." Jade sighed.

"Yes babe, that was what I wanted. I like you, I'm not sure if you feel the same, and I don't want to overstep our friendship. I know we love the same man, but I felt an attraction to you, I'm sure you must also feel."

"I'm nervous. I'm here to try and reconnect with Dillon. I feel awful because if I do. It will destroy your relationship with him. I like you, I like you a lot actually, and I don't want to hurt you. I've caused enough pain in others over the last twelve months."

"Jade, we both love the same man, and I hope you do reconnect with, Dillon. I have been pushing him to take you back into his bed. That doesn't have to destroy his and my relationship."

"What, now I'm confused. You think he and I can have sex, and I'll walk away?"

"No silly. I mean, there's no reason one relationship has to end here. I am prepared to share him with you. It would be so much nicer, if you and I also had such a relationship."


Dillon appeared from nowhere, and sat down at the table, carrying plates of food. "Breakfast is served ladies." His warm smile making Jade, more confused. Did he know what Lyla just suggested, was it his idea?

He seemed oblivious. He dived into his bacon and eggs with an urgency driven by need. "What a bloody day. We're gonna be overrun again at lunchtime." He groaned.

"Do you want me to stay and help?" Lyla asked.

"No, we've got a couple of temps coming in. We have the hands, it's just going to be tight getting it all through. If I'd been smart. I would have prepared a set menu. I just didn't think."

As they all feasted on the delicious breakfast. Dillon asked. "So what are you girls doing today?"

"I thought we might go for a paddle." Lyla said, her eyes fleetingly catching Jade's. "Would you be down for that Jade?"

"Um, I've never been in a canoe. I haven't got any gear."

"Don't panic, we've got all the gear. Wet suits, life jackets. I promise you'll love it. Won't she Dillon?"

He looked confidently at Jade. "She's right. You'll love it. I did."

They finished breakfast, and Dillon jumped up. "Sorry, I gotta run. I need to keep a close eye on the temps." He moved around the table, and kissed Lyla. She held him, enjoying the kiss. Her arms around his neck pulling him down onto her searching tongue.

He stood, shaking his head, and was about to say something when, Lyla said. "Oh no no Mr... Jade needs a kiss as well."

He looked nervous, but moved around the table, he leaned down cautiously to peck her on the lips. Jade felt trapped, like she was being forced, but the feel of his mouth on hers brought back all the desire and need. A hunger drove her to open her mouth, and suck his tongue inside. Her tongue curling around his, and her arms circled his head.

She felt him ease, the tension releasing from his body and he leaned lower, his mouth feasting on hers. The passion grew quickly, and they both felt the wanton lust overriding their fears.

He stood, almost reluctantly. Gasping for breath, he looked into Jade's eyes and saw the same hunger. He smiled, first at jade then turning to include Lyla in his joy. "See you girls later."

Jade slumped back in her chair. Her heart pounding. She looked across at Lyla and the guilt overwhelmed her. "I'm sorry, Lyla. I don't know what came over me."

"Love, that's what drove you, Jade. There's no apology needed. That kiss looked divine."


"No buts, no apologies. I'm not playing games. Believe me, I'm being completely open and honest with you. I don't believe in monogamy. I love Dillon, and want him to be part of my life for a very long time. I don't however expect him to be the only lover I have."

Confused, and dubious, Jade asked. "Does he feel the same way?"

She shook her head. "No, we only had that conversation for the first time yesterday. I wasn't trying to deceive him. It simply didn't come up earlier. We have only recently fallen into such a deep loving relationship."

"Does he know about our kiss last night?"

"No, I will tell him. I was going to last night, but couldn't wake him. I was going to come back and knock on your door, but I wasn't sure how you would react."

"Wow, I take it. You're bisexual?"

"Yes I am." Lyla, replied. "What's more, I'm attracted to you Jade, very very attracted."

Jade gulped down the last of her coffee, feeling the burning hot liquid catching in her throat.

They walked together, to the park, where Lyla again led them, through the Tai Chi routine.

This time, as jade went into the high stretch. Lyla moved behind her circling her waist with her hands.

"When you breathe. You have to use your diaphragm." The palm of Lyla's hand compressing Jade's tummy. "You have to breathe from here." She pressed with both hands, which moved up to just under Jade's breasts.

"Lets try again, now remember. In with the good, out with the bad." Her hands firm on Jade's tummy.

All Jade, could feel was Lyla's body pressing firmly on her back. Her breasts crushed against her. Lyla's nipples digging into her.

She closed her eyes, and tried to focus on her breathing as she went through the stretch. Lyla's hands moving, in and out with jade's breathing. Lyla's head resting close beside Jade's, her chin resting on Jade's shoulder. Her wet lips close to Jade's, ear, her breath moist and warm wafting across Jade's flesh.

"That's it, in with the good, out with the bad. Deeper babe, suck it in, all that life giving oxygen. Breathe... breathe..." Her mouth right beside Jade's ear lobe.

Then, Lyla moved back. "Excellent, I think you've got it." They went through the rest of the routines. Jade following Lyla her eyes focused on her gorgeous frame as she moved and swayed.

"Bloody hell." Jade thought. "She's so sexy." That thought scared her, was she seriously interested in her... It was a lot to take in. Sharing Dillon... Could she do that? Would he, go for it? Was Lyla, just playing some cruel joke. Was it all just a game...

When they finished, Lyla moved over to stand beside Jade. "You know what. Lets not do the paddle. How would you feel about bungee jumping?"

"Oh hell no. I would be to afraid to leap off."

"We could go together, do a tandem jump?"

"They can do that?"

"Yes, absolutely. Our ankles would be secured together, and we'd go over together."

"Holy shit. I don't know Lyla."

"Tell you what. We'll cycle out there, have a look, and you can make up your mind. If you want to then we can, if not. We just have lunch and cycle back. No pressure. I won't force you into anything you don't want."

"Okay, I guess we could go for a look. I make no promises though."

"That's cool chicky babe. They do a nice lunch out at the cafe there. No loss if you don't want to do it."

The cycle out to the bungee jump was wonderful. One of those Central Otago days, where the sky is that majestic translucent sapphire blue. Not a cloud in the sky, and only the gentlest of breeze blowing gently on your back.

Truly magnificent.

They parked the bikes, and Lyla, led them out onto the bridge by the hand. She wasn't exactly dragging her, but she held on tight. Jade leaned over the rail, and gasped. "Shit, it's a long way down. Perhaps we should have lunch first?"

Lyla laughed. "Do you really wanna do that jump with a full stomach?"

"Shit, I don't want to do it at all. Honestly Lyla, it scares the hell out of me."

"I know it looks scary, but trust me. Once you're in the air and flying. It's unbelievable."

"Oh yeah, I'm sure it does, but what if the rope breaks?"

"Don't be a sissy, come on. Dillon, did, and his knees were knocking that loud. The operator thought there was something wrong with the bridge."

"I'm scared, Lyla."

"I'm going to be right there with you. I promise it will be awesome."

It took thirty minutes of pushing, but Jade finally consented. They stood together on the platform facing each other. Lyla's hands resting on Jade's waist. Their eyes locked together, as Jade tried to fight back the desire to just walk away.

Lyla passed her phone to a spectator, and asked if she could film their jump.

With the cords firmly attached they edged out onto the jumping lip. They teetered, Jade stepping back. "I can't do it. I'm sorry Lyla. I just can't."

Before she could move away. Lyla stepped closer to her, her arms circling her neck and kissed Jade. Like earlier, it was full of passion. Their tongues swirling together. Their mouths open wide, Jade sinking into the deliciousness of the kiss. Her hands slipped around Lyla's waist pulling tightly.

Jade's heart raced as the passion, desire mixed with embarrassment built within her. Then suddenly, with a giddy uncertainty. They were falling. Lyla had leaned them both over the edge, and they were in free-fall.

"Arghhhhhh." Jade screamed, her eyes opening to stare into Lyla's, eyes. "Fucking bitch!" She screamed at the top of her voice.

Lyla screamed as well, but hers was one of pure joy. She held her arms out wide, enjoying the fall.

The ropes stretched tight, and they were immersed in the icy cold water. Then they were springing back into the air. Lyla screeching "Whooooo hooooo."

Jade gasped for air, the shock of the cold water taking any she had.

As they bounced upside down, dangling at the end of the cord. Lyla, took Jade's, head in both hands and kissed her again as they waited for the boat to get them.

"Oh my god. You treacherous bitch." Jade, spluttered.

"Don't tell me you didn't like it." Lyla replied defiantly.

"I didn't say that, but I was trying to tell you how scared I was."

"Jade, life's full of scary experiences. We have to be brave, to embrace them. You did that with, Mark. You pushed the boundaries. We have to be brave."

"Yeah, not sure about brave. Look where I ended up. Dillon, hates me. He loves you."

"Jade, he doesn't hate you. Yeah, he hates what you did. You just approached it the wrong way. Dillon, has an open heart. I think if you'd discussed it before jumping into Marks, bed. You might have got a different reaction."

They sat in the cafe, enjoying their lunch. The sun streaming over them, warming their bodies.

"What did you mean, when you said I should have discussed it with, Dillon?" Jade asked.

"If you'd told him what you planned to do. It wouldn't have been a shock, and you could have either tried to convince him, or at least you would have known the consequences. Personally. I'm glad you did it."

"What, you're happy because I destroyed my marriage?" Jade snapped. "God, that's cruel."

"No, Jade. I'm happy you did, because it brought us all to this spot. This moment in time. It has given us an incredible opportunity. I absolutely adore, Dillon. I love him to pieces, but if he can't accept me for who I am. Then perhaps we weren't destined to be together."

"Why, how can you say that? You said you loved him?"

"I do babe, I love him dearly. But Love can only take you so far. I am already falling in love with you... If Dillon, couldn't accept that. I would be lost."

Jade felt confusion pushing and pulling her. "You believe you can love more than one person at a time?" Jade asked.

"Yes, totally, and so do you. Think back to, Mark. You loved him, yet you loved, Dillon. I feel the same. There is room in the heart for more than one person. I could easily love you and, Dillon."

It was a lot to take in. Jade felt her attraction to Lyla. There was no denying that. She was drawn to her, she couldn't explain it, didn't understand it, but there was no denying it was real.

The cycle back was silent, only the sound of passing cars and the tyres rolling over tarmac.

Jade liked the idea that Lyla didn't think she was a slut, or an idiot, but she questioned whether what she said was right. Would Dillon have agreed? She didn't think so. That would have meant her actions would have been premeditated.

That wasn't the case, she never planned to have sex with Mark. It just happened.

Back in Queenstown, it was still early afternoon, so Lyla asked. "You still up for a paddle?"

A day full of firsts, Jade thought. The canoeing was fun, she felt a little uneasy until she got used to the movement of the canoe beneath her. As they paddled, She said. "What an amazing afternoon. It's beautiful out here."

"Yes, nearly as beautiful as you." Lyla replied. Jade blushed, the never ending flow of compliments was nice, but she didn't know how to respond. Should she flirt, encourage?

"You're the pretty one, Lyla."

"You're my dusky little princess. I love the colour of your skin, that dark brown... It's luscious, so sexy, and your hair. I dunno why you don't like it. I think it's amazing."

"I hate it, I can never do anything with it. If I want it straight, it takes hours, and the heat kills it, and makes it worse."

"Have you thought about wearing it shorter?"

"Yeah, but I already look like a boy. No tit's you know..."

"Fuck, you're so self depreciating. Your figure is fucking hot. I envy you being able to go braless."

"Yeah, and I envy you. Your figure is to die for."

Lyla let her canoe drift closer to Jades and as they bumped into each other. Lyla reached over and pulled Jade into another kiss. It was sweet and juicy, passionate and wanton. She loved the feel of Jades big juicy lips crushed on hers, and she yearned for the feel of her naked body.

They drifted on the current for a little distance, their kiss absorbing everything. Time stood still, the world stopped spinning. Nothing else mattered but that moment. The feel of jade's tongue slithering around her mouth like a playful snake.

When they parted, both panting. "I have a friend who works at a salon in town. If you want, we could see if she could fit you in. Do something really sexy with your hair."

A wave of bravado swept over jade and she cried. "Yes, lets do it." She needed something. Maybe a new look might bring Dillon back to her.

At the salon, Lyla exchanged quick kisses with the stylist, Lyla signalled for Jade to go over. "We want something really sexy. Something trendy and chic."

Rachel the stylist sat Jade in the chair, and played with her hair, before asking. "Would you consider, an inverted bob, with a gradual taper, parted on the side? We could add some honey and blonde, highlights. Give it some real pizazz. Plus, it's real easy to care for.

She wandered off, returning with a book full of photo images. The moment, Rachel, pointed out what she meant. Jade said happily. "Hell yeah. I love it."

Lyla disappeared to help out in the kitchen. Three hours later, Jade walked out with her new do. She walked up the street feeling a million dollars. Her frizzy unmanageable hair gone. The highlights really popped. She admired it with a broad smile in all the shop windows.

It was almost six, by the time she got back to the hotel. A change of clothes, and she wandered down for dinner.

She was barely seated when her phone buzzed. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GIRL. I" M DYING TO SEE."


The kitchen doors burst open, and Lyla rushed out. She glanced around the sparsely populated dining room. "Oh, shit." She cried out, before hurrying over to Jade's table. She held Jade firmly as she looked all around her new style.

"Wow, that is hot. Jade, you look exquisite babe." She leaned down, and gave her a searing kiss, that lingered for much longer than friendly.

"Order us some drinks, Dillon, was waiting for you. We'll be out in a minute."