A Christmas Party Ch. 08


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She knew when the time came she'd have some explaining to do, Jeremy was nothing like what her father envisioned for her; he wasn't a lawyer, he wasn't African, and he definitely wasn't fluent in Igbo. She shrugged to herself, she would cross that bridge when she got there...and she didn't think it would be anytime soon.

"Oh, so the story is only interesting when it's about me"

"Abeg I didn't come here to act as referee in a mouth-off." Ugo said as he stood up. He looked at Kachi, noting the bowl of ice-cream and the cake by her side, "This one you're eating as if you plan to enroll for a judo tournament. I hope all is well."

Kachi shrugged as she shoved another scoop of ice-cream in her mouth and swallowed, "Isn't it my money I used to buy it? Did I borrow any from you?"

"I'm just asking. I wasn't even aware you liked strawberry ice-cream" he commented, "Are you sure you're okay?" his voice was now laced with concern, noticing for the first time the difference in her looks. She really didn't seem that different if he went by the pictures he had seen of her on her Instagram page two weeks ago. She might have gained a pound or two, but it wasn't something that should disturb him, it was the way she ate the cake and licked the ice-cream- like a starved traveler, that bothered him.

"Ugo, I said I'm okay, or do you want to examine me?"

"Don't mind her." Phi said, "she's been eating like a hog the entire week, you need to open her fridge to understand what I mean."

"I've just had a healthy appetite recently, is that so bad?"

Ugo shrugged, "Nobody has said so, it's just..." he began, but on second thought, he stopped the words, there was no need to drag this any further, if she said she was okay, he believed her, "...in fact, I'm off to Richard's place. Let me get settled before it gets late" he sighed as he dragged himself off the couch. It was only now that the full effect of the jet-lag weighed on him, if he stayed any longer, he was sure to spend the night here, and Richard would roast him if he was a day later than agreed.

"Will you come over tomorrow?" Kachi asked, she stood up with him.

"Sure. If I don't come ,how will I meet Donny?" he asked as he leaned toward her and placed a peck against her forehead, "Take care of yourself until I come tomorrow" he patted Phi's head like he would a five-year old girl, "You too alright? You girls shouldn't do what Mother Theresa wouldn't do." he repeated the same words he used to say to Kachi everyday when they were much younger.

Phi laughed, "We're way past the Mother Theresa phase." Phi commented, earning a glare from Kachi.

Ugo looked between them both, he could see those little signs that told more than either wanted to divulge. He almost laughed at their attempt to be discreet...well, Kachi's attempt, Phi was far from being so. They were lucky he was the one being spoken to, he was the much nicer of his brothers, the playful, easy-going one. If Phi had spoken those words in the presence of Malachi, or even worse, their eldest brother, Kezie, he would've remained until someone started talking- and saying things he wanted to hear. He on the other hand, just over-looked it all, choosing to act like he hadn't heard a thing , especially as Kachi didn't seem eager to start talking anytime soon.

He had a feeling there was a 'someone', perhaps she wasn't ready to talk about him, but from the way she acted, it was a very serious someone he hoped to meet sometime soon.

"Let me go before I hear what my ears can't handle." he said with a sigh.

Phi opened her mouth to say something else, but Kachi's murderous glare stopped her before she could say another word.

"Bye." He said from the other side of the door.

"Until tomorrow." Kachi replied.

"I'll be here by evening."

"We'll be expecting you." Phi added.

Kachi closed the door as her eyes bore holes into Phi, "Really Phi?"

"Really Kachi?" Phi said using the exact tone Kachi had used on her.

Kachi sighed as she shook her head, she just wasn't in the mood to argue with Phi, she was much too exhausted for that, "The food should be ready by now." she said as she made her way to the kitchen.

Phi stared at her, her jaw dropped, there was definitely something wrong, "Food? Kachi are you sure you're okay? The cake and ice-cream haven't even gone down your throat yet."

"Are you eating or not?"

"At the rate you're going, you'll probably finish the entire food before I get to the kitchen." Phi commented as she made her way to the kitchen with Kachi.

Kachi snorted, "Yeah, yeah, make jokes." she replied. Though as she dished the food, she couldn't help the odd feeling that crept up, intuition told her something was wrong, defiance told her she was fine. She chose defiance, it was much safer to assume she was alright, she didn't dare think what was possibly going on with her.


The sharp rays of the sun penetrated the blinds, sending a message to anyone inside the house that it was time to get up.

Jeremy's eyes opened in narrow slits. Blocking the stinging rays by placing a hand over his eyes, he slowly sat up, his bones felt weak and tired, his mind hazy. He shook his head and yawned, looking around him, he noticed his room was in a bit of a mess, his clothes were strewn on the floor, his sheets scattered like someone else had been in it apart from him.

He shook his head again as he wondered who had gotten him home, events of the night before were blurry, the last thing he remembered was Lee-Ann calling someone. He couldn't remember who it was that had brought him home.

He dragged himself out of bed, as he stood, he lost his footing briefly and fell back in bed, he stood again and steadied himself. He only had to walk around for a short while before he found it on the floor under his pants. He turned it on, he couldn't even remember turning it off, damn! His head was in a mess.

He shook his head, as he went through his messages, six in total, three from Kachi, two from Susie and one from his father, he had twice the amount of voicemails.

The first seven were all from Kachi, "Hey, I've been trying to call you, your phone's switched off so...call me if you get this" that was the first voicemail.

Consequent ones seemed more urgent, the last one went, "Hey, I really need to talk to you Jeremy, it's urgent, please." she said sullenly.

He wondered what was going on with her, she sounded odd. This was far from the usual funny, cocky messages she dropped.

It was only after he left his voicemails that he realized it was past ten in the morning, how could he have possibly slept that long? He quickly dialed Kachi's number.

It rang once, twice, and then she answered.


"Hey love, wasn't feeling good yesterday. I just got your messages, what's up?" he asked as he made his way to the bathroom.

"Are you better now?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

He smiled to himself, even as stressed as she had sounded on the voice mail, she still cared to know about his state first. It might not seem much to most people, but that thought definitely lifted his spirits, "Yes, 'still have a slight headache though, nothing a painkiller can't stop. So what's so important?"

She didn't reply immediately. He could hear her sigh from the other side of the phone, before she said, "Can you come over?"

"Okay, sure...what's going on K?" he asked, his concern heightened. She sounded so down. It worried him.

"I...just come over. It's not something I can say over the phone."

He sighed, "Fine, I'll be there as soon as I can. I love you." He said softly

"Love you too." she replied. He could hear her smile through the phone, his lips turned up in a smile. She ended the call with that- another disturbing action.

Her calls weren't complete without a witty statement or a jibe, she ALWAYS had something else. He sighed as he made his way to the bathroom, well, he definitely couldn't do anything while he was still in this house, and he couldn't be any closer to finding out what was up with her either.


It was an unusual silence that held the room ransom.

It had nothing to do with the fact that there was nothing to be said, in fact , the air was pregnant with words, words no one was brave enough to utter just yet. There was a tenseness that was abnormal during their gatherings. But today wasn't one of those days they got together and laughed their sorrows away, today was a day to receive consequences for careless actions and think up realistic ways to remedy the situation.

Phi sighed as she collected the thermometer-like object from Kachi, she looked at it, releasing another sigh right before dropping it inside a duffel bag that had four different products of the same object- already used.

"You want to take another test?" she asked in a quiet voice that was so unlike Phi. She wanted to be happy for Kachi, but Kachi wasn't even happy for herself, so she remained in the mood her best friend found suitable enough for the news.

They had been sitting here for the past four hours since Kachi discovered she was pregnant. It had all started as a joke last night when Phi suggested Kachi take a pregnancy test to ascertain that her unusual food consumption wasn't due to pregnancy, unbeknownst to Phi, Kachi had actually taken her suggestion more seriously than she had meant it.

She had gotten a call from a sullen Kachi who simply asked that she come to her house, without failing to hammer on how important it was. Phi had thought Ugo had just come a bit earlier and rushed over dressed in one of her impressive outfits- if she was going to throw her 'brother' in the faces of those horny heifers she had to be dressed right for the occasion.

She had gotten here, only to be handed the result of a DIY pregnancy test Kachi had taken. In an effort to calm her friend, she had suggested that they try another product, going as far as citing instances where the results had come out wrong. Kachi, hopeful that Phi would be right and this would turn out to be a mistake, had accepted that suggestion, and they had both gone to a pharmacy and bought four different products.

All five had come out with the same result- positive. Kachi had begun calling Jeremy after they had taken the second test, but his phone had been unavailable, it was only after the fourth that he called.

"I'm too broke to get another one." she mumbled.

Phi sighed, and they both let the silence take charge again.

"What if he doesn't want it Phi?" Kachi finally asked as she sulked. This was so not what she planned. So much for the stellar speech she had been writing in her head to present to her father when the issue of Jeremy came up, turned out she would be standing on that podium much earlier than she anticipated.

Phi sighed, for all her talkative nature, she had never found herself in this position. The stuff she would probably advice friends over were mediocre to say the least- nothing as deep as pregnancy.

"Well, let's not think like that, except you're contemplating abor..." Phi held her tongue as Kachi cut her a glare before she could complete the 'a' word.

They had spoken about these situations countless times when they were idle, and every single one of those times, Kachi had stated in clear terms that she would rather die than kill her own, so that was totally out of the question.

"Let's just not think like that." she said.

"This is all your fault Phi." Kachi mumbled, her tone wasn't glaringly accusatory, but there was an accusation there.

"Hmm, how?" phi asked as she placed her hand under her chin and stared at Kachi.

"You're the one who asked me to wear those darn boots"

"Abeg o. I said wear the boots, not perform the action...and if I did, I never suggested you let him sleep with you thrice in one night WITHOUT a condom." Phi replied, putting emphasis on Kachi's mistake.

Kachi's eyes went to Phi, "Are you here to accuse me or make me feel better?"

Phi raised her brows, "Make you feel better? Please, I'm not Oprah, I'm here to listen to you lament, point out your faults, then go home. If you want to feel better, you'll have to pay me for that."

Kachi tossed a pillow at Phi with a small smile, "I'll soon make you vomit that food you ate last night."

"You better not be smiling. If that's a smile I see there, I believe you owe me ten bucks."

Kachi's smile widened, Phi could be a lot to handle most times, but she did have those few times that her mouth was beneficial, like now.

She laughed, "So no more baby blues. We really should start looking for names for her." Phi suggested.

Kachi smiled only briefly, as Phi's comment sunk though, she remembered the purpose for her bad mood, she should have known she was pregnant, she had felt the signs over a week ago; the dizziness, the nausea, the unusual tiredness, but she had refused to accept it and had made various excuses for each symptom, "Phumi, I'm so confused. I don't want to lose him, but I don't want to lose this baby either...but being a single mother..." her voice trailed off, the thought terrified her. She knew she could make a good mother, she had always loved the idea of nurturing and caring for another little human being, being responsible for someone else, her position as the last child in her family and only female really didn't give her the opportunity to be responsible for anyone, she longed to have that feeling and this child could turn out to be good for her. But the traditional concept of family was deeply rooted in her head. A man, a woman, and their kids, she couldn't stand the thought that there was a possibility she wouldn't have that.

She groaned, "...my father will roast me alive and sell my meat to abokis."

"He probably will..." Phi began, Kachi narrowed her eyes at her, "What? Am I lying?" she asked, "Like I said, don't think like that. Have faith" she said in an assuring tone as she took Kachi's hand and gave it a light squeeze.

Kachi smiled her appreciation.

Their little moment was interrupted by the doorbell. Phi groaned, "Why do they always have to interrupt our Lynette and Susan moments?" she asked as she got off the chair and went to see who was at the door. Taking her time just to make sure whoever was at the door stayed a little longer as punishment for the interruption.

Kachi smiled at Phi's comment. Times like this, she was glad she had a female to talk to. What if it had just been herself and Donny? How would she have told him about this? It would definitely have been an awkward discussion, coupled with the fact that Donny wasn't exactly on Team Jeremy....

"Ooh, it's a package" Phi began as she walked back into the sitting room. In her hand was a brown envelope. She sat beside Kachi, there was not a hint as to who it was from.

"What is it?" Kachi asked.

"Let's see" Phi replied as she went ahead to open up the envelope. She peeked inside and saw a disc, "You think it's from lover boy Vice President?" she asked as she took out the disc. The surface was blank, save for the letter 'J' boldly written on it, "Maybe it is." Phi replied, her giddiness much evident as she damn near flew out of the couch to get to the DVD.

Phi slipped the disc in the DVD and pressed play as she turned on the television.

Kachi recognized Jeremy's bedroom as soon as the disc began playing. The camera was angled toward the bed, but at a good distance still. What she and Phi watched next left her absolutely mortified and highly embarrassed.

The room was filled with voices that turned out o be that of Jeremy and Claire. He had on a striped shirt that had already been unbuttoned all the way down, he seemed a bit out of it, but not completely so that one could say he was totally unaware of what was happening- at least from Kachi's view.

She steeled herself for what her mind and heart told her would be coming. She watched, as still as a rock, her boyfriend, the man she had given herself to, the one who she had confessed her love for, and had reciprocated the feeling...the man who was the father of her unborn child, strip Claire of her clothes like a sex-starved man.

Ten minutes into the video, just as she straddled him, all set to slip his cock into her, the television tripped off.

Kachi swiftly turned to Phi. She had made use of the remote in her control, "Why did you do that?" she began, her voice edgy.

"I'm allergic to cheap porn and fake acting, not to mention, I'm anti-rape." Phi replied stonily. She couldn't believe that desperate bitch. Was she so totally hopeless that she would resort to such low acts? Some women just made her wish she wasn't female.

"What are you insinuating Phi?"

Phi raised her brows, "Don't tell me you believe that crap." She said, her voice laden with disbelief. She knew Kachi could easily be convinced, but not this easy.

"You saw it for yourself Phi..."

"Yes I did, and I call it's bluff Kachi. I tell you, Jeremy would NEVER sleep with that whore intentionally."

Kachi stared at Phi, wondering why she was this sure of Jeremy's capabilities, "What? You're a member of his defense team?"

"No, I'm just an expert in detecting bullshit, and that right there" she pointed at the DVD for emphasis, "...is bullshit, horseshit, cow shit, goat-shit, llama-shit...and every other kind of shit there is"

Kachi shook her head in disbelief. This was a weird part of Phi, she had never been so defensive of anyone. When cases like this arose, she was mostly aloof of everything, and now to have her sticking her neck out for a guy she had barely spent time with. She wasn't sure what to believe anymore, the normal Kachi would believe as she saw it, but having watched this with Phi, and getting her own opinion, she was forced to re-evaluate her thoughts.

As she remembered the night they had had dinner at this father's place and his reaction to Claire, she found herself leaning more toward Phi's point of view, but still that nagging feeling remained, what if thing really were as they seemed?

She had barely finished the thought when the doorbell came again.

"Hmm, I wonder who or what that is." Phi commented.

"Who's there?" Kachi shouted. She definitely didn't want either she or Phi leaving their positions for nothing.

"Kachi, it's Jeremy, open up."

Kachi and Phi exchanged glances, "Well, it's time to interview the star of the movie" Phi commented.

Kachi sighed, she feared what this could turn out to be. What ifs flew in her mind. What if this was all a set-up? What if it wasn't? Most importantly was the question, what if he didn't want a baby?

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago

Of course Lannasage was predictable with this story line, hell she/he doesn't know where the hymen is so why the fuck wouldn't they have Kachi be naive enough to get pregnant from her first time? 1* Oh and a few typos? A few? Really? I've had enough of predictable garbage.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 11 years ago
Yet another fucking pregnancy story...

How predictable and boring!! It is one thing to have a 20 something virgin, but this is the 21st century: virgin 14 years old know about safe sex and condom. It is such a cheap and reactionary move to have the female character get pregannt, and OF COURSE she won't have an abortion 'cause she is a good girl and only bad evil gril have abortion. And OF COURSE the guy will marry her 'cause he loves her so much and this baby will just make him realize that...UGH!!

PrincessPoutPrincessPoutabout 11 years ago

This is directed to every anonymous comment on here! Haven't written one story of your own, yet unfairly criticizing someone else's. If you want a depressing, non-cliched story look some fucking where else!

luv_romanceluv_romanceabout 11 years ago
Where is the next chapter?

Update pleaseeeee

You are killing me. What will happen next?

IronDragonIronDragonabout 11 years ago
Great addition!!

Love the tale so far. I hope the next chapter is coming soon. :)

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Why Can't this be different

Honestly, I'm tired of every woman falling pregnant in these romance stories online. Seriously, you can have tons of sex, write about the ups and downs of the relationship without being lazy and making the protagonist pregnant. And now...Jeremy is gonna do what with her? Kachi says her father would kill her. Jeremy is her boss, and they have not dated for long. Me thinks she needs to get an abortion. It's completely naive to marry a guy you've known for so little time because he knocked you up. Make this a little realistic.

I understand what it's like to be from a strict household and culture. Kachi is her own woman. She is not a child. It's up to her to make the grown up decision, take control of her body, and give up the child.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I have so many negative emotions about this chapter. I was all set with a tirade about everything I hated. In retrospect, that isn't fair to you. You cannot help that your idea of romance and acceptable drama are different from mine. I find a lot of the story a little cliché; from her being a virgin and the immaturity tied to it, to getting pregnant the first time, to the inevitable marriage (because all men rush to marry you having impregnating you after only knowing you for a month) and blah blah blah to follow. But after reading all of the "5 star" comments I realize you are indeed writing the story for them, not me. With that said, this is where I get off. It's not because you aren't a talented writer (I will probably return to read some of your other stories), I just do not enjoy where this story is going.

Good luck to you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
True Dat!

I agree with ariesgirl. I know a story sometimes needs drama to be good and keep the story going for a while but I get so sick and tired of authors making the men and women jump straight to the wrong conclusions. They automatically believe what they see or hear and go off without giving the other person the benefit of the doubt or the chance to explain. You never let them prove or disprove what was said or done.

ariesgirlariesgirlabout 11 years ago

I'm so glad Phi was there with Kachi because she is as naive as the day is long. She said herself that something seem off about Jeremy in the video. Hopefully she will get all the facts first and tell him her news.

Donny's punk ass need to follow up with crazy Claire to see if she followed through on her plans and go tell Kachi and suffer the consequences of his stupidity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago


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