A Deceptive Study


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"Like I said, forever!" Rob scanned the space as he stepped into the house. "This place is incredible!"

"Thanks, Rob." Maria was already in a bikini for the housewarming pool party. This one was not nearly as scandalously cut as the ones she brought out on vacation. The creamsicle color looked fantastic on her toasty skin, especially with the shade of her lip gloss and eyeshadow. "Where's your girlfriend?" Maria had started to get close with Tsubasa. Having friends who were genuine separate chums outside the pairing was terrific.

"She's talking to her folks in the driveway for a minute." Rob's face lit up in a stellar smile. "We have news. It can wait, though. I don't want to take anything from you two's party."

"Nonsense, Rob. Besides, you're the first people here. What's the news?" Maria grabbed the tray and put it on the massive kitchen island. It looked like Rob had brought a wide variety of cookies. It was likely that the baked goodies were a team effort; each he and Tsubasa had their specialties.

"Tsubasa is letting her parents know the good news! She said yes!" Rob bounced with joy. He had lost quite a lot of flab since he started dating Sue. It probably had as much to do with an influx of free time as it did with him impressing his fiancée.

"Congratulations, Rob!" Kent smacked his buddy on the shoulder.


"I didn't think you were the settling down type." Maria gave him a winning smirk.

"Dr. Hayashi Tsubasa makes anything possible." Rob beamed and practically skipped out the door, presumably to get his fiancée.

"Rob, married?" Maria chuckled softly.

"I know, it's almost as unbelievable as Maria having a baby." Kent kissed his wife. She had her IUD removed a month ago, and they were trying.

"True love makes anything possible." Maria shrugged and then gave him another kiss.

The housewarming party was a smash hit. The pool was nice and cool in the late summer air. Maria had a much bigger turnout of her friends, but that was nothing new. His beautiful wife was always very popular. As the party wound down just after sunset, Rob and Tsubasa were the only two that hung around to help clean up the mess.

Tsubasa was a gorgeous young woman with captivating brown eyes and a killer figure. She made Rob unbelievably happy, and the way she almost glowed around him left no doubt that the feeling was mutual. Her accent was markedly less pronounced than when they were postgrad students that ran into each other in between classes.

"Just be warned, no suits allowed in the pool after dark." Maria toasted Tsubasa as the pair of entertaining women went back outside. Kent smiled as he thought this might be the last party they had had alcohol for a while. It only seemed fair for him to participate when Maria got pregnant. It didn't happen this last month, but it would be prime time to start trying again soon.

"Is that true?" Rob asked as he and Kent poured mixed drinks to take to the pool.

"Probably, though it's only been Maria and I out there at night so far." Kent shrugged.

"Huh, Tsubasa would fit right in." Rob smiled. "She's a bit of a nudist at home. I guess I am too, now."

"We're the luckiest nerds alive, Rob." Kent piled a few cookies on a plate. He knew Maria would send him back for the treats if he didn't.

"You got that right." Rob beamed proudly.

"I'm not the one that's going to retire by 35."

"I don't think we'll be out of work long. It'll be nice to not worry as we find a new project." Rob's company got scooped up by a private equity company. Sue was their lead engineer, and both would take buyouts as soon as they finished mandatory one-year employment in the new entity.

"On to bigger and better things."

"Whatever work we find is going to be irrevocably open source." Rob grimaced for a moment. That was the main point of contention that was forcing his hand. The new company wanted to lock up all its intellectual property. His close friend was zealous about contributing to what they had utilized to create their success.

"Good for you. Thanks for warning me off that interview." The perspective interview helped Kent push for another promotion at work. "How's the citizenship process going?"

"Tsubasa's just waiting on some forms. Having a Ph.D. certainly expedited that for her. Mine's taking a little longer. I didn't think a doctorate was important for engineers before this process. We want to be US citizens when we get married in a year." Rob smiled. "That reminds me, I need a best man."

"What about your brothers?" Kent didn't want to presume without being explicitly asked.

"Groomsmen, not a best man. I don't need them too close to the wedding. Some of their bad luck may hurt my marriage, and I don't need that. This is forever, Kent. Come on, you'd be perfect for it."

"It would be an honor." Kent managed to get out just before a pair of bikinis pinwheeled into the house. Maria hadn't been kidding.

"Come on, guys! It's a beautiful night, and you're missing a couple of naked hotties!" Maria leaned in from the open patio door. "Leave your suits inside."

"You heard the woman." Kent shrugged as he started to untie his board shorts.

"Bring me a seltzer when you come out, sweetie." Sue appeared on the opposite side of the sliding patio door.

"Of course."

Kent left his suit on a stool and checked to ensure the front door was secured. He didn't want anyone to walk in on the fun. Rob followed his orders and took out a seltzer sans swim trunks.

Maria and Tsubasa were stretched out on a pair of loungers. The house was built like a U around a private patio and pool area. A cement wall, molded and painted to look like dark stone, protected the only open side from easy view. An open field would someday be more houses, but until then, Kent and Maria would make the most of the privacy.

His wife looked stunningly gorgeous without tan lines. They had moved in a month ago, and the night wasn't the only time Maria spent naked by the pool. She didn't seem to care at all that Tsubasa and Rob were joining in on the fun. It wasn't like Rob hadn't seen her nude before.

Tsubasa was quite a bit shorter than Maria and achingly beautiful in her own way. Her skin had tan lines that looked porcelain in color as opposed to the lightly toasted marshmallow of her tan. Her round breasts looked perfect for her. Rob was a fortunate man. Like Kent's wife, the woman waxed her womanhood, though Sue didn't possess the adorable inner labium hanging just outside the rest of the labia. Something looked very familiar. A sense of déjà vu prickled in Kent's brain. He shook off the feeling and took up the chair beside his wife.

Tsubasa -- That same time

Sue's heart fluttered as she stretched out on a lounger across the pool. Hopefully, they don't recognize me. She only thought about not participating in Maria's fun momentarily. Her close friend always managed to pull out the naughty side of Tsubasa.

Kent looked better than he did a year and a half ago. His cock was trying to stand as he came out and sat beside his wife. That was a lot of fun. Sue shook the thought from her head and watched her fiancé as he strutted over to her. Rob had an embarrassed blush as his curved penis was standing tall.

"Sorry." Rob sat beside her.

"It's not like you haven't seen us naked before." Maria teased. "It's fairer this way, Rob."


The new condition only stilted the conversation for a moment or two. The four of them got into an animated argument about the value of subs versus dubs in anime. Sue couldn't believe that Maria and Kent argued for dubs, but then again, Tsubasa had to convert Rob. It was easier for her to watch without occasionally translating English into her native tongue.

Nothing was too spicy about the discussion, but the hot night air made the pool more inviting. Tsubasa was the first to get up and dive off the board. It was her first skinny dipping, and she didn't know when she would get another opportunity. Rob was soon in the water with her, attacking with tickles and laughs.

A light buzz of alcohol gripped the night and pushed toward something that seemed as inevitable as a black hole pulling her body toward its event horizon.

"Do you let Tsubasa play, Rob?" Maria punctured the conversation.

"I don't let Sue do anything. I learned long ago I don't own her."

"Do you want to play with me, Dr. Hayashi?" Maria sat up and turned toward her.

Tsubasa really enjoyed the last encounter with Maria, but she was in a relationship this time. Regardless of Rob's enlightened attitude, she wouldn't do anything her future husband didn't want. It didn't take words to communicate with her soulmate; she looked over and got the tiniest of nods and a smile.

Should I? She questioned if playing with Maria would somehow dislodge a memory and get her identified, but bowing out now might seem more suspicious. At least, that was how Tsubasa was justifying things in her mind.

"Come join me in the pool." Tsubasa curled a finger at Maria in a way she hoped was suggestive.

"Alright! I doubt we'll have time to play once Kent gets me pregnant." Maria stood, then twisted on her heels and kissed Kent. "Wait here for a bit, and we'll play in a few." The woman stroked her husband's big cock before she spun toward the pool.

"Why don't you go watch?" Tsubasa kissed Rob and then gave his perfect ass a swat as he stepped out of the pool. It might have been his best feature, at least physically. It was that big butt or his cock's perfect curve. "I'll be with you in a few minutes."

Maria must have dived in the pool while Sue was focused on her fiancé. She emerged from the water beside her. "I've wanted to try playing with these titties. Is that weird?" She gave out a little nervous giggle as her hands fell on Tsubasa's breasts. Rob was usually gentle when he teased her chest, but his practiced hands weren't as expert as Maria's. It helped to have a pair of your own to know how rough to be.

"Nope, I wanna play with yours too." Tsubasa found Maria's hard nubs under her fingertips. Her breasts were astoundingly shaped, even if they were on the small side. The sharp little nipples were so reactive to her ministrations as they got even more pointed. Sue pulled Maria's chin up and leaned in for a kiss.

"No, sorry. That's just for my hubby." Maria leaned away from the kiss.

Tsubasa remembered the hunger and intensity on Maria's lips when she was playing the role of an obedient robot. Her heart sunk a little that there wouldn't be a repeat, but she wasn't going to raise an argument about it. That would be a dead giveaway. Sue pulled them toward the fiberglass stairs at the end of the pool.

The new location appeared to be a stage, with Rob and Kent watching intently from opposite sides of the pool. Both men were slowly wanking their cocks as they watched. Sue hoped that she and Rob would soon be putting that to use.

"Someone's fired up." Maria giggled as Sue pressed her into the corner of the stairs.

"You're hot." Sue gave a nonchalant shrug before venturing down Maria's tall, taut body.

Sue played with and teased every inch of Maria's caramel skin. She sucked each nipple and listened for changes in breathing to tell her how well her offensive was working. Slowly and teasingly, Tsubasa inched down the tall woman's torso. This may be the last time that Sue played with another woman. It was the first encounter since she played robot, and once she was wed, she would be completely faithful to Rob.

"Mmm..." Maria sighed as Tsubasa kissed her inner thighs. It had to be more out of anticipation than stimulated nerves. The Latina had kept the waxing on her womanhood; Sue wouldn't reveal that Maria was why she kept waxing. That and it drove Rob wild.

A moan accompanied Tsubasa pressing a finger into the woman's hot, wet tunnel. Maria wiggled her hips as if attempting to buck back against the invasive digit. Sue's tongue flicked against her temporary lover's bean, pulling another sexy grin from her.

Maria possessed the tastiest womanhood that Tsubasa had ever enjoyed sampling; it was a delicate and savory flavor that Sue couldn't help devouring. A second finger joined its partner in the woman's bucking pussy. Vaginal walls torqued down on the phalanges in an enticing manner. Sue zeroed in on the Latina's g-spot and got a burst of excited profanities when she found it.

Consciously, Tsubasa attempted to vary her technique from a year and a half ago. Don't think you're that memorable. Her brain attempted to argue as she fell into what felt right. If her close friend shared her body with Sue, she was determined to make the most of the opportunity.

"Right there!" Maria demanded a few minutes into the caper. It didn't seem like Tsubasa had done enough work to be rewarded with an orgasm, but the blush blooming out from Maria's chest argued that the woman was close.

Redoubling her efforts, Maria's legs started to shake as she screamed into the night. Water splashed around Tsubasa as the woman pressed on her own nipples to push herself off the ledge and feel the orgasm. Climax looked stunning on Sue's friend. She sat up and watched the woman writhe and gasp in utter bliss.

"Very good." Maria looked drunk when she opened her eyes.

Sue looked over to Rob with a proud smile. He was very slowly tugging on his cock. He was undoubtedly hoping that the pair would get an opportunity to play once Tsubasa and Maria were finished with each other. Kent wasn't touching his own erection as his eyes were affixed to Maria. The man was obsessed with his wife.

"My turn." Maria sat up and rolled Sue onto her back.

Maria -- A few heartbeats later

Tsubasa could work a pussy like a wizard. She knew that the woman was bisexual as they had spent much time together as Kent and Rob renewed their close friendship. However, Sue had told her it had been years since she had been with a woman. The woman was a prodigy at whatever she put her sharp mind to. Her educational history meant she could have gone anywhere but chose this Midwest town to work on her doctorate.

"These are fantastic." Maria's favorite female body part was always their breasts. Maybe jealousy about not being very well-stacked spurred her fascination with them. Tsubasa's set was large and round, with light pink nipples that looked inviting. Something prickled at the back of Maria's brain as she gazed at the perfection below her.

Swirling her tongue around one of the pink nubs, Maria got Sue's nipple to get even harder. She toyed and played to rewards of sighs and moans. Atop of being very fetching, they were also highly susceptible to Maria's touch.

Although she wouldn't be kissing Tsubasa's lips, that didn't stop her from trailing pecks and nibbles down the petite woman's stomach, hips, and legs. Maria planted a kiss on top of Sue's mound as she sunk a pair of fingers into the woman's incredibly tight vagina. She traced around Sue's labia, taking in twinned pool water and honey. Her tongue sunk into the pussy before her and collected a more potent sample directly from the source.

The odd memory that was attempting to coalesce in Maria's brain solidified. Eve? She barely managed to keep from yelling out. Without further proof, she didn't want to make a false accusation based on scent and taste alone. Check her collarbone. Maria recalled the freckle her husband pointed out to prove that the supposed android wasn't perfect.

Her fingers kept reciprocating as Maria trailed kisses back up Tsubasa's body. There it was, plainly visible even in the low light of the pool area. "Eve!" She couldn't control her outburst.

"What!?" Kent croaked out. Her husband looked as if he had been slapped. He stared at them, and Maria could see him also connecting the dots.

"Shit..." Sue whispered.

"You're Eve?" Maria sat up and recoiled away from the beautiful woman in front of her.

Tsubasa didn't vocally admit it, only responding with a nod.

"I don't believe this!" Kent's chair fell over as he leaped to his feet. "No! No! No!" Came in a refrain as he stomped into the house.

"Kent!" Maria cried out as she followed her husband into their bedroom.

"Are you going to be alright, sweetie?" Maria found Kent sitting on the corner of their big bed. His hands were on his knees, and it looked like he was barely staving off a panic attack. He hadn't even bothered to grab a towel and cover up as he fled.

"How can I be? I cheated on you." Kent had a tear dislodge and cascade down his cheek.

"No, you didn't." She sat beside him on the bed and put an arm around his shoulder.

"I had sex with another woman. I broke our vows." Kent shook his head.

"Nope. You thought she was an android."

"I should have known. She was too perfect." Kent leaned into her. Even as he despaired, his love hadn't faded a single iota.

He's more concerned with how this changes our relationship than how he feels. "We both thought she was too good to be real. Did she really seem that different from Alexandra?"

Alexandra was the name of the android that Maria's practice had partially paid for by a research grant through a university. Kent and Maria put Alexandra through her paces before she was integrated with the therapy at Maria's practice.

"How do I know she wasn't a fake too?" Kent shook his head. He was on the verge of spiraling.

"The fact that I keep her in a closet and don't have to feed her except off a wireless charger is certainly a hint. I've also seen her without the visor." Maria shivered and then embraced her hubby. "How is this any different than me playing with other women?"

"Because you don't do what we do with other women. At least not in the same way." Kent perked up a little. He never shied from a debate.

"I'll concede that point, but I'm angry too."

"Huh? Why? You've had sex with other women before."

"Yes, but I don't kiss other women. Fuck, I hadn't really kissed anyone since high school except you, babe. You hadn't noticed?" Maria completed her query by lifting his chin and kissing him.

"Wait..." She could practically see Kent connecting the dots in his head. "How come I never noted that before?"

"Your wife was naked, so you may have been distracted."

"Are we good? I never wanted to cheat on you."

"You didn't cheat. You're my soul, Kent. At least half of it. I love you so much more than I thought I was capable of before you came along." Maria gave him a sweet little smile. "Did you connect physically and emotionally with what you thought was a robot?"

"No... But that's the only other vagina that I was inside without a raincoat on besides my wife's perfect example."

"Oops. You've only ever cum without a condom in mine. You're still the only guy that's been in me without one. I don't have a time machine. I can't go back and stop this from happening. What are you going to do now?"

"You're not pissed at me?" Kent blinked in disbelief.

"Why would I be? Someone will finally believe me when I tell people you're an incredible lover." Maria smiled proudly.

"I still don't believe it." Kent shook his head but had the hint of a smile. "I love you too, babe. You're my entire world. I don't ever want to do anything to threaten that."

"You haven't." Maria leaned in and sealed the thought with a kiss.

"We gotta go talk to them, don't we?"

"Rob's your best friend, Kent. Aren't you curious as to why she did it?" Maria laced her fingers in his and pulled him to his feet.

"Aren't we missing something?" Kent motioned on his lack of clothing.


Rob was comforting a crying Tsubasa on the sofa as they entered the front room. He looked up with sorrow in his eyes. Today should have been one of the best of his life, and now he was embracing his fiancée as she wept. Like them, they hadn't bothered to get dressed or wrap up in a towel.
